mirror of
synced 2022-11-09 12:17:21 -05:00

closed. * io.c (rb_io_initialize): was calling wrong function rb_io_mode_flags(). git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@2316 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
767 lines
20 KiB
767 lines
20 KiB
/* vi:set sw=4:
Copyright (c) 1999-2002 Minero Aoki <aamine@loveruby.net>
This library is free software.
You can distribute/modify this program under the same terms of ruby.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "ruby.h"
#define RACC_VERSION "1.4.2"
#define DFLT_TOK -1
#define ERR_TOK 1
#define FINAL_TOK 0
static VALUE RaccBug;
static VALUE CparseParams;
static ID id_yydebug;
static ID id_nexttoken;
static ID id_onerror;
static ID id_noreduce;
static ID id_catch;
static VALUE sym_raccjump;
static ID id_errstatus;
static ID id_d_shift;
static ID id_d_reduce;
static ID id_d_accept;
static ID id_d_read_token;
static ID id_d_next_state;
static ID id_d_e_pop;
#ifdef ID2SYM
# define id_to_value(i) ID2SYM(i)
# define id_to_value(i) ULONG2NUM(i)
static ID
#ifndef SYMBOL_P
# define SYMBOL_P(v) FIXNUM_P(v)
if (! SYMBOL_P(v)) {
rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "not symbol");
#ifdef SYM2ID
return SYM2ID(v);
return (ID)NUM2ULONG(v);
#ifndef LONG2NUM
# define LONG2NUM(i) INT2NUM(i)
static VALUE
slice_tail(stack, len)
VALUE stack;
long len;
if (len < 0) return Qnil; /* system error */
if (len > RARRAY(stack)->len) len = RARRAY(stack)->len;
return rb_ary_new4(len, RARRAY(stack)->ptr + RARRAY(stack)->len - len);
static void
cut_off_tail(stack, len)
VALUE stack;
long len;
while (len > 0) {
#define STACK_INIT_LEN 64
#define INIT_STACK(s) \
s = rb_ary_new2(STACK_INIT_LEN)
#define AREF(s, idx) \
((0 <= idx && idx < RARRAY(s)->len) ? RARRAY(s)->ptr[idx] : Qnil)
#define PUSH(s, i) \
rb_ary_store(s, RARRAY(s)->len, i)
#define POP(s) \
#define LAST_I(s) \
((RARRAY(s)->len > 0) ? RARRAY(s)->ptr[RARRAY(s)->len - 1] : Qnil)
#define GET_TAIL(s, len) \
slice_tail(s, len)
#define CUT_TAIL(s, len) \
cut_off_tail(s, len)
struct cparse_params {
VALUE parser;
VALUE recv;
ID mid;
VALUE action_table;
VALUE action_check;
VALUE action_default;
VALUE action_pointer;
VALUE goto_table;
VALUE goto_check;
VALUE goto_default;
VALUE goto_pointer;
long nt_base;
VALUE reduce_table;
VALUE token_table;
VALUE state;
long curstate;
VALUE vstack;
VALUE tstack;
long shift_n;
long reduce_n;
long ruleno;
long errstatus;
long nerr;
VALUE use_result_var;
VALUE iterator_p;
VALUE retval;
long fin;
#define CP_FIN_ACCEPT 1
#define CP_FIN_EOT 2
#define CP_FIN_CANTPOP 3
VALUE debug;
VALUE in_debug;
long i;
static void initvars _((VALUE, struct cparse_params*, VALUE, VALUE, VALUE));
static void wrap_yyparse _((struct cparse_params*));
static void parser_core _((struct cparse_params*, VALUE, VALUE, int));
static void extract_utok _((struct cparse_params*, VALUE, VALUE*, VALUE*));
static VALUE catch_iter _((VALUE));
static VALUE do_reduce _((VALUE, VALUE, VALUE));
static VALUE call_scaniter _((VALUE));
#define REDUCE(v, act) \
v->ruleno = -act * 3; \
tmp = rb_iterate(catch_iter, v->parser, \
do_reduce, v->vv); \
code = NUM2LONG(tmp); \
tmp = rb_ivar_get(v->parser, id_errstatus); \
v->errstatus = NUM2LONG(tmp); \
switch (code) { \
case 0: /* normal */ \
break; \
case 1: /* yyerror */ \
goto user_yyerror; \
case 2: /* yyaccept */ \
goto accept; \
default: \
break; \
#define SHIFT(v, act, tok, val) \
PUSH(v->vstack, val); \
if (v->debug) { \
PUSH(v->tstack, tok); \
rb_funcall(v->parser, id_d_shift, \
3, tok, v->tstack, v->vstack); \
} \
v->curstate = act; \
PUSH(v->state, LONG2NUM(v->curstate));
#define ACCEPT(v) \
if (v->debug) rb_funcall(v->parser, id_d_accept, 0); \
v->retval = RARRAY(v->vstack)->ptr[0]; \
v->fin = CP_FIN_ACCEPT; \
#ifdef DEBUG
# define D(code) if (v->in_debug) code
# define D(code)
static VALUE
racc_cparse(parser, arg, indebug)
VALUE parser, arg, indebug;
struct cparse_params vv;
struct cparse_params *v;
v = &vv;
v->in_debug = RTEST(indebug);
D(puts("start C doparse"));
initvars(parser, v, arg, Qnil, Qnil);
v->iterator_p = Qfalse;
D(puts("params initialized"));
parser_core(v, Qnil, Qnil, 0);
return v->retval;
static VALUE
racc_yyparse(parser, recv, mid, arg, indebug)
VALUE parser, recv, mid, arg, indebug;
struct cparse_params vv;
struct cparse_params *v;
v = &vv;
v->in_debug = RTEST(indebug);
D(puts("start C yyparse"));
initvars(parser, v, arg, recv, mid);
v->iterator_p = Qtrue;
D(puts("params initialized"));
parser_core(v, Qnil, Qnil, 0);
if (! v->fin) {
rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "%s() is finished before EndOfToken",
return v->retval;
static VALUE call_scaniter _((VALUE));
static VALUE
VALUE data;
struct cparse_params *v;
Data_Get_Struct(data, struct cparse_params, v);
rb_funcall(v->recv, v->mid, 0);
return Qnil;
static VALUE
catch_scaniter(arr, data, self)
VALUE arr, data, self;
struct cparse_params *v;
VALUE tok, val;
Data_Get_Struct(data, struct cparse_params, v);
if (v->fin)
rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "extra token after EndOfToken");
extract_utok(v, arr, &tok, &val);
parser_core(v, tok, val, 1);
if (v->fin && v->fin != CP_FIN_ACCEPT)
return Qnil;
static void
struct cparse_params *v;
rb_iterate(call_scaniter, v->vv,
catch_scaniter, v->vv);
static void
initvars(parser, v, arg, recv, mid)
VALUE parser, arg, recv, mid;
struct cparse_params *v;
VALUE act_tbl, act_chk, act_def, act_ptr,
goto_tbl, goto_chk, goto_def, goto_ptr,
ntbas, red_tbl, tok_tbl, shi_n, red_n;
VALUE debugp;
v->vv = Data_Wrap_Struct(CparseParams, 0, 0, v);
v->parser = parser;
v->recv = recv;
if (! NIL_P(mid))
v->mid = value_to_id(mid);
debugp = rb_ivar_get(parser, id_yydebug);
v->debug = RTEST(debugp);
Check_Type(arg, T_ARRAY);
if (!(RARRAY(arg)->len == 13 ||
RARRAY(arg)->len == 14))
rb_raise(RaccBug, "[Racc Bug] wrong arg.size %ld", RARRAY(arg)->len);
act_tbl = RARRAY(arg)->ptr[0];
act_chk = RARRAY(arg)->ptr[1];
act_def = RARRAY(arg)->ptr[2];
act_ptr = RARRAY(arg)->ptr[3];
goto_tbl = RARRAY(arg)->ptr[4];
goto_chk = RARRAY(arg)->ptr[5];
goto_def = RARRAY(arg)->ptr[6];
goto_ptr = RARRAY(arg)->ptr[7];
ntbas = RARRAY(arg)->ptr[8];
red_tbl = RARRAY(arg)->ptr[9];
tok_tbl = RARRAY(arg)->ptr[10];
shi_n = RARRAY(arg)->ptr[11];
red_n = RARRAY(arg)->ptr[12];
if (RARRAY(arg)->len > 13) {
VALUE useres;
useres = RARRAY(arg)->ptr[13];
v->use_result_var = RTEST(useres);
else {
v->use_result_var = Qtrue;
Check_Type(act_tbl, T_ARRAY);
Check_Type(act_chk, T_ARRAY);
Check_Type(act_def, T_ARRAY);
Check_Type(act_ptr, T_ARRAY);
Check_Type(goto_tbl, T_ARRAY);
Check_Type(goto_chk, T_ARRAY);
Check_Type(goto_def, T_ARRAY);
Check_Type(goto_ptr, T_ARRAY);
Check_Type(ntbas, T_FIXNUM);
Check_Type(red_tbl, T_ARRAY);
Check_Type(tok_tbl, T_HASH);
Check_Type(shi_n, T_FIXNUM);
Check_Type(red_n, T_FIXNUM);
v->action_table = act_tbl;
v->action_check = act_chk;
v->action_default = act_def;
v->action_pointer = act_ptr;
v->goto_table = goto_tbl;
v->goto_check = goto_chk;
v->goto_default = goto_def;
v->goto_pointer = goto_ptr;
v->nt_base = NUM2LONG(ntbas);
v->reduce_table = red_tbl;
v->token_table = tok_tbl;
v->shift_n = NUM2LONG(shi_n);
v->reduce_n = NUM2LONG(red_n);
if (v->debug) INIT_STACK(v->tstack);
v->curstate = 0;
PUSH(v->state, INT2FIX(0));
v->t = LONG2NUM(FINAL_TOK + 1); /* must not init to FINAL_TOK */
v->nerr = 0;
v->errstatus = 0;
rb_ivar_set(parser, id_errstatus, LONG2NUM(v->errstatus));
v->retval = Qnil;
v->fin = 0;
v->iterator_p = Qfalse;
static void
extract_utok(v, arr, t_var, v_var)
struct cparse_params *v;
VALUE arr;
VALUE *t_var, *v_var;
if (NIL_P(arr)) {
/* EOF */
*t_var = Qfalse;
*v_var = rb_str_new("$", 1);
if (TYPE(arr) != T_ARRAY) {
"%s() %s %s (must be Array[2])",
v->iterator_p ? rb_id2name(v->mid) : "next_token",
v->iterator_p ? "yielded" : "returned",
if (RARRAY(arr)->len != 2)
"%s() %s wrong size of array (%ld for 2)",
v->iterator_p ? rb_id2name(v->mid) : "next_token",
v->iterator_p ? "yielded" : "returned",
*t_var = AREF(arr, 0);
*v_var = AREF(arr, 1);
static void
parser_core(v, tok, val, resume)
struct cparse_params *v;
VALUE tok, val;
int resume;
long act;
int read_next = 1;
if (resume)
goto resume;
while (1) {
long i;
VALUE tmp;
VALUE vact = 1;
D(puts("enter new loop"));
/* decide action */
D(printf("(act) k1=%ld\n", v->curstate));
tmp = AREF(v->action_pointer, v->curstate);
if (! NIL_P(tmp)) {
i = NUM2LONG(tmp);
D(puts("(act) pointer[k1] true"));
D(printf("read_next=%d\n", read_next));
if (read_next) {
if (v->t != vFINAL_TOK) {
if (v->iterator_p) {
/***** BUG? ******/
if (v->fin) {
"token given after EndOfToken seen");
v->i = i;
tmp = rb_funcall(v->parser, id_nexttoken, 0);
extract_utok(v, tmp, &tok, &val);
if (v->iterator_p) {
i = v->i;
tmp = rb_hash_aref(v->token_table, tok);
v->t = NIL_P(tmp) ? vERR_TOK : tmp;
D(printf("(act) t(k2)=%ld\n", NUM2LONG(v->t)));
if (v->debug) {
rb_funcall(v->parser, id_d_read_token,
3, v->t, tok, val);
read_next = 0;
i += NUM2LONG(v->t);
D(printf("(act) i=%ld\n", i));
if (i >= 0) {
vact = AREF(v->action_table, i);
D(printf("(act) table[i]=%ld\n", NUM2LONG(vact)));
if (! NIL_P(vact)) {
tmp = AREF(v->action_check, i);
D(printf("(act) check[i]=%ld\n", NUM2LONG(tmp)));
if (! NIL_P(tmp) && NUM2LONG(tmp) == v->curstate) {
D(puts("(act) found"));
goto act_found;
D(puts("(act) not found: use default"));
vact = AREF(v->action_default, v->curstate);
act = NUM2LONG(vact);
D(printf("act=%ld\n", act));
if (act > 0 && act < v->shift_n) {
if (v->errstatus > 0) {
rb_ivar_set(v->parser, id_errstatus, LONG2NUM(v->errstatus));
SHIFT(v, act, v->t, val);
read_next = 1;
else if (act < 0 && act > -(v->reduce_n)) {
int code;
REDUCE(v, act);
else if (act == -(v->reduce_n)) {
D(printf("error detected, status=%ld\n", v->errstatus));
if (v->errstatus == 0) {
rb_funcall(v->parser, id_onerror,
3, v->t, val, v->vstack);
if (v->errstatus == 3) {
if (v->t == vFINAL_TOK) {
v->retval = Qfalse;
v->fin = CP_FIN_EOT;
read_next = 1;
v->errstatus = 3;
rb_ivar_set(v->parser, id_errstatus, LONG2NUM(v->errstatus));
/* check if We can shift/reduce error token */
D(printf("(err) k1=%ld\n", v->curstate));
D(printf("(err) k2=%d (error)\n", ERR_TOK));
while (1) {
tmp = AREF(v->action_pointer, v->curstate);
if (! NIL_P(tmp)) {
D(puts("(err) pointer[k1] true"));
i = NUM2LONG(tmp) + ERR_TOK;
D(printf("(err) i=%ld\n", i));
if (i >= 0) {
vact = AREF(v->action_table, i);
if (! NIL_P(vact)) {
D(printf("(err) table[i]=%ld\n", NUM2LONG(vact)));
tmp = AREF(v->action_check, i);
if (! NIL_P(tmp) && NUM2LONG(tmp) == v->curstate) {
D(puts("(err) found: can handle error tok"));
else {
D(puts("(err) check[i]!=k1 or nil"));
else {
D(puts("(err) table[i] == nil"));
D(puts("(err) not found: can't handle error tok: pop"));
if (RARRAY(v->state)->len == 0) {
v->retval = Qnil;
v->fin = CP_FIN_CANTPOP;
tmp = LAST_I(v->state);
v->curstate = NUM2LONG(tmp);
if (v->debug) {
rb_funcall(v->parser, id_d_e_pop,
3, v->state, v->tstack, v->vstack);
act = NUM2LONG(vact);
/* shift|reduce error token */
if (act > 0 && act < v->shift_n) {
D(puts("e shift"));
SHIFT(v, act, ERR_TOK, val);
else if (act < 0 && act > -(v->reduce_n)) {
int code;
D(puts("e reduce"));
REDUCE(v, act);
else if (act == v->shift_n) {
D(puts("e accept"));
else {
rb_raise(RaccBug, "[Racc Bug] unknown act value %ld", act);
else if (act == v->shift_n) {
else {
rb_raise(RaccBug, "[Racc Bug] unknown act value %ld", act);
if (v->debug) {
rb_funcall(v->parser, id_d_next_state,
2, LONG2NUM(v->curstate), v->state);
static VALUE
VALUE parser;
return rb_funcall(parser, id_catch, 1, sym_raccjump);
static VALUE
do_reduce(val, data, self)
VALUE val, data, self;
struct cparse_params *v;
VALUE reduce_to, reduce_len, method_id;
long len;
ID mid;
VALUE tmp, tmp_t, tmp_v;
long i, k1, k2;
VALUE ret;
Data_Get_Struct(data, struct cparse_params, v);
reduce_len = RARRAY(v->reduce_table)->ptr[v->ruleno];
reduce_to = RARRAY(v->reduce_table)->ptr[v->ruleno+1];
method_id = RARRAY(v->reduce_table)->ptr[v->ruleno+2];
len = NUM2LONG(reduce_len);
mid = value_to_id(method_id);
if (len == 0) {
tmp = Qnil;
if (mid != id_noreduce)
tmp_v = rb_ary_new();
if (v->debug)
tmp_t = rb_ary_new();
else {
if (mid != id_noreduce) {
tmp_v = GET_TAIL(v->vstack, len);
tmp = RARRAY(tmp_v)->ptr[0];
else {
tmp = RARRAY(v->vstack)->ptr[ RARRAY(v->vstack)->len - len ];
CUT_TAIL(v->vstack, len);
if (v->debug) {
tmp_t = GET_TAIL(v->tstack, len);
CUT_TAIL(v->tstack, len);
CUT_TAIL(v->state, len);
/* method call must be done before tstack.push */
if (mid != id_noreduce) {
if (v->use_result_var) {
tmp = rb_funcall(v->parser, mid,
3, tmp_v, v->vstack, tmp);
else {
tmp = rb_funcall(v->parser, mid,
2, tmp_v, v->vstack);
PUSH(v->vstack, tmp);
if (v->debug) {
PUSH(v->tstack, reduce_to);
rb_funcall(v->parser, id_d_reduce,
4, tmp_t, reduce_to, v->tstack, v->vstack);
if (RARRAY(v->state)->len == 0) {
rb_raise(RaccBug, "state stack unexpected empty");
tmp = LAST_I(v->state);
k2 = NUM2LONG(tmp);
k1 = NUM2LONG(reduce_to) - v->nt_base;
D(printf("(goto) k1=%ld\n", k1));
D(printf("(goto) k2=%ld\n", k2));
tmp = AREF(v->goto_pointer, k1);
if (! NIL_P(tmp)) {
i = NUM2LONG(tmp) + k2;
D(printf("(goto) i=%ld\n", i));
if (i >= 0) {
ret = AREF(v->goto_table, i);
if (! NIL_P(ret)) {
D(printf("(goto) table[i]=%ld (ret)\n", NUM2LONG(ret)));
tmp = AREF(v->goto_check, i);
if (!NIL_P(tmp) && tmp == LONG2NUM(k1)) {
D(printf("(goto) check[i]=%ld\n", NUM2LONG(tmp)));
D(puts("(goto) found"));
goto doret;
else {
D(puts("(goto) check[i]!=table[i] or nil"));
else {
D(puts("(goto) table[i] == nil"));
D(puts("(goto) not found: use default"));
ret = AREF(v->goto_default, k1);
PUSH(v->state, ret);
v->curstate = NUM2LONG(ret);
return INT2FIX(0);
VALUE Parser;
ID id_racc = rb_intern("Racc");
if (rb_const_defined(rb_cObject, id_racc)) {
Racc = rb_const_get(rb_cObject, id_racc);
Parser = rb_const_get_at(Racc, rb_intern("Parser"));
else {
Racc = rb_define_module("Racc");
Parser = rb_define_class_under(Racc, "Parser", rb_cObject);
rb_define_private_method(Parser, "_racc_do_parse_c", racc_cparse, 2);
rb_define_private_method(Parser, "_racc_yyparse_c", racc_yyparse, 4);
rb_define_const(Parser, "Racc_Runtime_Core_Version_C",
rb_define_const(Parser, "Racc_Runtime_Core_Id_C",
CparseParams = rb_define_class_under(Racc, "CparseParams", rb_cObject);
RaccBug = rb_eRuntimeError;
id_yydebug = rb_intern("@yydebug");
id_nexttoken = rb_intern("next_token");
id_onerror = rb_intern("on_error");
id_noreduce = rb_intern("_reduce_none");
id_catch = rb_intern("catch");
id_errstatus = rb_intern("@racc_error_status");
sym_raccjump = id_to_value(rb_intern("racc_jump"));
id_d_shift = rb_intern("racc_shift");
id_d_reduce = rb_intern("racc_reduce");
id_d_accept = rb_intern("racc_accept");
id_d_read_token = rb_intern("racc_read_token");
id_d_next_state = rb_intern("racc_next_state");
id_d_e_pop = rb_intern("racc_e_pop");