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# -*- coding: cp932 -*-
# frozen_string_literal: false
# This test is in a different file than TestUnicodeEscapes
# So that we can have a different coding comment above
require 'test/unit'
class TestMixedUnicodeEscape < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_basic
# Unicode escapes do work in an sjis encoded file, but only
# if they don't contain other multi-byte chars
assert_equal("A", "\u0041")
# 8-bit character escapes are okay.
assert_equal("B\xFF", "\u0042\xFF")
# sjis mb chars mixed with Unicode should not work
assert_raise(SyntaxError) { eval %q(<>\u1234")}
assert_raise(SyntaxError) { eval %q("\u{1234}é<>")}
# also should not work for Regexp
assert_raise(SyntaxError) { eval %q(/#{"\u1234"}#{"é<>"}/)}
assert_raise(RegexpError) { eval %q(/\u{1234}#{nil}é<>/)}
assert_raise(RegexpError) { eval %q(<>#{nil}\u1234/)}
# String interpolation turns into an expression and we get
# a different kind of error, but we still can't mix these
assert_raise(Encoding::CompatibilityError) { eval %q("\u{1234}#{nil}é<>")}
assert_raise(Encoding::CompatibilityError) { eval %q(<>#{nil}\u1234")}