mirror of
synced 2022-11-09 12:17:21 -05:00

Cfuncs that use rb_scan_args with the : entry suffer similar keyword argument separation issues that Ruby methods suffer if the cfuncs accept optional or variable arguments. This makes the following changes to : handling. * Treats as **kw, prompting keyword argument separation warnings if called with a positional hash. * Do not look for an option hash if empty keywords are provided. For backwards compatibility, treat an empty keyword splat as a empty mandatory positional hash argument, but emit a a warning, as this behavior will be removed in Ruby 3. The argument number check needs to be moved lower so it can correctly handle an empty positional argument being added. * If the last argument is nil and it is necessary to treat it as an option hash in order to make sure all arguments are processed, continue to treat the last argument as the option hash. Emit a warning in this case, as this behavior will be removed in Ruby 3. * If splitting the keyword hash into two hashes, issue a warning, as we will not be splitting hashes in Ruby 3. * If the keyword argument is required to fill a mandatory positional argument, continue to do so, but emit a warning as this behavior will be going away in Ruby 3. * If keyword arguments are provided and the last argument is not a hash, that indicates something wrong. This can happen if a cfunc is calling rb_scan_args multiple times, and providing arguments that were not passed to it from Ruby. Callers need to switch to the new rb_scan_args_kw function, which allows passing of whether keywords were provided. This commit fixes all warnings caused by the changes above. It switches some function calls to *_kw versions with appropriate kw_splat flags. If delegating arguments, RB_PASS_CALLED_KEYWORDS is used. If creating new arguments, RB_PASS_KEYWORDS is used if the last argument is a hash to be treated as keywords. In open_key_args in io.c, use rb_scan_args_kw. In this case, the arguments provided come from another C function, not Ruby. The last argument may or may not be a hash, so we can't set keyword argument mode. However, if it is a hash, we don't want to warn when treating it as keywords. In Ruby files, make sure to appropriately use keyword splats or literal keywords when calling Cfuncs that now issue keyword argument separation warnings through rb_scan_args. Also, make sure not to pass nil in place of an option hash. Work around Kernel#warn warnings due to problems in the Rubygems override of the method. There is an open pull request to fix these issues in Rubygems, but part of the Rubygems tests for their override fail on ruby-head due to rb_scan_args not recognizing empty keyword splats, which this commit fixes. Implementation wise, adding rb_scan_args_kw is kind of a pain, because rb_scan_args takes a variable number of arguments. In order to not duplicate all the code, the function internals need to be split into two functions taking a va_list, and to avoid passing in a ton of arguments, a single struct argument is used to handle the variables previously local to the function.
603 lines
18 KiB
603 lines
18 KiB
# -*- coding: us-ascii -*-
# frozen_string_literal: false
require 'test/unit'
class TestRubyLiteral < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_special_const
assert_equal 'true', true.inspect
assert_instance_of TrueClass, true
assert_equal 'false', false.inspect
assert_instance_of FalseClass, false
assert_equal 'nil', nil.inspect
assert_instance_of NilClass, nil
assert_equal ':sym', :sym.inspect
assert_instance_of Symbol, :sym
assert_equal '1234', 1234.inspect
assert_instance_of Integer, 1234
assert_equal '1234', 1_2_3_4.inspect
assert_instance_of Integer, 1_2_3_4
assert_equal '18', 0x12.inspect
assert_instance_of Integer, 0x12
assert_raise(SyntaxError) { eval("0x") }
assert_equal '15', 0o17.inspect
assert_instance_of Integer, 0o17
assert_raise(SyntaxError) { eval("0o") }
assert_equal '5', 0b101.inspect
assert_instance_of Integer, 0b101
assert_raise(SyntaxError) { eval("0b") }
assert_equal '123456789012345678901234567890', 123456789012345678901234567890.inspect
assert_instance_of Integer, 123456789012345678901234567890
assert_instance_of Float, 1.3
assert_equal '2', eval("0x00+2").inspect
def test_self
assert_equal self, self
assert_instance_of TestRubyLiteral, self
assert_respond_to self, :test_self
def test_string
assert_instance_of String, ?a
assert_equal "a", ?a
assert_instance_of String, ?A
assert_equal "A", ?A
assert_instance_of String, ?\n
assert_equal "\n", ?\n
assert_equal " ", ?\s
assert_equal " ", ?\ # space
assert_equal '', ''
assert_equal 'string', 'string'
assert_equal 'string string', 'string string'
assert_equal ' ', ' '
assert_equal ' ', " "
assert_equal "\0", "\0"
assert_equal "\1", "\1"
assert_equal "3", "\x33"
assert_equal "\n", "\n"
bug2500 = '[ruby-core:27228]'
bug5262 = '[ruby-core:39222]'
%w[c C- M-].each do |pre|
["u", %w[u{ }]].each do |open, close|
["?", ['"', '"']].each do |qopen, qclose|
str = "#{qopen}\\#{pre}\\#{open}5555#{close}#{qclose}"
assert_raise(SyntaxError, "#{bug2500} eval(#{str})") {eval(str)}
str = "#{qopen}\\#{pre}\\#{open}\u201c#{close}#{qclose}"
assert_raise(SyntaxError, "#{bug5262} eval(#{str})") {eval(str)}
str = "#{qopen}\\#{pre}\\#{open}\u201c#{close}#{qclose}".encode("euc-jp")
assert_raise(SyntaxError, "#{bug5262} eval(#{str})") {eval(str)}
str = "#{qopen}\\#{pre}\\#{open}\u201c#{close}#{qclose}".encode("iso-8859-13")
assert_raise(SyntaxError, "#{bug5262} eval(#{str})") {eval(str)}
str = "#{qopen}\\#{pre}\\#{open}\xe2\x7f#{close}#{qclose}".force_encoding("utf-8")
assert_raise(SyntaxError, "#{bug5262} eval(#{str})") {eval(str)}
bug6069 = '[ruby-dev:45278]'
assert_equal "\x13", "\c\x33"
assert_equal "\x13", "\C-\x33"
assert_equal "\xB3", "\M-\x33"
assert_equal "\u201c", eval(%["\\\u{201c}"]), bug5262
assert_equal "\u201c".encode("euc-jp"), eval(%["\\\u{201c}"].encode("euc-jp")), bug5262
assert_equal "\u201c".encode("iso-8859-13"), eval(%["\\\u{201c}"].encode("iso-8859-13")), bug5262
assert_equal "\\\u201c", eval(%['\\\u{201c}']), bug6069
assert_equal "\\\u201c".encode("euc-jp"), eval(%['\\\u{201c}'].encode("euc-jp")), bug6069
assert_equal "\\\u201c".encode("iso-8859-13"), eval(%['\\\u{201c}'].encode("iso-8859-13")), bug6069
assert_equal "\u201c", eval(%[?\\\u{201c}]), bug6069
assert_equal "\u201c".encode("euc-jp"), eval(%[?\\\u{201c}].encode("euc-jp")), bug6069
assert_equal "\u201c".encode("iso-8859-13"), eval(%[?\\\u{201c}].encode("iso-8859-13")), bug6069
assert_equal "ab", eval("?a 'b'")
assert_equal "a\nb", eval("<<A 'b'\na\nA")
def test_dstring
assert_equal '2', "#{1+1}"
assert_equal '16', "#{2 ** 4}"
s = "string"
assert_equal s, "#{s}"
a = 'Foo'
b = "#{a}" << 'Bar'
assert_equal('Foo', a, 'r3842')
assert_equal('FooBar', b, 'r3842')
def test_dstring_encoding
bug11519 = '[ruby-core:70703] [Bug #11519]'
['"foo#{}"', '"#{}foo"', '"#{}"'].each do |code|
a = eval("#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n#{code}")
assert_equal(Encoding::UTF_8, a.encoding,
proc{"#{bug11519}: #{code}.encoding"})
def test_dsymbol
assert_equal :a3c, :"a#{1+2}c"
def test_dsymbol_redefined_intern
assert_separately([], "#{<<-"begin;"}\n#{<<-'end;'}")
class String
alias _intern intern
def intern
mesg = "literal symbol should not be affected by method redefinition"
str = "foo"
assert_equal(:foo, :"#{str}", mesg)
def test_xstring
assert_equal "foo\n", `echo foo`
s = 'foo'
assert_equal "foo\n", `echo #{s}`
def test_frozen_string
all_assertions do |a|
a.for("false with indicator") do
str = eval("# -*- frozen-string-literal: false -*-\n""'foo'")
assert_not_predicate(str, :frozen?)
a.for("true with indicator") do
str = eval("# -*- frozen-string-literal: true -*-\n""'foo'")
assert_predicate(str, :frozen?)
a.for("false without indicator") do
str = eval("# frozen-string-literal: false\n""'foo'")
assert_not_predicate(str, :frozen?)
a.for("true without indicator") do
str = eval("# frozen-string-literal: true\n""'foo'")
assert_predicate(str, :frozen?)
a.for("false with preceding garbage") do
str = eval("# x frozen-string-literal: false\n""'foo'")
assert_not_predicate(str, :frozen?)
a.for("true with preceding garbage") do
str = eval("# x frozen-string-literal: true\n""'foo'")
assert_not_predicate(str, :frozen?)
a.for("false with succeeding garbage") do
str = eval("# frozen-string-literal: false x\n""'foo'")
assert_not_predicate(str, :frozen?)
a.for("true with succeeding garbage") do
str = eval("# frozen-string-literal: true x\n""'foo'")
assert_not_predicate(str, :frozen?)
def test_frozen_string_in_array_literal
list = eval("# frozen-string-literal: true\n""['foo', 'bar']")
assert_equal 2, list.length
list.each { |str| assert_predicate str, :frozen? }
if defined?(RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile_option) and
def test_debug_frozen_string
src = 'n = 1; _="foo#{n ? "-#{n}" : ""}"'; f = "test.rb"; n = 1
opt = {frozen_string_literal: true, debug_frozen_string_literal: true}
str = RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile(src, f, f, n, **opt).eval
assert_equal("foo-1", str)
assert_predicate(str, :frozen?)
assert_raise_with_message(FrozenError, /created at #{Regexp.quote(f)}:#{n}/) {
str << "x"
def test_debug_frozen_string_in_array_literal
src = '["foo"]'; f = "test.rb"; n = 1
opt = {frozen_string_literal: true, debug_frozen_string_literal: true}
ary = RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile(src, f, f, n, **opt).eval
assert_equal("foo", ary.first)
assert_predicate(ary.first, :frozen?)
assert_raise_with_message(FrozenError, /created at #{Regexp.quote(f)}:#{n}/) {
ary.first << "x"
def test_regexp
assert_instance_of Regexp, //
assert_match(//, 'a')
assert_match(//, '')
assert_instance_of Regexp, /a/
assert_match(/a/, 'a')
assert_no_match(/test/, 'tes')
re = /test/
assert_match re, 'test'
str = 'test'
assert_match re, str
assert_match(/test/, str)
assert_equal 0, (/test/ =~ 'test')
assert_equal 0, (re =~ 'test')
assert_equal 0, (/test/ =~ str)
assert_equal 0, (re =~ str)
assert_equal 0, ('test' =~ /test/)
assert_equal 0, ('test' =~ re)
assert_equal 0, (str =~ /test/)
assert_equal 0, (str =~ re)
def test_dregexp
assert_instance_of Regexp, /re#{'ge'}xp/
assert_equal(/regexp/, /re#{'ge'}xp/)
bug3903 = '[ruby-core:32682]'
assert_raise(SyntaxError, bug3903) {eval('/[#{"\x80"}]/')}
def test_array
assert_instance_of Array, []
assert_equal [], []
assert_equal 0, [].size
assert_instance_of Array, [0]
assert_equal [3], [3]
assert_equal 1, [3].size
a = [3]
assert_equal 3, a[0]
assert_instance_of Array, [1,2]
assert_equal [1,2], [1,2]
assert_instance_of Array, [1,2,3,4,5]
assert_equal [1,2,3,4,5], [1,2,3,4,5]
assert_equal 5, [1,2,3,4,5].size
a = [1,2]
assert_equal 1, a[0]
assert_equal 2, a[1]
a = [1 + 2, 3 + 4, 5 + 6]
assert_instance_of Array, a
assert_equal [3, 7, 11], a
assert_equal 7, a[1]
assert_equal 1, ([0][0] += 1)
assert_equal 1, ([2][0] -= 1)
a = [obj = Object.new]
assert_instance_of Array, a
assert_equal 1, a.size
assert_equal obj, a[0]
a = [1,2,3]
a[1] = 5
assert_equal 5, a[1]
def test_hash
assert_instance_of Hash, {}
assert_equal({}, {})
assert_instance_of Hash, {1 => 2}
assert_equal({1 => 2}, {1 => 2})
h = {1 => 2}
assert_equal 2, h[1]
h = {"string" => "literal", "goto" => "hell"}
assert_equal h, h
assert_equal 2, h.size
assert_equal h, h
assert_equal "literal", h["string"]
def test_hash_literal_frozen
assert_separately([], "#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}")
def frozen_hash_literal_arg
ObjectSpace.each_object(Hash) do |a|
if a.class == Hash and !a.default_proc and a.size == 3 &&
a[0] == 1 && a[1] == 4 && a[2] == 17
# should not be found.
assert_not_include frozen_hash_literal_arg, 3
def test_big_array_and_hash_literal
assert_normal_exit %q{GC.disable=true; x = nil; raise if eval("[#{(1..1_000_000).map{'x'}.join(", ")}]").size != 1_000_000}, "", timeout: 300, child_env: %[--disable-gems]
assert_normal_exit %q{GC.disable=true; x = nil; raise if eval("[#{(1..1_000_000).to_a.join(", ")}]").size != 1_000_000}, "", timeout: 300, child_env: %[--disable-gems]
assert_normal_exit %q{GC.disable=true; x = nil; raise if eval("{#{(1..1_000_000).map{|n| "#{n} => x"}.join(', ')}}").size != 1_000_000}, "", timeout: 300, child_env: %[--disable-gems]
assert_normal_exit %q{GC.disable=true; x = nil; raise if eval("{#{(1..1_000_000).map{|n| "#{n} => #{n}"}.join(', ')}}").size != 1_000_000}, "", timeout: 300, child_env: %[--disable-gems]
def test_big_hash_literal
bug7466 = '[ruby-dev:46658]'
h = {
0xFE042 => 0xE5CD,
0xFE043 => 0xE5CD,
0xFE045 => 0xEA94,
0xFE046 => 0xE4E3,
0xFE047 => 0xE4E2,
0xFE048 => 0xEA96,
0xFE049 => 0x3013,
0xFE04A => 0xEB36,
0xFE04B => 0xEB37,
0xFE04C => 0xEB38,
0xFE04D => 0xEB49,
0xFE04E => 0xEB82,
0xFE04F => 0xE4D2,
0xFE050 => 0xEB35,
0xFE051 => 0xEAB9,
0xFE052 => 0xEABA,
0xFE053 => 0xE4D4,
0xFE054 => 0xE4CD,
0xFE055 => 0xEABB,
0xFE056 => 0xEABC,
0xFE057 => 0xEB32,
0xFE058 => 0xEB33,
0xFE059 => 0xEB34,
0xFE05A => 0xEB39,
0xFE05B => 0xEB5A,
0xFE190 => 0xE5A4,
0xFE191 => 0xE5A5,
0xFE192 => 0xEAD0,
0xFE193 => 0xEAD1,
0xFE194 => 0xEB47,
0xFE195 => 0xE509,
0xFE196 => 0xEAA0,
0xFE197 => 0xE50B,
0xFE198 => 0xEAA1,
0xFE199 => 0xEAA2,
0xFE19A => 0x3013,
0xFE19B => 0xE4FC,
0xFE19C => 0xE4FA,
0xFE19D => 0xE4FC,
0xFE19E => 0xE4FA,
0xFE19F => 0xE501,
0xFE1A0 => 0x3013,
0xFE1A1 => 0xE5DD,
0xFE1A2 => 0xEADB,
0xFE1A3 => 0xEAE9,
0xFE1A4 => 0xEB13,
0xFE1A5 => 0xEB14,
0xFE1A6 => 0xEB15,
0xFE1A7 => 0xEB16,
0xFE1A8 => 0xEB17,
0xFE1A9 => 0xEB18,
0xFE1AA => 0xEB19,
0xFE1AB => 0xEB1A,
0xFE1AC => 0xEB44,
0xFE1AD => 0xEB45,
0xFE1AE => 0xE4CB,
0xFE1AF => 0xE5BF,
0xFE1B0 => 0xE50E,
0xFE1B1 => 0xE4EC,
0xFE1B2 => 0xE4EF,
0xFE1B3 => 0xE4F8,
0xFE1B4 => 0x3013,
0xFE1B5 => 0x3013,
0xFE1B6 => 0xEB1C,
0xFE1B9 => 0xEB7E,
0xFE1D3 => 0xEB22,
0xFE7DC => 0xE4D8,
0xFE1D4 => 0xEB23,
0xFE1D5 => 0xEB24,
0xFE1D6 => 0xEB25,
0xFE1CC => 0xEB1F,
0xFE1CD => 0xEB20,
0xFE1CE => 0xE4D9,
0xFE1CF => 0xE48F,
0xFE1C5 => 0xE5C7,
0xFE1C6 => 0xEAEC,
0xFE1CB => 0xEB1E,
0xFE1DA => 0xE4DD,
0xFE1E1 => 0xEB57,
0xFE1E2 => 0xEB58,
0xFE1E3 => 0xE492,
0xFE1C9 => 0xEB1D,
0xFE1D9 => 0xE4D3,
0xFE1DC => 0xE5D4,
0xFE1BA => 0xE4E0,
0xFE1BB => 0xEB76,
0xFE1C8 => 0xE4E0,
0xFE1DD => 0xE5DB,
0xFE1BC => 0xE4DC,
0xFE1D8 => 0xE4DF,
0xFE1BD => 0xE49A,
0xFE1C7 => 0xEB1B,
0xFE1C2 => 0xE5C2,
0xFE1C0 => 0xE5C0,
0xFE1B8 => 0xE4DB,
0xFE1C3 => 0xE470,
0xFE1BE => 0xE4D8,
0xFE1C4 => 0xE4D9,
0xFE1B7 => 0xE4E1,
0xFE1BF => 0xE4DE,
0xFE1C1 => 0xE5C1,
0xFE1CA => 0x3013,
0xFE1D0 => 0xE4E1,
0xFE1D1 => 0xEB21,
0xFE1D2 => 0xE4D7,
0xFE1D7 => 0xE4DA,
0xFE1DB => 0xE4EE,
0xFE1DE => 0xEB3F,
0xFE1DF => 0xEB46,
0xFE1E0 => 0xEB48,
0xFE336 => 0xE4FB,
0xFE320 => 0xE472,
0xFE321 => 0xEB67,
0xFE322 => 0xEACA,
0xFE323 => 0xEAC0,
0xFE324 => 0xE5AE,
0xFE325 => 0xEACB,
0xFE326 => 0xEAC9,
0xFE327 => 0xE5C4,
0xFE328 => 0xEAC1,
0xFE329 => 0xE4E7,
0xFE32A => 0xE4E7,
0xFE32B => 0xEACD,
0xFE32C => 0xEACF,
0xFE32D => 0xEACE,
0xFE32E => 0xEAC7,
0xFE32F => 0xEAC8,
0xFE330 => 0xE471,
0xFE331 => "[Bug #7466]",
k = h.keys
assert_equal([129, 0xFE331], [k.size, k.last], bug7466)
code = [
"h = {",
(1..128).map {|i| "#{i} => 0,"},
(129..140).map {|i| "#{i} => [],"},
assert_separately([], <<-"end;")
GC.stress = true
GC.stress = false
assert_equal(140, h.size)
def test_hash_duplicated_key
h = EnvUtil.suppress_warning do
eval <<~end
# This is a syntax that renders warning at very early stage.
# eval used to delay warning, to be suppressible by EnvUtil.
{"a" => 100, "b" => 200, "a" => 300, "a" => 400}
assert_equal(2, h.size)
assert_equal(400, h['a'])
assert_equal(200, h['b'])
assert_equal(nil, h.key('300'))
def test_hash_frozen_key_id
key = "a".freeze
h = {key => 100}
assert_equal(100, h['a'])
assert_same(key, *h.keys)
def test_hash_key_tampering
key = "a"
h = {key => 100}
assert_equal(100, h['a'])
def test_range
assert_instance_of Range, (1..2)
assert_equal(1..2, 1..2)
r = 1..2
assert_equal 1, r.begin
assert_equal 2, r.end
assert_equal false, r.exclude_end?
assert_instance_of Range, (1...3)
assert_equal(1...3, 1...3)
r = 1...3
assert_equal 1, r.begin
assert_equal 3, r.end
assert_equal true, r.exclude_end?
r = 1+2 .. 3+4
assert_instance_of Range, r
assert_equal 3, r.begin
assert_equal 7, r.end
assert_equal false, r.exclude_end?
r = 1+2 ... 3+4
assert_instance_of Range, r
assert_equal 3, r.begin
assert_equal 7, r.end
assert_equal true, r.exclude_end?
assert_instance_of Range, 'a'..'c'
r = 'a'..'c'
assert_equal 'a', r.begin
assert_equal 'c', r.end
def test__FILE__
assert_instance_of String, __FILE__
assert_equal __FILE__, __FILE__
assert_equal 'test_literal.rb', File.basename(__FILE__)
def test__LINE__
assert_instance_of Integer, __LINE__
assert_equal __LINE__, __LINE__
def test_integer
head = ['', '0x', '0o', '0b', '0d', '-', '+']
chars = ['0', '1', '_', '9', 'f']
head.each {|h|
4.times {|len|
a = [h]
len.times { a = a.product(chars).map {|x| x.join('') } }
a.each {|s|
next if s.empty?
r1 = Integer(s)
rescue ArgumentError
r1 = :err
r2 = eval(s)
rescue NameError, SyntaxError
r2 = :err
assert_equal(r1, r2, "Integer(#{s.inspect}) != eval(#{s.inspect})")
bug2407 = '[ruby-dev:39798]'
head.grep_v(/^0/) do |s|
head.grep(/^0/) do |h|
h = "#{s}#{h}_"
assert_syntax_error(h, /numeric literal without digits\Z/, "#{bug2407}: #{h.inspect}")
def test_float
head = ['', '-', '+']
chars = ['0', '1', '_', '9', 'f', '.']
head.each {|h|
6.times {|len|
a = [h]
len.times { a = a.product(chars).map {|x| x.join('') } }
a.each {|s|
next if s.empty?
next if /\.\z/ =~ s
next if /\A[-+]?\./ =~ s
next if /\A[-+]?0/ =~ s
r1 = Float(s)
rescue ArgumentError
r1 = :err
r2 = eval(s)
rescue NameError, SyntaxError
r2 = :err
r2 = :err if Range === r2
assert_equal(r1, r2, "Float(#{s.inspect}) != eval(#{s.inspect})")
assert_equal(100.0, 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100e100)
def test_symbol_list
assert_equal([:foo, :bar], %i[foo bar])
assert_equal([:"\"foo"], %i["foo])
x = 10
assert_equal([:foo, :b10], %I[foo b#{x}])
assert_equal([:"\"foo10"], %I["foo#{x}])
assert_ruby_status(["--disable-gems", "--dump=parsetree"], "%I[foo bar]")