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So that classes which uses Net::HTTP with https can use OpenSSL
namespace for example exception classes like OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError.

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# frozen_string_literal: false
# = net/http.rb
# Copyright (c) 1999-2007 Yukihiro Matsumoto
# Copyright (c) 1999-2007 Minero Aoki
# Copyright (c) 2001 GOTOU Yuuzou
# Written and maintained by Minero Aoki <aamine@loveruby.net>.
# HTTPS support added by GOTOU Yuuzou <gotoyuzo@notwork.org>.
# This file is derived from "http-access.rb".
# Documented by Minero Aoki; converted to RDoc by William Webber.
# This program is free software. You can re-distribute and/or
# modify this program under the same terms of ruby itself ---
# Ruby Distribution License or GNU General Public License.
# See Net::HTTP for an overview and examples.
require_relative 'protocol'
require 'uri'
autoload :OpenSSL, 'openssl'
module Net #:nodoc:
# :stopdoc:
class HTTPBadResponse < StandardError; end
class HTTPHeaderSyntaxError < StandardError; end
# :startdoc:
# == An HTTP client API for Ruby.
# Net::HTTP provides a rich library which can be used to build HTTP
# user-agents. For more details about HTTP see
# [RFC2616](http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2616.txt).
# Net::HTTP is designed to work closely with URI. URI::HTTP#host,
# URI::HTTP#port and URI::HTTP#request_uri are designed to work with
# Net::HTTP.
# If you are only performing a few GET requests you should try OpenURI.
# == Simple Examples
# All examples assume you have loaded Net::HTTP with:
# require 'net/http'
# This will also require 'uri' so you don't need to require it separately.
# The Net::HTTP methods in the following section do not persist
# connections. They are not recommended if you are performing many HTTP
# requests.
# === GET
# Net::HTTP.get('example.com', '/index.html') # => String
# === GET by URI
# uri = URI('http://example.com/index.html?count=10')
# Net::HTTP.get(uri) # => String
# === GET with Dynamic Parameters
# uri = URI('http://example.com/index.html')
# params = { :limit => 10, :page => 3 }
# uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(params)
# res = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri)
# puts res.body if res.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess)
# === POST
# uri = URI('http://www.example.com/search.cgi')
# res = Net::HTTP.post_form(uri, 'q' => 'ruby', 'max' => '50')
# puts res.body
# === POST with Multiple Values
# uri = URI('http://www.example.com/search.cgi')
# res = Net::HTTP.post_form(uri, 'q' => ['ruby', 'perl'], 'max' => '50')
# puts res.body
# == How to use Net::HTTP
# The following example code can be used as the basis of an HTTP user-agent
# which can perform a variety of request types using persistent
# connections.
# uri = URI('http://example.com/some_path?query=string')
# Net::HTTP.start(uri.host, uri.port) do |http|
# request = Net::HTTP::Get.new uri
# response = http.request request # Net::HTTPResponse object
# end
# Net::HTTP::start immediately creates a connection to an HTTP server which
# is kept open for the duration of the block. The connection will remain
# open for multiple requests in the block if the server indicates it
# supports persistent connections.
# If you wish to re-use a connection across multiple HTTP requests without
# automatically closing it you can use ::new and then call #start and
# #finish manually.
# The request types Net::HTTP supports are listed below in the section "HTTP
# Request Classes".
# For all the Net::HTTP request objects and shortcut request methods you may
# supply either a String for the request path or a URI from which Net::HTTP
# will extract the request path.
# === Response Data
# uri = URI('http://example.com/index.html')
# res = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri)
# # Headers
# res['Set-Cookie'] # => String
# res.get_fields('set-cookie') # => Array
# res.to_hash['set-cookie'] # => Array
# puts "Headers: #{res.to_hash.inspect}"
# # Status
# puts res.code # => '200'
# puts res.message # => 'OK'
# puts res.class.name # => 'HTTPOK'
# # Body
# puts res.body if res.response_body_permitted?
# === Following Redirection
# Each Net::HTTPResponse object belongs to a class for its response code.
# For example, all 2XX responses are instances of a Net::HTTPSuccess
# subclass, a 3XX response is an instance of a Net::HTTPRedirection
# subclass and a 200 response is an instance of the Net::HTTPOK class. For
# details of response classes, see the section "HTTP Response Classes"
# below.
# Using a case statement you can handle various types of responses properly:
# def fetch(uri_str, limit = 10)
# # You should choose a better exception.
# raise ArgumentError, 'too many HTTP redirects' if limit == 0
# response = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI(uri_str))
# case response
# when Net::HTTPSuccess then
# response
# when Net::HTTPRedirection then
# location = response['location']
# warn "redirected to #{location}"
# fetch(location, limit - 1)
# else
# response.value
# end
# end
# print fetch('http://www.ruby-lang.org')
# === POST
# A POST can be made using the Net::HTTP::Post request class. This example
# creates a URL encoded POST body:
# uri = URI('http://www.example.com/todo.cgi')
# req = Net::HTTP::Post.new(uri)
# req.set_form_data('from' => '2005-01-01', 'to' => '2005-03-31')
# res = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port) do |http|
# http.request(req)
# end
# case res
# when Net::HTTPSuccess, Net::HTTPRedirection
# # OK
# else
# res.value
# end
# To send multipart/form-data use Net::HTTPHeader#set_form:
# req = Net::HTTP::Post.new(uri)
# req.set_form([['upload', File.open('foo.bar')]], 'multipart/form-data')
# Other requests that can contain a body such as PUT can be created in the
# same way using the corresponding request class (Net::HTTP::Put).
# === Setting Headers
# The following example performs a conditional GET using the
# If-Modified-Since header. If the files has not been modified since the
# time in the header a Not Modified response will be returned. See RFC 2616
# section 9.3 for further details.
# uri = URI('http://example.com/cached_response')
# file = File.stat 'cached_response'
# req = Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri)
# req['If-Modified-Since'] = file.mtime.rfc2822
# res = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port) {|http|
# http.request(req)
# }
# open 'cached_response', 'w' do |io|
# io.write res.body
# end if res.is_a?(Net::HTTPSuccess)
# === Basic Authentication
# Basic authentication is performed according to
# [RFC2617](http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2617.txt).
# uri = URI('http://example.com/index.html?key=value')
# req = Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri)
# req.basic_auth 'user', 'pass'
# res = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port) {|http|
# http.request(req)
# }
# puts res.body
# === Streaming Response Bodies
# By default Net::HTTP reads an entire response into memory. If you are
# handling large files or wish to implement a progress bar you can instead
# stream the body directly to an IO.
# uri = URI('http://example.com/large_file')
# Net::HTTP.start(uri.host, uri.port) do |http|
# request = Net::HTTP::Get.new uri
# http.request request do |response|
# open 'large_file', 'w' do |io|
# response.read_body do |chunk|
# io.write chunk
# end
# end
# end
# end
# === HTTPS
# HTTPS is enabled for an HTTP connection by Net::HTTP#use_ssl=.
# uri = URI('https://secure.example.com/some_path?query=string')
# Net::HTTP.start(uri.host, uri.port, :use_ssl => true) do |http|
# request = Net::HTTP::Get.new uri
# response = http.request request # Net::HTTPResponse object
# end
# Or if you simply want to make a GET request, you may pass in an URI
# object that has an HTTPS URL. Net::HTTP automatically turns on TLS
# verification if the URI object has a 'https' URI scheme.
# uri = URI('https://example.com/')
# Net::HTTP.get(uri) # => String
# In previous versions of Ruby you would need to require 'net/https' to use
# HTTPS. This is no longer true.
# === Proxies
# Net::HTTP will automatically create a proxy from the +http_proxy+
# environment variable if it is present. To disable use of +http_proxy+,
# pass +nil+ for the proxy address.
# You may also create a custom proxy:
# proxy_addr = 'your.proxy.host'
# proxy_port = 8080
# Net::HTTP.new('example.com', nil, proxy_addr, proxy_port).start { |http|
# # always proxy via your.proxy.addr:8080
# }
# See Net::HTTP.new for further details and examples such as proxies that
# require a username and password.
# === Compression
# Net::HTTP automatically adds Accept-Encoding for compression of response
# bodies and automatically decompresses gzip and deflate responses unless a
# Range header was sent.
# Compression can be disabled through the Accept-Encoding: identity header.
# == HTTP Request Classes
# Here is the HTTP request class hierarchy.
# * Net::HTTPRequest
# * Net::HTTP::Get
# * Net::HTTP::Head
# * Net::HTTP::Post
# * Net::HTTP::Patch
# * Net::HTTP::Put
# * Net::HTTP::Proppatch
# * Net::HTTP::Lock
# * Net::HTTP::Unlock
# * Net::HTTP::Options
# * Net::HTTP::Propfind
# * Net::HTTP::Delete
# * Net::HTTP::Move
# * Net::HTTP::Copy
# * Net::HTTP::Mkcol
# * Net::HTTP::Trace
# == HTTP Response Classes
# Here is HTTP response class hierarchy. All classes are defined in Net
# module and are subclasses of Net::HTTPResponse.
# HTTPUnknownResponse:: For unhandled HTTP extensions
# HTTPInformation:: 1xx
# HTTPContinue:: 100
# HTTPSwitchProtocol:: 101
# HTTPSuccess:: 2xx
# HTTPOK:: 200
# HTTPCreated:: 201
# HTTPAccepted:: 202
# HTTPNonAuthoritativeInformation:: 203
# HTTPNoContent:: 204
# HTTPResetContent:: 205
# HTTPPartialContent:: 206
# HTTPMultiStatus:: 207
# HTTPIMUsed:: 226
# HTTPRedirection:: 3xx
# HTTPMultipleChoices:: 300
# HTTPMovedPermanently:: 301
# HTTPFound:: 302
# HTTPSeeOther:: 303
# HTTPNotModified:: 304
# HTTPUseProxy:: 305
# HTTPTemporaryRedirect:: 307
# HTTPClientError:: 4xx
# HTTPBadRequest:: 400
# HTTPUnauthorized:: 401
# HTTPPaymentRequired:: 402
# HTTPForbidden:: 403
# HTTPNotFound:: 404
# HTTPMethodNotAllowed:: 405
# HTTPNotAcceptable:: 406
# HTTPProxyAuthenticationRequired:: 407
# HTTPRequestTimeOut:: 408
# HTTPConflict:: 409
# HTTPGone:: 410
# HTTPLengthRequired:: 411
# HTTPPreconditionFailed:: 412
# HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge:: 413
# HTTPRequestURITooLong:: 414
# HTTPUnsupportedMediaType:: 415
# HTTPRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable:: 416
# HTTPExpectationFailed:: 417
# HTTPUnprocessableEntity:: 422
# HTTPLocked:: 423
# HTTPFailedDependency:: 424
# HTTPUpgradeRequired:: 426
# HTTPPreconditionRequired:: 428
# HTTPTooManyRequests:: 429
# HTTPRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge:: 431
# HTTPUnavailableForLegalReasons:: 451
# HTTPServerError:: 5xx
# HTTPInternalServerError:: 500
# HTTPNotImplemented:: 501
# HTTPBadGateway:: 502
# HTTPServiceUnavailable:: 503
# HTTPGatewayTimeOut:: 504
# HTTPVersionNotSupported:: 505
# HTTPInsufficientStorage:: 507
# HTTPNetworkAuthenticationRequired:: 511
# There is also the Net::HTTPBadResponse exception which is raised when
# there is a protocol error.
class HTTP < Protocol
# :stopdoc:
Revision = %q$Revision$.split[1]
HTTPVersion = '1.1'
require 'zlib'
require 'stringio' #for our purposes (unpacking gzip) lump these together
rescue LoadError
# :startdoc:
# Turns on net/http 1.2 (Ruby 1.8) features.
# Defaults to ON in Ruby 1.8 or later.
def HTTP.version_1_2
# Returns true if net/http is in version 1.2 mode.
# Defaults to true.
def HTTP.version_1_2?
def HTTP.version_1_1? #:nodoc:
class << HTTP
alias is_version_1_1? version_1_1? #:nodoc:
alias is_version_1_2? version_1_2? #:nodoc:
# short cut methods
# Gets the body text from the target and outputs it to $stdout. The
# target can either be specified as
# (+uri+), or as (+host+, +path+, +port+ = 80); so:
# Net::HTTP.get_print URI('http://www.example.com/index.html')
# or:
# Net::HTTP.get_print 'www.example.com', '/index.html'
def HTTP.get_print(uri_or_host, path = nil, port = nil)
get_response(uri_or_host, path, port) {|res|
res.read_body do |chunk|
$stdout.print chunk
# Sends a GET request to the target and returns the HTTP response
# as a string. The target can either be specified as
# (+uri+), or as (+host+, +path+, +port+ = 80); so:
# print Net::HTTP.get(URI('http://www.example.com/index.html'))
# or:
# print Net::HTTP.get('www.example.com', '/index.html')
def HTTP.get(uri_or_host, path = nil, port = nil)
get_response(uri_or_host, path, port).body
# Sends a GET request to the target and returns the HTTP response
# as a Net::HTTPResponse object. The target can either be specified as
# (+uri+), or as (+host+, +path+, +port+ = 80); so:
# res = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI('http://www.example.com/index.html'))
# print res.body
# or:
# res = Net::HTTP.get_response('www.example.com', '/index.html')
# print res.body
def HTTP.get_response(uri_or_host, path = nil, port = nil, &block)
if path
host = uri_or_host
new(host, port || HTTP.default_port).start {|http|
return http.request_get(path, &block)
uri = uri_or_host
start(uri.hostname, uri.port,
:use_ssl => uri.scheme == 'https') {|http|
return http.request_get(uri, &block)
# Posts data to the specified URI object.
# Example:
# require 'net/http'
# require 'uri'
# Net::HTTP.post URI('http://www.example.com/api/search'),
# { "q" => "ruby", "max" => "50" }.to_json,
# "Content-Type" => "application/json"
def HTTP.post(url, data, header = nil)
start(url.hostname, url.port,
:use_ssl => url.scheme == 'https' ) {|http|
http.post(url, data, header)
# Posts HTML form data to the specified URI object.
# The form data must be provided as a Hash mapping from String to String.
# Example:
# { "cmd" => "search", "q" => "ruby", "max" => "50" }
# This method also does Basic Authentication iff +url+.user exists.
# But userinfo for authentication is deprecated (RFC3986).
# So this feature will be removed.
# Example:
# require 'net/http'
# require 'uri'
# Net::HTTP.post_form URI('http://www.example.com/search.cgi'),
# { "q" => "ruby", "max" => "50" }
def HTTP.post_form(url, params)
req = Post.new(url)
req.form_data = params
req.basic_auth url.user, url.password if url.user
start(url.hostname, url.port,
:use_ssl => url.scheme == 'https' ) {|http|
# HTTP session management
# The default port to use for HTTP requests; defaults to 80.
def HTTP.default_port
# The default port to use for HTTP requests; defaults to 80.
def HTTP.http_default_port
# The default port to use for HTTPS requests; defaults to 443.
def HTTP.https_default_port
def HTTP.socket_type #:nodoc: obsolete
# :call-seq:
# HTTP.start(address, port, p_addr, p_port, p_user, p_pass, &block)
# HTTP.start(address, port=nil, p_addr=:ENV, p_port=nil, p_user=nil, p_pass=nil, opt, &block)
# Creates a new Net::HTTP object, then additionally opens the TCP
# connection and HTTP session.
# Arguments are the following:
# _address_ :: hostname or IP address of the server
# _port_ :: port of the server
# _p_addr_ :: address of proxy
# _p_port_ :: port of proxy
# _p_user_ :: user of proxy
# _p_pass_ :: pass of proxy
# _opt_ :: optional hash
# _opt_ sets following values by its accessor.
# The keys are ca_file, ca_path, cert, cert_store, ciphers,
# close_on_empty_response, key, open_timeout, read_timeout, write_timeout, ssl_timeout,
# ssl_version, use_ssl, verify_callback, verify_depth and verify_mode.
# If you set :use_ssl as true, you can use https and default value of
# verify_mode is set as OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER.
# If the optional block is given, the newly
# created Net::HTTP object is passed to it and closed when the
# block finishes. In this case, the return value of this method
# is the return value of the block. If no block is given, the
# return value of this method is the newly created Net::HTTP object
# itself, and the caller is responsible for closing it upon completion
# using the finish() method.
def HTTP.start(address, *arg, &block) # :yield: +http+
arg.pop if opt = Hash.try_convert(arg[-1])
port, p_addr, p_port, p_user, p_pass = *arg
p_addr = :ENV if arg.size < 2
port = https_default_port if !port && opt && opt[:use_ssl]
http = new(address, port, p_addr, p_port, p_user, p_pass)
if opt
if opt[:use_ssl]
opt = {verify_mode: OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER}.update(opt)
http.methods.grep(/\A(\w+)=\z/) do |meth|
key = $1.to_sym
opt.key?(key) or next
http.__send__(meth, opt[key])
class << HTTP
alias newobj new # :nodoc:
# Creates a new Net::HTTP object without opening a TCP connection or
# HTTP session.
# The +address+ should be a DNS hostname or IP address, the +port+ is the
# port the server operates on. If no +port+ is given the default port for
# HTTP or HTTPS is used.
# If none of the +p_+ arguments are given, the proxy host and port are
# taken from the +http_proxy+ environment variable (or its uppercase
# equivalent) if present. If the proxy requires authentication you must
# supply it by hand. See URI::Generic#find_proxy for details of proxy
# detection from the environment. To disable proxy detection set +p_addr+
# to nil.
# If you are connecting to a custom proxy, +p_addr+ specifies the DNS name
# or IP address of the proxy host, +p_port+ the port to use to access the
# proxy, +p_user+ and +p_pass+ the username and password if authorization
# is required to use the proxy, and p_no_proxy hosts which do not
# use the proxy.
def HTTP.new(address, port = nil, p_addr = :ENV, p_port = nil, p_user = nil, p_pass = nil, p_no_proxy = nil)
http = super address, port
if proxy_class? then # from Net::HTTP::Proxy()
http.proxy_from_env = @proxy_from_env
http.proxy_address = @proxy_address
http.proxy_port = @proxy_port
http.proxy_user = @proxy_user
http.proxy_pass = @proxy_pass
elsif p_addr == :ENV then
http.proxy_from_env = true
if p_addr && p_no_proxy && !URI::Generic.use_proxy?(p_addr, p_addr, p_port, p_no_proxy)
p_addr = nil
p_port = nil
http.proxy_address = p_addr
http.proxy_port = p_port || default_port
http.proxy_user = p_user
http.proxy_pass = p_pass
# Creates a new Net::HTTP object for the specified server address,
# without opening the TCP connection or initializing the HTTP session.
# The +address+ should be a DNS hostname or IP address.
def initialize(address, port = nil)
@address = address
@port = (port || HTTP.default_port)
@local_host = nil
@local_port = nil
@curr_http_version = HTTPVersion
@keep_alive_timeout = 2
@last_communicated = nil
@close_on_empty_response = false
@socket = nil
@started = false
@open_timeout = 60
@read_timeout = 60
@write_timeout = 60
@continue_timeout = nil
@max_retries = 1
@debug_output = nil
@proxy_from_env = false
@proxy_uri = nil
@proxy_address = nil
@proxy_port = nil
@proxy_user = nil
@proxy_pass = nil
@use_ssl = false
@ssl_context = nil
@ssl_session = nil
@sspi_enabled = false
SSL_IVNAMES.each do |ivname|
instance_variable_set ivname, nil
def inspect
"#<#{self.class} #{@address}:#{@port} open=#{started?}>"
# *WARNING* This method opens a serious security hole.
# Never use this method in production code.
# Sets an output stream for debugging.
# http = Net::HTTP.new(hostname)
# http.set_debug_output $stderr
# http.start { .... }
def set_debug_output(output)
warn 'Net::HTTP#set_debug_output called after HTTP started', uplevel: 1 if started?
@debug_output = output
# The DNS host name or IP address to connect to.
attr_reader :address
# The port number to connect to.
attr_reader :port
# The local host used to establish the connection.
attr_accessor :local_host
# The local port used to establish the connection.
attr_accessor :local_port
attr_writer :proxy_from_env
attr_writer :proxy_address
attr_writer :proxy_port
attr_writer :proxy_user
attr_writer :proxy_pass
# Number of seconds to wait for the connection to open. Any number
# may be used, including Floats for fractional seconds. If the HTTP
# object cannot open a connection in this many seconds, it raises a
# Net::OpenTimeout exception. The default value is 60 seconds.
attr_accessor :open_timeout
# Number of seconds to wait for one block to be read (via one read(2)
# call). Any number may be used, including Floats for fractional
# seconds. If the HTTP object cannot read data in this many seconds,
# it raises a Net::ReadTimeout exception. The default value is 60 seconds.
attr_reader :read_timeout
# Number of seconds to wait for one block to be written (via one write(2)
# call). Any number may be used, including Floats for fractional
# seconds. If the HTTP object cannot write data in this many seconds,
# it raises a Net::WriteTimeout exception. The default value is 60 seconds.
# Net::WriteTimeout is not raised on Windows.
attr_reader :write_timeout
# Maximum number of times to retry an idempotent request in case of
# Net::ReadTimeout, IOError, EOFError, Errno::ECONNRESET,
# Errno::ECONNABORTED, Errno::EPIPE, OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError,
# Timeout::Error.
# Should be a non-negative integer number. Zero means no retries.
# The default value is 1.
def max_retries=(retries)
retries = retries.to_int
if retries < 0
raise ArgumentError, 'max_retries should be non-negative integer number'
@max_retries = retries
attr_reader :max_retries
# Setter for the read_timeout attribute.
def read_timeout=(sec)
@socket.read_timeout = sec if @socket
@read_timeout = sec
# Setter for the write_timeout attribute.
def write_timeout=(sec)
@socket.write_timeout = sec if @socket
@write_timeout = sec
# Seconds to wait for 100 Continue response. If the HTTP object does not
# receive a response in this many seconds it sends the request body. The
# default value is +nil+.
attr_reader :continue_timeout
# Setter for the continue_timeout attribute.
def continue_timeout=(sec)
@socket.continue_timeout = sec if @socket
@continue_timeout = sec
# Seconds to reuse the connection of the previous request.
# If the idle time is less than this Keep-Alive Timeout,
# Net::HTTP reuses the TCP/IP socket used by the previous communication.
# The default value is 2 seconds.
attr_accessor :keep_alive_timeout
# Returns true if the HTTP session has been started.
def started?
alias active? started? #:nodoc: obsolete
attr_accessor :close_on_empty_response
# Returns true if SSL/TLS is being used with HTTP.
def use_ssl?
# Turn on/off SSL.
# This flag must be set before starting session.
# If you change use_ssl value after session started,
# a Net::HTTP object raises IOError.
def use_ssl=(flag)
flag = flag ? true : false
if started? and @use_ssl != flag
raise IOError, "use_ssl value changed, but session already started"
@use_ssl = flag
# Sets path of a CA certification file in PEM format.
# The file can contain several CA certificates.
attr_accessor :ca_file
# Sets path of a CA certification directory containing certifications in
# PEM format.
attr_accessor :ca_path
# Sets an OpenSSL::X509::Certificate object as client certificate.
# (This method is appeared in Michal Rokos's OpenSSL extension).
attr_accessor :cert
# Sets the X509::Store to verify peer certificate.
attr_accessor :cert_store
# Sets the available ciphers. See OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext#ciphers=
attr_accessor :ciphers
# Sets an OpenSSL::PKey::RSA or OpenSSL::PKey::DSA object.
# (This method is appeared in Michal Rokos's OpenSSL extension.)
attr_accessor :key
# Sets the SSL timeout seconds.
attr_accessor :ssl_timeout
# Sets the SSL version. See OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext#ssl_version=
attr_accessor :ssl_version
# Sets the minimum SSL version. See OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext#min_version=
attr_accessor :min_version
# Sets the maximum SSL version. See OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext#max_version=
attr_accessor :max_version
# Sets the verify callback for the server certification verification.
attr_accessor :verify_callback
# Sets the maximum depth for the certificate chain verification.
attr_accessor :verify_depth
# Sets the flags for server the certification verification at beginning of
# SSL/TLS session.
# OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE or OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER are acceptable.
attr_accessor :verify_mode
# Returns the X.509 certificates the server presented.
def peer_cert
if not use_ssl? or not @socket
return nil
# Opens a TCP connection and HTTP session.
# When this method is called with a block, it passes the Net::HTTP
# object to the block, and closes the TCP connection and HTTP session
# after the block has been executed.
# When called with a block, it returns the return value of the
# block; otherwise, it returns self.
def start # :yield: http
raise IOError, 'HTTP session already opened' if @started
if block_given?
return yield(self)
def do_start
@started = true
private :do_start
def connect
if proxy? then
conn_address = proxy_address
conn_port = proxy_port
conn_address = address
conn_port = port
D "opening connection to #{conn_address}:#{conn_port}..."
s = Timeout.timeout(@open_timeout, Net::OpenTimeout) {
TCPSocket.open(conn_address, conn_port, @local_host, @local_port)
rescue => e
raise e, "Failed to open TCP connection to " +
"#{conn_address}:#{conn_port} (#{e.message})"
s.setsockopt(Socket::IPPROTO_TCP, Socket::TCP_NODELAY, 1)
D "opened"
if use_ssl?
if proxy?
plain_sock = BufferedIO.new(s, read_timeout: @read_timeout,
write_timeout: @write_timeout,
continue_timeout: @continue_timeout,
debug_output: @debug_output)
buf = "CONNECT #{@address}:#{@port} HTTP/#{HTTPVersion}\r\n"
buf << "Host: #{@address}:#{@port}\r\n"
if proxy_user
credential = ["#{proxy_user}:#{proxy_pass}"].pack('m0')
buf << "Proxy-Authorization: Basic #{credential}\r\n"
buf << "\r\n"
# assuming nothing left in buffers after successful CONNECT response
ssl_parameters = Hash.new
iv_list = instance_variables
SSL_IVNAMES.each_with_index do |ivname, i|
if iv_list.include?(ivname) and
value = instance_variable_get(ivname)
ssl_parameters[SSL_ATTRIBUTES[i]] = value if value
@ssl_context = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext.new
@ssl_context.session_cache_mode =
@ssl_context.session_new_cb = proc {|sock, sess| @ssl_session = sess }
D "starting SSL for #{conn_address}:#{conn_port}..."
s = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket.new(s, @ssl_context)
s.sync_close = true
# Server Name Indication (SNI) RFC 3546
s.hostname = @address if s.respond_to? :hostname=
if @ssl_session and
Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_REALTIME) < @ssl_session.time.to_f + @ssl_session.timeout
s.session = @ssl_session
ssl_socket_connect(s, @open_timeout)
if @ssl_context.verify_mode != OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
D "SSL established, protocol: #{s.ssl_version}, cipher: #{s.cipher[0]}"
@socket = BufferedIO.new(s, read_timeout: @read_timeout,
write_timeout: @write_timeout,
continue_timeout: @continue_timeout,
debug_output: @debug_output)
rescue => exception
if s
D "Conn close because of connect error #{exception}"
private :connect
def on_connect
private :on_connect
# Finishes the HTTP session and closes the TCP connection.
# Raises IOError if the session has not been started.
def finish
raise IOError, 'HTTP session not yet started' unless started?
def do_finish
@started = false
@socket.close if @socket
@socket = nil
private :do_finish
# proxy
# no proxy
@is_proxy_class = false
@proxy_from_env = false
@proxy_addr = nil
@proxy_port = nil
@proxy_user = nil
@proxy_pass = nil
# Creates an HTTP proxy class which behaves like Net::HTTP, but
# performs all access via the specified proxy.
# This class is obsolete. You may pass these same parameters directly to
# Net::HTTP.new. See Net::HTTP.new for details of the arguments.
def HTTP.Proxy(p_addr = :ENV, p_port = nil, p_user = nil, p_pass = nil)
return self unless p_addr
Class.new(self) {
@is_proxy_class = true
if p_addr == :ENV then
@proxy_from_env = true
@proxy_address = nil
@proxy_port = nil
@proxy_from_env = false
@proxy_address = p_addr
@proxy_port = p_port || default_port
@proxy_user = p_user
@proxy_pass = p_pass
class << HTTP
# returns true if self is a class which was created by HTTP::Proxy.
def proxy_class?
defined?(@is_proxy_class) ? @is_proxy_class : false
# Address of proxy host. If Net::HTTP does not use a proxy, nil.
attr_reader :proxy_address
# Port number of proxy host. If Net::HTTP does not use a proxy, nil.
attr_reader :proxy_port
# User name for accessing proxy. If Net::HTTP does not use a proxy, nil.
attr_reader :proxy_user
# User password for accessing proxy. If Net::HTTP does not use a proxy,
# nil.
attr_reader :proxy_pass
# True if requests for this connection will be proxied
def proxy?
!!(@proxy_from_env ? proxy_uri : @proxy_address)
# True if the proxy for this connection is determined from the environment
def proxy_from_env?
# The proxy URI determined from the environment for this connection.
def proxy_uri # :nodoc:
return if @proxy_uri == false
@proxy_uri ||= URI::HTTP.new(
"http".freeze, nil, address, port, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil
).find_proxy || false
@proxy_uri || nil
# The address of the proxy server, if one is configured.
def proxy_address
if @proxy_from_env then
# The port of the proxy server, if one is configured.
def proxy_port
if @proxy_from_env then
# [Bug #12921]
if /linux|freebsd|darwin/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM
# The username of the proxy server, if one is configured.
def proxy_user
# The password of the proxy server, if one is configured.
def proxy_pass
alias proxyaddr proxy_address #:nodoc: obsolete
alias proxyport proxy_port #:nodoc: obsolete
# without proxy, obsolete
def conn_address # :nodoc:
def conn_port # :nodoc:
def edit_path(path)
if proxy?
if path.start_with?("ftp://") || use_ssl?
# HTTP operations
# Retrieves data from +path+ on the connected-to host which may be an
# absolute path String or a URI to extract the path from.
# +initheader+ must be a Hash like { 'Accept' => '*/*', ... },
# and it defaults to an empty hash.
# If +initheader+ doesn't have the key 'accept-encoding', then
# a value of "gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3" is used,
# so that gzip compression is used in preference to deflate
# compression, which is used in preference to no compression.
# Ruby doesn't have libraries to support the compress (Lempel-Ziv)
# compression, so that is not supported. The intent of this is
# to reduce bandwidth by default. If this routine sets up
# compression, then it does the decompression also, removing
# the header as well to prevent confusion. Otherwise
# it leaves the body as it found it.
# This method returns a Net::HTTPResponse object.
# If called with a block, yields each fragment of the
# entity body in turn as a string as it is read from
# the socket. Note that in this case, the returned response
# object will *not* contain a (meaningful) body.
# +dest+ argument is obsolete.
# It still works but you must not use it.
# This method never raises an exception.
# response = http.get('/index.html')
# # using block
# File.open('result.txt', 'w') {|f|
# http.get('/~foo/') do |str|
# f.write str
# end
# }
def get(path, initheader = nil, dest = nil, &block) # :yield: +body_segment+
res = nil
request(Get.new(path, initheader)) {|r|
r.read_body dest, &block
res = r
# Gets only the header from +path+ on the connected-to host.
# +header+ is a Hash like { 'Accept' => '*/*', ... }.
# This method returns a Net::HTTPResponse object.
# This method never raises an exception.
# response = nil
# Net::HTTP.start('some.www.server', 80) {|http|
# response = http.head('/index.html')
# }
# p response['content-type']
def head(path, initheader = nil)
request(Head.new(path, initheader))
# Posts +data+ (must be a String) to +path+. +header+ must be a Hash
# like { 'Accept' => '*/*', ... }.
# This method returns a Net::HTTPResponse object.
# If called with a block, yields each fragment of the
# entity body in turn as a string as it is read from
# the socket. Note that in this case, the returned response
# object will *not* contain a (meaningful) body.
# +dest+ argument is obsolete.
# It still works but you must not use it.
# This method never raises exception.
# response = http.post('/cgi-bin/search.rb', 'query=foo')
# # using block
# File.open('result.txt', 'w') {|f|
# http.post('/cgi-bin/search.rb', 'query=foo') do |str|
# f.write str
# end
# }
# You should set Content-Type: header field for POST.
# If no Content-Type: field given, this method uses
# "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" by default.
def post(path, data, initheader = nil, dest = nil, &block) # :yield: +body_segment+
send_entity(path, data, initheader, dest, Post, &block)
# Sends a PATCH request to the +path+ and gets a response,
# as an HTTPResponse object.
def patch(path, data, initheader = nil, dest = nil, &block) # :yield: +body_segment+
send_entity(path, data, initheader, dest, Patch, &block)
def put(path, data, initheader = nil) #:nodoc:
request(Put.new(path, initheader), data)
# Sends a PROPPATCH request to the +path+ and gets a response,
# as an HTTPResponse object.
def proppatch(path, body, initheader = nil)
request(Proppatch.new(path, initheader), body)
# Sends a LOCK request to the +path+ and gets a response,
# as an HTTPResponse object.
def lock(path, body, initheader = nil)
request(Lock.new(path, initheader), body)
# Sends a UNLOCK request to the +path+ and gets a response,
# as an HTTPResponse object.
def unlock(path, body, initheader = nil)
request(Unlock.new(path, initheader), body)
# Sends a OPTIONS request to the +path+ and gets a response,
# as an HTTPResponse object.
def options(path, initheader = nil)
request(Options.new(path, initheader))
# Sends a PROPFIND request to the +path+ and gets a response,
# as an HTTPResponse object.
def propfind(path, body = nil, initheader = {'Depth' => '0'})
request(Propfind.new(path, initheader), body)
# Sends a DELETE request to the +path+ and gets a response,
# as an HTTPResponse object.
def delete(path, initheader = {'Depth' => 'Infinity'})
request(Delete.new(path, initheader))
# Sends a MOVE request to the +path+ and gets a response,
# as an HTTPResponse object.
def move(path, initheader = nil)
request(Move.new(path, initheader))
# Sends a COPY request to the +path+ and gets a response,
# as an HTTPResponse object.
def copy(path, initheader = nil)
request(Copy.new(path, initheader))
# Sends a MKCOL request to the +path+ and gets a response,
# as an HTTPResponse object.
def mkcol(path, body = nil, initheader = nil)
request(Mkcol.new(path, initheader), body)
# Sends a TRACE request to the +path+ and gets a response,
# as an HTTPResponse object.
def trace(path, initheader = nil)
request(Trace.new(path, initheader))
# Sends a GET request to the +path+.
# Returns the response as a Net::HTTPResponse object.
# When called with a block, passes an HTTPResponse object to the block.
# The body of the response will not have been read yet;
# the block can process it using HTTPResponse#read_body,
# if desired.
# Returns the response.
# This method never raises Net::* exceptions.
# response = http.request_get('/index.html')
# # The entity body is already read in this case.
# p response['content-type']
# puts response.body
# # Using a block
# http.request_get('/index.html') {|response|
# p response['content-type']
# response.read_body do |str| # read body now
# print str
# end
# }
def request_get(path, initheader = nil, &block) # :yield: +response+
request(Get.new(path, initheader), &block)
# Sends a HEAD request to the +path+ and returns the response
# as a Net::HTTPResponse object.
# Returns the response.
# This method never raises Net::* exceptions.
# response = http.request_head('/index.html')
# p response['content-type']
def request_head(path, initheader = nil, &block)
request(Head.new(path, initheader), &block)
# Sends a POST request to the +path+.
# Returns the response as a Net::HTTPResponse object.
# When called with a block, the block is passed an HTTPResponse
# object. The body of that response will not have been read yet;
# the block can process it using HTTPResponse#read_body, if desired.
# Returns the response.
# This method never raises Net::* exceptions.
# # example
# response = http.request_post('/cgi-bin/nice.rb', 'datadatadata...')
# p response.status
# puts response.body # body is already read in this case
# # using block
# http.request_post('/cgi-bin/nice.rb', 'datadatadata...') {|response|
# p response.status
# p response['content-type']
# response.read_body do |str| # read body now
# print str
# end
# }
def request_post(path, data, initheader = nil, &block) # :yield: +response+
request Post.new(path, initheader), data, &block
def request_put(path, data, initheader = nil, &block) #:nodoc:
request Put.new(path, initheader), data, &block
alias get2 request_get #:nodoc: obsolete
alias head2 request_head #:nodoc: obsolete
alias post2 request_post #:nodoc: obsolete
alias put2 request_put #:nodoc: obsolete
# Sends an HTTP request to the HTTP server.
# Also sends a DATA string if +data+ is given.
# Returns a Net::HTTPResponse object.
# This method never raises Net::* exceptions.
# response = http.send_request('GET', '/index.html')
# puts response.body
def send_request(name, path, data = nil, header = nil)
has_response_body = name != 'HEAD'
r = HTTPGenericRequest.new(name,(data ? true : false),has_response_body,path,header)
request r, data
# Sends an HTTPRequest object +req+ to the HTTP server.
# If +req+ is a Net::HTTP::Post or Net::HTTP::Put request containing
# data, the data is also sent. Providing data for a Net::HTTP::Head or
# Net::HTTP::Get request results in an ArgumentError.
# Returns an HTTPResponse object.
# When called with a block, passes an HTTPResponse object to the block.
# The body of the response will not have been read yet;
# the block can process it using HTTPResponse#read_body,
# if desired.
# This method never raises Net::* exceptions.
def request(req, body = nil, &block) # :yield: +response+
unless started?
start {
req['connection'] ||= 'close'
return request(req, body, &block)
if proxy_user()
req.proxy_basic_auth proxy_user(), proxy_pass() unless use_ssl?
req.set_body_internal body
res = transport_request(req, &block)
if sspi_auth?(res)
res = transport_request(req, &block)
# Executes a request which uses a representation
# and returns its body.
def send_entity(path, data, initheader, dest, type, &block)
res = nil
request(type.new(path, initheader), data) {|r|
r.read_body dest, &block
res = r
def transport_request(req)
count = 0
begin_transport req
res = catch(:response) {
req.exec @socket, @curr_http_version, edit_path(req.path)
res = HTTPResponse.read_new(@socket)
res.decode_content = req.decode_content
end while res.kind_of?(HTTPInformation)
res.uri = req.uri
res.reading_body(@socket, req.response_body_permitted?) {
yield res if block_given?
rescue Net::OpenTimeout
rescue Net::ReadTimeout, IOError, EOFError,
# avoid a dependency on OpenSSL
defined?(OpenSSL::SSL) ? OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError : IOError,
Timeout::Error => exception
if count < max_retries && IDEMPOTENT_METHODS_.include?(req.method)
count += 1
@socket.close if @socket
D "Conn close because of error #{exception}, and retry"
D "Conn close because of error #{exception}"
@socket.close if @socket
end_transport req, res
rescue => exception
D "Conn close because of error #{exception}"
@socket.close if @socket
raise exception
def begin_transport(req)
if @socket.closed?
elsif @last_communicated
if @last_communicated + @keep_alive_timeout < Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
D 'Conn close because of keep_alive_timeout'
elsif @socket.io.to_io.wait_readable(0) && @socket.eof?
D "Conn close because of EOF"
if not req.response_body_permitted? and @close_on_empty_response
req['connection'] ||= 'close'
req.update_uri address, port, use_ssl?
req['host'] ||= addr_port()
def end_transport(req, res)
@curr_http_version = res.http_version
@last_communicated = nil
if @socket.closed?
D 'Conn socket closed'
elsif not res.body and @close_on_empty_response
D 'Conn close'
elsif keep_alive?(req, res)
D 'Conn keep-alive'
@last_communicated = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
D 'Conn close'
def keep_alive?(req, res)
return false if req.connection_close?
if @curr_http_version <= '1.0'
else # HTTP/1.1 or later
not res.connection_close?
def sspi_auth?(res)
return false unless @sspi_enabled
if res.kind_of?(HTTPProxyAuthenticationRequired) and
proxy? and res["Proxy-Authenticate"].include?("Negotiate")
require 'win32/sspi'
rescue LoadError
def sspi_auth(req)
n = Win32::SSPI::NegotiateAuth.new
req["Proxy-Authorization"] = "Negotiate #{n.get_initial_token}"
# Some versions of ISA will close the connection if this isn't present.
req["Connection"] = "Keep-Alive"
req["Proxy-Connection"] = "Keep-Alive"
res = transport_request(req)
authphrase = res["Proxy-Authenticate"] or return res
req["Proxy-Authorization"] = "Negotiate #{n.complete_authentication(authphrase)}"
rescue => err
raise HTTPAuthenticationError.new('HTTP authentication failed', err)
# utils
def addr_port
addr = address
addr = "[#{addr}]" if addr.include?(":")
default_port = use_ssl? ? HTTP.https_default_port : HTTP.http_default_port
default_port == port ? addr : "#{addr}:#{port}"
def D(msg)
return unless @debug_output
@debug_output << msg
@debug_output << "\n"
require_relative 'http/exceptions'
require_relative 'http/header'
require_relative 'http/generic_request'
require_relative 'http/request'
require_relative 'http/requests'
require_relative 'http/response'
require_relative 'http/responses'
require_relative 'http/proxy_delta'
require_relative 'http/backward'