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http://www.germane-software.com/repos/rexml/trunk/test/. Many tests are failed temporary. I'll fix them quickly. Sorry. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@29282 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Rev 1.05
Changed the <gram> element name to <pos>
Added the g_gend attribute
moved the s_inf element
<!-- Rev 1.04
Rename the project "JMdict" and add the g_lang attribute to the
<gloss> entity - 08 May 1999
Moved the <gram>, <field> and <misc> elements down to be in the
<sense> region, as suggested by Chris Czeyka. I have also tidied up
some of the "*" as he suggested. - 27 May 2000
Added the re_nokanji element - Sep 2003.
<!DOCTYPE JMdict [
<!ELEMENT JMdict (entry*)>
<!-- -->
<!ELEMENT entry (ent_seq, k_ele*, r_ele+, info*, sense+)>
<!-- Entries consist of kanji elements, reading elements,
general information and sense elements. Each entry must have at
least one reading element and one sense element. Others are optional.
<!ELEMENT ent_seq (#PCDATA)>
<!-- A unique numeric sequence number for each entry
<!ELEMENT k_ele (keb, ke_inf*, ke_pri*)>
<!-- The kanji element, or in its absence, the reading element, is
the defining component of each entry.
The overwhelming majority of entries will have a single kanji
element associated with a word in Japanese. Where there are
multiple kanji elements within an entry, they will be orthographical
variants of the same word, either using variations in okurigana, or
alternative and equivalent kanji. Common "mis-spellings" may be
included, provided they are associated with appropriate information
fields. Synonyms are not included; they may be indicated in the
cross-reference field associated with the sense element.
<!-- This element will contain a word or short phrase in Japanese
which is written using at least one kanji. The valid characters are
kanji, kana, related characters such as chouon and kurikaeshi, and
in exceptional cases, letters from other alphabets.
<!ELEMENT ke_inf (#PCDATA)>
<!-- This is a coded information field related specifically to the
orthography of the keb, and will typically indicate some unusual
aspect, such as okurigana irregularity.
<!ELEMENT ke_pri (#PCDATA)>
<!-- This and the equivalent re_pri field are provided to record
information about the relative priority of the entry, and consist
of codes indicating the word appears in various references which
can be taken as an indication of the frequency with which the word
is used. This field is intended for use either by applications which
want to concentrate on entries of a particular priority, or to
generate subset files.
The current values in this field are:
- news1/2: appears in the "wordfreq" file compiled by Alexandre Girardi
from the Mainichi Shimbun. (See the Monash ftp archive for a copy.)
Words in the first 12,000 in that file are marked "news1" and words
in the second 12,000 are marked "news2".
- ichi1/2: appears in the "Ichimango goi bunruishuu", Senmon Kyouiku
Publishing, Tokyo, 1998.
- spec1 and spec2: a small number of words use this marker when they
are detected as being common, but are not included in other lists.
- gai1: common loanwords, based on the wordfreq file.
- nfxx: this is an indicator of frequency-of-use ranking in the
wordfreq file. "xx" is the number of the set of 500 words in which
the entry can be found, with "01" assigned to the first 500, "02"
to the second, and so on.
The reason both the kanji and reading elements are tagged is because
on occasions a priority is only associated with a particular
kanji/reading pair.
<!-- -->
<!ELEMENT r_ele (reb, re_nokanji?, re_restr*, re_inf*, re_pri*)>
<!-- The reading element typically contains the valid readings
of the word(s) in the kanji element using modern kanadzukai.
Where there are multiple reading elements, they will typically be
alternative readings of the kanji element. In the absence of a
kanji element, i.e. in the case of a word or phrase written
entirely in kana, these elements will define the entry.
<!-- this element content is restricted to kana and related
characters such as chouon and kurikaeshi. Kana usage will be
consistent between the keb and reb elements; e.g. if the keb
contains katakana, so too will the reb.
<!ELEMENT re_nokanji (#PCDATA)>
<!-- This element, which will usually have a null value, indicates
that the reb, while associated with the keb, cannot be regarded
as a true reading of the kanji. It is typically used for words
such as foreign place names, gairaigo which can be in kanji or
katakana, etc.
<!ELEMENT re_restr (#PCDATA)>
<!-- This element is used to indicate when the reading only applies
to a subset of the keb elements in the entry. In its absence, all
readings apply to all kanji elements. The contents of this element
must exactly match those of one of the keb elements.
<!ELEMENT re_inf (#PCDATA)>
<!-- General coded information pertaining to the specific reading.
Typically it will be used to indicate some unusual aspect of
the reading. -->
<!ELEMENT re_pri (#PCDATA)>
<!-- See the comment on ke_pri above. -->
<!-- -->
<!ELEMENT info (lang*, dial*, links*, bibl*, etym*, audit*)>
<!-- general coded information relating to the entry as a whole.-->
<!-- For loan-words, the ISO 639 two-letter code for the originating
language. -->
<!-- For words specifically associated with regional dialects in
Japanese, the entity code for that dialect, e.g. ksb for Kansaiben.
<!ELEMENT bibl (bib_tag?, bib_txt?)>
<!ELEMENT bib_tag (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT bib_txt (#PCDATA)>
<!-- Bibliographic information about the entry. The bib_tag will a
coded reference to an entry in an external bibliographic database.
The bib_txt field may be used for brief (local) descriptions.-->
<!-- This field is used to hold information about the etymology
of the entry. -->
<!ELEMENT links (link_tag, link_desc, link_uri)>
<!ELEMENT link_tag (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT link_desc (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT link_uri (#PCDATA)>
<!-- This element holds details of linking information to
entries in other electronic repositories. The link_tag will be
coded to indicate the type of link (text, image, sound), the
link_desc will provided a textual label for the link, and the
link_uri contains the actual URI. -->
<!ELEMENT audit (upd_date, upd_detl)>
<!ELEMENT upd_date (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT upd_detl (#PCDATA)>
<!-- The audit element will contain the date and other information
about updates to the entry. Can be used to record the source of
the material. -->
<!-- -->
<!ELEMENT sense (stagk*, stagr*, pos*, xref*, ant*, field*, misc*, s_inf*, gloss*, example*)>
<!-- The sense element will record the translational equivalent
of the Japanese word, plus other related information. Where there
are several distinctly different meanings of the word, multiple
sense elements will be employed.
<!ELEMENT stagk (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT stagr (#PCDATA)>
<!-- These elements, if present, indicate that the sense is restricted
to the lexeme represented by the keb and/or reb. -->
<!ELEMENT xref (#PCDATA)*>
<!-- This element is used to indicate a cross-reference to another
entry with a similar or related meaning or sense. The content of
this element must exactly match that of a keb or reb element in
another entry.
<!-- This element is used to indicate another entry which is an
antonym of the current entry/sense. The content of this element
must exactly match that of a keb or reb element in another entry.
<!-- Part-of-speech information about the entry/sense. Should use
appropriate entity codes.
<!ELEMENT field (#PCDATA)>
<!-- Information about the field of application of the entry. When
absent, general application is implied. Entity coding for specific
fields of application. -->
<!-- This element is used for other relevant information about
the entry. -->
<!ELEMENT gloss (#PCDATA | pri)*>
<!-- Within each sense will be one or more "glosses", i.e.
target-language words or phrases which are equivalents to the
Japanese word. This element would normally be present, however it
may be omitted in entries which are purely for a cross-reference.
<!ATTLIST gloss g_lang CDATA "en">
<!-- The g_lang attribute defines the target language of the
gloss. It will be coded using the two-letter language code from
the ISO 639 standard. When absent, the value "en" (i.e. English)
is the default value. -->
<!ATTLIST gloss g_gend CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!-- The g_gend attribute defines the gender of the gloss (typically
a noun in the target language. When absent, the gender is either
not relevant or has yet to be provided.
<!-- These elements highlight particular target-language words which
are strongly associated with the Japanese word. The purpose is to
establish a set of target-language words which can effectively be
used as head-words in a reverse target-language/Japanese relationship.
<!ELEMENT example (#PCDATA)>
<!-- The example elements provide for pairs of short Japanese and
target-language phrases or sentences which exemplify the usage of the
Japanese head-word and the target-language gloss. Words in example
fields would typically not be indexed by a dictionary application.
<!ELEMENT s_inf (#PCDATA)>
<!-- The sense-information elements provided for additional
information to be recorded about a sense. Typical usage would
be to indicate such things as level of currency of a sense, the
regional variations, etc.
<!-- The following entity codes are used for common elements within the
various information fields.
<!ENTITY MA "martial arts term">
<!ENTITY X "rude or X-rated term (not displayed in educational software)">
<!ENTITY abbr "abbreviation">
<!ENTITY adj "adjective (keiyoushi)">
<!ENTITY adj-na "adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives (keiyodoshi)">
<!ENTITY adj-no "nouns which may take the genitive case particle `no'">
<!ENTITY adj-pn "pre-noun adjectival (rentaishi)">
<!ENTITY adj-t "`taru' adjective">
<!ENTITY adv "adverb (fukushi)">
<!ENTITY adv-n "adverbial noun">
<!ENTITY adv-to "adverb taking the `to' particle">
<!ENTITY arch "archaism">
<!ENTITY ateji "ateji (phonetic) reading">
<!ENTITY aux "auxiliary">
<!ENTITY aux-v "auxiliary verb">
<!ENTITY aux-adj "auxiliary adjective">
<!ENTITY Buddh "Buddhist term">
<!ENTITY chn "children's language">
<!ENTITY col "colloquialism ">
<!ENTITY comp "computer terminology">
<!ENTITY conj "conjunction">
<!ENTITY derog "derogatory">
<!ENTITY ek "exclusively kanji">
<!ENTITY exp "Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)">
<!ENTITY fam "familiar language ">
<!ENTITY fem "female term or language">
<!ENTITY food "food term">
<!ENTITY geom "geometry term">
<!ENTITY gikun "gikun (meaning) reading">
<!ENTITY gram "grammatical term">
<!ENTITY hon "honorific or respectful (sonkeigo) language ">
<!ENTITY hum "humble (kenjougo) language ">
<!ENTITY iK "word containing irregular kanji usage">
<!ENTITY id "idiomatic expression ">
<!ENTITY ik "word containing irregular kana usage">
<!ENTITY int "interjection (kandoushi)">
<!ENTITY io "irregular okurigana usage">
<!ENTITY iv "irregular verb">
<!ENTITY ling "linguistics terminology">
<!ENTITY m-sl "manga slang">
<!ENTITY male "male term or language">
<!ENTITY male-sl "male slang">
<!ENTITY math "mathematics">
<!ENTITY mil "military">
<!ENTITY n "noun (common) (futsuumeishi)">
<!ENTITY n-adv "adverbial noun (fukushitekimeishi)">
<!ENTITY n-suf "noun, used as a suffix">
<!ENTITY n-pref "noun, used as a prefix">
<!ENTITY n-t "noun (temporal) (jisoumeishi)">
<!ENTITY neg "negative (in a negative sentence, or with negative verb)">
<!ENTITY neg-v "negative verb (when used with)">
<!ENTITY num "numeric">
<!ENTITY oK "word containing out-dated kanji ">
<!ENTITY obs "obsolete term">
<!ENTITY obsc "obscure term">
<!ENTITY ok "out-dated or obsolete kana usage">
<!ENTITY pol "polite (teineigo) language ">
<!ENTITY pref "prefix ">
<!ENTITY prt "particle ">
<!ENTITY physics "physics terminology">
<!ENTITY qv "quod vide (see another entry)">
<!ENTITY rare "rare">
<!ENTITY sl "slang">
<!ENTITY suf "suffix ">
<!ENTITY uK "word usually written using kanji alone ">
<!ENTITY uk "word usually written using kana alone ">
<!ENTITY v1 "Ichidan verb">
<!ENTITY v5 "Godan verb (not completely classified)">
<!ENTITY v5aru "Godan verb - -aru special class">
<!ENTITY v5b "Godan verb with `bu' ending">
<!ENTITY v5g "Godan verb with `gu' ending">
<!ENTITY v5k "Godan verb with `ku' ending">
<!ENTITY v5k-s "Godan verb - Iku/Yuku special class">
<!ENTITY v5m "Godan verb with `mu' ending">
<!ENTITY v5n "Godan verb with `nu' ending">
<!ENTITY v5r "Godan verb with `ru' ending">
<!ENTITY v5r-i "Godan verb with `ru' ending (irregular verb)">
<!ENTITY v5s "Godan verb with `su' ending">
<!ENTITY v5t "Godan verb with `tsu' ending">
<!ENTITY v5u "Godan verb with `u' ending">
<!ENTITY v5u-s "Godan verb with `u' ending (special class)">
<!ENTITY v5uru "Godan verb - Uru old class verb (old form of Eru)">
<!ENTITY vi "intransitive verb ">
<!ENTITY vk "Kuru verb - special class">
<!ENTITY vs "noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru">
<!ENTITY vs-s "suru verb - special class">
<!ENTITY vs-i "suru verb - irregular">
<!ENTITY vz "zuru verb - (alternative form of -jiru verbs)">
<!ENTITY vt "transitive verb">
<!ENTITY vulg "vulgar expression or word ">
<!ENTITY mg "masculine gender">
<!ENTITY fg "feminine gender">
<!ENTITY ng "neuter gender">
<!-- JMdict created: 2006-09-11 -->
<!-- JMdict Japanese-Multilingual Dictionary file (XML format) -->
<!-- Using V1.05 of the DTD -->
<!-- Copyright J.W. Breen (jwb@csse.monash.edu.au) -->
<gloss>repetition mark in katakana</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="de">Wiederholungszeichen für Katakana</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="de">normalerweise nur in vertikaler Schreibweise verwendet</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="fr">marque de la répétition dans katakana</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="fr">(JF2)</gloss>
<gloss>voiced repetition mark in katakana</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="de">stimmhaftes Wiederholungszeichen für Katakana</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="de">normalerweise nur in vertikaler Schreibweise verwendet</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="fr">marque de la répétition sonore dans katakana</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="fr">(JF2)</gloss>
<gloss>repetition mark in hiragana</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="de">Wiederholungszeichen für Hiragana</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="de">normalerweise nur in vertikaler Schreibweise verwendet</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="fr">marque de la répétition dans hiragana</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="fr">(JF2)</gloss>
<gloss>voiced repetition mark in hiragana</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="de">stimmhaftes Wiederholungszeichen für Hiragana</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="de">normalerweise nur in vertikaler Schreibweise verwendet</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="fr">marque de la répétition sonore dans hiragana</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="fr">(JF2)</gloss>
<gloss>ditto mark</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="ru">знак "то же самое"</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="de">Wiederholungszeichen in Tabellen</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="fr">idem marque</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="fr">(JF2)</gloss>
<gloss>"as above" mark</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="de">Abkürzung für "siehe oben"</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="fr">comme au-dessus</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="fr">(JF2)</gloss>
<gloss>repetition of kanji (sometimes voiced)</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="de">Wiederholungszeichen für Kanji</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="de">(Laut wird durch Wiederholung manchmal stimmhaft)</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="fr">répétition de kanji(quelquefois a exprimé)</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="fr">(JF2)</gloss>
<gloss>end or closure mark</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="de">Zeichen als eine Art Versiegelung über der zugeklebten Lasche auf der Rückseite eines Briefumschlages</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="fr">fin ou marque de la fermeture</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="fr">(JF2)</gloss>
<gloss>"kanji" zero</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="de">Kanji-Ziffer für Null</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="fr">kanji</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="fr">(JF2)</gloss>
<gloss>circle (sometimes used for zero)</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="ru">круг</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="ru">но́ль</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="de">Kreis</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="de">Markierung für "richtig"</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="de">Maru</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="de">(ein japan. Schriftfont hat mindestens drei verschiedene Codierungen und Darstellungen für "maru")</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="fr">entourez</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="fr">mettez à zéro</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="fr">(JF2)</gloss>
<gloss>alphabetical order</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="de">alphabetische Ordnung</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="de">alphabetische Reihenfolge</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="fr">ordre alphabétique</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="fr">(JF2)</gloss>
<gloss>CD player</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="ru">CD плеер</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="ru">проигрыватель компакт-дисков</gloss>
<gloss>pornographic film</gloss>
<gloss>salacious film</gloss>
<gloss>NHK Symphony Orchestra</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="fr">NHK Symphonie Orchestre(abbr)</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="fr">(JF2)</gloss>
<gloss>skirt with peek-a-boo hole in rump</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="fr">O En arrière</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="fr">contournez avec coucou trou dans croupe</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="fr">(JF2)</gloss>
<gloss>rs232 cable</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="fr">les rs232 câblent</gloss>
<gloss g_lang="fr">(JF2)</gloss>