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* For easier modifications of ruby/spec by MRI developers. * .gitignore: track changes under spec. * spec/mspec, spec/rubyspec: add in-tree mspec and ruby/spec. These files can therefore be updated like any other file in MRI. Instructions are provided in spec/README. [Feature #13156] [ruby-core:79246] git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@58595 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
310 lines
12 KiB
310 lines
12 KiB
require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__)
require File.expand_path('../fixtures/classes', __FILE__)
describe "Kernel#sprintf" do
it "is a private method" do
Kernel.should have_private_instance_method(:sprintf)
it "treats nil arguments as zero-width strings in %s slots" do
sprintf("%s%d%s%s", nil, 4, 'a', 'b').should == '4ab'
it "passes some tests for positive %x" do
sprintf("%x", 123).should == "7b"
sprintf("%0x", 123).should == "7b"
sprintf("% x", 123).should == " 7b"
sprintf("%+x", 123).should == "+7b"
sprintf("%+0x", 123).should == "+7b"
sprintf("%+ x", 123).should == "+7b"
sprintf("% 0x", 123).should == " 7b"
sprintf("%#x", 123).should == "0x7b"
sprintf("%#0x", 123).should == "0x7b"
sprintf("%# x", 123).should == " 0x7b"
sprintf("%#+x", 123).should == "+0x7b"
sprintf("%#+0x", 123).should == "+0x7b"
sprintf("%#+ x", 123).should == "+0x7b"
sprintf("%# 0x", 123).should == " 0x7b"
sprintf("%8x", 123).should == " 7b"
sprintf("%08x", 123).should == "0000007b"
sprintf("% 8x", 123).should == " 7b"
sprintf("%+8x", 123).should == " +7b"
sprintf("%+08x", 123).should == "+000007b"
sprintf("%+ 8x", 123).should == " +7b"
sprintf("% 08x", 123).should == " 000007b"
sprintf("%#8x", 123).should == " 0x7b"
sprintf("%#08x", 123).should == "0x00007b"
sprintf("%# 8x", 123).should == " 0x7b"
sprintf("%#+8x", 123).should == " +0x7b"
sprintf("%#+08x", 123).should == "+0x0007b"
sprintf("%#+ 8x", 123).should == " +0x7b"
sprintf("%# 08x", 123).should == " 0x0007b"
sprintf("%8.10x", 123).should == "000000007b"
sprintf("%08.10x", 123).should == "000000007b"
sprintf("% 8.10x", 123).should == " 000000007b"
sprintf("%+8.10x", 123).should == "+000000007b"
sprintf("%+08.10x", 123).should == "+000000007b"
sprintf("%+ 8.10x", 123).should == "+000000007b"
sprintf("% 08.10x", 123).should == " 000000007b"
sprintf("%10.8x", 123).should == " 0000007b"
sprintf("%010.8x", 123).should == " 0000007b"
sprintf("% 10.8x", 123).should == " 0000007b"
sprintf("%+10.8x", 123).should == " +0000007b"
sprintf("%+010.8x", 123).should == " +0000007b"
sprintf("%+ 10.8x", 123).should == " +0000007b"
sprintf("% 010.8x", 123).should == " 0000007b"
describe "with format string that contains %{} sections" do
it "substitutes values for named references" do
sprintf("%{foo}f", {foo: 1}).should == "1f"
it "raises KeyError when no matching key is in second argument" do
lambda { sprintf("%{foo}f", {}) }.should raise_error(KeyError)
describe "with format string that contains %<> sections" do
it "formats values for named references" do
sprintf("%<foo>f", {foo: 1}).should == "1.000000"
it "raises KeyError when no matching key is in second argument" do
lambda { sprintf("%<foo>f", {}) }.should raise_error(KeyError)
it "raises ArgumentError if missing second named argument" do
lambda { sprintf("%<key><foo>d", {key: 1}) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError)
describe "with negative values" do
describe "with format %x" do
it "precedes the number with '..'" do
sprintf("%0x", -123).should == "..f85"
sprintf("%#0x", -123).should == "0x..f85"
sprintf("%08x", -123).should == "..ffff85"
sprintf("%#08x", -123).should == "0x..ff85"
sprintf("%8.10x", -123).should == "..ffffff85"
sprintf("%08.10x", -123).should == "..ffffff85"
sprintf("%10.8x", -123).should == " ..ffff85"
sprintf("%010.8x", -123).should == " ..ffff85"
describe "with format %b or %B" do
it "precedes the number with '..'" do
sprintf("%.7b", -5).should == "..11011"
sprintf("%.7B", -5).should == "..11011"
sprintf("%0b", -5).should == "..1011"
it "passes some tests for negative %x" do
sprintf("%x", -123).should == "..f85"
sprintf("% x", -123).should == "-7b"
sprintf("%+x", -123).should == "-7b"
sprintf("%+0x", -123).should == "-7b"
sprintf("%+ x", -123).should == "-7b"
sprintf("% 0x", -123).should == "-7b"
sprintf("%#x", -123).should == "0x..f85"
sprintf("%# x", -123).should == "-0x7b"
sprintf("%#+x", -123).should == "-0x7b"
sprintf("%#+0x", -123).should == "-0x7b"
sprintf("%#+ x", -123).should == "-0x7b"
sprintf("%# 0x", -123).should == "-0x7b"
sprintf("%8x", -123).should == " ..f85"
sprintf("% 8x", -123).should == " -7b"
sprintf("%+8x", -123).should == " -7b"
sprintf("%+08x", -123).should == "-000007b"
sprintf("%+ 8x", -123).should == " -7b"
sprintf("% 08x", -123).should == "-000007b"
sprintf("%#8x", -123).should == " 0x..f85"
sprintf("%# 8x", -123).should == " -0x7b"
sprintf("%#+8x", -123).should == " -0x7b"
sprintf("%#+08x", -123).should == "-0x0007b"
sprintf("%#+ 8x", -123).should == " -0x7b"
sprintf("%# 08x", -123).should == "-0x0007b"
sprintf("% 8.10x", -123).should == "-000000007b"
sprintf("%+8.10x", -123).should == "-000000007b"
sprintf("%+08.10x", -123).should == "-000000007b"
sprintf("%+ 8.10x", -123).should == "-000000007b"
sprintf("% 08.10x", -123).should == "-000000007b"
sprintf("% 10.8x", -123).should == " -0000007b"
sprintf("%+10.8x", -123).should == " -0000007b"
sprintf("%+010.8x", -123).should == " -0000007b"
sprintf("%+ 10.8x", -123).should == " -0000007b"
sprintf("% 010.8x", -123).should == " -0000007b"
it "passes some tests for negative %u" do
sprintf("%u", -123).should == "-123"
sprintf("%0u", -123).should == "-123"
sprintf("%#u", -123).should == "-123"
sprintf("%#0u", -123).should == "-123"
sprintf("%8u", -123).should == " -123"
sprintf("%08u", -123).should == "-0000123"
sprintf("%#8u", -123).should == " -123"
sprintf("%#08u", -123).should == "-0000123"
sprintf("%30u", -123).should == " -123"
sprintf("%030u", -123).should == "-00000000000000000000000000123"
sprintf("%#30u", -123).should == " -123"
sprintf("%#030u", -123).should == "-00000000000000000000000000123"
sprintf("%24.30u", -123).should == "-000000000000000000000000000123"
sprintf("%024.30u", -123).should == "-000000000000000000000000000123"
sprintf("%#24.30u", -123).should == "-000000000000000000000000000123"
sprintf("%#024.30u", -123).should == "-000000000000000000000000000123"
sprintf("%30.24u", -123).should == " -000000000000000000000123"
sprintf("%030.24u", -123).should == " -000000000000000000000123"
sprintf("%#30.24u", -123).should == " -000000000000000000000123"
sprintf("%#030.24u", -123).should == " -000000000000000000000123"
it "passes some tests for positive %u" do
sprintf("%30u", 123).should == " 123"
sprintf("%030u", 123).should == "000000000000000000000000000123"
sprintf("%#30u", 123).should == " 123"
sprintf("%#030u", 123).should == "000000000000000000000000000123"
sprintf("%24.30u", 123).should == "000000000000000000000000000123"
sprintf("%024.30u", 123).should == "000000000000000000000000000123"
sprintf("%#24.30u", 123).should == "000000000000000000000000000123"
sprintf("%#024.30u", 123).should == "000000000000000000000000000123"
sprintf("%30.24u", 123).should == " 000000000000000000000123"
sprintf("%030.24u", 123).should == " 000000000000000000000123"
sprintf("%#30.24u", 123).should == " 000000000000000000000123"
sprintf("%#030.24u", 123).should == " 000000000000000000000123"
it "passes some tests for positive %d" do
sprintf("%30d", 123).should == " 123"
sprintf("%030d", 123).should == "000000000000000000000000000123"
sprintf("%#30d", 123).should == " 123"
sprintf("%#030d", 123).should == "000000000000000000000000000123"
sprintf("%24.30d", 123).should == "000000000000000000000000000123"
sprintf("%024.30d", 123).should == "000000000000000000000000000123"
sprintf("%#24.30d", 123).should == "000000000000000000000000000123"
sprintf("%#024.30d", 123).should == "000000000000000000000000000123"
sprintf("%30.24d", 123).should == " 000000000000000000000123"
sprintf("%030.24d", 123).should == " 000000000000000000000123"
sprintf("%#30.24d", 123).should == " 000000000000000000000123"
sprintf("%#030.24d", 123).should == " 000000000000000000000123"
it "passes some tests for positive %f" do
sprintf("%30f", 123.1).should == " 123.100000"
sprintf("%030f", 123.1).should == "00000000000000000000123.100000"
sprintf("%#30f", 123.1).should == " 123.100000"
sprintf("%#030f", 123.1).should == "00000000000000000000123.100000"
sprintf("%10.4f", 123.1).should == " 123.1000"
sprintf("%010.4f", 123.1).should == "00123.1000"
sprintf("%10.0f", 123.1).should == " 123"
sprintf("%010.0f", 123.1).should == "0000000123"
it "passes some tests for negative %f" do
sprintf("%30f", -123.5).should == " -123.500000"
sprintf("%030f", -123.5).should == "-0000000000000000000123.500000"
sprintf("%#30f", -123.5).should == " -123.500000"
sprintf("%#030f", -123.5).should == "-0000000000000000000123.500000"
sprintf("%10.4f", -123.5).should == " -123.5000"
sprintf("%010.4f", -123.5).should == "-0123.5000"
sprintf("%10.0f", -123.5).should == " -124"
sprintf("%010.0f", -123.5).should == "-000000124"
it "passes some tests for infinite and nan" do
sprintf("%f", Float::INFINITY).should == "Inf"
sprintf("%f", -Float::INFINITY).should == "-Inf"
sprintf("%f", Float::NAN).should == "NaN"
sprintf("%10f", Float::INFINITY).should == " Inf"
sprintf("%10f", -Float::INFINITY).should == " -Inf"
sprintf("%10f", Float::NAN).should == " NaN"
it "passes kstephens's tests" do
sprintf("%*1$.*2$3$d", 10, 5, 1).should == " 00001"
sprintf("%b", 0).should == "0"
sprintf("%B", 0).should == "0"
sprintf("%b", -5).should == "..1011"
sprintf("%B", -5).should == "..1011"
sprintf("%+b", -5).should == "-101"
sprintf("%+b", 10).should == "+1010"
sprintf("%+b", 0).should == "+0"
sprintf("%+o", -5).should == "-5"
sprintf("%+o", 10).should == "+12"
sprintf("%+o", 0).should == "+0"
sprintf("%+d", -5).should == "-5"
sprintf("%+d", 10).should == "+10"
sprintf("%+d", 0).should == "+0"
sprintf("%+x", -15).should == "-f"
sprintf("%+x", 100).should == "+64"
sprintf("%+x", 0).should == "+0"
sprintf("%+X", -15).should == "-F"
sprintf("%+X", 100).should == "+64"
sprintf("%+X", 0).should == "+0"
sprintf("=%02X", 1).should == "=01"
sprintf("%+03d", 0).should == "+00"
sprintf("%+03d", 5).should == "+05"
sprintf("%+03d", -5).should == "-05"
sprintf("%+03d", 12).should == "+12"
sprintf("%+03d", -12).should == "-12"
sprintf("%+03d", 123).should == "+123"
sprintf("%+03d", -123).should == "-123"
with_feature :encoding do
it "returns a String in the same encoding as the format String if compatible" do
format = "%.2f %4s".force_encoding(Encoding::KOI8_U)
result = sprintf(format, 1.2, "dogs")
result.encoding.should equal(Encoding::KOI8_U)
it "returns a String in the argument encoding if format encoding is more restrictive" do
format = "foo %s".force_encoding(Encoding::US_ASCII)
arg = "b\303\274r".force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8)
result = sprintf(format, arg)
result.encoding.should equal(Encoding::UTF_8)
describe "Kernel.sprintf" do
it "needs to be reviewed for spec completeness"