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drbrain a7fa4d5d9a * lib/rubygems: Update to RubyGems master 6a3d9f9. Changes include:
Compatibly renamed Gem::DependencyResolver to Gem::Resolver.

  Added support for git gems in gem.deps.rb and Gemfile.

  Fixed resolver bugs.

* test/rubygems: ditto.

* lib/rubygems/LICENSE.txt:  Updated to license from RubyGems trunk.
  [ruby-trunk - Bug #9086]

* lib/rubygems/commands/which_command.rb:  RubyGems now indicates
  failure when any file is missing.  [ruby-trunk - Bug #9004]

* lib/rubygems/ext/builder:  Extensions are now installed into the
  extension install directory and the first directory in the require
  path from the gem.  This allows backwards compatibility with msgpack
  and other gems that calculate full require paths.
  [ruby-trunk - Bug #9106]

git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@43714 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2013-11-19 00:34:13 +00:00

388 lines
10 KiB

require 'rubygems'
require 'rubygems/dependency'
require 'rubygems/exceptions'
require 'rubygems/util/list'
require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
# Given a set of Gem::Dependency objects as +needed+ and a way to query the
# set of available specs via +set+, calculates a set of ActivationRequest
# objects which indicate all the specs that should be activated to meet the
# all the requirements.
class Gem::Resolver
# Contains all the conflicts encountered while doing resolution
attr_reader :conflicts
attr_accessor :development
attr_reader :missing
# When a missing dependency, don't stop. Just go on and record what was
# missing.
attr_accessor :soft_missing
def self.compose_sets *sets
case sets.length
when 0 then
raise ArgumentError, 'one set in the composition must be non-nil'
when 1 then
# Provide a Resolver that queries only against the already
# installed gems.
def self.for_current_gems needed
new needed, Gem::Resolver::CurrentSet.new
# Create Resolver object which will resolve the tree starting
# with +needed+ Dependency objects.
# +set+ is an object that provides where to look for specifications to
# satisfy the Dependencies. This defaults to IndexSet, which will query
# rubygems.org.
def initialize needed, set = nil
@set = set || Gem::Resolver::IndexSet.new
@needed = needed
@conflicts = []
@development = false
@missing = []
@soft_missing = false
def explain(stage, *data)
d = data.map { |x| x.inspect }.join(", ")
STDOUT.printf "%20s %s\n", stage.to_s.upcase, d
# Creates an ActivationRequest for the given +dep+ and the last +possible+
# specification.
# Returns the Specification and the ActivationRequest
def activation_request dep, possible # :nodoc:
spec = possible.pop
explain :activate, [spec.full_name, possible.size]
activation_request =
Gem::Resolver::ActivationRequest.new spec, dep, possible
return spec, activation_request
def requests s, act, reqs=nil
s.dependencies.reverse_each do |d|
next if d.type == :development and not @development
reqs.add Gem::Resolver::DependencyRequest.new(d, act)
@set.prefetch reqs
# Proceed with resolution! Returns an array of ActivationRequest objects.
def resolve
@conflicts = []
needed = RequirementList.new
@needed.reverse_each do |n|
request = Gem::Resolver::DependencyRequest.new n, nil
needed.add request
res = resolve_for needed, nil
raise Gem::DependencyResolutionError, res if
res.kind_of? Gem::Resolver::Conflict
# Finds the State in +states+ that matches the +conflict+ so that we can try
# other possible sets.
# If no good candidate is found, the first state is tried.
def find_conflict_state conflict, states # :nodoc:
rejected = []
until states.empty? do
state = states.pop
explain :consider, state.dep, conflict.failed_dep
if conflict.for_spec? state.spec
state.conflicts << [state.spec, conflict]
return state
rejected << state
return rejected.shift
rejected = rejected.concat states
states.replace rejected
# Extracts the specifications that may be able to fulfill +dependency+ and
# returns those that match the local platform and all those that match.
def find_possible dependency # :nodoc:
all = @set.find_all dependency
matching_platform = select_local_platforms all
return matching_platform, all
def handle_conflict(dep, existing)
# There is a conflict! We return the conflict object which will be seen by
# the caller and be handled at the right level.
# If the existing activation indicates that there are other possibles for
# it, then issue the conflict on the dependency for the activation itself.
# Otherwise, issue it on the requester's request itself.
if existing.others_possible? or existing.request.requester.nil? then
conflict =
Gem::Resolver::Conflict.new dep, existing
depreq = dep.requester.request
conflict =
Gem::Resolver::Conflict.new depreq, existing, dep
@conflicts << conflict unless @conflicts.include? conflict
return conflict
# Contains the state for attempting activation of a set of possible specs.
# +needed+ is a Gem::List of DependencyRequest objects that, well, need
# to be satisfied.
# +specs+ is the List of ActivationRequest that are being tested.
# +dep+ is the DependencyRequest that was used to generate this state.
# +spec+ is the Specification for this state.
# +possible+ is List of DependencyRequest objects that can be tried to
# find a complete set.
# +conflicts+ is a [DependencyRequest, Conflict] hit tried to
# activate the state.
State = Struct.new(:needed, :specs, :dep, :spec, :possibles, :conflicts) do
def summary # :nodoc:
nd = needed.map { |s| s.to_s }.sort if nd
if specs then
ss = specs.map { |s| s.full_name }.sort
ss.unshift ss.length
d = dep.to_s
d << " from #{dep.requester.full_name}" if dep.requester
ps = possibles.map { |p| p.full_name }.sort
ps.unshift ps.length
cs = conflicts.map do |(s, c)|
[s.full_name, c.conflicting_dependencies.map { |cd| cd.to_s }]
{ :needed => nd, :specs => ss, :dep => d, :spec => spec.full_name,
:possibles => ps, :conflicts => cs }
# The meat of the algorithm. Given +needed+ DependencyRequest objects and
# +specs+ being a list to ActivationRequest, calculate a new list of
# ActivationRequest objects.
def resolve_for needed, specs
# The State objects that are used to attempt the activation tree.
states = []
while !needed.empty?
dep = needed.remove
explain :try, [dep, dep.requester ? dep.requester.request : :toplevel]
# If there is already a spec activated for the requested name...
if specs && existing = specs.find { |s| dep.name == s.name }
# then we're done since this new dep matches the existing spec.
next if dep.matches_spec? existing
conflict = handle_conflict dep, existing
explain :conflict, conflict.explain
state = find_conflict_state conflict, states
return conflict unless state
needed, specs = resolve_for_conflict needed, specs, state
states << state unless state.possibles.empty?
matching, all = find_possible dep
case matching.size
when 0
resolve_for_zero dep, all
when 1
needed, specs =
resolve_for_single needed, specs, dep, matching
needed, specs =
resolve_for_multiple needed, specs, states, dep, matching
# Rewinds +needed+ and +specs+ to a previous state in +state+ for a conflict
# between +dep+ and +existing+.
def resolve_for_conflict needed, specs, state # :nodoc:
# We exhausted the possibles so it's definitely not going to work out,
# bail out.
raise Gem::ImpossibleDependenciesError.new state.dep, state.conflicts if
# Retry resolution with this spec and add it's dependencies
spec, act = activation_request state.dep, state.possibles
needed = requests spec, act, state.needed
specs = Gem::List.prepend state.specs, act
return needed, specs
# There are multiple +possible+ specifications for this +dep+. Updates
# +needed+, +specs+ and +states+ for further resolution of the +possible+
# choices.
def resolve_for_multiple needed, specs, states, dep, possible # :nodoc:
# Sort them so that we try the highest versions first.
possible = possible.sort_by do |s|
[s.source, s.version, s.platform == Gem::Platform::RUBY ? -1 : 1]
spec, act = activation_request dep, possible
# We may need to try all of +possible+, so we setup state to unwind back
# to current +needed+ and +specs+ so we can try another. This is code is
# what makes conflict resolution possible.
states << State.new(needed.dup, specs, dep, spec, possible, [])
explain :states, states.map { |s| s.dep }
needed = requests spec, act, needed
specs = Gem::List.prepend specs, act
return needed, specs
# Add the spec from the +possible+ list to +specs+ and process the spec's
# dependencies by adding them to +needed+.
def resolve_for_single needed, specs, dep, possible # :nodoc:
spec, act = activation_request dep, possible
specs = Gem::List.prepend specs, act
# Put the deps for at the beginning of needed
# rather than the end to match the depth first
# searching done by the multiple case code below.
# This keeps the error messages consistent.
needed = requests spec, act, needed
return needed, specs
# When there are no possible specifications for +dep+ our work is done.
def resolve_for_zero dep, platform_mismatch # :nodoc:
@missing << dep
unless @soft_missing
raise Gem::UnsatisfiableDependencyError.new(dep, platform_mismatch)
# Returns the gems in +specs+ that match the local platform.
def select_local_platforms specs # :nodoc:
specs.select do |spec|
Gem::Platform.installable? spec
# TODO remove in RubyGems 3
Gem::DependencyResolver = Gem::Resolver # :nodoc:
require 'rubygems/resolver/activation_request'
require 'rubygems/resolver/conflict'
require 'rubygems/resolver/dependency_request'
require 'rubygems/resolver/requirement_list'
require 'rubygems/resolver/set'
require 'rubygems/resolver/api_set'
require 'rubygems/resolver/composed_set'
require 'rubygems/resolver/best_set'
require 'rubygems/resolver/current_set'
require 'rubygems/resolver/git_set'
require 'rubygems/resolver/index_set'
require 'rubygems/resolver/installer_set'
require 'rubygems/resolver/lock_set'
require 'rubygems/resolver/vendor_set'
require 'rubygems/resolver/specification'
require 'rubygems/resolver/spec_specification'
require 'rubygems/resolver/api_specification'
require 'rubygems/resolver/git_specification'
require 'rubygems/resolver/index_specification'
require 'rubygems/resolver/installed_specification'
require 'rubygems/resolver/vendor_specification'