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sonots 64f53f0dbf * lib/tempfile.rb: provide default basename parameter
for Tempfile.create. [Feature ] Patch by Yuki Kurihara
* test/test_tempfile.rb: ditto.

git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@56251 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
2016-09-26 05:45:29 +00:00

343 lines
11 KiB

# frozen_string_literal: false
# tempfile - manipulates temporary files
# $Id$
require 'delegate'
require 'tmpdir'
# A utility class for managing temporary files. When you create a Tempfile
# object, it will create a temporary file with a unique filename. A Tempfile
# objects behaves just like a File object, and you can perform all the usual
# file operations on it: reading data, writing data, changing its permissions,
# etc. So although this class does not explicitly document all instance methods
# supported by File, you can in fact call any File instance method on a
# Tempfile object.
# == Synopsis
# require 'tempfile'
# file = Tempfile.new('foo')
# file.path # => A unique filename in the OS's temp directory,
# # e.g.: "/tmp/foo.24722.0"
# # This filename contains 'foo' in its basename.
# file.write("hello world")
# file.rewind
# file.read # => "hello world"
# file.close
# file.unlink # deletes the temp file
# == Good practices
# === Explicit close
# When a Tempfile object is garbage collected, or when the Ruby interpreter
# exits, its associated temporary file is automatically deleted. This means
# that's it's unnecessary to explicitly delete a Tempfile after use, though
# it's good practice to do so: not explicitly deleting unused Tempfiles can
# potentially leave behind large amounts of tempfiles on the filesystem
# until they're garbage collected. The existence of these temp files can make
# it harder to determine a new Tempfile filename.
# Therefore, one should always call #unlink or close in an ensure block, like
# this:
# file = Tempfile.new('foo')
# begin
# ...do something with file...
# ensure
# file.close
# file.unlink # deletes the temp file
# end
# === Unlink after creation
# On POSIX systems, it's possible to unlink a file right after creating it,
# and before closing it. This removes the filesystem entry without closing
# the file handle, so it ensures that only the processes that already had
# the file handle open can access the file's contents. It's strongly
# recommended that you do this if you do not want any other processes to
# be able to read from or write to the Tempfile, and you do not need to
# know the Tempfile's filename either.
# For example, a practical use case for unlink-after-creation would be this:
# you need a large byte buffer that's too large to comfortably fit in RAM,
# e.g. when you're writing a web server and you want to buffer the client's
# file upload data.
# Please refer to #unlink for more information and a code example.
# == Minor notes
# Tempfile's filename picking method is both thread-safe and inter-process-safe:
# it guarantees that no other threads or processes will pick the same filename.
# Tempfile itself however may not be entirely thread-safe. If you access the
# same Tempfile object from multiple threads then you should protect it with a
# mutex.
class Tempfile < DelegateClass(File)
# call-seq:
# new(basename = "", [tmpdir = Dir.tmpdir], [options])
# Creates a temporary file with permissions 0600 (= only readable and
# writable by the owner) and opens it with mode "w+".
# The +basename+ parameter is used to determine the name of the
# temporary file. You can either pass a String or an Array with
# 2 String elements. In the former form, the temporary file's base
# name will begin with the given string. In the latter form,
# the temporary file's base name will begin with the array's first
# element, and end with the second element. For example:
# file = Tempfile.new('hello')
# file.path # => something like: "/tmp/hello2843-8392-92849382--0"
# # Use the Array form to enforce an extension in the filename:
# file = Tempfile.new(['hello', '.jpg'])
# file.path # => something like: "/tmp/hello2843-8392-92849382--0.jpg"
# The temporary file will be placed in the directory as specified
# by the +tmpdir+ parameter. By default, this is +Dir.tmpdir+.
# When $SAFE > 0 and the given +tmpdir+ is tainted, it uses
# '/tmp' as the temporary directory. Please note that ENV values
# are tainted by default, and +Dir.tmpdir+'s return value might
# come from environment variables (e.g. <tt>$TMPDIR</tt>).
# file = Tempfile.new('hello', '/home/aisaka')
# file.path # => something like: "/home/aisaka/hello2843-8392-92849382--0"
# You can also pass an options hash. Under the hood, Tempfile creates
# the temporary file using +File.open+. These options will be passed to
# +File.open+. This is mostly useful for specifying encoding
# options, e.g.:
# Tempfile.new('hello', '/home/aisaka', :encoding => 'ascii-8bit')
# # You can also omit the 'tmpdir' parameter:
# Tempfile.new('hello', :encoding => 'ascii-8bit')
# === Exceptions
# If Tempfile.new cannot find a unique filename within a limited
# number of tries, then it will raise an exception.
def initialize(basename="", tmpdir=nil, mode: 0, **options)
warn "Tempfile.new doesn't call the given block." if block_given?
@unlinked = false
@mode = mode|File::RDWR|File::CREAT|File::EXCL
::Dir::Tmpname.create(basename, tmpdir, options) do |tmpname, n, opts|
opts[:perm] = 0600
@tmpfile = File.open(tmpname, @mode, opts)
@opts = opts.freeze
ObjectSpace.define_finalizer(self, Remover.new(@tmpfile))
# Opens or reopens the file with mode "r+".
def open
mode = @mode & ~(File::CREAT|File::EXCL)
@tmpfile = File.open(@tmpfile.path, mode, @opts)
def _close # :nodoc:
@tmpfile.close unless @tmpfile.closed?
protected :_close
# Closes the file. If +unlink_now+ is true, then the file will be unlinked
# (deleted) after closing. Of course, you can choose to later call #unlink
# if you do not unlink it now.
# If you don't explicitly unlink the temporary file, the removal
# will be delayed until the object is finalized.
def close(unlink_now=false)
unlink if unlink_now
# Closes and unlinks (deletes) the file. Has the same effect as called
# <tt>close(true)</tt>.
def close!
# Unlinks (deletes) the file from the filesystem. One should always unlink
# the file after using it, as is explained in the "Explicit close" good
# practice section in the Tempfile overview:
# file = Tempfile.new('foo')
# begin
# ...do something with file...
# ensure
# file.close
# file.unlink # deletes the temp file
# end
# === Unlink-before-close
# On POSIX systems it's possible to unlink a file before closing it. This
# practice is explained in detail in the Tempfile overview (section
# "Unlink after creation"); please refer there for more information.
# However, unlink-before-close may not be supported on non-POSIX operating
# systems. Microsoft Windows is the most notable case: unlinking a non-closed
# file will result in an error, which this method will silently ignore. If
# you want to practice unlink-before-close whenever possible, then you should
# write code like this:
# file = Tempfile.new('foo')
# file.unlink # On Windows this silently fails.
# begin
# ... do something with file ...
# ensure
# file.close! # Closes the file handle. If the file wasn't unlinked
# # because #unlink failed, then this method will attempt
# # to do so again.
# end
def unlink
return if @unlinked
rescue Errno::ENOENT
rescue Errno::EACCES
# may not be able to unlink on Windows; just ignore
@unlinked = true
alias delete unlink
# Returns the full path name of the temporary file.
# This will be nil if #unlink has been called.
def path
@unlinked ? nil : @tmpfile.path
# Returns the size of the temporary file. As a side effect, the IO
# buffer is flushed before determining the size.
def size
if !@tmpfile.closed?
@tmpfile.size # File#size calls rb_io_flush_raw()
alias length size
# :stopdoc:
def inspect
if closed?
"#<#{self.class}:#{path} (closed)>"
class Remover
def initialize(tmpfile)
@pid = Process.pid
@tmpfile = tmpfile
def call(*args)
return if @pid != Process.pid
warn "removing #{@tmpfile.path}..." if $DEBUG
@tmpfile.close unless @tmpfile.closed?
rescue Errno::ENOENT
warn "done" if $DEBUG
class << self
# :startdoc:
# Creates a new Tempfile.
# If no block is given, this is a synonym for Tempfile.new.
# If a block is given, then a Tempfile object will be constructed,
# and the block is run with said object as argument. The Tempfile
# object will be automatically closed after the block terminates.
# The call returns the value of the block.
# In any case, all arguments (+*args+) will be passed to Tempfile.new.
# Tempfile.open('foo', '/home/temp') do |f|
# ... do something with f ...
# end
# # Equivalent:
# f = Tempfile.open('foo', '/home/temp')
# begin
# ... do something with f ...
# ensure
# f.close
# end
def open(*args)
tempfile = new(*args)
if block_given?
# Creates a temporary file as usual File object (not Tempfile).
# It doesn't use finalizer and delegation.
# If no block is given, this is similar to Tempfile.new except
# creating File instead of Tempfile.
# The created file is not removed automatically.
# You should use File.unlink to remove it.
# If a block is given, then a File object will be constructed,
# and the block is invoked with the object as the argument.
# The File object will be automatically closed and
# the temporary file is removed after the block terminates.
# The call returns the value of the block.
# In any case, all arguments (+*args+) will be treated as Tempfile.new.
# Tempfile.create('foo', '/home/temp') do |f|
# ... do something with f ...
# end
def Tempfile.create(basename="", tmpdir=nil, mode: 0, **options)
tmpfile = nil
Dir::Tmpname.create(basename, tmpdir, options) do |tmpname, n, opts|
mode |= File::RDWR|File::CREAT|File::EXCL
opts[:perm] = 0600
tmpfile = File.open(tmpname, mode, opts)
if block_given?
yield tmpfile
tmpfile.close if !tmpfile.closed?
File.unlink tmpfile