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in trunk. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@32305 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
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require 'pp'
require File.expand_path '../xref_test_case', __FILE__
class TestRDocClassModule < XrefTestCase
def setup
@RM = RDoc::Markup
def mu_pp obj
s = ''
s = PP.pp obj, s
s.force_encoding Encoding.default_external if defined? Encoding
def test_add_comment
tl1 = RDoc::TopLevel.new 'one.rb'
tl2 = RDoc::TopLevel.new 'two.rb'
tl3 = RDoc::TopLevel.new 'three.rb'
cm = RDoc::ClassModule.new 'Klass'
cm.add_comment '# comment 1', tl1
assert_equal [['comment 1', tl1]], cm.comment_location
assert_equal 'comment 1', cm.comment
cm.add_comment '# comment 2', tl2
assert_equal [['comment 1', tl1], ['comment 2', tl2]], cm.comment_location
assert_equal "comment 1\n---\ncomment 2", cm.comment
cm.add_comment "# * comment 3", tl3
assert_equal [['comment 1', tl1],
['comment 2', tl2],
['* comment 3', tl3]], cm.comment_location
assert_equal "comment 1\n---\ncomment 2\n---\n* comment 3", cm.comment
def test_add_comment_stopdoc
tl = RDoc::TopLevel.new 'file.rb'
cm = RDoc::ClassModule.new 'Klass'
cm.add_comment '# comment 1', tl
assert_empty cm.comment
def test_ancestors
assert_equal [@parent], @child.ancestors
def test_comment_equals
cm = RDoc::ClassModule.new 'Klass'
cm.comment = '# comment 1'
assert_equal 'comment 1', cm.comment
cm.comment = '# comment 2'
assert_equal "comment 1\n---\ncomment 2", cm.comment
cm.comment = "# * comment 3"
assert_equal "comment 1\n---\ncomment 2\n---\n* comment 3", cm.comment
def test_each_ancestor
ancestors = []
@child.each_ancestor do |mod|
ancestors << mod
assert_equal [@parent], ancestors
# handle making a short module alias of yourself
def test_find_class_named
@c2.classes_hash['C2'] = @c2
assert_nil @c2.find_class_named('C1')
def test_from_module_comment
tl = RDoc::TopLevel.new 'file.rb'
klass = tl.add_class RDoc::NormalModule, 'Klass'
klass.add_comment 'really a class', tl
klass = RDoc::ClassModule.from_module RDoc::NormalClass, klass
assert_equal [['really a class', tl]], klass.comment_location
def test_marshal_dump
tl = RDoc::TopLevel.new 'file.rb'
ns = tl.add_module RDoc::NormalModule, 'Namespace'
cm = ns.add_class RDoc::NormalClass, 'Klass', 'Super'
cm.record_location tl
a1 = RDoc::Attr.new nil, 'a1', 'RW', ''
a1.record_location tl
a2 = RDoc::Attr.new nil, 'a2', 'RW', '', true
a2.record_location tl
m1 = RDoc::AnyMethod.new nil, 'm1'
m1.record_location tl
c1 = RDoc::Constant.new 'C1', nil, ''
c1.record_location tl
i1 = RDoc::Include.new 'I1', ''
i1.record_location tl
cm.add_attribute a1
cm.add_attribute a2
cm.add_method m1
cm.add_constant c1
cm.add_include i1
cm.add_comment 'this is a comment', tl
loaded = Marshal.load Marshal.dump cm
assert_equal cm, loaded
inner = RDoc::Markup::Document.new(
RDoc::Markup::Paragraph.new('this is a comment'))
inner.file = tl.absolute_name
comment = RDoc::Markup::Document.new inner
assert_equal [a2, a1], loaded.attributes.sort
assert_equal comment, loaded.comment
assert_equal [c1], loaded.constants
assert_equal 'Namespace::Klass', loaded.full_name
assert_equal [i1], loaded.includes
assert_equal [m1], loaded.method_list
assert_equal 'Klass', loaded.name
assert_equal 'Super', loaded.superclass
assert_equal tl, loaded.attributes.first.file
assert_equal tl, loaded.constants.first.file
assert_equal tl, loaded.includes.first.file
assert_equal tl, loaded.method_list.first.file
def test_marshal_load_version_0
tl = RDoc::TopLevel.new 'file.rb'
ns = tl.add_module RDoc::NormalModule, 'Namespace'
cm = ns.add_class RDoc::NormalClass, 'Klass', 'Super'
a = RDoc::Attr.new(nil, 'a1', 'RW', '')
m = RDoc::AnyMethod.new(nil, 'm1')
c = RDoc::Constant.new('C1', nil, '')
i = RDoc::Include.new('I1', '')
cm.add_attribute a
cm.add_method m
cm.add_constant c
cm.add_include i
cm.add_comment 'this is a comment', tl
loaded = Marshal.load "\x04\bU:\x16RDoc::NormalClass[\x0Ei\x00\"\nKlass" \
"\"\x15Namespace::KlassI\"\nSuper\x06:\x06EF" \
"o:\eRDoc::Markup::Document\x06:\v@parts[\x06" \
"o:\x1CRDoc::Markup::Paragraph\x06;\b[\x06I" \
"\"\x16this is a comment\x06;\x06F[\x06[\aI" \
"\"\aa1\x06;\x06FI\"\aRW\x06;\x06F[\x06[\aI" \
"\"\aC1\x06;\x06Fo;\a\x06;\b[\x00[\x06[\aI" \
"\"\aI1\x06;\x06Fo;\a\x06;\b[\x00[\a[\aI" \
"\"\nclass\x06;\x06F[\b[\a:\vpublic[\x00[\a" \
":\x0Eprotected[\x00[\a:\fprivate[\x00[\aI" \
"\"\rinstance\x06;\x06F[\b[\a;\n[\x06I" \
assert_equal cm, loaded
comment = RDoc::Markup::Document.new(
RDoc::Markup::Paragraph.new('this is a comment'))
assert_equal [a], loaded.attributes
assert_equal comment, loaded.comment
assert_equal [c], loaded.constants
assert_equal 'Namespace::Klass', loaded.full_name
assert_equal [i], loaded.includes
assert_equal [m], loaded.method_list
assert_equal 'Klass', loaded.name
assert_equal 'Super', loaded.superclass
assert_equal nil, loaded.file
def test_merge_attributes
tl1 = RDoc::TopLevel.new 'one.rb'
tl2 = RDoc::TopLevel.new 'two.rb'
cm1 = RDoc::ClassModule.new 'Klass'
attr = cm1.add_attribute RDoc::Attr.new(nil, 'a1', 'RW', '')
attr.record_location tl1
attr = cm1.add_attribute RDoc::Attr.new(nil, 'a3', 'R', '')
attr.record_location tl1
attr = cm1.add_attribute RDoc::Attr.new(nil, 'a4', 'R', '')
attr.record_location tl1
cm2 = RDoc::ClassModule.new 'Klass'
# TODO allow merging when comment == ''
cm2.instance_variable_set :@comment, @RM::Document.new
attr = cm2.add_attribute RDoc::Attr.new(nil, 'a2', 'RW', '')
attr.record_location tl2
attr = cm2.add_attribute RDoc::Attr.new(nil, 'a3', 'W', '')
attr.record_location tl1
attr = cm2.add_attribute RDoc::Attr.new(nil, 'a4', 'W', '')
attr.record_location tl1
cm1.merge cm2
expected = [
RDoc::Attr.new(nil, 'a2', 'RW', ''),
RDoc::Attr.new(nil, 'a3', 'W', ''),
RDoc::Attr.new(nil, 'a4', 'W', ''),
expected.each do |a| a.parent = cm1 end
assert_equal expected, cm1.attributes.sort
def test_merge_attributes_version_0
tl1 = RDoc::TopLevel.new 'one.rb'
cm1 = RDoc::ClassModule.new 'Klass'
attr = cm1.add_attribute RDoc::Attr.new(nil, 'a1', 'RW', '')
attr.record_location tl1
attr = cm1.add_attribute RDoc::Attr.new(nil, 'a3', 'R', '')
attr.record_location tl1
attr = cm1.add_attribute RDoc::Attr.new(nil, 'a4', 'R', '')
attr.record_location tl1
cm2 = RDoc::ClassModule.new 'Klass'
# TODO allow merging when comment == ''
cm2.instance_variable_set :@comment, @RM::Document.new
attr = cm2.add_attribute RDoc::Attr.new(nil, 'a2', 'RW', '')
attr = cm2.add_attribute RDoc::Attr.new(nil, 'a3', 'W', '')
attr = cm2.add_attribute RDoc::Attr.new(nil, 'a4', 'W', '')
cm1.merge cm2
expected = [
RDoc::Attr.new(nil, 'a1', 'RW', ''),
RDoc::Attr.new(nil, 'a2', 'RW', ''),
RDoc::Attr.new(nil, 'a3', 'RW', ''),
RDoc::Attr.new(nil, 'a4', 'RW', ''),
expected.each do |a| a.parent = cm1 end
assert_equal expected, cm1.attributes.sort
def test_merge_collections_drop
tl = RDoc::TopLevel.new 'file'
cm1 = RDoc::ClassModule.new 'C'
cm1.record_location tl
const = cm1.add_constant RDoc::Constant.new('CONST', nil, nil)
const.record_location tl
cm2 = RDoc::ClassModule.new 'C'
cm2.record_location tl
added = []
removed = []
cm1.merge_collections cm1.constants, cm2.constants, cm2.in_files do |add, c|
if add then
added << c
removed << c
assert_empty added
assert_equal [const], removed
def test_merge_comment
tl1 = RDoc::TopLevel.new 'one.rb'
tl2 = RDoc::TopLevel.new 'two.rb'
cm1 = RDoc::ClassModule.new 'Klass'
cm1.add_comment 'klass 1', tl1
cm2 = RDoc::ClassModule.new 'Klass'
cm2.add_comment 'klass 2', tl2
cm2.add_comment 'klass 3', tl1
cm2 = Marshal.load Marshal.dump cm2
cm1.merge cm2
inner1 = @RM::Document.new @RM::Paragraph.new 'klass 3'
inner1.file = 'one.rb'
inner2 = @RM::Document.new @RM::Paragraph.new 'klass 2'
inner2.file = 'two.rb'
expected = @RM::Document.new inner2, inner1
assert_equal expected, cm1.comment
def test_merge_comment_version_0
tl = RDoc::TopLevel.new 'file.rb'
cm1 = RDoc::ClassModule.new 'Klass'
cm1.add_comment 'klass 1', tl
cm2 = RDoc::ClassModule.new 'Klass'
@RM::Paragraph.new('klass 2')))
cm2.instance_variable_set :@comment_location, @RM::Document.new(cm2.comment)
cm1.merge cm2
inner = @RM::Document.new @RM::Paragraph.new 'klass 1'
inner.file = 'file.rb'
expected = @RM::Document.new \
@RM::Document.new(@RM::Paragraph.new('klass 2'))
assert_equal expected, cm1.comment
def test_merge_constants
tl1 = RDoc::TopLevel.new 'one.rb'
tl2 = RDoc::TopLevel.new 'two.rb'
cm1 = RDoc::ClassModule.new 'Klass'
const = cm1.add_constant RDoc::Constant.new('C1', nil, 'one')
const.record_location tl1
const = cm1.add_constant RDoc::Constant.new('C3', nil, 'one')
const.record_location tl1
cm2 = RDoc::ClassModule.new 'Klass'
cm2.instance_variable_set :@comment, @RM::Document.new
const = cm2.add_constant RDoc::Constant.new('C2', nil, 'two')
const.record_location tl2
const = cm2.add_constant RDoc::Constant.new('C3', nil, 'one')
const.record_location tl1
const = cm2.add_constant RDoc::Constant.new('C4', nil, 'one')
const.record_location tl1
cm1.merge cm2
expected = [
RDoc::Constant.new('C2', nil, 'two'),
RDoc::Constant.new('C3', nil, 'one'),
RDoc::Constant.new('C4', nil, 'one'),
expected.each do |a| a.parent = cm1 end
assert_equal expected, cm1.constants.sort
def test_merge_constants_version_0
tl1 = RDoc::TopLevel.new 'one.rb'
cm1 = RDoc::ClassModule.new 'Klass'
const = cm1.add_constant RDoc::Constant.new('C1', nil, 'one')
const.record_location tl1
const = cm1.add_constant RDoc::Constant.new('C3', nil, 'one')
const.record_location tl1
cm2 = RDoc::ClassModule.new 'Klass'
cm2.instance_variable_set :@comment, @RM::Document.new
const = cm2.add_constant RDoc::Constant.new('C2', nil, 'two')
const = cm2.add_constant RDoc::Constant.new('C3', nil, 'two')
const = cm2.add_constant RDoc::Constant.new('C4', nil, 'two')
cm1.merge cm2
expected = [
RDoc::Constant.new('C1', nil, 'one'),
RDoc::Constant.new('C2', nil, 'two'),
RDoc::Constant.new('C3', nil, 'one'),
RDoc::Constant.new('C4', nil, 'two'),
expected.each do |a| a.parent = cm1 end
assert_equal expected, cm1.constants.sort
def test_merge_includes
tl1 = RDoc::TopLevel.new 'one.rb'
tl2 = RDoc::TopLevel.new 'two.rb'
cm1 = RDoc::ClassModule.new 'Klass'
incl = cm1.add_include RDoc::Include.new('I1', 'one')
incl.record_location tl1
incl = cm1.add_include RDoc::Include.new('I3', 'one')
incl.record_location tl1
cm2 = RDoc::ClassModule.new 'Klass'
cm2.instance_variable_set :@comment, @RM::Document.new
incl = cm2.add_include RDoc::Include.new('I2', 'two')
incl.record_location tl2
incl = cm2.add_include RDoc::Include.new('I3', 'one')
incl.record_location tl1
incl = cm2.add_include RDoc::Include.new('I4', 'one')
incl.record_location tl1
cm1.merge cm2
expected = [
RDoc::Include.new('I2', 'two'),
RDoc::Include.new('I3', 'one'),
RDoc::Include.new('I4', 'one'),
expected.each do |a| a.parent = cm1 end
assert_equal expected, cm1.includes.sort
def test_merge_includes_version_0
tl1 = RDoc::TopLevel.new 'one.rb'
cm1 = RDoc::ClassModule.new 'Klass'
incl = cm1.add_include RDoc::Include.new('I1', 'one')
incl.record_location tl1
incl = cm1.add_include RDoc::Include.new('I3', 'one')
incl.record_location tl1
cm2 = RDoc::ClassModule.new 'Klass'
cm2.instance_variable_set :@comment, @RM::Document.new
incl = cm2.add_include RDoc::Include.new('I2', 'two')
incl = cm2.add_include RDoc::Include.new('I3', 'two')
incl = cm2.add_include RDoc::Include.new('I4', 'two')
cm1.merge cm2
expected = [
RDoc::Include.new('I1', 'one'),
RDoc::Include.new('I2', 'two'),
RDoc::Include.new('I3', 'one'),
RDoc::Include.new('I4', 'two'),
expected.each do |a| a.parent = cm1 end
assert_equal expected, cm1.includes.sort
def test_merge_methods
tl1 = RDoc::TopLevel.new 'one.rb'
tl2 = RDoc::TopLevel.new 'two.rb'
cm1 = RDoc::ClassModule.new 'Klass'
meth = cm1.add_method RDoc::AnyMethod.new(nil, 'm1')
meth.record_location tl1
meth = cm1.add_method RDoc::AnyMethod.new(nil, 'm3')
meth.record_location tl1
cm2 = RDoc::ClassModule.new 'Klass'
cm2.instance_variable_set :@comment, @RM::Document.new
meth = cm2.add_method RDoc::AnyMethod.new(nil, 'm2')
meth.record_location tl2
meth = cm2.add_method RDoc::AnyMethod.new(nil, 'm3')
meth.record_location tl1
meth = cm2.add_method RDoc::AnyMethod.new(nil, 'm4')
meth.record_location tl1
cm1.merge cm2
expected = [
RDoc::AnyMethod.new(nil, 'm2'),
RDoc::AnyMethod.new(nil, 'm3'),
RDoc::AnyMethod.new(nil, 'm4'),
expected.each do |a| a.parent = cm1 end
assert_equal expected, cm1.method_list.sort
def test_merge_methods_version_0
tl1 = RDoc::TopLevel.new 'one.rb'
cm1 = RDoc::ClassModule.new 'Klass'
meth = cm1.add_method RDoc::AnyMethod.new(nil, 'm1')
meth.record_location tl1
meth = cm1.add_method RDoc::AnyMethod.new(nil, 'm3')
meth.record_location tl1
cm2 = RDoc::ClassModule.new 'Klass'
cm2.instance_variable_set :@comment, @RM::Document.new
meth = cm2.add_method RDoc::AnyMethod.new(nil, 'm2')
meth = cm2.add_method RDoc::AnyMethod.new(nil, 'm3')
meth = cm2.add_method RDoc::AnyMethod.new(nil, 'm4')
cm1.merge cm2
expected = [
RDoc::AnyMethod.new(nil, 'm1'),
RDoc::AnyMethod.new(nil, 'm2'),
RDoc::AnyMethod.new(nil, 'm3'),
RDoc::AnyMethod.new(nil, 'm4'),
expected.each do |a| a.parent = cm1 end
assert_equal expected, cm1.method_list.sort
def test_parse
tl1 = RDoc::TopLevel.new 'one.rb'
tl2 = RDoc::TopLevel.new 'two.rb'
cm = RDoc::ClassModule.new 'Klass'
cm.add_comment 'comment 1', tl1
cm.add_comment 'comment 2', tl2
doc1 = @RM::Document.new @RM::Paragraph.new 'comment 1'
doc1.file = tl1.absolute_name
doc2 = @RM::Document.new @RM::Paragraph.new 'comment 2'
doc2.file = tl2.absolute_name
expected = @RM::Document.new doc1, doc2
assert_equal expected, cm.parse(cm.comment_location)
def test_parse_comment_location
tl1 = RDoc::TopLevel.new 'one.rb'
tl2 = RDoc::TopLevel.new 'two.rb'
cm = RDoc::ClassModule.new 'Klass'
cm.add_comment 'comment 1', tl1
cm.add_comment 'comment 2', tl2
cm = Marshal.load Marshal.dump cm
doc1 = @RM::Document.new @RM::Paragraph.new 'comment 1'
doc1.file = tl1.absolute_name
doc2 = @RM::Document.new @RM::Paragraph.new 'comment 2'
doc2.file = tl2.absolute_name
assert_same cm.comment_location, cm.parse(cm.comment_location)
def test_remove_nodoc_children
parent = RDoc::ClassModule.new 'A'
parent.modules_hash.replace 'B' => true, 'C' => true
RDoc::TopLevel.all_modules_hash.replace 'A::B' => true
parent.classes_hash.replace 'D' => true, 'E' => true
RDoc::TopLevel.all_classes_hash.replace 'A::D' => true
assert_equal %w[B], parent.modules_hash.keys
assert_equal %w[D], parent.classes_hash.keys
def test_superclass
assert_equal @c3_h1, @c3_h2.superclass
def test_update_aliases_class
n1 = @xref_data.add_module RDoc::NormalClass, 'N1'
n1_k2 = n1.add_module RDoc::NormalClass, 'N2'
n1.add_module_alias n1_k2, 'A1', @xref_data
n1_a1_c = n1.constants.find { |c| c.name == 'A1' }
refute_nil n1_a1_c
assert_equal n1_k2, n1_a1_c.is_alias_for, 'sanity check'
n1_a1_k = @xref_data.find_class_or_module 'N1::A1'
refute_nil n1_a1_k
assert_equal n1_k2, n1_a1_k.is_alias_for
refute_equal n1_k2, n1_a1_k
assert_equal 1, n1_k2.aliases.length
assert_equal n1_a1_k, n1_k2.aliases.first
assert_equal 'N1::N2', n1_k2.full_name
assert_equal 'N1::A1', n1_a1_k.full_name
def test_update_aliases_module
n1 = @xref_data.add_module RDoc::NormalModule, 'N1'
n1_n2 = n1.add_module RDoc::NormalModule, 'N2'
n1.add_module_alias n1_n2, 'A1', @xref_data
n1_a1_c = n1.constants.find { |c| c.name == 'A1' }
refute_nil n1_a1_c
assert_equal n1_n2, n1_a1_c.is_alias_for, 'sanity check'
n1_a1_m = @xref_data.find_class_or_module 'N1::A1'
refute_nil n1_a1_m
assert_equal n1_n2, n1_a1_m.is_alias_for
refute_equal n1_n2, n1_a1_m
assert_equal 1, n1_n2.aliases.length
assert_equal n1_a1_m, n1_n2.aliases.first
assert_equal 'N1::N2', n1_n2.full_name
assert_equal 'N1::A1', n1_a1_m.full_name
def test_update_aliases_reparent
l1 = @xref_data.add_module RDoc::NormalModule, 'L1'
l1_l2 = l1.add_module RDoc::NormalModule, 'L2'
o1 = @xref_data.add_module RDoc::NormalModule, 'O1'
o1.add_module_alias l1_l2, 'A1', @xref_data
o1_a1_c = o1.constants.find { |c| c.name == 'A1' }
refute_nil o1_a1_c
assert_equal l1_l2, o1_a1_c.is_alias_for
refute_equal l1_l2, o1_a1_c
o1_a1_m = @xref_data.find_class_or_module 'O1::A1'
refute_nil o1_a1_m
assert_equal l1_l2, o1_a1_m.is_alias_for
assert_equal 1, l1_l2.aliases.length
assert_equal o1_a1_m, l1_l2.aliases[0]
assert_equal 'L1::L2', l1_l2.full_name
assert_equal 'O1::A1', o1_a1_m.full_name
def test_update_includes
a = RDoc::Include.new 'M1', nil
b = RDoc::Include.new 'M2', nil
c = RDoc::Include.new 'C', nil
@c1.add_include a
@c1.add_include b
@c1.add_include c
@c1.ancestors # cache included modules
@m1_m2.document_self = nil
assert @m1_m2.remove_from_documentation?
assert RDoc::TopLevel.all_modules_hash.key? @m1_m2.full_name
refute RDoc::TopLevel.all_modules_hash[@m1_m2.full_name].nil?
RDoc::TopLevel.remove_nodoc RDoc::TopLevel.all_modules_hash
refute RDoc::TopLevel.all_modules_hash.key? @m1_m2.full_name
assert_equal [a, c], @c1.includes
def test_update_includes_with_colons
a = RDoc::Include.new 'M1', nil
b = RDoc::Include.new 'M1::M2', nil
c = RDoc::Include.new 'C', nil
@c1.add_include a
@c1.add_include b
@c1.add_include c
@c1.ancestors # cache included modules
@m1_m2.document_self = nil
assert @m1_m2.remove_from_documentation?
assert RDoc::TopLevel.all_modules_hash.key? @m1_m2.full_name
refute RDoc::TopLevel.all_modules_hash[@m1_m2.full_name].nil?
RDoc::TopLevel.remove_nodoc RDoc::TopLevel.all_modules_hash
refute RDoc::TopLevel.all_modules_hash.key? @m1_m2.full_name
assert_equal [a, c], @c1.includes