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https://github.com/ruby/irb/issues/55 If we had put multiple open braces on a line the with no closing brace spaces_of_nest array keeps getting '0' added to it. This means that when we pop off of this array we are saying that we should be in position zero for the next line. This is an issue because we don't always want to be in position 0 after a closing brace. Example: ``` [[[ ] ] ] ``` In the above example the 'spaces_of_nest' array looks like this after the first line is entered: [0,0,0]. We really want to be indented 4 spaces for the 1st closing brace 2 for the 2nd and 0 for the 3rd. i.e. we want it to be: [0,2,4]. We also saw this issue with a heredoc inside of an array. ``` [<<FOO] hello FOO ``` https://github.com/ruby/irb/commit/80c69c8272
116 lines
4 KiB
116 lines
4 KiB
$LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path('../../lib', __FILE__)
require 'irb/ruby-lex'
require 'test/unit'
require 'ostruct'
module TestIRB
class TestRubyLex < Test::Unit::TestCase
Row = Struct.new(:content, :current_line_spaces, :new_line_spaces)
class MockIO
def initialize(params, &assertion)
@params = params
@assertion = assertion
def auto_indent(&block)
result = block.call(*@params)
def assert_indenting(lines, correct_space_count, add_new_line)
lines = lines + [""] if add_new_line
last_line_index = lines.length - 1
byte_pointer = lines.last.length
ruby_lex = RubyLex.new()
io = MockIO.new([lines, last_line_index, byte_pointer, add_new_line]) do |auto_indent|
error_message = "Calculated the wrong number of spaces for:\n #{lines.join("\n")}"
assert_equal(correct_space_count, auto_indent, error_message)
context = OpenStruct.new(auto_indent_mode: true)
def test_auto_indent
input_with_correct_indents = [
Row.new(%q(def each_top_level_statement), nil, 2),
Row.new(%q( initialize_input), nil, 2),
Row.new(%q( catch(:TERM_INPUT) do), nil, 4),
Row.new(%q( loop do), nil, 6),
Row.new(%q( begin), nil, 8),
Row.new(%q( prompt), nil, 8),
Row.new(%q( unless l = lex), nil, 10),
Row.new(%q( throw :TERM_INPUT if @line == ''), nil, 10),
Row.new(%q( else), 8, 10),
Row.new(%q( @line_no += l.count("\n")), nil, 10),
Row.new(%q( next if l == "\n"), nil, 10),
Row.new(%q( @line.concat l), nil, 10),
Row.new(%q( if @code_block_open or @ltype or @continue or @indent > 0), nil, 12),
Row.new(%q( next), nil, 12),
Row.new(%q( end), 10, 10),
Row.new(%q( end), 8, 8),
Row.new(%q( if @line != "\n"), nil, 10),
Row.new(%q( @line.force_encoding(@io.encoding)), nil, 10),
Row.new(%q( yield @line, @exp_line_no), nil, 10),
Row.new(%q( end), 8, 8),
Row.new(%q( break if @io.eof?), nil, 8),
Row.new(%q( @line = ''), nil, 8),
Row.new(%q( @exp_line_no = @line_no), nil, 8),
Row.new(%q( ), nil, 8),
Row.new(%q( @indent = 0), nil, 8),
Row.new(%q( rescue TerminateLineInput), 6, 8),
Row.new(%q( initialize_input), nil, 8),
Row.new(%q( prompt), nil, 8),
Row.new(%q( end), 6, 6),
Row.new(%q( end), 4, 4),
Row.new(%q( end), 2, 2),
Row.new(%q(end), 0, 0),
lines = []
input_with_correct_indents.each do |row|
lines << row.content
assert_indenting(lines, row.current_line_spaces, false)
assert_indenting(lines, row.new_line_spaces, true)
def test_braces_on_thier_own_line
input_with_correct_indents = [
Row.new(%q(if true), nil, 2),
Row.new(%q( [), nil, 4),
Row.new(%q( ]), 2, 2),
Row.new(%q(end), 0, 0),
lines = []
input_with_correct_indents.each do |row|
lines << row.content
assert_indenting(lines, row.current_line_spaces, false)
assert_indenting(lines, row.new_line_spaces, true)
def test_multiple_braces_in_a_line
input_with_correct_indents = [
Row.new(%q([[[), nil, 6),
Row.new(%q( ]), 4, 4),
Row.new(%q( ]), 2, 2),
Row.new(%q(]), 0, 0),
Row.new(%q([<<FOO]), nil, 0),
Row.new(%q(hello), nil, 0),
Row.new(%q(FOO), nil, 0),
lines = []
input_with_correct_indents.each do |row|
lines << row.content
assert_indenting(lines, row.current_line_spaces, false)
assert_indenting(lines, row.new_line_spaces, true)