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Enhanced RDoc for Logger https://github.com/ruby/logger/commit/c601ed0370 Co-authored-by: Peter Zhu <peter@peterzhu.ca>
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# frozen_string_literal: true
# logger.rb - simple logging utility
# Copyright (C) 2000-2003, 2005, 2008, 2011 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi <nahi@ruby-lang.org>.
# Documentation:: NAKAMURA, Hiroshi and Gavin Sinclair
# License::
# You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms of Ruby's
# license; either the dual license version in 2003, or any later version.
# Revision:: $Id$
# A simple system for logging messages. See Logger for more documentation.
require 'monitor'
require 'rbconfig'
require_relative 'logger/version'
require_relative 'logger/formatter'
require_relative 'logger/log_device'
require_relative 'logger/severity'
require_relative 'logger/errors'
# \Class \Logger provides a simple but sophisticated logging utility that
# you can use to create one or more
# {event logs}[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logging_(software)#Event_logs]
# for your program.
# Each such log contains a chronological sequence of entries
# that provides a record of the program's activities.
# == About the Examples
# All examples on this page assume that \Logger has been required:
# require 'logger'
# == Synopsis
# Create a log with Logger.new:
# # Single log file.
# logger = Logger.new('t.log')
# # Size-based rotated logging: 3 10-megabyte files.
# logger = Logger.new('t.log', 3, 10485760)
# # Period-based rotated logging: daily (also allowed: 'weekly', 'monthly').
# logger = Logger.new('t.log', 'daily')
# # Log to an IO stream.
# logger = Logger.new($stdout)
# Add entries (level, message) with Logger#add:
# logger.add(Logger::DEBUG, 'Maximal debugging info')
# logger.add(Logger::INFO, 'Non-error information')
# logger.add(Logger::WARN, 'Non-error warning')
# logger.add(Logger::ERROR, 'Non-fatal error')
# logger.add(Logger::FATAL, 'Fatal error')
# logger.add(Logger::UNKNOWN, 'Most severe')
# Close the log with Logger#close:
# logger.close
# == Entries
# You can add entries with method Logger#add:
# logger.add(Logger::DEBUG, 'Maximal debugging info')
# logger.add(Logger::INFO, 'Non-error information')
# logger.add(Logger::WARN, 'Non-error warning')
# logger.add(Logger::ERROR, 'Non-fatal error')
# logger.add(Logger::FATAL, 'Fatal error')
# logger.add(Logger::UNKNOWN, 'Most severe')
# These shorthand methods also add entries:
# logger.debug('Maximal debugging info')
# logger.info('Non-error information')
# logger.warn('Non-error warning')
# logger.error('Non-fatal error')
# logger.fatal('Fatal error')
# logger.unknown('Most severe')
# When you call any of these methods,
# the entry may or may not be written to the log,
# depending on the entry's severity and on the log level;
# see {Log Level}[rdoc-ref:Logger@Log+Level]
# An entry always has:
# - A severity (the required argument to #add).
# - An automatically created timestamp.
# And may also have:
# - A message.
# - A program name.
# Example:
# logger = Logger.new($stdout)
# logger.add(Logger::INFO, 'My message.', 'mung')
# # => I, [2022-05-07T17:21:46.536234 #20536] INFO -- mung: My message.
# The default format for an entry is:
# "%s, [%s #%d] %5s -- %s: %s\n"
# where the values to be formatted are:
# - \Severity (one letter).
# - Timestamp.
# - Timezone.
# - \Severity (word).
# - Program name.
# - Message.
# You can use a different entry format by:
# - Setting a custom format proc (affects following entries);
# see {formatter=}[Logger.html#attribute-i-formatter].
# - Calling any of the methods above with a block
# (affects only the one entry).
# Doing so can have two benefits:
# - Context: the block can evaluate the entire program context
# and create a context-dependent message.
# - Performance: the block is not evaluated unless the log level
# permits the entry actually to be written:
# logger.error { my_slow_message_generator }
# Contrast this with the string form, where the string is
# always evaluated, regardless of the log level:
# logger.error("#{my_slow_message_generator}")
# === \Severity
# The severity of a log entry has two effects:
# - Determines whether the entry is selected for inclusion in the log;
# see {Log Level}[rdoc-ref:Logger@Log+Level].
# - Indicates to any log reader (whether a person or a program)
# the relative importance of the entry.
# === Timestamp
# The timestamp for a log entry is generated automatically
# when the entry is created.
# The logged timestamp is formatted by method
# {Time#strftime}[https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/master/Time.html#method-i-strftime]
# using this format string:
# '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%6N'
# Example:
# logger = Logger.new($stdout)
# logger.add(Logger::INFO)
# # => I, [2022-05-07T17:04:32.318331 #20536] INFO -- : nil
# You can set a different format using method #datetime_format=.
# === Message
# The message is an optional argument to an entry method:
# logger = Logger.new($stdout)
# logger.add(Logger::INFO, 'My message')
# # => I, [2022-05-07T18:15:37.647581 #20536] INFO -- : My message
# For the default entry formatter, <tt>Logger::Formatter</tt>,
# the message object may be:
# - A string: used as-is.
# - An Exception: <tt>message.message</tt> is used.
# - Anything else: <tt>message.inspect</tt> is used.
# *Note*: Logger::Formatter does not escape or sanitize
# the message passed to it.
# Developers should be aware that malicious data (user input)
# may be in the message, and should explicitly escape untrusted data.
# You can use a custom formatter to escape message data;
# see the example at {formatter=}[Logger.html#attribute-i-formatter].
# === Program Name
# The program name is an optional argument to an entry method:
# logger = Logger.new($stdout)
# logger.add(Logger::INFO, 'My message', 'mung')
# # => I, [2022-05-07T18:17:38.084716 #20536] INFO -- mung: My message
# The default program name for a new logger may be set in the call to
# Logger.new via optional keyword argument +progname+:
# logger = Logger.new('t.log', progname: 'mung')
# The default program name for an existing logger may be set
# by a call to method #progname=:
# logger.progname = 'mung'
# The current program name may be retrieved with method
# {progname}[Logger.html#attribute-i-progname]:
# logger.progname # => "mung"
# == Log Level
# The log level setting determines whether an entry is actually
# written to the log, based on the entry's severity.
# These are the defined severities (least severe to most severe):
# logger = Logger.new($stdout)
# logger.add(Logger::DEBUG, 'Maximal debugging info')
# # => D, [2022-05-07T17:57:41.776220 #20536] DEBUG -- : Maximal debugging info
# logger.add(Logger::INFO, 'Non-error information')
# # => I, [2022-05-07T17:59:14.349167 #20536] INFO -- : Non-error information
# logger.add(Logger::WARN, 'Non-error warning')
# # => W, [2022-05-07T18:00:45.337538 #20536] WARN -- : Non-error warning
# logger.add(Logger::ERROR, 'Non-fatal error')
# # => E, [2022-05-07T18:02:41.592912 #20536] ERROR -- : Non-fatal error
# logger.add(Logger::FATAL, 'Fatal error')
# # => F, [2022-05-07T18:05:24.703931 #20536] FATAL -- : Fatal error
# logger.add(Logger::UNKNOWN, 'Most severe')
# # => A, [2022-05-07T18:07:54.657491 #20536] ANY -- : Most severe
# The default initial level setting is Logger::DEBUG, the lowest level,
# which means that all entries are to be written, regardless of severity:
# logger = Logger.new($stdout)
# logger.level # => 0
# logger.add(0, "My message")
# # => D, [2022-05-11T15:10:59.773668 #20536] DEBUG -- : My message
# You can specify a different setting in a new logger
# using keyword argument +level+ with an appropriate value:
# logger = Logger.new($stdout, level: Logger::ERROR)
# logger = Logger.new($stdout, level: 'error')
# logger = Logger.new($stdout, level: :error)
# logger.level # => 3
# With this level, entries with severity Logger::ERROR and higher
# are written, while those with lower severities are not written:
# logger = Logger.new($stdout, level: Logger::ERROR)
# logger.add(3)
# # => E, [2022-05-11T15:17:20.933362 #20536] ERROR -- : nil
# logger.add(2) # Silent.
# You can set the log level for an existing logger
# with method #level=:
# logger.level = Logger::ERROR
# These shorthand methods also set the level:
# logger.debug! # => 0
# logger.info! # => 1
# logger.warn! # => 2
# logger.error! # => 3
# logger.fatal! # => 4
# You can retrieve the log level with method
# {level}[Logger.html#attribute-i-level]:
# logger.level = Logger::ERROR
# logger.level # => 3
# These methods return whether a given
# level is to be written:
# logger.level = Logger::ERROR
# logger.debug? # => false
# logger.info? # => false
# logger.warn? # => false
# logger.error? # => true
# logger.fatal? # => true
# == Log File Rotation
# By default, a log file is a single file that grows indefinitely
# (until explicitly closed); there is no file rotation.
# To keep log files to a manageable size,
# you can use _log_ _file_ _rotation_, which uses multiple log files:
# - Each log file has entries for a non-overlapping
# time interval.
# - Only the most recent log file is open and active;
# the others are closed and inactive.
# === Size-Based Rotation
# For size-based log file rotation, call Logger.new with:
# - Argument +logdev+ as a file path.
# - Argument +shift_age+ with a positive integer:
# the number of log files to be in the rotation.
# - Argument +shift_size+ as a positive integer:
# the maximum size (in bytes) of each log file;
# defaults to 1048576 (1 megabyte).
# Examples:
# logger = Logger.new('t.log', 3) # Three 1-megabyte files.
# logger = Logger.new('t.log', 5, 10485760) # Five 10-megabyte files.
# For these examples, suppose:
# logger = Logger.new('t.log', 3)
# Logging begins in the new log file, +t.log+;
# the log file is "full" and ready for rotation
# when a new entry would cause its size to exceed +shift_size+.
# The first time +t.log+ is full:
# - +t.log+ is closed and renamed to +t.log.0+.
# - A new file +t.log+ is opened.
# The second time +t.log+ is full:
# - +t.log.0 is renamed as +t.log.1+.
# - +t.log+ is closed and renamed to +t.log.0+.
# - A new file +t.log+ is opened.
# Each subsequent time that +t.log+ is full,
# the log files are rotated:
# - +t.log.1+ is removed.
# - +t.log.0 is renamed as +t.log.1+.
# - +t.log+ is closed and renamed to +t.log.0+.
# - A new file +t.log+ is opened.
# === Periodic Rotation
# For periodic rotation, call Logger.new with:
# - Argument +logdev+ as a file path.
# - Argument +shift_age+ as a string period indicator.
# Examples:
# logger = Logger.new('t.log', 'daily') # Rotate log files daily.
# logger = Logger.new('t.log', 'weekly') # Rotate log files weekly.
# logger = Logger.new('t.log', 'monthly') # Rotate log files monthly.
# Example:
# logger = Logger.new('t.log', 'daily')
# When the given period expires:
# - The base log file, +t.log+ is closed and renamed
# with a date-based suffix such as +t.log.20220509+.
# - A new log file +t.log+ is opened.
# - Nothing is removed.
# The default format for the suffix is <tt>'%Y%m%d'</tt>,
# which produces a suffix similar to the one above.
# You can set a different format using create-time option
# +shift_period_suffix+;
# see details and suggestions at
# {Time#strftime}[https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/master/Time.html#method-i-strftime].
class Logger
_, name, rev = %w$Id$
if name
name = name.chomp(",v")
name = File.basename(__FILE__)
rev ||= "v#{VERSION}"
ProgName = "#{name}/#{rev}"
include Severity
# Logging severity threshold (e.g. <tt>Logger::INFO</tt>).
attr_reader :level
# Sets the log level; returns +severity+.
# See {Log Level}[rdoc-ref:Logger@Log+Level].
# Argument +severity+ may be an integer, a string, or a symbol:
# logger.level = Logger::ERROR # => 3
# logger.level = 3 # => 3
# logger.level = 'error' # => "error"
# logger.level = :error # => :error
# Logger#sev_threshold= is an alias for Logger#level=.
def level=(severity)
if severity.is_a?(Integer)
@level = severity
case severity.to_s.downcase
when 'debug'
@level = DEBUG
when 'info'
@level = INFO
when 'warn'
@level = WARN
when 'error'
@level = ERROR
when 'fatal'
@level = FATAL
when 'unknown'
@level = UNKNOWN
raise ArgumentError, "invalid log level: #{severity}"
# Program name to include in log messages.
attr_accessor :progname
# Sets the date-time format.
# Argument +datetime_format+ should be either of these:
# - A string suitable for use as a format for method
# {Time#strftime}[https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/master/Time.html#method-i-strftime].
# - +nil+: the logger uses <tt>'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%6N'</tt>.
def datetime_format=(datetime_format)
@default_formatter.datetime_format = datetime_format
# Returns the date-time format; see #datetime_format=.
def datetime_format
# Sets or retrieves the logger entry formatter proc.
# When +formatter+ is +nil+, the logger uses Logger::Formatter.
# When +formatter+ is a proc, a new entry is formatted by the proc,
# which is called with four arguments:
# - +severity+: The severity of the entry.
# - +time+: A Time object representing the entry's timestamp.
# - +progname+: The program name for the entry.
# - +msg+: The message for the entry (string or string-convertible object).
# The proc should return a string containing the formatted entry.
# This custom formatter uses
# {String#dump}[https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/master/String.html#method-i-dump]
# to escape the message string:
# logger = Logger.new($stdout, progname: 'mung')
# original_formatter = logger.formatter || Logger::Formatter.new
# logger.formatter = proc { |severity, time, progname, msg|
# original_formatter.call(severity, time, progname, msg.dump)
# }
# logger.add(Logger::INFO, "hello \n ''")
# logger.add(Logger::INFO, "\f\x00\xff\\\"")
# Output:
# I, [2022-05-13T13:16:29.637488 #8492] INFO -- mung: "hello \n ''"
# I, [2022-05-13T13:16:29.637610 #8492] INFO -- mung: "\f\x00\xFF\\\""
attr_accessor :formatter
alias sev_threshold level
alias sev_threshold= level=
# Returns +true+ if the log level allows entries with severity
# Logger::DEBUG to be written, +false+ otherwise.
# See {Log Level}[rdoc-ref:Logger@Log+Level].
def debug?; level <= DEBUG; end
# Sets the log level to Logger::DEBUG.
# See {Log Level}[rdoc-ref:Logger@Log+Level].
def debug!; self.level = DEBUG; end
# Returns +true+ if the log level allows entries with severity
# Logger::INFO to be written, +false+ otherwise.
# See {Log Level}[rdoc-ref:Logger@Log+Level].
def info?; level <= INFO; end
# Sets the log level to Logger::INFO.
# See {Log Level}[rdoc-ref:Logger@Log+Level].
def info!; self.level = INFO; end
# Returns +true+ if the log level allows entries with severity
# Logger::WARN to be written, +false+ otherwise.
# See {Log Level}[rdoc-ref:Logger@Log+Level].
def warn?; level <= WARN; end
# Sets the log level to Logger::WARN.
# See {Log Level}[rdoc-ref:Logger@Log+Level].
def warn!; self.level = WARN; end
# Returns +true+ if the log level allows entries with severity
# Logger::ERROR to be written, +false+ otherwise.
# See {Log Level}[rdoc-ref:Logger@Log+Level].
def error?; level <= ERROR; end
# Sets the log level to Logger::ERROR.
# See {Log Level}[rdoc-ref:Logger@Log+Level].
def error!; self.level = ERROR; end
# Returns +true+ if the log level allows entries with severity
# Logger::FATAL to be written, +false+ otherwise.
# See {Log Level}[rdoc-ref:Logger@Log+Level].
def fatal?; level <= FATAL; end
# Sets the log level to Logger::FATAL.
# See {Log Level}[rdoc-ref:Logger@Log+Level].
def fatal!; self.level = FATAL; end
# :call-seq:
# Logger.new(logdev, shift_age = 0, shift_size = 1048576, **options)
# With the single argument +logdev+,
# returns a new logger with all default options:
# Logger.new('t.log') # => #<Logger:0x000001e685dc6ac8>
# Argument +logdev+ must be one of:
# - A string filepath: entries are to be written
# to the file at that path; if the file at that path exists,
# new entries are appended.
# - An IO stream (typically +$stdout+, +$stderr+. or an open file):
# entries are to be written to the given stream.
# - +nil+ or +File::NULL+: no entries are to be written.
# Examples:
# Logger.new('t.log')
# Logger.new($stdout)
# The keyword options are:
# - +level+: sets the log level; default value is Logger::DEBUG.
# See {Log Level}[rdoc-ref:Logger@Log+Level]:
# Logger.new('t.log', level: Logger::ERROR)
# - +progname+: sets the default program name; default is +nil+.
# See {Program Name}[rdoc-ref:Logger@Program+Name]:
# Logger.new('t.log', progname: 'mung')
# - +formatter+: sets the entry formatter; default is +nil+.
# See {formatter=}[Logger.html#attribute-i-formatter].
# - +datetime_format+: sets the format for entry timestamp;
# default is +nil+.
# See #datetime_format=.
# - +binmode+: sets whether the logger writes in binary mode;
# default is +false+.
# - +shift_period_suffix+: sets the format for the filename suffix
# for periodic log file rotation; default is <tt>'%Y%m%d'</tt>.
# See {Periodic Rotation}[rdoc-ref:Logger@Periodic+Rotation].
def initialize(logdev, shift_age = 0, shift_size = 1048576, level: DEBUG,
progname: nil, formatter: nil, datetime_format: nil,
binmode: false, shift_period_suffix: '%Y%m%d')
self.level = level
self.progname = progname
@default_formatter = Formatter.new
self.datetime_format = datetime_format
self.formatter = formatter
@logdev = nil
if logdev && logdev != File::NULL
@logdev = LogDevice.new(logdev, shift_age: shift_age,
shift_size: shift_size,
shift_period_suffix: shift_period_suffix,
binmode: binmode)
# Sets the logger's output stream:
# - If +logdev+ is +nil+, reopens the current output stream.
# - If +logdev+ is a filepath, opens the indicated file for append.
# - If +logdev+ is an IO stream
# (usually <tt>$stdout</tt>, <tt>$stderr</tt>, or an open File object),
# opens the stream for append.
# Example:
# logger = Logger.new('t.log')
# logger.add(Logger::ERROR, 'one')
# logger.close
# logger.add(Logger::ERROR, 'two') # Prints 'log writing failed. closed stream'
# logger.reopen
# logger.add(Logger::ERROR, 'three')
# logger.close
# File.readlines('t.log')
# # =>
# # ["# Logfile created on 2022-05-12 14:21:19 -0500 by logger.rb/v1.5.0\n",
# # "E, [2022-05-12T14:21:27.596726 #22428] ERROR -- : one\n",
# # "E, [2022-05-12T14:23:05.847241 #22428] ERROR -- : three\n"]
def reopen(logdev = nil)
# Creates a log entry, which may or may not be written to the log,
# depending on the entry's severity and on the log level.
# See {Log Level}[rdoc-ref:Logger@Log+Level]
# and {Entries}[rdoc-ref:Logger@Entries] for details.
# Examples:
# logger = Logger.new($stdout, progname: 'mung')
# logger.add(Logger::INFO)
# logger.add(Logger::ERROR, 'No good')
# logger.add(Logger::ERROR, 'No good', 'gnum')
# Output:
# I, [2022-05-12T16:25:31.469726 #36328] INFO -- mung: mung
# E, [2022-05-12T16:25:55.349414 #36328] ERROR -- mung: No good
# E, [2022-05-12T16:26:35.841134 #36328] ERROR -- gnum: No good
# These convenience methods have implicit severity:
# - #debug.
# - #info.
# - #warn.
# - #error.
# - #fatal.
# - #unknown.
def add(severity, message = nil, progname = nil)
severity ||= UNKNOWN
if @logdev.nil? or severity < level
return true
if progname.nil?
progname = @progname
if message.nil?
if block_given?
message = yield
message = progname
progname = @progname
format_message(format_severity(severity), Time.now, progname, message))
alias log add
# Writes the given +msg+ to the log with no formatting;
# returns the number of characters written,
# or +nil+ if no log device exists:
# logger = Logger.new($stdout)
# logger << 'My message.' # => 10
# Output:
# My message.
def <<(msg)
# Equivalent to calling #add with severity <tt>Logger::DEBUG</tt>.
def debug(progname = nil, &block)
add(DEBUG, nil, progname, &block)
# Equivalent to calling #add with severity <tt>Logger::INFO</tt>.
def info(progname = nil, &block)
add(INFO, nil, progname, &block)
# Equivalent to calling #add with severity <tt>Logger::WARN</tt>.
def warn(progname = nil, &block)
add(WARN, nil, progname, &block)
# Equivalent to calling #add with severity <tt>Logger::ERROR</tt>.
def error(progname = nil, &block)
add(ERROR, nil, progname, &block)
# Equivalent to calling #add with severity <tt>Logger::FATAL</tt>.
def fatal(progname = nil, &block)
add(FATAL, nil, progname, &block)
# Equivalent to calling #add with severity <tt>Logger::UNKNOWN</tt>.
def unknown(progname = nil, &block)
add(UNKNOWN, nil, progname, &block)
# Closes the logger; returns +nil+:
# logger = Logger.new('t.log')
# logger.close # => nil
# logger.info('foo') # Prints "log writing failed. closed stream"
# Related: Logger#reopen.
def close
# \Severity label for logging (max 5 chars).
def format_severity(severity)
SEV_LABEL[severity] || 'ANY'
def format_message(severity, datetime, progname, msg)
(@formatter || @default_formatter).call(severity, datetime, progname, msg)