mirror of
synced 2022-11-09 12:17:21 -05:00

This value should either be pinned, or looked up when needed at runtime. Without pinning, the GC may move the encoding object, and that could cause a crash. In this case it is easier to find the value at runtime, and there is no performance penalty (as Ruby caches encoding indexes). We can shorten the code, be compaction friendly, and incur no performance penalty.
1608 lines
51 KiB
1608 lines
51 KiB
#include "../fbuffer/fbuffer.h"
#include "generator.h"
static VALUE mJSON, mExt, mGenerator, cState, mGeneratorMethods, mObject,
mHash, mArray,
mFixnum, mBignum,
mFloat, mString, mString_Extend,
mTrueClass, mFalseClass, mNilClass, eGeneratorError,
static ID i_to_s, i_to_json, i_new, i_indent, i_space, i_space_before,
i_object_nl, i_array_nl, i_max_nesting, i_allow_nan, i_ascii_only,
i_pack, i_unpack, i_create_id, i_extend, i_key_p,
i_aref, i_send, i_respond_to_p, i_match, i_keys, i_depth,
i_buffer_initial_length, i_dup, i_escape_slash;
* Copyright 2001-2004 Unicode, Inc.
* Disclaimer
* This source code is provided as is by Unicode, Inc. No claims are
* made as to fitness for any particular purpose. No warranties of any
* kind are expressed or implied. The recipient agrees to determine
* applicability of information provided. If this file has been
* purchased on magnetic or optical media from Unicode, Inc., the
* sole remedy for any claim will be exchange of defective media
* within 90 days of receipt.
* Limitations on Rights to Redistribute This Code
* Unicode, Inc. hereby grants the right to freely use the information
* supplied in this file in the creation of products supporting the
* Unicode Standard, and to make copies of this file in any form
* for internal or external distribution as long as this notice
* remains attached.
* Index into the table below with the first byte of a UTF-8 sequence to
* get the number of trailing bytes that are supposed to follow it.
* Note that *legal* UTF-8 values can't have 4 or 5-bytes. The table is
* left as-is for anyone who may want to do such conversion, which was
* allowed in earlier algorithms.
static const char trailingBytesForUTF8[256] = {
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2, 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5
* Magic values subtracted from a buffer value during UTF8 conversion.
* This table contains as many values as there might be trailing bytes
* in a UTF-8 sequence.
static const UTF32 offsetsFromUTF8[6] = { 0x00000000UL, 0x00003080UL, 0x000E2080UL,
0x03C82080UL, 0xFA082080UL, 0x82082080UL };
* Utility routine to tell whether a sequence of bytes is legal UTF-8.
* This must be called with the length pre-determined by the first byte.
* If not calling this from ConvertUTF8to*, then the length can be set by:
* length = trailingBytesForUTF8[*source]+1;
* and the sequence is illegal right away if there aren't that many bytes
* available.
* If presented with a length > 4, this returns 0. The Unicode
* definition of UTF-8 goes up to 4-byte sequences.
static unsigned char isLegalUTF8(const UTF8 *source, unsigned long length)
UTF8 a;
const UTF8 *srcptr = source+length;
switch (length) {
default: return 0;
/* Everything else falls through when "1"... */
case 4: if ((a = (*--srcptr)) < 0x80 || a > 0xBF) return 0;
case 3: if ((a = (*--srcptr)) < 0x80 || a > 0xBF) return 0;
case 2: if ((a = (*--srcptr)) > 0xBF) return 0;
switch (*source) {
/* no fall-through in this inner switch */
case 0xE0: if (a < 0xA0) return 0; break;
case 0xED: if (a > 0x9F) return 0; break;
case 0xF0: if (a < 0x90) return 0; break;
case 0xF4: if (a > 0x8F) return 0; break;
default: if (a < 0x80) return 0;
case 1: if (*source >= 0x80 && *source < 0xC2) return 0;
if (*source > 0xF4) return 0;
return 1;
/* Escapes the UTF16 character and stores the result in the buffer buf. */
static void unicode_escape(char *buf, UTF16 character)
const char *digits = "0123456789abcdef";
buf[2] = digits[character >> 12];
buf[3] = digits[(character >> 8) & 0xf];
buf[4] = digits[(character >> 4) & 0xf];
buf[5] = digits[character & 0xf];
/* Escapes the UTF16 character and stores the result in the buffer buf, then
* the buffer buf is appended to the FBuffer buffer. */
static void unicode_escape_to_buffer(FBuffer *buffer, char buf[6], UTF16
unicode_escape(buf, character);
fbuffer_append(buffer, buf, 6);
/* Converts string to a JSON string in FBuffer buffer, where all but the ASCII
* and control characters are JSON escaped. */
static void convert_UTF8_to_JSON_ASCII(FBuffer *buffer, VALUE string, char escape_slash)
const UTF8 *source = (UTF8 *) RSTRING_PTR(string);
const UTF8 *sourceEnd = source + RSTRING_LEN(string);
char buf[6] = { '\\', 'u' };
while (source < sourceEnd) {
UTF32 ch = 0;
unsigned short extraBytesToRead = trailingBytesForUTF8[*source];
if (source + extraBytesToRead >= sourceEnd) {
"partial character in source, but hit end");
if (!isLegalUTF8(source, extraBytesToRead+1)) {
"source sequence is illegal/malformed utf-8");
* The cases all fall through. See "Note A" below.
switch (extraBytesToRead) {
case 5: ch += *source++; ch <<= 6; /* remember, illegal UTF-8 */
case 4: ch += *source++; ch <<= 6; /* remember, illegal UTF-8 */
case 3: ch += *source++; ch <<= 6;
case 2: ch += *source++; ch <<= 6;
case 1: ch += *source++; ch <<= 6;
case 0: ch += *source++;
ch -= offsetsFromUTF8[extraBytesToRead];
if (ch <= UNI_MAX_BMP) { /* Target is a character <= 0xFFFF */
/* UTF-16 surrogate values are illegal in UTF-32 */
if (ch >= UNI_SUR_HIGH_START && ch <= UNI_SUR_LOW_END) {
source -= (extraBytesToRead+1); /* return to the illegal value itself */
"source sequence is illegal/malformed utf-8");
unicode_escape_to_buffer(buffer, buf, UNI_REPLACEMENT_CHAR);
} else {
/* normal case */
if (ch >= 0x20 && ch <= 0x7f) {
switch (ch) {
case '\\':
fbuffer_append(buffer, "\\\\", 2);
case '"':
fbuffer_append(buffer, "\\\"", 2);
case '/':
if(escape_slash) {
fbuffer_append(buffer, "\\/", 2);
fbuffer_append_char(buffer, (char)ch);
} else {
switch (ch) {
case '\n':
fbuffer_append(buffer, "\\n", 2);
case '\r':
fbuffer_append(buffer, "\\r", 2);
case '\t':
fbuffer_append(buffer, "\\t", 2);
case '\f':
fbuffer_append(buffer, "\\f", 2);
case '\b':
fbuffer_append(buffer, "\\b", 2);
unicode_escape_to_buffer(buffer, buf, (UTF16) ch);
} else if (ch > UNI_MAX_UTF16) {
source -= (extraBytesToRead+1); /* return to the start */
"source sequence is illegal/malformed utf8");
unicode_escape_to_buffer(buffer, buf, UNI_REPLACEMENT_CHAR);
} else {
/* target is a character in range 0xFFFF - 0x10FFFF. */
ch -= halfBase;
unicode_escape_to_buffer(buffer, buf, (UTF16)((ch >> halfShift) + UNI_SUR_HIGH_START));
unicode_escape_to_buffer(buffer, buf, (UTF16)((ch & halfMask) + UNI_SUR_LOW_START));
/* Converts string to a JSON string in FBuffer buffer, where only the
* characters required by the JSON standard are JSON escaped. The remaining
* characters (should be UTF8) are just passed through and appended to the
* result. */
static void convert_UTF8_to_JSON(FBuffer *buffer, VALUE string, char escape_slash)
const char *ptr = RSTRING_PTR(string), *p;
unsigned long len = RSTRING_LEN(string), start = 0, end = 0;
const char *escape = NULL;
int escape_len;
unsigned char c;
char buf[6] = { '\\', 'u' };
int ascii_only = rb_enc_str_asciionly_p(string);
for (start = 0, end = 0; end < len;) {
p = ptr + end;
c = (unsigned char) *p;
if (c < 0x20) {
switch (c) {
case '\n':
escape = "\\n";
escape_len = 2;
case '\r':
escape = "\\r";
escape_len = 2;
case '\t':
escape = "\\t";
escape_len = 2;
case '\f':
escape = "\\f";
escape_len = 2;
case '\b':
escape = "\\b";
escape_len = 2;
unicode_escape(buf, (UTF16) *p);
escape = buf;
escape_len = 6;
} else {
switch (c) {
case '\\':
escape = "\\\\";
escape_len = 2;
case '"':
escape = "\\\"";
escape_len = 2;
case '/':
if(escape_slash) {
escape = "\\/";
escape_len = 2;
unsigned short clen = 1;
if (!ascii_only) {
clen += trailingBytesForUTF8[c];
if (end + clen > len) {
"partial character in source, but hit end");
if (!isLegalUTF8((UTF8 *) p, clen)) {
"source sequence is illegal/malformed utf-8");
end += clen;
fbuffer_append(buffer, ptr + start, end - start);
fbuffer_append(buffer, escape, escape_len);
start = ++end;
escape = NULL;
fbuffer_append(buffer, ptr + start, end - start);
static char *fstrndup(const char *ptr, unsigned long len) {
char *result;
if (len <= 0) return NULL;
result = ALLOC_N(char, len);
memcpy(result, ptr, len);
return result;
* Document-module: JSON::Ext::Generator
* This is the JSON generator implemented as a C extension. It can be
* configured to be used by setting
* JSON.generator = JSON::Ext::Generator
* with the method generator= in JSON.
/* Explanation of the following: that's the only way to not pollute
* standard library's docs with GeneratorMethods::<ClassName> which
* are uninformative and take a large place in a list of classes
* Document-module: JSON::Ext::Generator::GeneratorMethods
* :nodoc:
* Document-module: JSON::Ext::Generator::GeneratorMethods::Array
* :nodoc:
* Document-module: JSON::Ext::Generator::GeneratorMethods::Bignum
* :nodoc:
* Document-module: JSON::Ext::Generator::GeneratorMethods::FalseClass
* :nodoc:
* Document-module: JSON::Ext::Generator::GeneratorMethods::Fixnum
* :nodoc:
* Document-module: JSON::Ext::Generator::GeneratorMethods::Float
* :nodoc:
* Document-module: JSON::Ext::Generator::GeneratorMethods::Hash
* :nodoc:
* Document-module: JSON::Ext::Generator::GeneratorMethods::Integer
* :nodoc:
* Document-module: JSON::Ext::Generator::GeneratorMethods::NilClass
* :nodoc:
* Document-module: JSON::Ext::Generator::GeneratorMethods::Object
* :nodoc:
* Document-module: JSON::Ext::Generator::GeneratorMethods::String
* :nodoc:
* Document-module: JSON::Ext::Generator::GeneratorMethods::String::Extend
* :nodoc:
* Document-module: JSON::Ext::Generator::GeneratorMethods::TrueClass
* :nodoc:
* call-seq: to_json(state = nil)
* Returns a JSON string containing a JSON object, that is generated from
* this Hash instance.
* _state_ is a JSON::State object, that can also be used to configure the
* produced JSON string output further.
static VALUE mHash_to_json(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
* call-seq: to_json(state = nil)
* Returns a JSON string containing a JSON array, that is generated from
* this Array instance.
* _state_ is a JSON::State object, that can also be used to configure the
* produced JSON string output further.
static VALUE mArray_to_json(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) {
* call-seq: to_json(*)
* Returns a JSON string representation for this Integer number.
static VALUE mInteger_to_json(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
* call-seq: to_json(*)
* Returns a JSON string representation for this Integer number.
static VALUE mFixnum_to_json(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
* call-seq: to_json(*)
* Returns a JSON string representation for this Integer number.
static VALUE mBignum_to_json(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
* call-seq: to_json(*)
* Returns a JSON string representation for this Float number.
static VALUE mFloat_to_json(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
* call-seq: String.included(modul)
* Extends _modul_ with the String::Extend module.
static VALUE mString_included_s(VALUE self, VALUE modul) {
VALUE result = rb_funcall(modul, i_extend, 1, mString_Extend);
return result;
* call-seq: to_json(*)
* This string should be encoded with UTF-8 A call to this method
* returns a JSON string encoded with UTF16 big endian characters as
* \u????.
static VALUE mString_to_json(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
* call-seq: to_json_raw_object()
* This method creates a raw object hash, that can be nested into
* other data structures and will be generated as a raw string. This
* method should be used, if you want to convert raw strings to JSON
* instead of UTF-8 strings, e. g. binary data.
static VALUE mString_to_json_raw_object(VALUE self)
VALUE ary;
VALUE result = rb_hash_new();
rb_hash_aset(result, rb_funcall(mJSON, i_create_id, 0), rb_class_name(rb_obj_class(self)));
ary = rb_funcall(self, i_unpack, 1, rb_str_new2("C*"));
rb_hash_aset(result, rb_str_new2("raw"), ary);
return result;
* call-seq: to_json_raw(*args)
* This method creates a JSON text from the result of a call to
* to_json_raw_object of this String.
static VALUE mString_to_json_raw(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE obj = mString_to_json_raw_object(self);
Check_Type(obj, T_HASH);
return mHash_to_json(argc, argv, obj);
* call-seq: json_create(o)
* Raw Strings are JSON Objects (the raw bytes are stored in an array for the
* key "raw"). The Ruby String can be created by this module method.
static VALUE mString_Extend_json_create(VALUE self, VALUE o)
VALUE ary;
Check_Type(o, T_HASH);
ary = rb_hash_aref(o, rb_str_new2("raw"));
return rb_funcall(ary, i_pack, 1, rb_str_new2("C*"));
* call-seq: to_json(*)
* Returns a JSON string for true: 'true'.
static VALUE mTrueClass_to_json(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
* call-seq: to_json(*)
* Returns a JSON string for false: 'false'.
static VALUE mFalseClass_to_json(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
* call-seq: to_json(*)
* Returns a JSON string for nil: 'null'.
static VALUE mNilClass_to_json(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
* call-seq: to_json(*)
* Converts this object to a string (calling #to_s), converts
* it to a JSON string, and returns the result. This is a fallback, if no
* special method #to_json was defined for some object.
static VALUE mObject_to_json(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE state;
VALUE string = rb_funcall(self, i_to_s, 0);
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &state);
Check_Type(string, T_STRING);
state = cState_from_state_s(cState, state);
return cState_partial_generate(state, string);
static void State_free(void *ptr)
JSON_Generator_State *state = ptr;
if (state->indent) ruby_xfree(state->indent);
if (state->space) ruby_xfree(state->space);
if (state->space_before) ruby_xfree(state->space_before);
if (state->object_nl) ruby_xfree(state->object_nl);
if (state->array_nl) ruby_xfree(state->array_nl);
if (state->array_delim) fbuffer_free(state->array_delim);
if (state->object_delim) fbuffer_free(state->object_delim);
if (state->object_delim2) fbuffer_free(state->object_delim2);
static size_t State_memsize(const void *ptr)
const JSON_Generator_State *state = ptr;
size_t size = sizeof(*state);
if (state->indent) size += state->indent_len + 1;
if (state->space) size += state->space_len + 1;
if (state->space_before) size += state->space_before_len + 1;
if (state->object_nl) size += state->object_nl_len + 1;
if (state->array_nl) size += state->array_nl_len + 1;
if (state->array_delim) size += FBUFFER_CAPA(state->array_delim);
if (state->object_delim) size += FBUFFER_CAPA(state->object_delim);
if (state->object_delim2) size += FBUFFER_CAPA(state->object_delim2);
return size;
static const rb_data_type_t JSON_Generator_State_type = {
{NULL, State_free, State_memsize,},
0, 0,
static VALUE cState_s_allocate(VALUE klass)
JSON_Generator_State *state;
return TypedData_Make_Struct(klass, JSON_Generator_State,
&JSON_Generator_State_type, state);
* call-seq: configure(opts)
* Configure this State instance with the Hash _opts_, and return
* itself.
static VALUE cState_configure(VALUE self, VALUE opts)
VALUE tmp;
tmp = rb_check_convert_type(opts, T_HASH, "Hash", "to_hash");
if (NIL_P(tmp)) tmp = rb_convert_type(opts, T_HASH, "Hash", "to_h");
opts = tmp;
tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_indent));
if (RTEST(tmp)) {
unsigned long len;
Check_Type(tmp, T_STRING);
len = RSTRING_LEN(tmp);
state->indent = fstrndup(RSTRING_PTR(tmp), len + 1);
state->indent_len = len;
tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_space));
if (RTEST(tmp)) {
unsigned long len;
Check_Type(tmp, T_STRING);
len = RSTRING_LEN(tmp);
state->space = fstrndup(RSTRING_PTR(tmp), len + 1);
state->space_len = len;
tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_space_before));
if (RTEST(tmp)) {
unsigned long len;
Check_Type(tmp, T_STRING);
len = RSTRING_LEN(tmp);
state->space_before = fstrndup(RSTRING_PTR(tmp), len + 1);
state->space_before_len = len;
tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_array_nl));
if (RTEST(tmp)) {
unsigned long len;
Check_Type(tmp, T_STRING);
len = RSTRING_LEN(tmp);
state->array_nl = fstrndup(RSTRING_PTR(tmp), len + 1);
state->array_nl_len = len;
tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_object_nl));
if (RTEST(tmp)) {
unsigned long len;
Check_Type(tmp, T_STRING);
len = RSTRING_LEN(tmp);
state->object_nl = fstrndup(RSTRING_PTR(tmp), len + 1);
state->object_nl_len = len;
tmp = ID2SYM(i_max_nesting);
state->max_nesting = 100;
if (option_given_p(opts, tmp)) {
VALUE max_nesting = rb_hash_aref(opts, tmp);
if (RTEST(max_nesting)) {
Check_Type(max_nesting, T_FIXNUM);
state->max_nesting = FIX2LONG(max_nesting);
} else {
state->max_nesting = 0;
tmp = ID2SYM(i_depth);
state->depth = 0;
if (option_given_p(opts, tmp)) {
VALUE depth = rb_hash_aref(opts, tmp);
if (RTEST(depth)) {
Check_Type(depth, T_FIXNUM);
state->depth = FIX2LONG(depth);
} else {
state->depth = 0;
tmp = ID2SYM(i_buffer_initial_length);
if (option_given_p(opts, tmp)) {
VALUE buffer_initial_length = rb_hash_aref(opts, tmp);
if (RTEST(buffer_initial_length)) {
long initial_length;
Check_Type(buffer_initial_length, T_FIXNUM);
initial_length = FIX2LONG(buffer_initial_length);
if (initial_length > 0) state->buffer_initial_length = initial_length;
tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_allow_nan));
state->allow_nan = RTEST(tmp);
tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_ascii_only));
state->ascii_only = RTEST(tmp);
tmp = rb_hash_aref(opts, ID2SYM(i_escape_slash));
state->escape_slash = RTEST(tmp);
return self;
static void set_state_ivars(VALUE hash, VALUE state)
VALUE ivars = rb_obj_instance_variables(state);
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < RARRAY_LEN(ivars); i++) {
VALUE key = rb_funcall(rb_ary_entry(ivars, i), i_to_s, 0);
long key_len = RSTRING_LEN(key);
VALUE value = rb_iv_get(state, StringValueCStr(key));
rb_hash_aset(hash, rb_str_intern(rb_str_substr(key, 1, key_len - 1)), value);
* call-seq: to_h
* Returns the configuration instance variables as a hash, that can be
* passed to the configure method.
static VALUE cState_to_h(VALUE self)
VALUE result = rb_hash_new();
set_state_ivars(result, self);
rb_hash_aset(result, ID2SYM(i_indent), rb_str_new(state->indent, state->indent_len));
rb_hash_aset(result, ID2SYM(i_space), rb_str_new(state->space, state->space_len));
rb_hash_aset(result, ID2SYM(i_space_before), rb_str_new(state->space_before, state->space_before_len));
rb_hash_aset(result, ID2SYM(i_object_nl), rb_str_new(state->object_nl, state->object_nl_len));
rb_hash_aset(result, ID2SYM(i_array_nl), rb_str_new(state->array_nl, state->array_nl_len));
rb_hash_aset(result, ID2SYM(i_allow_nan), state->allow_nan ? Qtrue : Qfalse);
rb_hash_aset(result, ID2SYM(i_ascii_only), state->ascii_only ? Qtrue : Qfalse);
rb_hash_aset(result, ID2SYM(i_max_nesting), LONG2FIX(state->max_nesting));
rb_hash_aset(result, ID2SYM(i_escape_slash), state->escape_slash ? Qtrue : Qfalse);
rb_hash_aset(result, ID2SYM(i_depth), LONG2FIX(state->depth));
rb_hash_aset(result, ID2SYM(i_buffer_initial_length), LONG2FIX(state->buffer_initial_length));
return result;
* call-seq: [](name)
* Returns the value returned by method +name+.
static VALUE cState_aref(VALUE self, VALUE name)
name = rb_funcall(name, i_to_s, 0);
if (RTEST(rb_funcall(self, i_respond_to_p, 1, name))) {
return rb_funcall(self, i_send, 1, name);
} else {
return rb_attr_get(self, rb_intern_str(rb_str_concat(rb_str_new2("@"), name)));
* call-seq: []=(name, value)
* Sets the attribute name to value.
static VALUE cState_aset(VALUE self, VALUE name, VALUE value)
VALUE name_writer;
name = rb_funcall(name, i_to_s, 0);
name_writer = rb_str_cat2(rb_str_dup(name), "=");
if (RTEST(rb_funcall(self, i_respond_to_p, 1, name_writer))) {
return rb_funcall(self, i_send, 2, name_writer, value);
} else {
rb_ivar_set(self, rb_intern_str(rb_str_concat(rb_str_new2("@"), name)), value);
return Qnil;
struct hash_foreach_arg {
FBuffer *buffer;
JSON_Generator_State *state;
VALUE Vstate;
int iter;
static int
json_object_i(VALUE key, VALUE val, VALUE _arg)
struct hash_foreach_arg *arg = (struct hash_foreach_arg *)_arg;
FBuffer *buffer = arg->buffer;
JSON_Generator_State *state = arg->state;
VALUE Vstate = arg->Vstate;
char *object_nl = state->object_nl;
long object_nl_len = state->object_nl_len;
char *indent = state->indent;
long indent_len = state->indent_len;
char *delim = FBUFFER_PTR(state->object_delim);
long delim_len = FBUFFER_LEN(state->object_delim);
char *delim2 = FBUFFER_PTR(state->object_delim2);
long delim2_len = FBUFFER_LEN(state->object_delim2);
long depth = state->depth;
int j;
VALUE klass, key_to_s;
if (arg->iter > 0) fbuffer_append(buffer, delim, delim_len);
if (object_nl) {
fbuffer_append(buffer, object_nl, object_nl_len);
if (indent) {
for (j = 0; j < depth; j++) {
fbuffer_append(buffer, indent, indent_len);
klass = CLASS_OF(key);
if (klass == rb_cString) {
key_to_s = key;
} else if (klass == rb_cSymbol) {
key_to_s = rb_id2str(SYM2ID(key));
} else {
key_to_s = rb_funcall(key, i_to_s, 0);
Check_Type(key_to_s, T_STRING);
generate_json(buffer, Vstate, state, key_to_s);
fbuffer_append(buffer, delim2, delim2_len);
generate_json(buffer, Vstate, state, val);
static void generate_json_object(FBuffer *buffer, VALUE Vstate, JSON_Generator_State *state, VALUE obj)
char *object_nl = state->object_nl;
long object_nl_len = state->object_nl_len;
char *indent = state->indent;
long indent_len = state->indent_len;
long max_nesting = state->max_nesting;
long depth = ++state->depth;
int j;
struct hash_foreach_arg arg;
if (max_nesting != 0 && depth > max_nesting) {
rb_raise(eNestingError, "nesting of %ld is too deep", --state->depth);
fbuffer_append_char(buffer, '{');
arg.buffer = buffer;
arg.state = state;
arg.Vstate = Vstate;
arg.iter = 0;
rb_hash_foreach(obj, json_object_i, (VALUE)&arg);
depth = --state->depth;
if (object_nl) {
fbuffer_append(buffer, object_nl, object_nl_len);
if (indent) {
for (j = 0; j < depth; j++) {
fbuffer_append(buffer, indent, indent_len);
fbuffer_append_char(buffer, '}');
static void generate_json_array(FBuffer *buffer, VALUE Vstate, JSON_Generator_State *state, VALUE obj)
char *array_nl = state->array_nl;
long array_nl_len = state->array_nl_len;
char *indent = state->indent;
long indent_len = state->indent_len;
long max_nesting = state->max_nesting;
char *delim = FBUFFER_PTR(state->array_delim);
long delim_len = FBUFFER_LEN(state->array_delim);
long depth = ++state->depth;
int i, j;
if (max_nesting != 0 && depth > max_nesting) {
rb_raise(eNestingError, "nesting of %ld is too deep", --state->depth);
fbuffer_append_char(buffer, '[');
if (array_nl) fbuffer_append(buffer, array_nl, array_nl_len);
for(i = 0; i < RARRAY_LEN(obj); i++) {
if (i > 0) fbuffer_append(buffer, delim, delim_len);
if (indent) {
for (j = 0; j < depth; j++) {
fbuffer_append(buffer, indent, indent_len);
generate_json(buffer, Vstate, state, rb_ary_entry(obj, i));
state->depth = --depth;
if (array_nl) {
fbuffer_append(buffer, array_nl, array_nl_len);
if (indent) {
for (j = 0; j < depth; j++) {
fbuffer_append(buffer, indent, indent_len);
fbuffer_append_char(buffer, ']');
static int enc_utf8_compatible_p(rb_encoding *enc)
if (enc == rb_usascii_encoding()) return 1;
if (enc == rb_utf8_encoding()) return 1;
return 0;
static void generate_json_string(FBuffer *buffer, VALUE Vstate, JSON_Generator_State *state, VALUE obj)
fbuffer_append_char(buffer, '"');
if (!enc_utf8_compatible_p(rb_enc_get(obj))) {
obj = rb_str_export_to_enc(obj, rb_utf8_encoding());
if (state->ascii_only) {
convert_UTF8_to_JSON_ASCII(buffer, obj, state->escape_slash);
} else {
convert_UTF8_to_JSON(buffer, obj, state->escape_slash);
fbuffer_append_char(buffer, '"');
static void generate_json_null(FBuffer *buffer, VALUE Vstate, JSON_Generator_State *state, VALUE obj)
fbuffer_append(buffer, "null", 4);
static void generate_json_false(FBuffer *buffer, VALUE Vstate, JSON_Generator_State *state, VALUE obj)
fbuffer_append(buffer, "false", 5);
static void generate_json_true(FBuffer *buffer, VALUE Vstate, JSON_Generator_State *state, VALUE obj)
fbuffer_append(buffer, "true", 4);
static void generate_json_fixnum(FBuffer *buffer, VALUE Vstate, JSON_Generator_State *state, VALUE obj)
fbuffer_append_long(buffer, FIX2LONG(obj));
static void generate_json_bignum(FBuffer *buffer, VALUE Vstate, JSON_Generator_State *state, VALUE obj)
VALUE tmp = rb_funcall(obj, i_to_s, 0);
fbuffer_append_str(buffer, tmp);
static void generate_json_integer(FBuffer *buffer, VALUE Vstate, JSON_Generator_State *state, VALUE obj)
if (FIXNUM_P(obj))
generate_json_fixnum(buffer, Vstate, state, obj);
generate_json_bignum(buffer, Vstate, state, obj);
static void generate_json_float(FBuffer *buffer, VALUE Vstate, JSON_Generator_State *state, VALUE obj)
double value = RFLOAT_VALUE(obj);
char allow_nan = state->allow_nan;
VALUE tmp = rb_funcall(obj, i_to_s, 0);
if (!allow_nan) {
if (isinf(value)) {
rb_raise(eGeneratorError, "%u: %"PRIsVALUE" not allowed in JSON", __LINE__, RB_OBJ_STRING(tmp));
} else if (isnan(value)) {
rb_raise(eGeneratorError, "%u: %"PRIsVALUE" not allowed in JSON", __LINE__, RB_OBJ_STRING(tmp));
fbuffer_append_str(buffer, tmp);
static void generate_json(FBuffer *buffer, VALUE Vstate, JSON_Generator_State *state, VALUE obj)
VALUE tmp;
VALUE klass = CLASS_OF(obj);
if (klass == rb_cHash) {
generate_json_object(buffer, Vstate, state, obj);
} else if (klass == rb_cArray) {
generate_json_array(buffer, Vstate, state, obj);
} else if (klass == rb_cString) {
generate_json_string(buffer, Vstate, state, obj);
} else if (obj == Qnil) {
generate_json_null(buffer, Vstate, state, obj);
} else if (obj == Qfalse) {
generate_json_false(buffer, Vstate, state, obj);
} else if (obj == Qtrue) {
generate_json_true(buffer, Vstate, state, obj);
} else if (FIXNUM_P(obj)) {
generate_json_fixnum(buffer, Vstate, state, obj);
} else if (RB_TYPE_P(obj, T_BIGNUM)) {
generate_json_bignum(buffer, Vstate, state, obj);
} else if (klass == rb_cFloat) {
generate_json_float(buffer, Vstate, state, obj);
} else if (rb_respond_to(obj, i_to_json)) {
tmp = rb_funcall(obj, i_to_json, 1, Vstate);
Check_Type(tmp, T_STRING);
fbuffer_append_str(buffer, tmp);
} else {
tmp = rb_funcall(obj, i_to_s, 0);
Check_Type(tmp, T_STRING);
generate_json_string(buffer, Vstate, state, tmp);
static FBuffer *cState_prepare_buffer(VALUE self)
FBuffer *buffer;
buffer = fbuffer_alloc(state->buffer_initial_length);
if (state->object_delim) {
} else {
state->object_delim = fbuffer_alloc(16);
fbuffer_append_char(state->object_delim, ',');
if (state->object_delim2) {
} else {
state->object_delim2 = fbuffer_alloc(16);
if (state->space_before) fbuffer_append(state->object_delim2, state->space_before, state->space_before_len);
fbuffer_append_char(state->object_delim2, ':');
if (state->space) fbuffer_append(state->object_delim2, state->space, state->space_len);
if (state->array_delim) {
} else {
state->array_delim = fbuffer_alloc(16);
fbuffer_append_char(state->array_delim, ',');
if (state->array_nl) fbuffer_append(state->array_delim, state->array_nl, state->array_nl_len);
return buffer;
static VALUE cState_partial_generate(VALUE self, VALUE obj)
FBuffer *buffer = cState_prepare_buffer(self);
generate_json(buffer, self, state, obj);
return fbuffer_to_s(buffer);
* call-seq: generate(obj)
* Generates a valid JSON document from object +obj+ and returns the
* result. If no valid JSON document can be created this method raises a
* GeneratorError exception.
static VALUE cState_generate(VALUE self, VALUE obj)
VALUE result = cState_partial_generate(self, obj);
return result;
* call-seq: new(opts = {})
* Instantiates a new State object, configured by _opts_.
* _opts_ can have the following keys:
* * *indent*: a string used to indent levels (default: ''),
* * *space*: a string that is put after, a : or , delimiter (default: ''),
* * *space_before*: a string that is put before a : pair delimiter (default: ''),
* * *object_nl*: a string that is put at the end of a JSON object (default: ''),
* * *array_nl*: a string that is put at the end of a JSON array (default: ''),
* * *allow_nan*: true if NaN, Infinity, and -Infinity should be
* generated, otherwise an exception is thrown, if these values are
* encountered. This options defaults to false.
* * *ascii_only*: true if only ASCII characters should be generated. This
* option defaults to false.
* * *buffer_initial_length*: sets the initial length of the generator's
* internal buffer.
static VALUE cState_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE opts;
state->max_nesting = 100;
state->buffer_initial_length = FBUFFER_INITIAL_LENGTH_DEFAULT;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &opts);
if (!NIL_P(opts)) cState_configure(self, opts);
return self;
* call-seq: initialize_copy(orig)
* Initializes this object from orig if it can be duplicated/cloned and returns
* it.
static VALUE cState_init_copy(VALUE obj, VALUE orig)
JSON_Generator_State *objState, *origState;
if (obj == orig) return obj;
GET_STATE_TO(obj, objState);
GET_STATE_TO(orig, origState);
if (!objState) rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "unallocated JSON::State");
MEMCPY(objState, origState, JSON_Generator_State, 1);
objState->indent = fstrndup(origState->indent, origState->indent_len);
objState->space = fstrndup(origState->space, origState->space_len);
objState->space_before = fstrndup(origState->space_before, origState->space_before_len);
objState->object_nl = fstrndup(origState->object_nl, origState->object_nl_len);
objState->array_nl = fstrndup(origState->array_nl, origState->array_nl_len);
if (origState->array_delim) objState->array_delim = fbuffer_dup(origState->array_delim);
if (origState->object_delim) objState->object_delim = fbuffer_dup(origState->object_delim);
if (origState->object_delim2) objState->object_delim2 = fbuffer_dup(origState->object_delim2);
return obj;
* call-seq: from_state(opts)
* Creates a State object from _opts_, which ought to be Hash to create a
* new State instance configured by _opts_, something else to create an
* unconfigured instance. If _opts_ is a State object, it is just returned.
static VALUE cState_from_state_s(VALUE self, VALUE opts)
if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(opts, self)) {
return opts;
} else if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(opts, rb_cHash)) {
return rb_funcall(self, i_new, 1, opts);
} else {
return rb_class_new_instance(0, NULL, cState);
* call-seq: indent()
* Returns the string that is used to indent levels in the JSON text.
static VALUE cState_indent(VALUE self)
return state->indent ? rb_str_new(state->indent, state->indent_len) : rb_str_new2("");
* call-seq: indent=(indent)
* Sets the string that is used to indent levels in the JSON text.
static VALUE cState_indent_set(VALUE self, VALUE indent)
unsigned long len;
Check_Type(indent, T_STRING);
len = RSTRING_LEN(indent);
if (len == 0) {
if (state->indent) {
state->indent = NULL;
state->indent_len = 0;
} else {
if (state->indent) ruby_xfree(state->indent);
state->indent = fstrndup(RSTRING_PTR(indent), len);
state->indent_len = len;
return Qnil;
* call-seq: space()
* Returns the string that is used to insert a space between the tokens in a JSON
* string.
static VALUE cState_space(VALUE self)
return state->space ? rb_str_new(state->space, state->space_len) : rb_str_new2("");
* call-seq: space=(space)
* Sets _space_ to the string that is used to insert a space between the tokens in a JSON
* string.
static VALUE cState_space_set(VALUE self, VALUE space)
unsigned long len;
Check_Type(space, T_STRING);
len = RSTRING_LEN(space);
if (len == 0) {
if (state->space) {
state->space = NULL;
state->space_len = 0;
} else {
if (state->space) ruby_xfree(state->space);
state->space = fstrndup(RSTRING_PTR(space), len);
state->space_len = len;
return Qnil;
* call-seq: space_before()
* Returns the string that is used to insert a space before the ':' in JSON objects.
static VALUE cState_space_before(VALUE self)
return state->space_before ? rb_str_new(state->space_before, state->space_before_len) : rb_str_new2("");
* call-seq: space_before=(space_before)
* Sets the string that is used to insert a space before the ':' in JSON objects.
static VALUE cState_space_before_set(VALUE self, VALUE space_before)
unsigned long len;
Check_Type(space_before, T_STRING);
len = RSTRING_LEN(space_before);
if (len == 0) {
if (state->space_before) {
state->space_before = NULL;
state->space_before_len = 0;
} else {
if (state->space_before) ruby_xfree(state->space_before);
state->space_before = fstrndup(RSTRING_PTR(space_before), len);
state->space_before_len = len;
return Qnil;
* call-seq: object_nl()
* This string is put at the end of a line that holds a JSON object (or
* Hash).
static VALUE cState_object_nl(VALUE self)
return state->object_nl ? rb_str_new(state->object_nl, state->object_nl_len) : rb_str_new2("");
* call-seq: object_nl=(object_nl)
* This string is put at the end of a line that holds a JSON object (or
* Hash).
static VALUE cState_object_nl_set(VALUE self, VALUE object_nl)
unsigned long len;
Check_Type(object_nl, T_STRING);
len = RSTRING_LEN(object_nl);
if (len == 0) {
if (state->object_nl) {
state->object_nl = NULL;
} else {
if (state->object_nl) ruby_xfree(state->object_nl);
state->object_nl = fstrndup(RSTRING_PTR(object_nl), len);
state->object_nl_len = len;
return Qnil;
* call-seq: array_nl()
* This string is put at the end of a line that holds a JSON array.
static VALUE cState_array_nl(VALUE self)
return state->array_nl ? rb_str_new(state->array_nl, state->array_nl_len) : rb_str_new2("");
* call-seq: array_nl=(array_nl)
* This string is put at the end of a line that holds a JSON array.
static VALUE cState_array_nl_set(VALUE self, VALUE array_nl)
unsigned long len;
Check_Type(array_nl, T_STRING);
len = RSTRING_LEN(array_nl);
if (len == 0) {
if (state->array_nl) {
state->array_nl = NULL;
} else {
if (state->array_nl) ruby_xfree(state->array_nl);
state->array_nl = fstrndup(RSTRING_PTR(array_nl), len);
state->array_nl_len = len;
return Qnil;
* call-seq: check_circular?
* Returns true, if circular data structures should be checked,
* otherwise returns false.
static VALUE cState_check_circular_p(VALUE self)
return state->max_nesting ? Qtrue : Qfalse;
* call-seq: max_nesting
* This integer returns the maximum level of data structure nesting in
* the generated JSON, max_nesting = 0 if no maximum is checked.
static VALUE cState_max_nesting(VALUE self)
return LONG2FIX(state->max_nesting);
* call-seq: max_nesting=(depth)
* This sets the maximum level of data structure nesting in the generated JSON
* to the integer depth, max_nesting = 0 if no maximum should be checked.
static VALUE cState_max_nesting_set(VALUE self, VALUE depth)
Check_Type(depth, T_FIXNUM);
return state->max_nesting = FIX2LONG(depth);
* call-seq: escape_slash
* If this boolean is true, the forward slashes will be escaped in
* the json output.
static VALUE cState_escape_slash(VALUE self)
return state->escape_slash ? Qtrue : Qfalse;
* call-seq: escape_slash=(depth)
* This sets whether or not the forward slashes will be escaped in
* the json output.
static VALUE cState_escape_slash_set(VALUE self, VALUE enable)
state->escape_slash = RTEST(enable);
return Qnil;
* call-seq: allow_nan?
* Returns true, if NaN, Infinity, and -Infinity should be generated, otherwise
* returns false.
static VALUE cState_allow_nan_p(VALUE self)
return state->allow_nan ? Qtrue : Qfalse;
* call-seq: ascii_only?
* Returns true, if only ASCII characters should be generated. Otherwise
* returns false.
static VALUE cState_ascii_only_p(VALUE self)
return state->ascii_only ? Qtrue : Qfalse;
* call-seq: depth
* This integer returns the current depth of data structure nesting.
static VALUE cState_depth(VALUE self)
return LONG2FIX(state->depth);
* call-seq: depth=(depth)
* This sets the maximum level of data structure nesting in the generated JSON
* to the integer depth, max_nesting = 0 if no maximum should be checked.
static VALUE cState_depth_set(VALUE self, VALUE depth)
Check_Type(depth, T_FIXNUM);
state->depth = FIX2LONG(depth);
return Qnil;
* call-seq: buffer_initial_length
* This integer returns the current initial length of the buffer.
static VALUE cState_buffer_initial_length(VALUE self)
return LONG2FIX(state->buffer_initial_length);
* call-seq: buffer_initial_length=(length)
* This sets the initial length of the buffer to +length+, if +length+ > 0,
* otherwise its value isn't changed.
static VALUE cState_buffer_initial_length_set(VALUE self, VALUE buffer_initial_length)
long initial_length;
Check_Type(buffer_initial_length, T_FIXNUM);
initial_length = FIX2LONG(buffer_initial_length);
if (initial_length > 0) {
state->buffer_initial_length = initial_length;
return Qnil;
void Init_generator(void)
#undef rb_intern
mJSON = rb_define_module("JSON");
mExt = rb_define_module_under(mJSON, "Ext");
mGenerator = rb_define_module_under(mExt, "Generator");
eGeneratorError = rb_path2class("JSON::GeneratorError");
eNestingError = rb_path2class("JSON::NestingError");
cState = rb_define_class_under(mGenerator, "State", rb_cObject);
rb_define_alloc_func(cState, cState_s_allocate);
rb_define_singleton_method(cState, "from_state", cState_from_state_s, 1);
rb_define_method(cState, "initialize", cState_initialize, -1);
rb_define_method(cState, "initialize_copy", cState_init_copy, 1);
rb_define_method(cState, "indent", cState_indent, 0);
rb_define_method(cState, "indent=", cState_indent_set, 1);
rb_define_method(cState, "space", cState_space, 0);
rb_define_method(cState, "space=", cState_space_set, 1);
rb_define_method(cState, "space_before", cState_space_before, 0);
rb_define_method(cState, "space_before=", cState_space_before_set, 1);
rb_define_method(cState, "object_nl", cState_object_nl, 0);
rb_define_method(cState, "object_nl=", cState_object_nl_set, 1);
rb_define_method(cState, "array_nl", cState_array_nl, 0);
rb_define_method(cState, "array_nl=", cState_array_nl_set, 1);
rb_define_method(cState, "max_nesting", cState_max_nesting, 0);
rb_define_method(cState, "max_nesting=", cState_max_nesting_set, 1);
rb_define_method(cState, "escape_slash", cState_escape_slash, 0);
rb_define_method(cState, "escape_slash?", cState_escape_slash, 0);
rb_define_method(cState, "escape_slash=", cState_escape_slash_set, 1);
rb_define_method(cState, "check_circular?", cState_check_circular_p, 0);
rb_define_method(cState, "allow_nan?", cState_allow_nan_p, 0);
rb_define_method(cState, "ascii_only?", cState_ascii_only_p, 0);
rb_define_method(cState, "depth", cState_depth, 0);
rb_define_method(cState, "depth=", cState_depth_set, 1);
rb_define_method(cState, "buffer_initial_length", cState_buffer_initial_length, 0);
rb_define_method(cState, "buffer_initial_length=", cState_buffer_initial_length_set, 1);
rb_define_method(cState, "configure", cState_configure, 1);
rb_define_alias(cState, "merge", "configure");
rb_define_method(cState, "to_h", cState_to_h, 0);
rb_define_alias(cState, "to_hash", "to_h");
rb_define_method(cState, "[]", cState_aref, 1);
rb_define_method(cState, "[]=", cState_aset, 2);
rb_define_method(cState, "generate", cState_generate, 1);
mGeneratorMethods = rb_define_module_under(mGenerator, "GeneratorMethods");
mObject = rb_define_module_under(mGeneratorMethods, "Object");
rb_define_method(mObject, "to_json", mObject_to_json, -1);
mHash = rb_define_module_under(mGeneratorMethods, "Hash");
rb_define_method(mHash, "to_json", mHash_to_json, -1);
mArray = rb_define_module_under(mGeneratorMethods, "Array");
rb_define_method(mArray, "to_json", mArray_to_json, -1);
mInteger = rb_define_module_under(mGeneratorMethods, "Integer");
rb_define_method(mInteger, "to_json", mInteger_to_json, -1);
mFixnum = rb_define_module_under(mGeneratorMethods, "Fixnum");
rb_define_method(mFixnum, "to_json", mFixnum_to_json, -1);
mBignum = rb_define_module_under(mGeneratorMethods, "Bignum");
rb_define_method(mBignum, "to_json", mBignum_to_json, -1);
mFloat = rb_define_module_under(mGeneratorMethods, "Float");
rb_define_method(mFloat, "to_json", mFloat_to_json, -1);
mString = rb_define_module_under(mGeneratorMethods, "String");
rb_define_singleton_method(mString, "included", mString_included_s, 1);
rb_define_method(mString, "to_json", mString_to_json, -1);
rb_define_method(mString, "to_json_raw", mString_to_json_raw, -1);
rb_define_method(mString, "to_json_raw_object", mString_to_json_raw_object, 0);
mString_Extend = rb_define_module_under(mString, "Extend");
rb_define_method(mString_Extend, "json_create", mString_Extend_json_create, 1);
mTrueClass = rb_define_module_under(mGeneratorMethods, "TrueClass");
rb_define_method(mTrueClass, "to_json", mTrueClass_to_json, -1);
mFalseClass = rb_define_module_under(mGeneratorMethods, "FalseClass");
rb_define_method(mFalseClass, "to_json", mFalseClass_to_json, -1);
mNilClass = rb_define_module_under(mGeneratorMethods, "NilClass");
rb_define_method(mNilClass, "to_json", mNilClass_to_json, -1);
i_to_s = rb_intern("to_s");
i_to_json = rb_intern("to_json");
i_new = rb_intern("new");
i_indent = rb_intern("indent");
i_space = rb_intern("space");
i_space_before = rb_intern("space_before");
i_object_nl = rb_intern("object_nl");
i_array_nl = rb_intern("array_nl");
i_max_nesting = rb_intern("max_nesting");
i_escape_slash = rb_intern("escape_slash");
i_allow_nan = rb_intern("allow_nan");
i_ascii_only = rb_intern("ascii_only");
i_depth = rb_intern("depth");
i_buffer_initial_length = rb_intern("buffer_initial_length");
i_pack = rb_intern("pack");
i_unpack = rb_intern("unpack");
i_create_id = rb_intern("create_id");
i_extend = rb_intern("extend");
i_key_p = rb_intern("key?");
i_aref = rb_intern("[]");
i_send = rb_intern("__send__");
i_respond_to_p = rb_intern("respond_to?");
i_match = rb_intern("match");
i_keys = rb_intern("keys");
i_dup = rb_intern("dup");