mirror of
synced 2022-11-09 12:17:21 -05:00

* ext/tk/lib/tk/canvas.rb: support creating a canvas item object from an item ID number. * ext/tk/lib/tk/image.rb: import documents which are pull-requested. [Ruby 1.9 - Feature #4595] * ext/tk/lib/tk/extconf.rb: search directories for 64bit library (e.g. /usr/lib64), add some new configure options (see README.tcltklib), and bug fix. * ext/tk/lib/tk/README.tcltklib: modify docs for some new configure options. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://ci.ruby-lang.org/ruby/trunk@31717 b2dd03c8-39d4-4d8f-98ff-823fe69b080e
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To compile 'tcltklib', you must have Tcl/Tk libraries on your environment.
Although 'extconf.rb' script searches Tcl/Tk libraries and header files
(as default, searches tclConfig.sh/tkConfig.sh and use the defintions on
those; ActiveTcl has high priority on searching unless --without-ActiveTcl),
sometimes fails to find them. And then, 'tcltklib' cannot be compiled. If
Tcl/Tk libraries or header files are installed but are not found, you can
give the information by arguments of the 'configure' script. Please give
some or all of the following options.
--with-tk-old-extconf use old "extconf.rb" (default: false).
If current extconf.rb doesn't work properly
(or your install process is based on old
documant about Ruby/Tk install), please try
this option.
--with-ActiveTcl / --without-ActiveTcl
--with-ActiveTcl=<dir> search ActiveTcl libraries (default: true).
When true, try to find installed ActiveTcl.
When <dir> is given, use it as the ActiveTcl's
top directory (use <dir>/lib, and so on).
Old "extconf.rb" doesn't support this option.
teach the paths for loading shared-libraries
to linker.
<paths> is a path list with the same format
as PATH environment variable.
This option may be experimental.
Old "extconf.rb" doesn't support this option.
force version of Tcl/Tk libaray
(e.g. libtcl8.4g.so & libtk8.4g.so ==> --with-tcltkversion=8.4g
libtcl8.4.so & libtk8.4g.so ==> --with-tcltkversion=8.4,8.4g)
enable or disable for checking MAJOR_VERSION and
MINOR_VERSION on tcl.h/tk.h whether match with
Tcl/Tk libraries' version or not.
--with-tk-build-dir=<dir> If you want to compile with libraries on Tcl/Tk
build dir (still NOT installed), you must use
these options.
(e.g. --with-tcl-build-dir=./build/tcl8.5.9/unix)
When use these options, --with-tclConfig-dir and
--with-tkConfig-dir options are ignored (however,
--with-tclConfig-file and --with-tkConfig-file
options are still available).
file path of tclConfig.sh/tkConfig.sh, or don't
refer those.
If you want use non-standard filenames of config
files (e.g. tclConfig-static.sh), you must use
these options.
--with-tkConfig-dir=<dir> the directory contains 'tclConfig.sh' and
Current "extconf.rb" uses the information
on tclConfig.sh/tkConfig.rb, if possible.
Old "extconf.rb" doesn't support this option.
--with-tcllib=<libname> (e.g. libtcl8.4.so ==> --with-tcllib=tcl8.4)
--with-tklib=<libname> (e.g. libtk8.4.so ==> --with-tklib=tk8.4)
--enable-tcltk-stubs (if you force to enable stubs)
On old "extconf.rb", default is false.
On current "extconf.rb", default is true when
tclConfig.sh/tkConfig.sh have TCL_STUB_LIB_SPEC
/TK_STUB_LIB_SPEC, else default is false.
equal to "--with-tcl-include=<path>/include --with-tcl-lib=<path>/lib"
equal to "--with-tk-include=<path>/include --with-tk-lib=<path>/lib"
--with-tcl-include=<dir> the directry contains 'tcl.h'
--with-tk-include=<dir> the directry contains 'tk.h'
--with-tcl-lib=<dir> the directry contains 'libtcl<version>.so'
--with-tk-lib=<dir> the directry contains 'libtk<version>.so'
--enable-mac-tcltk-framework (MacOS X) use Tcl/Tk framework
(Obsolete. Please use '--enable-tcltk-framework'.)
--enable-tcltk-framework use Tcl/Tk framework
--with-tcltk-framework=<dir> the directory contains Tcl/Tk framework;
"<dir>/Tcl.framework" and "<dir>/Tk.framework".
When this option is given, it is assumed that
--enable-tcltk-framework option is given also.
Tcl framework directory (e.g. "/Library/Frameworks/Tcl.framework")
Tk framework directory (e.g. "/Library/Frameworks/Tk.framework")
Tcl framework headers directory
(e.g. "/Library/Frameworks/Tcl.framework/Headers")
Tk framework headers directory
(e.g. "/Library/Frameworks/Tk.framework/Headers")
--with-X11 / --without-X11 use / not use the X Window System
equal to "--with-X11-include=<path>/include --with-X11-lib=<path>/lib"
--with-X11-include=<dir> the directry contais X11 header files
--with-X11-lib=<dir> the directry contais X11 libraries
If you forgot to give the options when do 'configure' on toplevel
directry of Ruby sources, please try something like as the followings.
$ cd ext/tcltklib
$ rm Makefile
$ CONFIGURE_ARGS='--with-tcl-include=/usr/local/include/tcl8.4/ --with-tcllib=tcl8.4 --with-tklib=tk8.4' ruby extconf.rb
When your Tcl/Tk libraries are compiled with "pthread support",
Ruby/Tk may cause "Hang-up" or "Segmentation Fault" frequently.
If you have such a trouble, please try to use the '--enable-pthread'
option of the 'configure' command and re-compile Ruby sources.
It may help you to avoid this trouble. The following configure
options may be useful.
--with-tclConfig-file=<path of 'tclConfig.sh'>
--with-tkConfig-file=<path of 'tkConfig.sh'>
It is not need that 'tclConfig.sh' is a normal Tcl/Tk's tclConfig.sh.
But the file is expected to include the line "TCL_THREADS=0" or "...=1".
When no "TCL_THREADS=?" line, if Tcl version is 7.x or 8.0 which is
given by "TCL_MAJOR_VERSION=?" line and "TCL_MINOR_VERSION=?" line,
then --disable-tcl-thread is expected. Else, ignore the 'tclConfig.sh'.
If --enable-tcl-thread or --disable-tcl-thread option is given, then
--with-tclConfig-file option is ignored.
Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)