2011-08-22 23:59:19 +09:00
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
2013-03-03 06:08:54 +09:00
# -*- mode: ruby; coding: utf-8 -*-
2011-08-22 23:59:19 +09:00
# A Demo Ruby/OpenCV Implementation of SURF
# See https://code.ros.org/trac/opencv/browser/tags/2.3.1/opencv/samples/c/find_obj.cpp
require 'opencv'
require 'benchmark'
include OpenCV
def compare_surf_descriptors(d1, d2, best, length)
raise ArgumentError unless (length % 4) == 0
total_cost = 0
0.step(length - 1, 4) { |i|
t0 = d1[i] - d2[i]
t1 = d1[i + 1] - d2[i + 1]
t2 = d1[i + 2] - d2[i + 2]
t3 = d1[i + 3] - d2[i + 3]
total_cost += t0 * t0 + t1 * t1 + t2 * t2 + t3 * t3
break if total_cost > best
def naive_nearest_neighbor(vec, laplacian, model_keypoints, model_descriptors)
length = model_descriptors[0].size
neighbor = nil
dist1 = 1e6
dist2 = 1e6
model_descriptors.size.times { |i|
kp = model_keypoints[i]
mvec = model_descriptors[i]
next if laplacian != kp.laplacian
d = compare_surf_descriptors(vec, mvec, dist2, length)
if d < dist1
dist2 = dist1
dist1 = d
neighbor = i
elsif d < dist2
dist2 = d
return (dist1 < 0.6 * dist2) ? neighbor : nil
def find_pairs(object_keypoints, object_descriptors,
image_keypoints, image_descriptors)
ptpairs = []
object_descriptors.size.times { |i|
kp = object_keypoints[i]
descriptor = object_descriptors[i]
nearest_neighbor = naive_nearest_neighbor(descriptor, kp.laplacian, image_keypoints, image_descriptors)
unless nearest_neighbor.nil?
ptpairs << i
ptpairs << nearest_neighbor
def locate_planar_object(object_keypoints, object_descriptors,
image_keypoints, image_descriptors, src_corners)
ptpairs = find_pairs(object_keypoints, object_descriptors, image_keypoints, image_descriptors)
n = ptpairs.size / 2
return nil if n < 4
pt1 = []
pt2 = []
n.times { |i|
pt1 << object_keypoints[ptpairs[i * 2]].pt
pt2 << image_keypoints[ptpairs[i * 2 + 1]].pt
_pt1 = CvMat.new(1, n, CV_32F, 2)
_pt2 = CvMat.new(1, n, CV_32F, 2)
h = CvMat.find_homography(_pt1, _pt2, :ransac, 5)
dst_corners = []
4.times { |i|
x = src_corners[i].x
y = src_corners[i].y
z = 1.0 / (h[6][0] * x + h[7][0] * y + h[8][0])
x = (h[0][0] * x + h[1][0] * y + h[2][0]) * z
y = (h[3][0] * x + h[4][0] * y + h[5][0]) * z
dst_corners << CvPoint.new(x.to_i, y.to_i)
##### Main #####
puts 'This program demonstrated the use of the SURF Detector and Descriptor using'
puts 'brute force matching on planar objects.'
puts 'Usage:'
puts "ruby #{__FILE__} <object_filename> <scene_filename>, default is box.png and box_in_scene.png"
2013-10-31 04:20:39 +09:00
object_filename = (ARGV.size == 2) ? ARGV[0] : 'images/box.png'
scene_filename = (ARGV.size == 2) ? ARGV[1] : 'images/box_in_scene.png'
2011-08-22 23:59:19 +09:00
object, image = nil, nil
object = IplImage.load(object_filename, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE)
image = IplImage.load(scene_filename, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE)
puts "Can not load #{object_filename} and/or #{scene_filename}"
puts "Usage: ruby #{__FILE__} [<object_filename> <scene_filename>]"
object_color = object.GRAY2BGR
param = CvSURFParams.new(1500)
object_keypoints, object_descriptors = nil, nil
image_keypoints, image_descriptors = nil, nil
tms = Benchmark.measure {
object_keypoints, object_descriptors = object.extract_surf(param)
puts "Object Descriptors: #{object_descriptors.size}"
image_keypoints, image_descriptors = image.extract_surf(param)
puts "Image Descriptors: #{image_descriptors.size}"
puts "Extraction time = #{tms.real * 1000} ms"
correspond = IplImage.new(image.width, object.height + image.height, CV_8U, 1);
correspond.set_roi(CvRect.new(0, 0, object.width, object.height))
correspond.set_roi(CvRect.new(0, object.height, image.width, image.height))
src_corners = [CvPoint.new(0, 0), CvPoint.new(object.width, 0),
CvPoint.new(object.width, object.height), CvPoint.new(0, object.height)]
dst_corners = locate_planar_object(object_keypoints, object_descriptors,
image_keypoints, image_descriptors, src_corners)
correspond = correspond.GRAY2BGR
if dst_corners
4.times { |i|
r1 = dst_corners[i % 4]
r2 = dst_corners[(i + 1) % 4]
correspond.line!(CvPoint.new(r1.x, r1.y + object.height), CvPoint.new(r2.x, r2.y + object.height),
:color => CvColor::Red, :thickness => 2, :line_type => :aa)
ptpairs = find_pairs(object_keypoints, object_descriptors, image_keypoints, image_descriptors)
0.step(ptpairs.size - 1, 2) { |i|
r1 = object_keypoints[ptpairs[i]]
r2 = image_keypoints[ptpairs[i + 1]]
correspond.line!(r1.pt, CvPoint.new(r2.pt.x, r2.pt.y + object.height),
:color => CvColor::Red, :line_type => :aa)
object_keypoints.each { |r|
radius = (r.size * 1.2 / 9.0 * 2).to_i
object_color.circle!(r.pt, radius, :color => CvColor::Red, :line_type => :aa)
GUI::Window.new('Object Correspond').show correspond
GUI::Window.new('Object').show object_color