2013-01-20 08:12:44 +09:00
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
Gem :: Specification . new do | s |
s . name = " ruby-opencv "
2013-05-20 23:46:14 +09:00
s . version = " "
2013-01-20 08:12:44 +09:00
2013-01-27 12:48:24 +09:00
s . required_rubygems_version = Gem :: Requirement . new ( " >= 0 " ) if s . respond_to? :required_rubygems_version =
2013-01-20 08:12:44 +09:00
s . authors = [ " lsxi " , " ser1zw " , " pcting " ]
2013-05-20 23:46:14 +09:00
s . date = " 2013-05-20 "
2013-03-24 23:23:45 +09:00
s . description = " ruby-opencv is a wrapper of OpenCV for Ruby. It helps you to write computer vision programs (e.g. detecting faces from pictures) with Ruby. "
2013-01-20 08:12:44 +09:00
s . email = [ " masakazu.yonekura@gmail.com " , " azariahsawtikes@gmail.com " , " pcting@gmail.com " ]
2013-03-03 02:28:21 +09:00
s . extensions = [ " ext/opencv/extconf.rb " ]
2013-05-05 04:30:55 +09:00
s . extra_rdoc_files = [ " DEVELOPERS_NOTE.md " , " History.txt " , " License.txt " , " Manifest.txt " , " README.md " , " examples/matching_to_many_images/train/trainImages.txt " ]
2013-05-20 23:46:14 +09:00
s . files = [ " .gitignore " , " DEVELOPERS_NOTE.md " , " Gemfile " , " History.txt " , " License.txt " , " Manifest.txt " , " README.md " , " Rakefile " , " config.yml " , " examples/alpha_blend.rb " , " examples/box.png " , " examples/box_in_scene.png " , " examples/contours/bitmap-contours-with-labels.png " , " examples/contours/bitmap-contours.png " , " examples/contours/bounding-box-detect-canny.rb " , " examples/contours/contour_retrieval_modes.rb " , " examples/contours/rotated-boxes.jpg " , " examples/convexhull.rb " , " examples/face_detect.rb " , " examples/find_obj.rb " , " examples/houghcircle.rb " , " examples/inpaint.png " , " examples/inpaint.rb " , " examples/lenna-rotated.jpg " , " examples/lenna.jpg " , " examples/match_kdtree.rb " , " examples/matching_to_many_images.rb " , " examples/matching_to_many_images/query.png " , " examples/matching_to_many_images/train/1.png " , " examples/matching_to_many_images/train/2.png " , " examples/matching_to_many_images/train/3.png " , " examples/matching_to_many_images/train/trainImages.txt " , " examples/paint.rb " , " examples/snake.rb " , " examples/stuff.jpg " , " examples/tiffany.jpg " , " ext/opencv/curve.cpp " , " ext/opencv/curve.h " , " ext/opencv/cvavgcomp.cpp " , " ext/opencv/cvavgcomp.h " , " ext/opencv/cvbox2d.cpp " , " ext/opencv/cvbox2d.h " , " ext/opencv/cvcapture.cpp " , " ext/opencv/cvcapture.h " , " ext/opencv/cvchain.cpp " , " ext/opencv/cvchain.h " , " ext/opencv/cvcircle32f.cpp " , " ext/opencv/cvcircle32f.h " , " ext/opencv/cvcondensation.cpp " , " ext/opencv/cvcondensation.h " , " ext/opencv/cvconnectedcomp.cpp " , " ext/opencv/cvconnectedcomp.h " , " ext/opencv/cvcontour.cpp " , " ext/opencv/cvcontour.h " , " ext/opencv/cvcontourtree.cpp " , " ext/opencv/cvcontourtree.h " , " ext/opencv/cvconvexitydefect.cpp " , " ext/opencv/cvconvexitydefect.h " , " ext/opencv/cverror.cpp " , " ext/opencv/cverror.h " , " ext/opencv/cvfeaturetree.cpp " , " ext/opencv/cvfeaturetree.h " , " ext/opencv/cvfont.cpp " , " ext/opencv/cvfont.h " , " ext/opencv/cvhaarclassifiercascade.cpp " , " ext/opencv/cvhaarclassifiercascade.h " , " ext/opencv/cvhistogram.cpp " , " ext/opencv/cvhistogram.h " , " ext/opencv/cvhumoments.cpp " , " ext/opencv/cvhumoments.h " , " ext/opencv/cvline.cpp " , " ext/opencv/cvline.h " , " ext/opencv/cvmat.cpp " , " ext/opencv/cvmat.h " , " ext/opencv/cvmatnd.cpp " , " ext/opencv/cvmatnd.h " , " ext/opencv/cvmemstorage.cpp " , " ext/opencv/cvmemstorage.h " , " ext/opencv/cvmoments.cpp " , " ext/opencv/cvmoments.h " , " ext/opencv/cvpoint.cpp " , " ext/opencv/cvpoint.h " , " ext/opencv/cvpoint2d32f.cpp " , " ext/opencv/cvpoint2d32f.h " , " ext/opencv/cvpoint3d32f.cpp " , " ext/opencv/cvpoint3d32f.h " , " ext/opencv/cvrect.cpp " , " ext/opencv/cvrect.h " , " ext/opencv/cvscalar.cpp " , " ext/opencv/cvscalar.h " , " ext/opencv/cvseq.cpp " , " ext/opencv/cvseq.h " , " ext/opencv/cvsize.cpp " , " ext/opencv/cvsize.h " , " ext/opencv/cvsize2d32f.cpp " , " ext/opencv/cvsize2d32f.h " , " ext/opencv/cvslice.cpp " , " ext/opencv/cvslice.h " , " ext/opencv/cvsparsemat.cpp " , " ext/opencv/cvsparsemat.h " , " ext/opencv/cvsurfparams.cpp " , " ext/opencv/cvsurfparams.h " , " ext/opencv/cvsurfpoint.cpp " , " ext/opencv/cvsurfpoint.h " , " ext/opencv/cvtermcriteria.cpp " , " ext/opencv/cvtermcriteria.h " , " ext/opencv/cvtwopoints.cpp " , " ext/opencv/cvtwopoints.h " , " ext/opencv/cvutils.cpp " , " ext/opencv/cvutils.h " , " ext/opencv/cvvideowriter.cpp " , " ext/opencv/cvvideowriter.h " , " ext/opencv/eigenfaces.cpp " , " ext/opencv/eigenfaces.h " , " ext/opencv/extconf.rb " , " ext/opencv/gui.cpp " , " ext/opencv/gui.h " , " ext/opencv/iplconvkernel.cpp " , " ext/opencv/iplconvkernel.h " , " ext/opencv/iplimage.cpp " , " ext/opencv/iplimage.h " , " ext/opencv/mouseevent.cpp " , " ext/opencv/mouseevent.h " , " ext/opencv/opencv.cpp " , " ext/opencv/opencv.h " , " ext/opencv/pointset.cpp " , " ext/opencv/pointset.h " , " ext/opencv/trackbar.cpp " , " ext/opencv/trackbar.h " , " ext/opencv/window.cpp " , " ext/opencv/window.h " , " images/CvMat_sobel.png " , " images/CvMat_sub_rect.png " , " images/CvSeq_relationmap.png " , " images/face_detect_from_lena.jpg " , " lib/opencv.rb " , " lib/opencv/psyched_yaml.rb " , " lib/opencv/version.rb " , " ruby-opencv.gemspec " , " test/helper.rb " , " test/runner.rb " , " test/samples/airplane.jpg " , " test/samples/baboon.jpg " , " test/samples/baboon200.jpg " , " test/samples/baboon200_rotated.jpg " , " test/samples/blank0.jpg " , " test/samples
2013-01-20 08:12:44 +09:00
s . homepage = " https://github.com/ruby-opencv/ruby-opencv/ "
2013-03-24 23:23:45 +09:00
s . licenses = [ " The BSD License " ]
2013-01-27 12:48:24 +09:00
s . rdoc_options = [ " --main " , " README.md " ]
2013-01-20 08:12:44 +09:00
s . require_paths = [ " lib " ]
s . rubyforge_project = " ruby-opencv "
2013-03-24 23:23:45 +09:00
s . rubygems_version = " 2.0.3 "
2013-01-20 08:12:44 +09:00
s . summary = " OpenCV wrapper for Ruby "
2013-05-20 23:46:14 +09:00
s . test_files = [ " test/test_cvhistogram.rb " , " test/test_cvconnectedcomp.rb " , " test/test_mouseevent.rb " , " test/test_opencv.rb " , " test/test_cvmat_imageprocessing.rb " , " test/test_cvmat.rb " , " test/test_cvfeaturetree.rb " , " test/test_iplconvkernel.rb " , " test/test_cvchain.rb " , " test/test_cvmat_drawing.rb " , " test/test_cvpoint.rb " , " test/test_trackbar.rb " , " test/test_cvsize2d32f.rb " , " test/test_cvsurfparams.rb " , " test/test_cvscalar.rb " , " test/test_cverror.rb " , " test/test_cvhumoments.rb " , " test/test_iplimage.rb " , " test/test_cvslice.rb " , " test/test_cvtwopoints.rb " , " test/test_cvfont.rb " , " test/test_eigenfaces.rb " , " test/test_cvseq.rb " , " test/test_cvcontour.rb " , " test/test_curve.rb " , " test/test_cvsize.rb " , " test/test_window.rb " , " test/test_cvbox2d.rb " , " test/test_cvpoint2d32f.rb " , " test/test_cvcapture.rb " , " test/test_pointset.rb " , " test/test_cvcontourtree.rb " , " test/test_cvavgcomp.rb " , " test/test_cvsurfpoint.rb " , " test/test_cvrect.rb " , " test/test_cvline.rb " , " test/test_cvvideowriter.rb " , " test/test_cvpoint3d32f.rb " , " test/test_cvmat_matching.rb " , " test/test_cvcircle32f.rb " , " test/test_preliminary.rb " , " test/test_cvmat_dxt.rb " , " test/test_cvmoments.rb " , " test/test_cvtermcriteria.rb " , " test/test_cvhaarclassifiercascade.rb " ]
2013-01-20 08:12:44 +09:00
if s . respond_to? :specification_version then
2013-03-03 02:28:21 +09:00
s . specification_version = 4
2013-01-20 08:12:44 +09:00
if Gem :: Version . new ( Gem :: VERSION ) > = Gem :: Version . new ( '1.2.0' ) then
2013-05-05 04:30:55 +09:00
s . add_development_dependency ( %q< rdoc > , [ " ~> 4.0 " ] )
2013-01-20 08:12:44 +09:00
s . add_development_dependency ( %q< rake-compiler > , [ " >= 0 " ] )
s . add_development_dependency ( %q< hoe-gemspec > , [ " >= 0 " ] )
2013-05-05 04:30:55 +09:00
s . add_development_dependency ( %q< hoe > , [ " ~> 3.6 " ] )
2013-01-20 08:12:44 +09:00
2013-05-05 04:30:55 +09:00
s . add_dependency ( %q< rdoc > , [ " ~> 4.0 " ] )
2013-01-20 08:12:44 +09:00
s . add_dependency ( %q< rake-compiler > , [ " >= 0 " ] )
s . add_dependency ( %q< hoe-gemspec > , [ " >= 0 " ] )
2013-05-05 04:30:55 +09:00
s . add_dependency ( %q< hoe > , [ " ~> 3.6 " ] )
2013-01-20 08:12:44 +09:00
2013-05-05 04:30:55 +09:00
s . add_dependency ( %q< rdoc > , [ " ~> 4.0 " ] )
2013-01-20 08:12:44 +09:00
s . add_dependency ( %q< rake-compiler > , [ " >= 0 " ] )
s . add_dependency ( %q< hoe-gemspec > , [ " >= 0 " ] )
2013-05-05 04:30:55 +09:00
s . add_dependency ( %q< hoe > , [ " ~> 3.6 " ] )
2013-01-20 08:12:44 +09:00