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# Create OpenCV library for VisualC++.
raise 'Should use Ruby-mswin32.' unless RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin32/
require 'pathname'
opencv_installed_dir = "C:/Program\ Files/OpenCV"
install_libdir = "lib"
install_includedir = "include"
STDOUT.sync = true
puts ">> Please tell me CPU archtecture."
archs = ["x86", "amd64", "ia64"]
archs.each_with_index{|v, i|
puts "[#{i}].#{v}"
print "CPU archtecture : "
input = gets.chomp!.to_i
arch = archs[input]
puts "you choose #{arch}"
puts ">> Please tell me path installed OpenCV."
puts ">> note: default is #{opencv_installed_dir}"
print "opencv installed directory : "
input = gets.chomp!
opencv_installed_dir = input unless input.empty?
puts "[step.1]"
puts ">> Checking directory..."
basedir = Pathname(opencv_installed_dir)
print ">> basedir #{basedir}"
raise "error: directory #{basedir} does not exist." unless File.directory?(basedir)
bindir = basedir + 'bin'
puts "...ok"
print ">> bindir #{bindir}"
raise "error: directory #{bindir} does not exist." unless File.directory?(bindir)
puts "...ok"
libdir = basedir + 'lib'
print ">> libdir #{libdir}"
raise "error: directory #{libdir} does not exist." unless File.directory?(libdir)
puts "...ok"
puts "[step.2]"
puts ">> Searching OpenCV Windows DLLs..."
next unless filename =~ /\d\d\d\.dll\Z/
dllname = filename.scan(/(\D+)\d+\.dll/)
open("#{dllname}.def", "w"){|def_file|
def_file.puts "LIBRARY #{filename}"
def_file.puts "EXPORTS"
`dumpbin.exe /exports "#{bindir + filename}"`.split("\n").each{|line|
f = line.scan(/\A\s+\d+\s+[0-9A-F]+\s+[0-9A-F]+\s+(.*)/).first
def_file.puts f if f
`lib.exe /def:#{dllname}.def /machine:#{arch}`
puts ">> Create #{dllname}.lib success."
puts "[step.3]"
puts ">> Move libs to target directory"
puts ">> note: default is #{install_libdir}"
print "target directory : "
input = gets.chomp!
install_libdir = input unless input.empty?
if File.exist?(install_libdir)
raise "#{install_libdir} is exist. but it is not directory." unless File.directory?(install_libdir)
print "Directory #{install_libdir} does not exist. Create it? [y/n]:"
raise "Please create directory #{install_libdir}" unless gets.chomp! == 'y'
`md #{install_libdir}`
puts "move"
`move *.lib #{install_libdir}`
puts "[step.4]"
puts ">> Copy OpenCV header files(*.h / *.hpp) to target directory"
puts ">> note: default is #{install_includedir}"
print "target directory : "
input = gets.chomp!
install_includedir = input unless input.empty?
if File.exist?(install_includedir)
raise "#{install_includedir} is exist. but it is not directory." unless File.directory?(install_libdir)
print "Directory #{install_includedir} does not exist. Create it? [y/n]:"
raise "Please create directory #{install_includedir}" unless gets.chomp! == 'y'
`md #{install_includedir}`
puts ">> Copying header files..."
if File.directory?(basedir + i)
Dir.foreach(basedir + i){|filename|
next unless (File.extname(filename) == ".h" || File.extname(filename) == ".hpp")
`copy \"#{(basedir + i + filename).to_s.gsub("/", "\\")}\" #{install_includedir}`