diff --git a/ext/cvmat.cpp b/ext/cvmat.cpp
index 7ddfb8d..cd84376 100644
--- a/ext/cvmat.cpp
+++ b/ext/cvmat.cpp
@@ -417,7 +417,6 @@ rb_allocate(VALUE klass)
* Number of channel is set by channel. channel should be 1..4.
rb_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
@@ -2762,32 +2761,35 @@ rb_fill_poly(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
rb_fill_poly_bang(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
- VALUE points, drawing_option;
- rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &points, &drawing_option);
+ VALUE polygons, drawing_option;
+ VALUE points;
+ int i, j;
+ int num_polygons;
+ int *num_points;
+ CvPoint **p;
+ rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &polygons, &drawing_option);
+ // TODO: Check type of argument
drawing_option = DRAWING_OPTION(drawing_option);
- if (!POINT_SET_P(points))
- rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "argument 1(points) should be %s.", cCvSeq::rb_class());
- /* // todo : draw multi-sequence polygon
- CvSeq *seq = CVSEQ(points);
- int contours = 1;
- while(seq = seq->h_next)
- contours++;
- int **nps = ALLOCA_N(int*, contours);
- CvPoint **ps = ALLOCA_N(CvPoint*, contours);
- seq = CVSEQ(points);
- for (int i = 0; i < contours; i++) {
+ num_polygons = RARRAY_LEN(polygons);
+ num_points = ALLOCA_N(int, num_polygons);
+ p = ALLOCA_N(CvPoint*, num_polygons);
+ for (j = 0; j < num_polygons; j++) {
+ points = rb_ary_entry(polygons, j);
+ num_points[j] = RARRAY_LEN(points);
+ p[j] = ALLOCA_N(CvPoint, num_points[j]);
+ for (i = 0; i < num_points[j]; i++) {
+ p[j][i] = VALUE_TO_CVPOINT(rb_ary_entry(points, i));
+ }
- */
- int np = CVSEQ(points)->total;
- VALUE tmp = cCvMat::new_object(1, np, CV_32SC2);
- CvPoint *p = (CvPoint*)cvCvtSeqToArray(CVSEQ(points), CVMAT(tmp)->data.ptr, CV_WHOLE_SEQ);
- &p,
- &np,
- 1, //contours
+ p,
+ num_points,
+ num_polygons,
return self;
@@ -2827,22 +2829,25 @@ rb_fill_convex_poly(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
* Fills convex polygon.
* Same as CvMat#fill_convex_poly, but modifies the receiver in place.
- * see CvMat#fill_cnovex_poly
+ * see CvMat#fill_convex_poly
rb_fill_convex_poly_bang(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE points, drawing_option;
+ int i, num_points;
+ CvPoint *p;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &points, &drawing_option);
+ // TODO: Check type of argument
drawing_option = DRAWING_OPTION(drawing_option);
- if (!POINT_SET_P(points))
- rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "argument 1(points) should be %s.", cCvSeq::rb_class());
- int np = CVSEQ(points)->total;
- VALUE tmp = cCvMat::new_object(1, np, CV_32SC2);
- CvPoint *p = (CvPoint*)cvCvtSeqToArray(CVSEQ(points), CVMAT(tmp)->data.ptr, CV_WHOLE_SEQ);
+ num_points = RARRAY_LEN(points);
+ p = ALLOCA_N(CvPoint, num_points);
+ for (i = 0; i < num_points; i++)
+ p[i] = VALUE_TO_CVPOINT(rb_ary_entry(points, i));
- np,
+ num_points,
@@ -2893,41 +2898,41 @@ rb_poly_line(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
rb_poly_line_bang(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
- VALUE points, drawing_option;
- rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &points, &drawing_option);
+ VALUE polygons, drawing_option;
+ VALUE points;
+ int i, j;
+ int num_polygons;
+ int *num_points;
+ CvPoint **p;
+ rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &polygons, &drawing_option);
+ // TODO: Check type of argument
drawing_option = DRAWING_OPTION(drawing_option);
- /*
- if (!POINT_SET_P(points))
- rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "argument 1(points) should be %s.", cCvSeq::rb_class());
- int np = CVSEQ(points)->total;
- VALUE tmp = cCvMat::new_object(1, np, CV_32SC2);
- CvPoint *p = (CvPoint*)cvCvtSeqToArray(CVSEQ(points), CVMAT(tmp)->data.ptr, CV_WHOLE_SEQ);
- // todo: multi-sequence polygon
+ num_polygons = RARRAY_LEN(polygons);
+ num_points = ALLOCA_N(int, num_polygons);
+ p = ALLOCA_N(CvPoint*, num_polygons);
+ for (j = 0; j < num_polygons; j++) {
+ points = rb_ary_entry(polygons, j);
+ num_points[j] = RARRAY_LEN(points);
+ p[j] = ALLOCA_N(CvPoint, num_points[j]);
+ for (i = 0; i < num_points[j]; i++) {
+ p[j][i] = VALUE_TO_CVPOINT(rb_ary_entry(points, i));
+ }
+ }
- &p,
- &np,
- 1, //contour
+ p,
+ num_points,
+ num_polygons,
- DO_COLOR(drawing_option),
- DO_THICKNESS(drawing_option),
- DO_LINE_TYPE(drawing_option),
- DO_SHIFT(drawing_option));
- */
- CvPoint *pointset = 0;
- int length = CVPOINTS_FROM_POINT_SET(points, &pointset);
- cvPolyLine(CVARR(self),
- &pointset,
- &length,
- 1, //contour
- DO_IS_CLOSED(drawing_option),
- DO_COLOR(drawing_option),
- DO_THICKNESS(drawing_option),
+ DO_COLOR(drawing_option),
+ DO_THICKNESS(drawing_option),
return self;
* call-seq:
* put_text(str, point, font[,color]) -> cvmat
diff --git a/test/test_cvmat.rb b/test/test_cvmat.rb
index 5295036..f87dd4d 100755
--- a/test/test_cvmat.rb
+++ b/test/test_cvmat.rb
@@ -39,15 +39,6 @@ class TestCvMat < OpenCVTestCase
- CvMat::DRAWING_OPTION[:color].to_ary.each { |c|
- assert_in_delta(0, c, 0.01)
- }
- assert_equal(1, CvMat::DRAWING_OPTION[:thickness])
- assert_equal(8, CvMat::DRAWING_OPTION[:line_type])
- assert_equal(0, CvMat::DRAWING_OPTION[:shift])
- end
assert_equal(0xff, CvMat::GOOD_FEATURES_TO_TRACK_OPTION[:max])
@@ -56,12 +47,6 @@ class TestCvMat < OpenCVTestCase
assert_in_delta(0.04, CvMat::GOOD_FEATURES_TO_TRACK_OPTION[:k], 0.01)
- assert_equal(4, CvMat::FLOOD_FILL_OPTION[:connectivity])
- assert((not CvMat::FLOOD_FILL_OPTION[:fixed_range]))
- assert((not CvMat::FLOOD_FILL_OPTION[:mask_only]))
- end
assert_equal(1, CvMat::FIND_CONTOURS_OPTION[:mode])
assert_equal(2, CvMat::FIND_CONTOURS_OPTION[:method])
diff --git a/test/test_cvmat_drawing.rb b/test/test_cvmat_drawing.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b53ffe0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_cvmat_drawing.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# -*- mode: ruby; coding: utf-8-unix -*-
+require 'test/unit'
+require 'opencv'
+require 'pp'
+require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) + '/helper'
+include OpenCV
+# Tests for drawing functions of OpenCV::CvMat
+class TestCvMat_drawing < OpenCVTestCase
+ CvMat::DRAWING_OPTION[:color].to_ary.each { |c|
+ assert_in_delta(0, c, 0.01)
+ }
+ assert_equal(1, CvMat::DRAWING_OPTION[:thickness])
+ assert_equal(8, CvMat::DRAWING_OPTION[:line_type])
+ assert_equal(0, CvMat::DRAWING_OPTION[:shift])
+ end
+ assert_equal(4, CvMat::FLOOD_FILL_OPTION[:connectivity])
+ assert((not CvMat::FLOOD_FILL_OPTION[:fixed_range]))
+ assert((not CvMat::FLOOD_FILL_OPTION[:mask_only]))
+ end
+ def test_line
+ m0 = create_cvmat(240, 320, :cv8u, 3) { CvColor::White }
+ m1 = m0.clone
+ m2 = m0.line(CvPoint.new(1, 0), CvPoint.new(m0.width - 1, m0.height - 1),
+ :color => CvColor::Red, :thickness => 3, :line_type => :aa)
+ m1.line!(CvPoint.new(1, 0), CvPoint.new(m0.width - 1, m0.height - 1),
+ :color => CvColor::Blue, :thickness => 1, :line_type => :aa)
+ # Uncomment the following lines to view the image
+ # GUI::Window.new('Line: Blue, thickness = 1').show(m1)
+ # GUI::Window.new('Line: Red, thickness = 3').show(m2)
+ # GUI::wait_key
+ end
+ def test_rectangle
+ m0 = create_cvmat(240, 320, :cv8u, 3) { CvColor::White }
+ m1 = m0.clone
+ m2 = m0.rectangle(CvPoint.new(20, 20), CvPoint.new(m0.width - 20, m0.height - 20),
+ :color => CvColor::Red, :thickness => 3, :line_type => :aa)
+ m1.rectangle!(CvPoint.new(20, 20), CvPoint.new(m0.width - 20, m0.height - 20),
+ :color => CvColor::Blue, :thickness => 1, :line_type => :aa)
+ # Uncomment the following lines to view the image
+ # GUI::Window.new('Rectangle: Blue, thickness = 1').show(m1)
+ # GUI::Window.new('Rectangle: Red, thickness = 3').show(m2)
+ # GUI::wait_key
+ end
+ def test_circle
+ m0 = create_cvmat(240, 320, :cv8u, 3) { CvColor::White }
+ m1 = m0.clone
+ m2 = m0.circle(CvPoint.new(m0.width / 2, m0.height / 2), 80,
+ :color => CvColor::Red, :thickness => 3, :line_type => :aa)
+ m1.circle!(CvPoint.new(m0.width / 2, m0.height / 2), 80,
+ :color => CvColor::Blue, :thickness => 1, :line_type => :aa)
+ # Uncomment the following lines to view the image
+ # GUI::Window.new('Circle: Blue, thickness = 1').show(m1)
+ # GUI::Window.new('Circle: Red, thickness = 3').show(m2)
+ # GUI::wait_key
+ end
+ def test_ellipse
+ m0 = create_cvmat(240, 320, :cv8u, 3) { CvColor::White }
+ m1 = m0.clone
+ m2 = m0.ellipse(CvPoint.new(m0.width / 2, m0.height / 2), CvSize.new(100, 60), 30, 0, 360,
+ :color => CvColor::Red, :thickness => 3, :line_type => :aa)
+ m1.ellipse!(CvPoint.new(m0.width / 2, m0.height / 2), CvSize.new(100, 60), 30, 0, 360,
+ :color => CvColor::Blue, :thickness => 1, :line_type => :aa)
+ # Uncomment the following lines to view the image
+ # GUI::Window.new('Ellipse: Blue, thickness = 1').show(m1)
+ # GUI::Window.new('Ellipse: Red, thickness = 3').show(m2)
+ # GUI::wait_key
+ end
+ def test_ellipse_box
+ m0 = create_cvmat(240, 320, :cv8u, 3) { CvColor::White }
+ box = CvBox2D.new(CvPoint2D32f.new(m0.width / 2, m0.height / 2), CvSize2D32f.new(120, 160), 30)
+ m1 = m0.clone
+ m2 = m0.ellipse_box(box, :color => CvColor::Red, :thickness => 3, :line_type => :aa)
+ m1.ellipse_box!(box, :color => CvColor::Blue, :thickness => 1, :line_type => :aa)
+ # Uncomment the following lines to view the image
+ # GUI::Window.new('Ellipse box: Blue, thickness = 1').show(m1)
+ # GUI::Window.new('Ellipse box: Red, thickness = 3').show(m2)
+ # GUI::wait_key
+ end
+ def test_fill_poly
+ m0 = create_cvmat(240, 320, :cv8u, 3) { CvColor::White }
+ pt = [[CvPoint.new(10, 20), CvPoint.new(10, 150), CvPoint.new(100, 50)],
+ [CvPoint.new(200, 10), CvPoint.new(200, 200), CvPoint.new(170, 200)],
+ [CvPoint.new(30, 10), CvPoint.new(0, 0), CvPoint.new(90, 150)]]
+ m1 = m0.clone
+ m2 = m0.fill_poly(pt, :color => CvColor::Red, :line_type => :aa)
+ m1.fill_poly!(pt, :color => CvColor::Blue, :line_type => :aa)
+ # Uncomment the following lines to view the image
+ # GUI::Window.new('Fill poly: Blue, thickness = 1').show(m1)
+ # GUI::Window.new('Fill poly: Red, thickness = 3').show(m2)
+ # GUI::wait_key
+ end
+ def test_fill_convex_poly
+ m0 = create_cvmat(240, 320, :cv8u, 3) { CvColor::White }
+ pt = [CvPoint.new(10, 20), CvPoint.new(10, 150), CvPoint.new(100, 50)]
+ m1 = m0.clone
+ m2 = m0.fill_convex_poly(pt, :color => CvColor::Red, :line_type => :aa)
+ m1.fill_convex_poly!(pt, :color => CvColor::Blue, :line_type => :aa)
+ # Uncomment the following lines to view the image
+ # GUI::Window.new('Fill convex poly: Blue, thickness = 1').show(m1)
+ # GUI::Window.new('Fill convex poly: Red, thickness = 3').show(m2)
+ # GUI::wait_key
+ end
+ def test_poly_line
+ m0 = create_cvmat(240, 320, :cv8u, 3) { CvColor::White }
+ pt = [[CvPoint.new(10, 20), CvPoint.new(10, 150), CvPoint.new(100, 150), CvPoint.new(10, 20)],
+ [CvPoint.new(100, 200), CvPoint.new(200, 190), CvPoint.new(180, 50), CvPoint.new(100, 200)]]
+ m1 = m0.clone
+ m2 = m0.poly_line(pt, :color => CvColor::Red, :thickness => 3, :line_type => :aa)
+ m1.poly_line!(pt, :color => CvColor::Blue, :thickness => 1, :line_type => :aa)
+ # Uncomment the following lines to view the image
+ # GUI::Window.new('Poly line: Blue, thickness = 1').show(m1)
+ # GUI::Window.new('Poly line: Red, thickness = 3').show(m2)
+ # GUI::wait_key
+ end