cvmat.cpp -
$Author: lsxi $
Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Masakazu Yonekura
#include "cvmat.h"
* Document-class: OpenCV::CvMat
* CvMat is basic 2D matrix class in OpenCV.
* C structure is here.
* typedef struct CvMat{
* int type;
* int step;
* int *refcount;
* union
* {
* uchar *ptr;
* short *s;
* int *i;
* float *fl;
* double *db;
* } data;
* #ifdef __cplusplus
* union
* {
* int rows;
* int height;
* };
* union
* {
* int cols;
* int width;
* };
* #else
* int rows; // number of row
* int cols; // number of columns
* }CvMat;
#define SUPPORT_8UC1_ONLY(value) if (cvGetElemType(CVARR(value)) != CV_8UC1) {rb_raise(rb_eNotImpError, "support single-channel 8bit unsigned image only.");}
#define SUPPORT_8U_ONLY(value) if (CV_MAT_DEPTH(cvGetElemType(CVARR(value))) != CV_8U) {rb_raise(rb_eNotImpError, "support 8bit unsigned image only.");}
#define SUPPORT_C1_ONLY(value) if (CV_MAT_CN(cvGetElemType(CVARR(value))) != 1) {rb_raise(rb_eNotImpError, "support single-channel image only.");}
#define SUPPORT_C1C3_ONLY(value) if (CV_MAT_CN(cvGetElemType(CVARR(value))) != 1 && CV_MAT_CN(cvGetElemType(CVARR(value))) != 3) {rb_raise(rb_eNotImpError, "support single-channel or 3-channnel image only.");}
#define DRAWING_OPTION(op) NIL_P(op) ? rb_const_get(rb_class(), rb_intern("DRAWING_OPTION")) : rb_funcall(rb_const_get(rb_class(), rb_intern("DRAWING_OPTION")), rb_intern("merge"), 1, op)
#define DO_COLOR(op) VALUE_TO_CVSCALAR(rb_hash_aref(op, ID2SYM(rb_intern("color"))))
#define DO_THICKNESS(op) FIX2INT(rb_hash_aref(op, ID2SYM(rb_intern("thickness"))))
#define DO_LINE_TYPE(op) FIX2INT(rb_hash_aref(op, ID2SYM(rb_intern("line_type"))) == ID2SYM("aa") ? INT2FIX(CV_AA) : rb_hash_aref(op, ID2SYM(rb_intern("line_type"))))
#define DO_SHIFT(op) FIX2INT(rb_hash_aref(op, ID2SYM(rb_intern("shift"))))
#define DO_IS_CLOSED(op) ({VALUE _is_closed = rb_hash_aref(op, ID2SYM(rb_intern("is_closed"))); NIL_P(_is_closed) ? 0 : _is_closed == Qfalse ? 0 : 1;})
#define GOOD_FEATURES_TO_TRACK_OPTION(op) NIL_P(op) ? rb_const_get(rb_class(), rb_intern("GOOD_FEATURES_TO_TRACK_OPTION")) : rb_funcall(rb_const_get(rb_class(), rb_intern("GOOD_FEATURES_TO_TRACK_OPTION")), rb_intern("merge"), 1, op)
#define GF_MAX(op) FIX2INT(rb_hash_aref(op, ID2SYM(rb_intern("max"))))
#define GF_MASK(op) MASK(rb_hash_aref(op, ID2SYM(rb_intern("mask"))))
#define GF_BLOCK_SIZE(op) FIX2INT(rb_hash_aref(op, ID2SYM(rb_intern("block_size"))))
#define GF_USE_HARRIS(op) TRUE_OR_FALSE(rb_hash_aref(op, ID2SYM(rb_intern("use_harris"))), 0)
#define GF_K(op) NUM2DBL(rb_hash_aref(op, ID2SYM(rb_intern("k"))))
#define FLOOD_FILL_OPTION(op) NIL_P(op) ? rb_const_get(rb_class(), rb_intern("FLOOD_FILL_OPTION")) : rb_funcall(rb_const_get(rb_class(), rb_intern("FLOOD_FILL_OPTION")), rb_intern("merge"), 1, op)
#define FF_CONNECTIVITY(op) NUM2INT(rb_hash_aref(op, ID2SYM(rb_intern("connectivity"))))
#define FF_FIXED_RANGE(op) TRUE_OR_FALSE(rb_hash_aref(op, ID2SYM(rb_intern("fixed_range"))), 0)
#define FF_MASK_ONLY(op) TRUE_OR_FALSE(rb_hash_aref(op, ID2SYM(rb_intern("mask_only"))), 0)
#define FIND_CONTOURS_OPTION(op) NIL_P(op) ? rb_const_get(rb_class(), rb_intern("FIND_CONTOURS_OPTION")) : rb_funcall(rb_const_get(rb_class(), rb_intern("FIND_CONTOURS_OPTION")), rb_intern("merge"), 1, op)
#define FC_MODE(op) FIX2INT(rb_hash_aref(op, ID2SYM(rb_intern("mode"))))
#define FC_METHOD(op) FIX2INT(rb_hash_aref(op, ID2SYM(rb_intern("method"))))
#define FC_OFFSET(op)VALUE_TO_CVPOINT(rb_hash_aref(op, ID2SYM(rb_intern("offset"))))
#define OPTICAL_FLOW_HS_OPTION(op) NIL_P(op) ? rb_const_get(rb_class(), rb_intern("OPTICAL_FLOW_HS_OPTION")) : rb_funcall(rb_const_get(rb_class(), rb_intern("OPTICAL_FLOW_HS_OPTION")), rb_intern("merge"), 1, op)
#define HS_LAMBDA(op) NUM2DBL(rb_hash_aref(op, ID2SYM(rb_intern("lambda"))))
#define HS_CRITERIA(op) VALUE_TO_CVTERMCRITERIA(rb_hash_aref(op, ID2SYM(rb_intern("criteria"))))
#define OPTICAL_FLOW_BM_OPTION(op) NIL_P(op) ? rb_const_get(rb_class(), rb_intern("OPTICAL_FLOW_BM_OPTION")) : rb_funcall(rb_const_get(rb_class(), rb_intern("OPTICAL_FLOW_BM_OPTION")), rb_intern("merge"), 1, op)
#define BM_BLOCK_SIZE(op) VALUE_TO_CVSIZE(rb_hash_aref(op, ID2SYM(rb_intern("block_size"))))
#define BM_SHIFT_SIZE(op) VALUE_TO_CVSIZE(rb_hash_aref(op, ID2SYM(rb_intern("shift_size"))))
#define BM_MAX_RANGE(op) VALUE_TO_CVSIZE(rb_hash_aref(op, ID2SYM(rb_intern("max_range"))))
#define FIND_FUNDAMENTAL_MAT_OPTION(op) NIL_P(op) ? rb_const_get(rb_class(), rb_intern("FIND_FUNDAMENTAL_MAT_OPTION")) : rb_funcall(rb_const_get(rb_class(), rb_intern("FIND_FUNDAMENTAL_MAT_OPTION")), rb_intern("merge"), 1, op)
#define FFM_WITH_STATUS(op) TRUE_OR_FALSE(rb_hash_aref(op, ID2SYM(rb_intern("with_status"))), 0)
#define FFM_MAXIMUM_DISTANCE(op) NUM2DBL(rb_hash_aref(op, ID2SYM(rb_intern("maximum_distance"))))
#define FFM_DESIRABLE_LEVEL(op) NUM2DBL(rb_hash_aref(op, ID2SYM(rb_intern("desirable_level"))))
VALUE rb_klass;
return rb_klass;
void define_ruby_class()
if (rb_klass)
* opencv = rb_define_module("OpenCV");
* note: this comment is used by rdoc.
VALUE opencv = rb_module_opencv();
rb_klass = rb_define_class_under(opencv, "CvMat", rb_cObject);
rb_define_alloc_func(rb_klass, rb_allocate);
VALUE drawing_option = rb_hash_new();
rb_define_const(rb_klass, "DRAWING_OPTION", drawing_option);
rb_hash_aset(drawing_option, ID2SYM(rb_intern("color")), cCvScalar::new_object(cvScalarAll(0)));
rb_hash_aset(drawing_option, ID2SYM(rb_intern("thickness")), INT2FIX(1));
rb_hash_aset(drawing_option, ID2SYM(rb_intern("line_type")), INT2FIX(8));
rb_hash_aset(drawing_option, ID2SYM(rb_intern("shift")), INT2FIX(0));
VALUE good_features_to_track_option = rb_hash_new();
rb_define_const(rb_klass, "GOOD_FEATURES_TO_TRACK_OPTION", good_features_to_track_option);
rb_hash_aset(good_features_to_track_option, ID2SYM(rb_intern("max")), INT2FIX(0xFF));
rb_hash_aset(good_features_to_track_option, ID2SYM(rb_intern("mask")), Qnil);
rb_hash_aset(good_features_to_track_option, ID2SYM(rb_intern("block_size")), INT2FIX(3));
rb_hash_aset(good_features_to_track_option, ID2SYM(rb_intern("use_harris")), Qfalse);
rb_hash_aset(good_features_to_track_option, ID2SYM(rb_intern("k")), rb_float_new(0.04));
VALUE flood_fill_option = rb_hash_new();
rb_define_const(rb_klass, "FLOOD_FILL_OPTION", flood_fill_option);
rb_hash_aset(flood_fill_option, ID2SYM(rb_intern("connectivity")), INT2FIX(4));
rb_hash_aset(flood_fill_option, ID2SYM(rb_intern("fixed_range")), Qfalse);
rb_hash_aset(flood_fill_option, ID2SYM(rb_intern("mask_only")), Qfalse);
VALUE find_contours_option = rb_hash_new();
rb_define_const(rb_klass, "FIND_CONTOURS_OPTION", find_contours_option);
rb_hash_aset(find_contours_option, ID2SYM(rb_intern("mode")), INT2FIX(CV_RETR_LIST));
rb_hash_aset(find_contours_option, ID2SYM(rb_intern("method")), INT2FIX(CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE));
rb_hash_aset(find_contours_option, ID2SYM(rb_intern("offset")), cCvPoint::new_object(cvPoint(0,0)));
VALUE optical_flow_hs_option = rb_hash_new();
rb_define_const(rb_klass, "OPTICAL_FLOW_HS_OPTION", optical_flow_hs_option);
rb_hash_aset(optical_flow_hs_option, ID2SYM(rb_intern("lambda")), rb_float_new(0.0005));
rb_hash_aset(optical_flow_hs_option, ID2SYM(rb_intern("criteria")), cCvTermCriteria::new_object(cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER+CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 1, 0.001)));
VALUE optical_flow_bm_option = rb_hash_new();
rb_define_const(rb_klass, "OPTICAL_FLOW_BM_OPTION", optical_flow_bm_option);
rb_hash_aset(optical_flow_bm_option, ID2SYM(rb_intern("block_size")), cCvSize::new_object(cvSize(4, 4)));
rb_hash_aset(optical_flow_bm_option, ID2SYM(rb_intern("shift_size")), cCvSize::new_object(cvSize(1, 1)));
rb_hash_aset(optical_flow_bm_option, ID2SYM(rb_intern("max_range")), cCvSize::new_object(cvSize(4, 4)));
VALUE find_fundamental_matrix_option = rb_hash_new();
rb_define_const(rb_klass, "FIND_FUNDAMENTAL_MAT_OPTION", find_fundamental_matrix_option);
rb_hash_aset(find_fundamental_matrix_option, ID2SYM(rb_intern("with_status")), Qfalse);
rb_hash_aset(find_fundamental_matrix_option, ID2SYM(rb_intern("maximum_distance")), rb_float_new(1.0));
rb_hash_aset(find_fundamental_matrix_option, ID2SYM(rb_intern("desirable_level")), rb_float_new(0.99));
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "initialize", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_initialize), -1);
// Ruby/OpenCV original functions
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "method_missing", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_method_missing), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "to_s", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_to_s), 0);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "has_parent?", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_has_parent_q), 0);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "parent", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_parent), 0);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "inside?", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_inside_q), 1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "to_IplConvKernel", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_to_IplConvKernel), 1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "create_mask", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_create_mask), 0);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "width", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_width), 0);
rb_define_alias(rb_klass, "columns", "width");
rb_define_alias(rb_klass, "cols", "width");
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "height", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_height), 0);
rb_define_alias(rb_klass, "rows", "height");
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "depth", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_depth), 0);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "channel", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_channel), 0);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "data", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_data), 0);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "clone", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_clone), 0);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "copy", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_copy), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "to_8u", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_to_8u), 0);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "to_8s", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_to_8s), 0);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "to_16u", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_to_16u), 0);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "to_16s", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_to_16s), 0);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "to_32s", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_to_32s), 0);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "to_32f", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_to_32f), 0);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "to_64f", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_to_64f), 0);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "vector?", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_vector_q), 0);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "square?", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_square_q), 0);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "to_CvMat", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_to_CvMat), 0);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "sub_rect", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_sub_rect), -2);
rb_define_alias(rb_klass, "subrect", "sub_rect");
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "slice_width", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_slice_width), 1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "slice_height", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_slice_height), 1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "row", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_row), -2);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "col", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_col), -2);
rb_define_alias(rb_klass, "column", "col");
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "each_row", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_each_row), 0);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "each_col", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_each_col), 0);
rb_define_alias(rb_klass, "each_column", "each_col");
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "diag", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_diag), -1);
rb_define_alias(rb_klass, "diagonal", "diag");
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "size", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_size), 0);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "dims", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_dims), 0);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "dim_size", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_dim_size), 1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "[]", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_aref), -2);
rb_define_alias(rb_klass, "at", "[]");
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "[]=", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_aset), -2);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "fill", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_fill), -1);
rb_define_alias(rb_klass, "set", "fill");
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "fill!", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_fill_bang), -1);
rb_define_alias(rb_klass, "set!", "fill!");
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "clear", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_clear), 0);
rb_define_alias(rb_klass, "set_zero", "clear");
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "clear!", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_clear_bang), 0);
rb_define_alias(rb_klass, "set_zero!", "clear!");
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "identity", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_set_identity), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "identity!", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_set_identity_bang), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "range", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_range), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "range!", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_range_bang), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "reshape", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_reshape), 1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "repeat", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_repeat), 1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "flip", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_flip), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "flip!", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_flip_bang), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "split", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_split), 0);
rb_define_singleton_method(rb_klass, "merge", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_merge), -2);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "rand_shuffle", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_rand_shuffle), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "rand_shuffle!", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_rand_shuffle_bang), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "lut", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_lut), 1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "convert_scale", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_convert_scale), 1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "convert_scale_abs", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_convert_scale_abs), 1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "add", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_add), -1);
rb_define_alias(rb_klass, "+", "add");
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "sub", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_sub), -1);
rb_define_alias(rb_klass, "-", "sub");
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "mul", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_mul), -1);
rb_define_alias(rb_klass, "*", "mul");
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "div", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_div), -1);
rb_define_alias(rb_klass, "/", "div");
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "and", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_and), -1);
rb_define_alias(rb_klass, "&", "and");
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "or", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_or), -1);
rb_define_alias(rb_klass, "|", "or");
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "xor", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_xor), -1);
rb_define_alias(rb_klass, "^", "xor");
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "not", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_not), 0);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "not!", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_not_bang), 0);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "eq", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_eq), 1);
rb_define_alias(rb_klass, "==", "eq");
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "gt", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_gt), 1);
rb_define_alias(rb_klass, ">", "gt");
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "ge", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_ge), 1);
rb_define_alias(rb_klass, ">=", "ge");
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "lt", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_lt), 1);
rb_define_alias(rb_klass, "<", "lt");
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "le", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_le), 1);
rb_define_alias(rb_klass, "<=", "le");
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "ne", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_ne), 1);
rb_define_alias(rb_klass, "!=", "ne");
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "in_range", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_in_range), 2);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "abs_diff", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_abs_diff), 1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "count_non_zero", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_count_non_zero), 0);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "sum", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_sum), 0);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "avg", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_avg), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "avg_sdv", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_avg_sdv), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "sdv", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_sdv), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "min_max_loc", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_min_max_loc), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "dot_product", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_dot_product), 1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "cross_product", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_cross_product), 1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "transform", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_transform), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "perspective_transform", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_perspective_transform), 1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "mul_transposed", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_mul_transposed), -2);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "trace", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_trace), 0);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "transpose", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_transpose), 0);
rb_define_alias(rb_klass, "t", "transpose");
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "transpose!", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_transpose_bang), 0);
rb_define_alias(rb_klass, "t!", "transpose!");
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "det", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_det), 0);
rb_define_alias(rb_klass, "determinant", "det");
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "invert", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_invert), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "solve", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_solve), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "svd", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_svd), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "svbksb", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_svbksb), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "eigenvv", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_eigenvv), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "eigenvv!", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_eigenvv_bang), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "calc_covar_matrix", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_calc_covar_matrix), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "mahalonobis", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_mahalonobis), -1);
/* drawing function */
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "line", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_line), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "line!", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_line_bang), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "rectangle", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_rectangle), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "rectangle!", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_rectangle_bang), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "circle", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_circle), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "circle!", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_circle_bang), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "ellipse", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_ellipse), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "ellipse!", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_ellipse_bang), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "ellipse_box", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_ellipse_box), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "ellipse_box!", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_ellipse_box_bang), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "fill_poly", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_fill_poly), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "fill_poly!", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_fill_poly_bang), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "fill_convex_poly", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_fill_convex_poly), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "fill_convex_poly!", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_fill_convex_poly_bang), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "poly_line", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_poly_line), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "poly_line!", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_poly_line_bang), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "put_text", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_put_text), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "put_text!", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_put_text_bang), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "dft", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_dft), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "dct", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_dct), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "sobel", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_sobel), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "laplace", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_laplace), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "canny", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_canny), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "pre_corner_detect", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_pre_corner_detect), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "corner_eigenvv", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_corner_eigenvv), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "corner_min_eigen_val", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_corner_min_eigen_val), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "corner_harris", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_corner_harris), -1);
rb_define_private_method(rb_klass, "__find_corner_sub_pix", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rbi_find_corner_sub_pix), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "good_features_to_track", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_good_features_to_track), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "sample_line", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_sample_line), 2);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "rect_sub_pix", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_rect_sub_pix), 2);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "quadrangle_sub_pix", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_quadrangle_sub_pix), 2);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "resize", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_resize), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "warp_affine", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_warp_affine), -1);
rb_define_singleton_method(rb_klass, "rotation", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_rotation), 3);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "warp_perspective", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_warp_perspective), -1);
//rb_define_method(rb_klass, "get_perspective_transform", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_get_perspective_transform), -1);
//rb_define_alias(rb_klass, "warp_perspective_q_matrix", "get_perspective_transform");
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "remap", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_remap), -1);
//rb_define_method(rb_klass, "log_polar", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_log_polar), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "erode", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_erode), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "erode!", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_erode_bang), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "dilate", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_dilate), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "dilate!", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_dilate_bang), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "morphology_open", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_morphology_open), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "morphology_close", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_morphology_close), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "morphology_gradient", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_morphology_gradient), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "morphology_tophat", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_morphology_tophat), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "morphology_blackhat", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_morphology_blackhat), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "smooth_blur_no_scale", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_smooth_blur_no_scale), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "smooth_blur", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_smooth_blur), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "smooth_gaussian", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_smooth_gaussian), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "smooth_median", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_smooth_median), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "smooth_bilateral", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_smooth_bilateral), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "filter2d", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_filter2d), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "copy_make_border_constant", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_copy_make_border_constant), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "copy_make_border_replicate", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_copy_make_border_replicate), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "integral", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_integral), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "threshold_binary", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_threshold_binary), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "threshold_binary_inverse", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_threshold_binary_inverse), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "threshold_trunc", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_threshold_trunc), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "threshold_to_zero", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_threshold_to_zero), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "threshold_to_zero_inverse", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_threshold_to_zero_inverse), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "pyr_down", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_pyr_down), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "pyr_up", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_pyr_up), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "flood_fill", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_flood_fill), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "flood_fill!", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_flood_fill_bang), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "find_contours", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_find_contours), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "find_contours!", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_find_contours_bang), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "pyr_segmentation", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_pyr_segmentation), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "pyr_mean_shift_filtering", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_pyr_mean_shift_filtering), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "watershed", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_watershed), 0);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "moments", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_moments), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "hough_lines_standard", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_hough_lines_standard), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "hough_lines_probabilistic", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_hough_lines_probabilistic), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "hough_lines_multi_scale", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_hough_lines_multi_scale), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "hough_circles_gradient", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_hough_circles_gradient), -1);
//rb_define_method(rb_klass, "dist_transform", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_dist_transform), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "inpaint_ns", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_inpaint_ns), 2);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "inpaint_telea", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_inpaint_telea), 2);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "equalize_hist", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_equalize_hist), 0);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "match_template", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_match_template), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "match_shapes_i1", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_match_shapes_i1), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "match_shapes_i2", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_match_shapes_i2), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "match_shapes_i3", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_match_shapes_i3), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "mean_shift", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_mean_shift), 2);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "cam_shift", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_cam_shift), 2);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "snake_image", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_snake_image), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "optical_flow_hs", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_optical_flow_hs), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "optical_flow_lk", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_optical_flow_lk), -1);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "optical_flow_bm", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_optical_flow_bm), -1);
rb_define_singleton_method(rb_klass, "find_fundamental_mat_7point", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_find_fundamental_mat_7point), -1);
rb_define_singleton_method(rb_klass, "find_fundamental_mat_8point", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_find_fundamental_mat_8point), -1);
rb_define_singleton_method(rb_klass, "find_fundamental_mat_ransac", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_find_fundamental_mat_ransac), -1);
rb_define_singleton_method(rb_klass, "find_fundamental_mat_lmeds", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_find_fundamental_mat_lmeds), -1);
rb_define_singleton_method(rb_klass, "compute_correspond_epilines", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_compute_correspond_epilines), 3);
rb_define_method(rb_klass, "save_image", RUBY_METHOD_FUNC(rb_save_image), 1);
rb_allocate(VALUE klass)
return OPENCV_OBJECT(klass, 0);
* call-seq:
* CvMat.new(row, col[, depth = CV_8U][, channel = 3]) -> cvmat
* Create col * row matrix. Each element set 0.
* Each element possigle range is set by depth. Default is unsigned 8bit.
* Number of channel is set by channel. channel should be 1..4.
rb_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE row, column, depth, channel;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "22", &row, &column, &depth, &channel);
DATA_PTR(self) = cvCreateMat(FIX2INT(row), FIX2INT(column),
CV_MAKETYPE(CVMETHOD("DEPTH", depth, CV_8U), argc < 4 ? 3 : FIX2INT(channel)));
return self;
* nodoc
rb_method_missing(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
const char *to_str = "\\Ato_(\\w+)";
VALUE name, args, str[3], method;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "1*", &name, &args);
if (RARRAY_LEN(args) != 0)
return rb_call_super(argc, argv);
if(rb_reg_match(rb_reg_new(to_str, strlen(to_str), 0), rb_funcall(name, rb_intern("to_s"), 0)) == Qnil)
return rb_call_super(argc, argv);
str[0] = rb_str_new2("%s2%s");
str[1] = rb_color_model(self);
str[2] = rb_reg_nth_match(1, rb_backref_get());
method = rb_f_sprintf(3, str);
if (rb_respond_to(rb_module_opencv(), rb_intern(StringValuePtr(method))))
return rb_funcall(rb_module_opencv(), rb_intern(StringValuePtr(method)), 1, self);
return rb_call_super(argc, argv);
VALUE name, args, method;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "1*", &name, &args);
method = rb_funcall(name, rb_intern("to_s"), 0);
if (RARRAY_LEN(args) != 0 || !rb_respond_to(rb_module_opencv(), rb_intern(StringValuePtr(method))))
return rb_call_super(argc, argv);
return rb_funcall(rb_module_opencv(), rb_intern(StringValuePtr(method)), 1, self);
* call-seq:
* to_s -> string
* Return following string.
* m = CvMat.new(100, 100, :cv8u, 3)
* m.to_s # =>
rb_to_s(VALUE self)
const int i = 6;
VALUE str[i];
str[0] = rb_str_new2("<%s:%dx%d,depth=%s,channel=%d>");
str[1] = rb_str_new2(rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(self)));
str[2] = rb_width(self);
str[3] = rb_height(self);
str[4] = rb_depth(self);
str[5] = rb_channel(self);
return rb_f_sprintf(i, str);
* call-seq:
* has_parent? -> true or false
* Return true if this matrix has parent object, otherwise false.
rb_has_parent_q(VALUE self)
return lookup_root_object(CVMAT(self)) ? Qtrue : Qfalse;
* call-seq:
* parent -> obj or nil
* Return root object that refer this object.
rb_parent(VALUE self)
VALUE root = lookup_root_object(CVMAT(self));
return root ? root : Qnil;
* call-seq:
* inside?(obj) -> true or false
rb_inside_q(VALUE self, VALUE object)
if (cCvPoint::rb_compatible_q(cCvPoint::rb_class(), object)) {
CvMat *mat = CVMAT(self);
int x = NUM2INT(rb_funcall(object, rb_intern("x"), 0));
int y = NUM2INT(rb_funcall(object, rb_intern("y"), 0));
if (cCvRect::rb_compatible_q(cCvRect::rb_class(), object)) {
int width = NUM2INT(rb_funcall(object, rb_intern("width"), 0));
int height = NUM2INT(rb_funcall(object, rb_intern("height"), 0));
return x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < mat->width && x + width < mat->width && y < mat->height && y + height < mat->height ? Qtrue : Qfalse;
} else {
return x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < mat->width && y < mat->height ? Qtrue : Qfalse;
rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "argument 1 should have method \"x\", \"y\"");
* call-seq:
* to_IplConvKernel -> iplconvkernel
* Create IplConvKernel from this matrix.
rb_to_IplConvKernel(VALUE self, VALUE anchor)
CvMat *src = CVMAT(self);
CvPoint p = VALUE_TO_CVPOINT(anchor);
IplConvKernel *kernel = cvCreateStructuringElementEx(src->cols, src->rows, p.x, p.y, CV_SHAPE_CUSTOM, src->data.i);
return DEPEND_OBJECT(cIplConvKernel::rb_class(), kernel, self);
* call-seq:
* create_mask -> cvmat(single-channel 8bit unsinged image)
* Create single-channel 8bit unsinged image that filled 0.
rb_create_mask(VALUE self)
VALUE mask = cCvMat::new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), CV_8UC1);
return mask;
* call-seq:
* width -> int
* Return number of columns.
rb_width(VALUE self)
return INT2FIX(CVMAT(self)->width);
* call-seq:
* height -> int
* Return number of rows.
rb_height(VALUE self)
return INT2FIX(CVMAT(self)->height);
* call-seq:
* depth -> symbol
* Return depth symbol. (see OpenCV::DEPTH)
rb_depth(VALUE self)
return rb_hash_aref(rb_funcall(rb_const_get(rb_module_opencv(), rb_intern("DEPTH")), rb_intern("invert"), 0), INT2FIX(CV_MAT_DEPTH(CVMAT(self)->type)));
* call-seq:
* channel -> int (1 < channel < 4)
* Return number of channel.
rb_channel(VALUE self)
return INT2FIX(CV_MAT_CN(CVMAT(self)->type));
* call-seq:
* data -> binary (by String class)
* Return raw data of matrix.
rb_data(VALUE self)
IplImage *image = IPLIMAGE(self);
return rb_str_new((char *)image->imageData, image->imageSize);
* call-seq:
* clone -> cvmat
* Clone matrix. The parent and child relation is not succeeded.
* Instance-specific method is succeeded.
* module M
* def example
* true
* end
* end
* mat.extend M
* mat.example #=> true
* clone = mat.clone
* clone.example #=> true
* copy = mat.copy
* copy.example #=> raise NoMethodError
rb_clone(VALUE self)
VALUE clone = rb_obj_clone(self);
DATA_PTR(clone) = cvClone(CVARR(self));
return clone;
* call-seq:
* copy() -> cvmat
* copy(mat) -> mat
* copy(val) -> array(include cvmat)
* Copy matrix. The parent and child relation is not succeeded.
* Instance-specific method is *NOT* succeeded. see also #clone.
* There are 3 kind behavior depending on the argument.
* copy()
* Return one copied matrix.
* copy(mat)
* Copy own elements to target matrix. Return nil.
* Size (or ROI) and channel and depth should be match.
* If own width or height does not match target matrix, raise CvUnmatchedSizes
* If own channel or depth does not match target matrix, raise CvUnmatchedFormats
* copy(val)
* The amounts of the specified number are copied. Return Array with copies.
* If you give the 0 or negative value. Return nil.
* mat.copy(3) #=> [mat1, mat2, mat3]
* mat.copy(-1) #=> nil
* When not apply to any, raise ArgumentError
rb_copy(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE value, copied;
CvMat *src = CVMAT(self);
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &value);
if (argc == 0) {
CvSize size = cvGetSize(src);
copied = new_object(cvGetSize(src), cvGetElemType(src));
cvCopy(src, CVMAT(copied));
return copied;
if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(value, rb_klass)) {
cvCopy(src, CVMAT(value));
return Qnil;
}else if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(value, rb_cFixnum)) {
int n = FIX2INT(value);
if (n > 0) {
copied = rb_ary_new2(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
rb_ary_store(copied, i, new_object(src->rows, src->cols, cvGetElemType(src)));
return copied;
return Qnil;
rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "");
copy(VALUE mat)
CvMat *src = CVMAT(mat);
VALUE copied = new_object(cvGetSize(src), cvGetElemType(src));
cvCopy(src, CVMAT(copied));
return copied;
* call-seq:
* to_8u -> cvmat(depth = CV_8U)
* Return the new matrix that elements is converted to unsigned 8bit.
rb_to_8u(VALUE self)
CvMat *src = CVMAT(self);
VALUE dest = new_object(src->rows, src->cols, CV_MAKETYPE(CV_8U, CV_MAT_CN(src->type)));
cvConvert(src, CVMAT(dest));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* to_8s -> cvmat(depth = CV_8S)
* Return the new matrix that elements is converted to signed 8bit.
rb_to_8s(VALUE self)
CvMat *src = CVMAT(self);
VALUE dest = new_object(src->rows, src->cols, CV_MAKETYPE(CV_8S, CV_MAT_CN(src->type)));
cvConvert(src, CVMAT(dest));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* to_16u -> cvmat(depth = CV_16U)
* Return the new matrix that elements is converted to unsigned 16bit.
VALUE rb_to_16u(VALUE self)
CvMat *src = CVMAT(self);
VALUE dest = new_object(src->rows, src->cols, CV_MAKETYPE(CV_16U, CV_MAT_CN(src->type)));
cvConvert(src, CVMAT(dest));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* to_16s -> cvmat(depth = CV_16s)
* Return the new matrix that elements is converted to signed 16bit.
rb_to_16s(VALUE self)
CvMat *src = CVMAT(self);
VALUE dest = new_object(src->rows, src->cols, CV_MAKETYPE(CV_16U, CV_MAT_CN(src->type)));
cvConvert(src, CVMAT(dest));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* to_32s -> cvmat(depth = CV_32S)
* Return the new matrix that elements is converted to signed 32bit.
rb_to_32s(VALUE self)
CvMat *src = CVMAT(self);
VALUE dest = new_object(src->rows, src->cols, CV_MAKETYPE(CV_32S, CV_MAT_CN(src->type)));
cvConvert(src, CVMAT(dest));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* to_32f -> cvmat(depth = CV_32F)
* Return the new matrix that elements is converted to 32bit floating-point.
rb_to_32f(VALUE self)
CvMat *src = CVMAT(self);
VALUE dest = new_object(src->rows, src->cols, CV_MAKETYPE(CV_32F, CV_MAT_CN(src->type)));
cvConvert(src, CVMAT(dest));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* to_64F -> cvmat(depth = CV_64F)
* Return the new matrix that elements is converted to 64bit floating-point.
rb_to_64f(VALUE self)
CvMat *src = CVMAT(self);
VALUE dest = new_object(src->rows, src->cols, CV_MAKETYPE(CV_64F, CV_MAT_CN(src->type)));
cvConvert(src, CVMAT(dest));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* vector? -> true or false
* If #width or #height is 1, return true. Otherwise return false.
rb_vector_q(VALUE self)
CvMat *mat = CVMAT(self);
return (mat->width == 1|| mat->height == 1) ? Qtrue : Qfalse;
* call-seq:
* square? -> true or false
* If #width == #height return true. Otherwise return false.
rb_square_q(VALUE self)
CvMat *mat = CVMAT(self);
return mat->width == mat->height ? Qtrue : Qfalse;
cxcore function
* Return CvMat object with reference to caller-object.
* src = CvMat.new(10, 10)
* src.has_parent? #=> false
* src.parent #=> nil
* mat = src.to_CvMat
* mat.has_parent? #=> true
* mat.parent #=> CvMat object "src"
* This case, 'src' is root-object. and 'mat' is child-object refer to 'src'.
* src <=refer= mat
* In C, 'src->data' and 'mat->data' is common. Therefore, they cause the change each other.
* object 'src' don't GC.
rb_to_CvMat(VALUE self)
return DEPEND_OBJECT(rb_klass, cvGetMat(CVARR(self), CVALLOC(CvMat)), self);
* call-seq:
* sub_rect(rect) -> cvmat
* sub_rect(topleft, size) -> cvmat
* sub_rect(x, y, width, height) -> cvmat
* Return parts of self as CvMat.
* p or x,y mean top-left coordinate.
* size or width,height is size.
* link:../images/CvMat_sub_rect.png
rb_sub_rect(VALUE self, VALUE args)
CvRect area;
CvPoint topleft;
CvSize size;
switch(RARRAY_LEN(args)) {
case 1:
area = VALUE_TO_CVRECT(RARRAY_PTR(args)[0]);
case 2:
topleft = VALUE_TO_CVPOINT(RARRAY_PTR(args)[0]);
size = VALUE_TO_CVSIZE(RARRAY_PTR(args)[1]);
area.x = topleft.x;
area.y = topleft.y;
area.width = size.width;
area.height = size.height;
case 4:
area.x = NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(args)[0]);
area.y = NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(args)[1]);
area.width = NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(args)[2]);
area.height = NUM2INT(RARRAY_PTR(args)[3]);
rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong number of arguments (%d of 1 or 2 or 4)", RARRAY_LEN(args));
return DEPEND_OBJECT(rb_klass,
cvGetSubRect(CVARR(self), CVALLOC(CvMat), area),
* call-seq:
* slice_width(n)
* The matrix is divided into n piece by the width.
* If it cannot be just divided, warning is displayed.
* e.g.
* m = OpenCV::CvMat.new(10, 10) #=> size 10x10 matrix
* ml, mr = m.slice_width(2) #=> 5x10 and 5x10 matrix
* ml, mm, mr = m.sclice_width(3)#=> 3x10 3x10 3x10 matrix
* warning : width does not div correctly.
rb_slice_width(VALUE self, VALUE num)
int n = NUM2INT(num);
if (n < 1) {rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "number of piece should be > 0");}
CvSize size = cvGetSize(CVARR(self));
if (size.width % n != 0) {rb_warn("width does not div correctly.");}
int div_x = size.width / n;
VALUE ary = rb_ary_new2(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
CvRect rect = {div_x * i, 0, div_x, size.height};
rb_ary_push(ary, DEPEND_OBJECT(rb_klass, cvGetSubRect(CVARR(self), CVALLOC(CvMat), rect), self));
return ary;
* call-seq:
* slice_height(n)
* The matrix is divided into n piece by the height.
* If it cannot be just divided, warning is displayed.
* see also #slice_width.
rb_slice_height(VALUE self, VALUE num)
int n = NUM2INT(num);
if (n < 1) {rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "number of piece should be > 0");}
CvSize size = cvGetSize(CVARR(self));
if (size.height % n != 0) {rb_warn("height does not div correctly.");}
int div_y = size.height / n;
VALUE ary = rb_ary_new2(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
CvRect rect = {0, div_y * i, size.width, div_y};
rb_ary_push(ary, DEPEND_OBJECT(rb_klass, cvGetSubRect(CVARR(self), CVALLOC(CvMat), rect), self));
return ary;
* call-seq:
* row(n) -> Return row
* row(n1, n2, ...) -> Return Array of row
* Return row(or rows) of matrix.
* argument should be Fixnum or CvSlice compatible object.
rb_row(VALUE self, VALUE args)
int len = RARRAY_LEN(args);
if (len < 1) {rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong number of argument.(more than 1)");}
VALUE ary = rb_ary_new2(len);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
VALUE value = rb_ary_entry(args, i);
if (FIXNUM_P(value)) {
rb_ary_store(ary, i, DEPEND_OBJECT(rb_klass, cvGetRow(CVARR(self), CVALLOC(CvMat), FIX2INT(value)), self));
CvSlice slice = VALUE_TO_CVSLICE(value);
rb_ary_store(ary, i, DEPEND_OBJECT(rb_klass, cvGetRows(CVARR(self), CVALLOC(CvMat), slice.start_index, slice.end_index), self));
return RARRAY_LEN(ary) > 1 ? ary : rb_ary_entry(ary, 0);
* call-seq:
* col(n) -> Return column
* col(n1, n2, ...) -> Return Array of columns
* Return column(or columns) of matrix.
* argument should be Fixnum or CvSlice compatible object.
rb_col(VALUE self, VALUE args)
int len = RARRAY_LEN(args);
if (len < 1) {rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong number of argument.(more than 1)");}
VALUE ary = rb_ary_new2(len);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
VALUE value = rb_ary_entry(args, i);
if (FIXNUM_P(value)) {
rb_ary_store(ary, i, DEPEND_OBJECT(rb_klass, cvGetCol(CVARR(self), CVALLOC(CvMat), FIX2INT(value)), self));
CvSlice slice = VALUE_TO_CVSLICE(value);
rb_ary_store(ary, i, DEPEND_OBJECT(rb_klass, cvGetCols(CVARR(self), CVALLOC(CvMat), slice.start_index, slice.end_index), self));
return RARRAY_LEN(ary) > 1 ? ary : rb_ary_entry(ary, 0);
* call-seq:
* each_row{|row| ... } -> self
* Calls block once for each row in self, passing that element as a parameter.
* see also CvMat#each_col
rb_each_row(VALUE self)
int rows = CVMAT(self)->rows;
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
rb_yield(DEPEND_OBJECT(rb_klass, cvGetRow(CVARR(self), CVALLOC(CvMat), i), self));
return self;
* call-seq:
* each_col{|col| ... } -> self
* Calls block once for each column in self, passing that element as a parameter.
* see also CvMat#each_row
rb_each_col(VALUE self)
int cols = CVMAT(self)->cols;
for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++) {
rb_yield(DEPEND_OBJECT(rb_klass, cvGetCol(CVARR(self), CVALLOC(CvMat), i), self));
return self;
* call-seq:
* diag([val = 0]) -> cvmat
* Return one of array diagonals.
* val is zeo corresponds to the main diagonal, -1 corresponds to the diagonal above the main etc, 1 corresponds to the diagonal below the main etc.
rb_diag(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE val;
if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &val) < 1) {
val = INT2FIX(0);
return DEPEND_OBJECT(rb_klass, cvGetDiag(CVARR(self), CVALLOC(CvMat), NUM2INT(val)), self);
* call-seq:
* size -> cvsize
* Return size by CvSize
rb_size(VALUE self)
return cCvSize::new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)));
VALUE rb_elem_type(VALUE self) {
return INT2FIX(cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
* call-seq:
* dims -> array(int, int, ...)
* Return number of array dimensions and their sizes or the size of particular dimension.
* In case of CvMat it always returns 2 regardless of number of matrix rows.
rb_dims(VALUE self)
int size[CV_MAX_DIM];
int dims = cvGetDims(CVARR(self), size);
VALUE ary = rb_ary_new2(dims);
for (int i = 0; i < dims; i++) {
rb_ary_store(ary, i, INT2FIX(size[i]));
return ary;
* call-seq:
* dim_size(index) -> int
* Return number of dimension.
* almost same as CvMat#dims[index].
* If the dimension specified with index doesn't exist, CvStatusOutOfRange raise.
rb_dim_size(VALUE self, VALUE index)
return INT2FIX(cvGetDimSize(CVARR(self), FIX2INT(index)));
* call-seq:
* [idx1[,idx2]...]
* Return value of the particular array element as CvScalar.
rb_aref(VALUE self, VALUE args)
int index[CV_MAX_DIM];
for (int i = 0; i < RARRAY_LEN(args); i++) {
index[i] = NUM2INT(rb_ary_entry(args, i));
CvScalar scalar = cvScalarAll(0);
switch(RARRAY_LEN(args)) {
case 1:
scalar = cvGet1D(CVARR(self), index[0]);
case 2:
scalar = cvGet2D(CVARR(self), index[1], index[0]);
case 3:
scalar = cvGet3D(CVARR(self), index[2], index[1], index[0]);
scalar = cvGetND(CVARR(self), index);
return cCvScalar::new_object(scalar);
* call-seq:
* [idx1[,idx2]...] = value
* Set value of the particular array element to value.
* value should be CvScalar.
rb_aset(VALUE self, VALUE args)
CvScalar scalar = VALUE_TO_CVSCALAR(rb_ary_pop(args));
int index[CV_MAX_DIM];
for (int i = 0; i < RARRAY_LEN(args); i++) {
index[i] = NUM2INT(rb_ary_entry(args, i));
switch(RARRAY_LEN(args)) {
case 1:
cvSet1D(CVARR(self), index[0], scalar);
case 2:
cvSet2D(CVARR(self), index[1], index[0], scalar);
case 3:
cvSet3D(CVARR(self), index[2], index[1], index[0], scalar);
cvSetND(CVARR(self), index, scalar);
return self;
* call-seq:
* fill(value[, mask]) -> cvmat
* Return CvMat copied value to every selected element. value should be CvScalar or compatible object.
* self[I] = value if mask(I)!=0
* note: This method support ROI on IplImage class. but COI not support. COI should not be set.
* image = IplImage.new(10, 20) #=> create 3 channel image.
* image.coi = 1 #=> set COI
* image.fill(CvScalar.new(10, 20, 30)) #=> raise CvBadCOI error.
rb_fill(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
return rb_fill_bang(argc, argv, copy(self));
* call-seq:
* fill!(value[, mask]) -> self
* Copie value to every selected element.
* self[I] = value if mask(I)!=0
* see also #fill.
rb_fill_bang(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE value, mask;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &value, &mask);
cvSet(CVARR(self), VALUE_TO_CVSCALAR(value), MASK(mask));
return self;
* call-seq:
* save_image(filename) -> self
* Saves an image to file. The image format is chosen depending on the filename extension.
* Only 8bit single-channel or 3-channel(with 'BGR' channel order) image can be saved.
* e.g.
* image = OpenCV::CvMat.new(10, 10, CV_8U, 3)
* image.save_image("image.jpg") #=> save as JPEG format
* image.save_image("image.png") #=> save as PNG format
rb_save_image(VALUE self, VALUE filename)
Check_Type(filename, T_STRING);
cvSaveImage(StringValueCStr(filename), CVARR(self));
return self;
* call-seq:
* clear -> cvmat
* Return new matrix all element-value cleared.
rb_clear(VALUE self)
return rb_clear_bang(copy(self));
* call-seq:
* clear! -> self
* Clear all element-value. Return self.
rb_clear_bang(VALUE self)
return self;
* call-seq:
* identity([val = [1]]) -> cvmat
* Return initializes scaled identity matrix.
* val should be CvScalar.
* arr(i, j) = val if i = j, 0 otherwise
rb_set_identity(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
return rb_set_identity_bang(argc, argv, copy(self));
* call-seq:
* identity!([val = [1]]) -> self
* Initialize scaled identity matrix.
* val should be CvScalar.
* arr(i, j) = val if i = j, 0 otherwise
rb_set_identity_bang(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE val;
CvScalar value;
if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &val) < 1) {
value = cvRealScalar(1);
value = VALUE_TO_CVSCALAR(val);
cvSetIdentity(CVARR(self), value);
return self;
* call-seq:
* range(start, end) -> cvmat
* Create and return filled matrix with given range of numbers.
* see range!
rb_range(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
return rb_range_bang(argc, argv, copy(self));
* call-seq:
* range!(start, end) -> self
* Fills matrix with given range of numbers.
* initializes the matrix as following:
* arr(i,j)=(end-start)*(i*cols(arr)+j)/(cols(arr)*rows(arr))
* For example, the following code will initilize 1D vector with subsequent integer numbers.
* m = CvMat.new(1, 10, :cv32s)
* m.range!(0, m.cols); // m will be initialized as [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
rb_range_bang(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE start, end;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "20", &start, &end);
cvRange(CVARR(self), NUM2DBL(start), NUM2DBL(end));
return self;
* call-seq:
* reshape([:rows => num][, :channel => cn]) -> cvmat(refer self)
* Change shape of matrix/image without copying data.
* e.g.
* mat = CvMat.new(3, 3, CV_8U, 3) #=> 3x3 3-channel matrix
* vec = mat.reshape(:rows => 1) #=> 1x9 3-channel matrix
* ch1 = mat.reshape(:channel => 1) #=> 9x9 1-channel matrix
rb_reshape(VALUE self, VALUE hash)
if (TYPE(hash) != T_HASH)
rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "argument should be Hash that contaion key (:row, :channel).");
VALUE channel = rb_hash_aref(hash, ID2SYM(rb_intern("channel")));
VALUE rows = rb_hash_aref(hash, ID2SYM(rb_intern("rows")));
return DEPEND_OBJECT(rb_klass, cvReshape(CVARR(self), CVALLOC(CvMat), NIL_P(rows) ? 0 : FIX2INT(rows), NIL_P(channel) ? 0 : FIX2INT(channel)), self);
* call-seq:
* repeat(mat) -> cvmat
* Tiled mat by self.
rb_repeat(VALUE self, VALUE object)
if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(object, rb_class()))
rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "argument should be CvMat subclass.");
cvRepeat(CVARR(self), CVARR(object));
return object;
* call-seq:
* flip(:x) -> cvmat
* flip(:y) -> cvmat
* flip -> -> cvmat
* Return new flipped 2D array.
* * flip(:x) - flip around horizontal
* * flip(:y) - flip around vertical
* * flip - flip around both axises
rb_flip(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
return rb_flip_bang(argc, argv, copy(self));
* call-seq:
* flip!(:x) -> self
* flip!(:y) -> self
* flip! -> self
* Flip 2D array. Return self.
* see also CvMat#flip
rb_flip_bang(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE format;
int mode = -1;
if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &format) > 0) {
if (rb_to_id(format) == rb_intern("x"))
mode = 1;
else if (rb_to_id(format) == rb_intern("y"))
mode = 0;
rb_warn("argument may be :x or :y");
cvFlip(CVARR(self), NULL, mode);
return self;
* call-seq:
* split -> array(include cvmat)
* Divides multi-channel array into several single-chanel arrays.
* e.g.
* image = CvMat.new 640, 480, CV_8U, 3 #=> 3-channel image
* image.split #=> [image1, image2, image3] : each image have single-channel
* e.g. switch red <-> blue channel.
* image = IplImage.load "sample.bmp"
* i = image.split
* new_image = CvMat.merge i[2], i[1], i[0]
rb_split(VALUE self)
int type = CVMAT(self)->type, depth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(type), channel = CV_MAT_CN(type);
CvSize size = cvGetSize(CVARR(self));
CvMat *dest[] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};
for (int i = 0; i < channel; i++)
dest[i] = cvCreateMat(size.height, size.width, CV_MAKETYPE(depth, 1));
cvSplit(CVARR(self), dest[0], dest[1], dest[2], dest[3]);
VALUE ary = rb_ary_new2(channel);
for (int i = 0; i < channel; i++)
rb_ary_store(ary, i, OPENCV_OBJECT(rb_klass, dest[i]));
return ary;
* call-seq:
* CvMat.merge(mat1[,mat2][,mat3][,mat4]) -> cvmat
* Composes multi-channel array from several single-channel arrays.
* Each argument should be single-channel image(CvMat or subclass).
* All image should be same size and same depth.
* see also CvMat#split
rb_merge(VALUE klass, VALUE args)
VALUE object, dest;
int len = RARRAY_LEN(args);
if (!(len > 0) || len > CV_CN_MAX) {
rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong number of argument (%d for 1..4)", len);
CvMat *src[] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}, *tmp = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (rb_obj_is_kind_of((object = rb_ary_entry(args, i)), rb_klass)) {
src[i] = CVMAT(object);
if (CV_MAT_CN(src[i]->type) != 1) {
rb_raise(rb_eStandardError, "image should be single-channel CvMat.");
if (!tmp)
tmp = src[i];
if (!CV_ARE_SIZES_EQ(tmp, src[i]))
rb_raise(rb_eStandardError, "image size should be same.");
if (!CV_ARE_DEPTHS_EQ(tmp, src[i]))
rb_raise(rb_eStandardError, "image depth should be same.");
}else if (NIL_P(object)) {
src[i] = NULL;
rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "argument should be CvMat or subclass of it.");
dest = new_object(cvGetSize(tmp), CV_MAKETYPE(CV_MAT_DEPTH(tmp->type), len));
cvMerge(src[0], src[1], src[2], src[3], CVARR(dest));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* CvMat.mix_channels(srcs,dests,from_to = {1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4}) -> dests
rb_mix_channels(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE srcs, dests, from_to;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "21", &srcs, &dests, &from_to);
/* not yet */
return Qnil;
* call-seq:
* rand_shuffle([seed = nil][,iter = 1])
* Return filled the destination array with values from the look-up table.
* see rand_shuffle!
rb_rand_shuffle(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
return rb_rand_shuffle_bang(argc, argv, copy(self));
* call-seq:
* rand_shuffle!([seed = nil][,iter = 1])
* fills the destination array with values from the look-up table.
* Indices of the entries are taken from the source array. That is, the function processes each element of src as following:
* dst(I)=lut[src(I)+DELTA]
* where DELTA=0 if src has depth :cv8u, and DELTA=128 if src has depth :cv8s.
rb_rand_shuffle_bang(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE seed, iter;
CvRNG rng;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "02", &seed, &iter);
cvRandShuffle(CVARR(self), NULL, IF_INT(iter, 1));
rng = cvRNG(rb_num2ll(seed));
cvRandShuffle(CVARR(self), &rng, IF_INT(iter, 1));
return self;
* call-seq:
* lut(lookup_table) -> cvmat
* Return new matrix performed lookup-table transforme.
* lookup_table should be CvMat that have 256 element (e.g. 1x256 matrix).
* Otherwise, raise CvStatusBadArgument error.
* And lookup_table should either have a single-channel, or the same number of channels.
* When single-channel lookup-table given, same table is used for all channels.
rb_lut(VALUE self, VALUE lut)
VALUE dest = copy(self);
cvLUT(CVARR(self), CVARR(dest), CVARR(lut));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* convert_scale(:depth => nil, :scale => 1.0, :shift => 0.0)
* Return new array with optional linear transformation.
* mat(I) = src(I) * scale + (shift, shift, ...)
rb_convert_scale(VALUE self, VALUE hash)
if (TYPE(hash) != T_HASH)
rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "argument should be Hash that contaion key [:depth, :scale, :shift].");
VALUE depth = rb_hash_aref(hash, ID2SYM(rb_intern("depth"))),
scale = rb_hash_aref(hash, ID2SYM(rb_intern("scale"))),
shift = rb_hash_aref(hash, ID2SYM(rb_intern("shift"))),
dest = new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), CV_MAKETYPE(IF_DEPTH(depth, CV_MAT_DEPTH(CVMAT(self)->type)), CV_MAT_CN(CVMAT(self)->type)));
cvConvertScale(CVARR(self), CVARR(dest), IF_DBL(scale, 1.0), IF_DBL(shift, 0.0));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* convert_scale_abs(:scale => 1.0, :shift => 0.0)
* Return new array with optional linear transformation.
* It is similar to CvMat#convert_scale, but it stores absolute values of the conversion result
* mat(I) = (src(I) * scale + (shift, shift, ...)).abs
rb_convert_scale_abs(VALUE self, VALUE hash)
if (TYPE(hash) != T_HASH)
rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "argument should be Hash that contaion key [:depth, :scale, :shift].");
scale = rb_hash_aref(hash, ID2SYM(rb_intern("scale"))),
shift = rb_hash_aref(hash, ID2SYM(rb_intern("shift"))),
dest = new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), CV_MAKETYPE(CV_8U, CV_MAT_CN(CVMAT(self)->type)));
cvConvertScale(CVARR(self), CVARR(dest), IF_DBL(scale, 1.0), IF_DBL(shift, 0.0));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* add(val[,mask]) -> cvmat
* Return new matrix computed per-element sum.
* val should be CvMat or CvScalar.
* If val is CvMat, it must have same type (depth and channel).
* mask should be CvMat(8bit single-channel).
* For each element (I)
* dst(I) = src1(I) + src2(I) if mask(I) != 0
rb_add(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE val, mask, dest;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &val, &mask);
dest = new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(val, rb_klass))
cvAdd(CVARR(self), CVARR(val), CVARR(dest), MASK(mask));
cvAddS(CVARR(self), VALUE_TO_CVSCALAR(val), CVARR(dest), MASK(mask));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* sub(val[,mask]) -> cvmat
* Return new matrix computed per-element difference.
* val should be CvMat or CvScalar.
* If val is CvMat, it must have same type (depth and channel).
* mask should be CvMat(8bit single-channel).
* For each element (I)
* dst(I) = src1(I) - src2(I) if mask(I) != 0
rb_sub(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE val, mask, dest;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &val, &mask);
dest = new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(val, rb_klass))
cvSub(CVARR(self), CVARR(val), CVARR(dest), MASK(mask));
cvSubS(CVARR(self), VALUE_TO_CVSCALAR(val), CVARR(dest), MASK(mask));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* mul(val[,scale = 1.0]) -> cvmat
* Return new matrix computed per-element product.
* val should be CvMat or CvScalar.
* If val is CvMat, it must have same type (depth and channel).
* For each element (I)
* dst(I) = scale * src1(I) * src2(I)
rb_mul(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE val, scale, dest;
if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &val, &scale) < 2)
scale = rb_float_new(1.0);
dest = new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(val, rb_klass)) {
cvMul(CVARR(self), CVARR(val), CVARR(dest), NUM2DBL(scale));
CvScalar scl = VALUE_TO_CVSCALAR(val);
VALUE mat = new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
cvSet(CVARR(mat), scl);
cvMul(CVARR(self), CVARR(mat), CVARR(dest), NUM2DBL(scale));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* div(val[,scale = 1.0]) -> cvmat
* Return new matrix computed per-element division.
* val should be CvMat or CvScalar.
* If val is CvMat, it must have same type (depth and channel).
* For each element (I)
* dst(I) = scale * src1(I) / src2(I)
rb_div(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE val, scale, dest;
if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &val, &scale) < 2)
scale = rb_float_new(1.0);
dest = new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(val, rb_klass)) {
cvDiv(CVARR(self), CVARR(val), CVARR(dest), NUM2DBL(scale));
CvScalar scl = VALUE_TO_CVSCALAR(val);
VALUE mat = new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
cvSet(CVARR(mat), scl);
cvDiv(CVARR(self), CVARR(mat), CVARR(dest), NUM2DBL(scale));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* and(val[,mask]) -> cvmat
* Return new matrix computed per-element bit-wise conjunction.
* val should be CvMat or CvScalar.
* If val is CvMat, it must have same type (depth and channel).
* For each element (I)
* dst(I) = src1(I) & src2(I) if mask(I) != 0
rb_and(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE val, mask, dest;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &val, &mask);
dest = new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(val, rb_klass))
cvAnd(CVARR(self), CVARR(val), CVARR(dest), MASK(mask));
cvAndS(CVARR(self), VALUE_TO_CVSCALAR(val), CVARR(dest), MASK(mask));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* or(val[,mask]) -> cvmat
* Return new matrix computed per-element bit-wise disjunction.
* val should be CvMat or CvScalar.
* If val is CvMat, it must have same type (depth and channel).
* For each element (I)
* dst(I) = src1(I) | src2(I) if mask(I) != 0
rb_or(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE val, mask, dest;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &val, &mask);
dest = new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(val, rb_klass))
cvOr(CVARR(self), CVARR(val), CVARR(dest), MASK(mask));
cvOrS(CVARR(self), VALUE_TO_CVSCALAR(val), CVARR(dest), MASK(mask));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* xor(val[,mask]) -> cvmat
* Return new matrix computed per-element bit-wise "exclusive or" operation.
* val should be CvMat or CvScalar.
* If val is CvMat, it must have same type (depth and channel).
* For each element (I)
* dst(I) = src1(I) ^ src2(I) if mask(I) != 0
rb_xor(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE val, mask, dest;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &val, &mask);
dest = new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(val, rb_klass))
cvXor(CVARR(self), CVARR(val), CVARR(dest), MASK(mask));
cvXorS(CVARR(self), VALUE_TO_CVSCALAR(val), CVARR(dest), MASK(mask));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* not -> cvmat
* Return new matrix performed per-element bit-wise inversion.
* dst(I) =~ src(I)
rb_not(VALUE self)
VALUE dest = new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
cvNot(CVARR(self), CVARR(dest));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* not! -> self
* Performe per-element bit-wise inversion.
rb_not_bang(VALUE self)
cvNot(CVARR(self), CVARR(self));
return self;
rb_cmp_internal(VALUE self, VALUE val, int operand)
VALUE dest = new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), CV_8U);
if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(val, rb_klass))
cvCmp(CVARR(self), CVARR(val), CVARR(dest), operand);
else if (CV_MAT_CN(cvGetElemType(CVARR(self))) == 1 && rb_obj_is_kind_of(val, rb_cNumeric)) {
cvCmpS(CVARR(self), NUM2DBL(val), CVARR(dest), operand);
VALUE mat = new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
cvSet(CVARR(mat), VALUE_TO_CVSCALAR(val));
cvCmp(CVARR(self), CVARR(mat), CVARR(dest), operand);
return dest;
* call-seq:
* eq(val) -> cvmat
* Return new matrix performed per-element comparision "equal".
* dst(I) = (self(I) == val(I) ? 0xFF : 0)
rb_eq(VALUE self, VALUE val)
return rb_cmp_internal(self, val, CV_CMP_EQ);
* call-seq:
* gt(val) -> cvmat
* Return new matrix performed per-element comparision "greater than".
* dst(I) = (self(I) > val(I) ? 0xFF : 0)
rb_gt(VALUE self, VALUE val)
return rb_cmp_internal(self, val, CV_CMP_GT);
* call-seq:
* ge(val) -> cvmat
* Return new matrix performed per-element comparision "greater or equal".
* dst(I) = (self(I) >= val(I) ? 0xFF : 0)
rb_ge(VALUE self, VALUE val)
return rb_cmp_internal(self, val, CV_CMP_GE);
* call-seq:
* lt(val) -> cvmat
* Return new matrix performed per-element comparision "less than".
* dst(I) = (self(I) < val(I) ? 0xFF : 0)
rb_lt(VALUE self, VALUE val)
return rb_cmp_internal(self, val, CV_CMP_LT);
* call-seq:
* le(val) -> cvmat
* Return new matrix performed per-element comparision "less or equal".
* dst(I) = (self(I) <= val(I) ? 0xFF : 0)
rb_le(VALUE self, VALUE val)
return rb_cmp_internal(self, val, CV_CMP_LE);
* call-seq:
* ne(val) -> cvmat
* Return new matrix performed per-element comparision "not equal".
* dst(I) = (self(I) != val(I) ? 0xFF : 0)
rb_ne(VALUE self, VALUE val)
return rb_cmp_internal(self, val, CV_CMP_NE);
* call-seq:
* in_range(min, max) -> cvmat
* Check that element lie between two object.
* min and max should be CvMat that have same size and type, or CvScalar.
* Return new matrix performed per-element,
* dst(I) = within the range ? 0xFF : 0
rb_in_range(VALUE self, VALUE min, VALUE max)
VALUE dest = dest = new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), CV_8UC1), tmp;
if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(min, rb_klass) && rb_obj_is_kind_of(max, rb_klass)) {
cvInRange(CVARR(self), CVARR(min), CVARR(max), CVARR(dest));
}else if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(min, rb_klass)) {
tmp = new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
cvSet(CVARR(tmp), VALUE_TO_CVSCALAR(max));
cvInRange(CVARR(self), CVARR(min), CVARR(tmp), CVARR(dest));
}else if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(max, rb_klass)) {
tmp = new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
cvSet(CVARR(tmp), VALUE_TO_CVSCALAR(min));
cvInRange(CVARR(self), CVARR(tmp), CVARR(max), CVARR(dest));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* abs_diff(val) -> cvmat
* Calculate absolute difference between two.
* val should be CvMat that have same size and same type, or CvScalar.
* dst(I) = (src(I) - val(I)).abs
rb_abs_diff(VALUE self, VALUE val)
VALUE dest = new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(val, rb_klass)) {
cvAbsDiff(CVARR(self), CVARR(val), CVARR(dest));
cvAbsDiffS(CVARR(self), CVARR(dest), VALUE_TO_CVSCALAR(val));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* count_non_zero -> int
* Returns the number of non-zero elements.
* result = sumI arr(I)!=0
* In case of IplImage both ROI and COI are supported.
rb_count_non_zero(VALUE self)
return INT2FIX(cvCountNonZero(CVARR(self)));
* call-seq:
* sum -> scalar
* Return summerizes elements as CvScalar. Independently for each channel.
* note: If COI is setted in IplImage, the method processes the selected channel only and store the sum to the first component scalar[0].
rb_sum(VALUE self)
return cCvScalar::new_object(cvSum(CVARR(self)));
* call-seq:
* avg([mask]) -> mean(as scalar)
* Return the average(mean) of elements as CvScalar. Independently for each channel.
rb_avg(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE mask, mean;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &mask);
return cCvScalar::new_object(cvAvg(CVARR(self), MASK(mask)));
* call-seq:
* avg_sdv(mask) -> [mean(as scalar), std_dev(as scalar)]
* Calculates the average value and standard deviation of array elements, independently for each channel.
* note: same as [CvMat#avg, CvMat#sdv]
rb_avg_sdv(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE mask, mean, std_dev;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &mask);
mean = cCvScalar::new_object();
std_dev = cCvScalar::new_object();
cvAvgSdv(CVARR(self), CVSCALAR(mean), CVSCALAR(std_dev), MASK(mask));
return rb_ary_new3(2, mean, std_dev);
* call-seq:
* sdv([mask]) -> std_dev(as scalar)
* Return the standard deviation of elements as CvScalar. Independently for each channel.
rb_sdv(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE mask, std_dev;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &mask);
std_dev = cCvScalar::new_object();
cvAvgSdv(CVARR(self), NULL, CVSCALAR(std_dev), MASK(mask));
return std_dev;
* call-seq:
* min_max_loc([mask]) -> [min_val, max_val, min_loc(as point), max_loc(as point)]
* Finds minimum and maximum element values and their positions.
* The extremums are searched over the whole array, selected ROI(in case of IplImage) or, if mask is not NULL, in the specified array region.
* If the array has more than one channel, it must be IplImage with COI set.
* In case if multi-dimensional arrays min_loc.x and max_loc.x will contain raw (linear) positions of the extremums.
rb_min_max_loc(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE mask, min_loc, max_loc;
double min_val = 0.0, max_val = 0.0;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &mask);
min_loc = cCvPoint::new_object();
max_loc = cCvPoint::new_object();
cvMinMaxLoc(CVARR(self), &min_val, &max_val, CVPOINT(min_loc), CVPOINT(max_loc), MASK(mask));
return rb_ary_new3(4,
* call-seq:
* dot_product(mat) -> float
* Calculates dot product of two arrays in Euclidian metrics.
* mat should be CvMat have same size and same type.
* src1.src2 = sum(src1(I) * src2(I))
rb_dot_product(VALUE self, VALUE mat)
if (!rb_obj_is_kind_of(mat, rb_klass))
rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "argument should be CvMat.");
return rb_float_new(cvDotProduct(CVARR(self), CVARR(mat)));
* call-seq:
* cross_product(mat) -> cvmat
* Calculate cross product of two 3D vectors.
* mat should be CvMat have same size and same type.
rb_cross_product(VALUE self, VALUE mat)
if (!rb_obj_is_kind_of(mat, rb_klass))
rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "argument should be CvMat.");
VALUE dest = new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
cvCrossProduct(CVARR(self), CVARR(mat), CVARR(dest));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* transform(transmat[,shiftvec]) -> cvmat
* performs matrix transform of every element.
* dst(I) = transmat * src(I) + shiftvec
rb_transform(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE transmat, shiftvec;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &transmat, &shiftvec);
VALUE dest = new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
cvTransform(CVARR(self), CVARR(dest), CVMAT(transmat), MASK(shiftvec));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* perspective_transform(mat) -> cvmat
* Return performed perspective matrix transform of vector array.
* mat should be 3x3 or 4x4 transform matrix (CvMat).
* Every element (by treating it as 2D or 3D vector) in the following way:
* (x, y, z) -> (x'/w, y'/w, z'/w) or
* (x, y) -> (x'/w, y'/w)
* where
* (x', y', z', w') = mat4x4*(x, y, z, 1) or
* (x', y', w') = mat3x3*(x, y, 1)
* and
* w = w' if w'!=0, inf otherwise.
rb_perspective_transform(VALUE self, VALUE mat)
VALUE dest = new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
cvPerspectiveTransform(CVARR(self), CVARR(dest), CVMAT(mat));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* mul_transposed(:order => :default or :inverse, :delta => nil or cvmat)
* Calculates the product of self and its transposition.
* options
* * :order -> should be :default or :inverse (default is :default)
* see below.
* * :delta -> should be nil or CvMat (default is nil)
* An optional array, subtracted from source before multiplication.
* mul_transposed evaluates:
* :order => :default
* dst = (self - delta) * (self - delta)T
* :order => :inverse
* dst = (self - delta)T * (self - delta)
rb_mul_transposed(VALUE self, VALUE args)
//VALUE options = extract_options_from_args_bang(args);
//assert_valid_keys(options, 2, "order", "delta");
//VALUE order;
//OPTIONS(order, options, "order", ID2SYM(rb_intern("default")));
//ID2SYM(rb_intern("order")), rb_intern("")
return Qnil;
* call-seq:
* trace -> scalar
* Returns trace of matrix. "trace" is sum of diagonal elements of the matrix.
rb_trace(VALUE self)
return cCvScalar::new_object(cvTrace(CVARR(self)));
* call-seq:
* transpose -> cvmat
* Return transposed matrix.
rb_transpose(VALUE self)
CvSize size = cvGetSize(CVARR(self));
VALUE dest = new_object(size.width, size.height, cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
cvTranspose(CVARR(self), CVARR(dest));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* transpose! -> self
* Transposed matrix.
* rectangular matrix only (CvMat#square? = true).
rb_transpose_bang(VALUE self)
cvTranspose(CVARR(self), CVARR(self));
return self;
* call-seq:
* det -> float
* Return determinant of matrix.
* self should be single-channel and floating-point depth.
rb_det(VALUE self)
return rb_float_new(cvDet(CVARR(self)));
* call-seq:
* invert(inversion_method=:lu[,delta]) -> float
* Finds inverse or pseudo-inverse of matrix.
* inversion_method should be following symbol.
* * :lu
* Gaussian elimincation with optimal pivot element chose.
* Return self determinant (self must be square).
* * :svd
* Singular value decomposition(SVD) method.
* Return the inversed condition number of self(ratio of the smallest singular value to the largest singular value)
* and 0 if self is all zeros. The SVD method calculate a pseudo-inverse matrix if self is singular.
* * :svd_sym or :svd_symmetric
* SVD method for a symmetric positively-defined matrix.
* self type should be single-channel and floating-point matrix.
rb_invert(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE symbol;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &symbol);
int method = CVMETHOD("INVERSION_METHOD", symbol, CV_LU);
VALUE dest = new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
cvInvert(CVARR(self), CVARR(dest), method);
return dest;
* call-seq:
* solve(mat, inversion_method=:lu)
* Solves linear system or least-squares problem (the latter is possible with SVD method).
* inversion_method should be following symbol.
* * :lu
* Gaussian elimincation with optimal pivot element chose.
* Return self determinant (self must be square).
* * :svd
* Singular value decomposition(SVD) method.
* Return the inversed condition number of self(ratio of the smallest singular value to the largest singular value)
* and 0 if self is all zeros. The SVD method calculate a pseudo-inverse matrix if self is singular.
* * :svd_sym or :svd_symmetric
* SVD method for a symmetric positively-defined matrix.
rb_solve(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE mat, symbol;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &mat, &symbol);
if (!rb_obj_is_kind_of(mat, rb_klass))
rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "argument 1 (right-hand part of the linear system) should be %s.)", rb_class2name(rb_klass));
VALUE dest = new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
cvSolve(CVARR(self), CVARR(mat), CVARR(dest), CVMETHOD("INVERSION_METHOD", symbol, CV_LU));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* svd(u = nil, v = nil)
* not implementated.
* Performs singular value decomposition of real floating-point matrix.
rb_svd(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
rb_raise(rb_eNotImpError, "");
VALUE u = Qnil, v = Qnil;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "02", &u, &v);
*matU = NIL_P(u) ? NULL : CVARR(u),
*matV = NIL_P(v) ? NULL : CVARR(v);
cvSVD(CVARR(self), matU, matV);
return dest;
* call-seq:
* svbksb
* not yet.
rb_svbksb(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
rb_raise(rb_eNotImpError, "");
* call-seq:
* eigenvv([eps = 0.0]) -> [eigen_vectors(cvmat), eigen_values(cvmat)]
* Computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of symmetric matrix.
* self should be symmetric square matrix.
* see #eigenvv!
rb_eigenvv(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
return rb_eigenvv_bang(argc, argv, copy(self));
* call-seq:
* eigenvv!([eps = 0.0]) -> [eigen_vectors(cvmat), eigen_values(cvmat)]
* Computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of symmetric matrix.
* self should be symmetric square matrix. self is modified during the processing.
* self * eigen_vectors(i,:)' = eigen_values(i) * eigen_vectors(i,:)'
* The contents of self is destroyed by this method.
* Currently the function is slower than #svd yet less accurate, so if self is known to be positively-defined
* (e.g., it is a convariation matrix), it is recommanded to use #svd to find eigenvalues and eigenvectors of self,
* especially if eigenvectors are not required.
rb_eigenvv_bang(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE epsilon;
double eps = rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &epsilon) < 1 ? 0.0 : NUM2DBL(epsilon);
CvSize size = cvGetSize(CVARR(self));
int type = cvGetElemType(CVARR(self));
VALUE eigen_vectors = new_object(size, type), eigen_values = new_object(size.height, 1, type);
cvEigenVV(CVARR(self), CVARR(eigen_vectors), CVARR(eigen_values), eps);
return rb_ary_new3(2, eigen_vectors, eigen_values);
* call-seq:
* calc_covar_matrix()
* not yet.
rb_calc_covar_matrix(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
rb_raise(rb_eNotImpError, "");
* call-seq:
* mahalonobis(vec, mat) -> float
* not yet.
rb_mahalonobis(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
rb_raise(rb_eNotImpError, "");
* call-seq:
* dft(anyflags...) -> cvmat
* Performs forward or inverse Discrete Fourier Transform(DFT) of 1D or 2D floating-point array.
* Argument should be following symbol or combination of these.
* * :forward or :inverse
* Do forward or inverse transform. The result is not scaled.
* * :scale
* Scale the result: divide it by the number of array elements.
* * :rows
* Do forward or inverse transform of every individual row of the self.
* This flag allow user to transofrm multiple vectors simulaneously and can be used to decrease the overhand
* (which sometimes several times larger then the processing itself), to do 3D and higher-dimensional transforms etc.
* e.g.
* mat.dft(:inverse)
* mat.dft(:forward, :scale) etc...
rb_dft(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
int type = CV_DXT_FORWARD;
if (argc > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
type |= CVMETHOD("DXT_FLAG", argv[i]);
VALUE dest = new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
cvDFT(CVARR(self), CVARR(dest), type);
return dest;
* call-seq:
* dct(anyflags...) -> cvmat
* Performs forward or inverse Discrete Cosine Transform(DCT) of 1D or 2D floating-point array.
* Argument should be following symbol or combination of these.
* * :forward or :inverse
* Do forward or inverse transform.
* * :rows
* Do forward or inverse transform of every individual row of the self.
* This flag allow user to transofrm multiple vectors simulaneously and can be used to decrease the overhand
* (which sometimes several times larger then the processing itself), to do 3D and higher-dimensional transforms etc.
rb_dct(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
int type = CV_DXT_FORWARD;
if (argc > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
type |= CVMETHOD("DXT_FLAG", argv[i]);
VALUE dest = new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
cvDCT(CVARR(self), CVARR(dest), type);
return dest;
* call-seq:
* line(p1, p2[, drawing_option]) -> mat
* Return image is drawn a line segment connecting two points.
* drawing_option should be Hash include these keys.
* :color
* Line color.
* :thickness
* Line Thickness.
* :line_type
* Type of the line:
* * 0 or 8 - 8-connected line(default).
* * 4 - 4-connected line.
* * negative-value - antialiased line.
* :shift
* Number of fractional bits in the point coordinates.
* note: drawing_option's default value is CvMat::DRAWING_OPTION.
* for example
* mat = CvMat.new(100, 100)
* mat.line(CvPoint.new(10, 10), CvPoint.new(90, 90), :thickness => 3, :line_type => :aa)
rb_line(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
return rb_line_bang(argc, argv, rb_clone(self));
* call-seq:
* line!(p1, p2[, drawing_option]) -> self
* Draws a line segment connecting two points.
* Same as CvMat#line, but modifies the receiver in place.
* see CvMat#line
rb_line_bang(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE p1, p2, drawing_option;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "21", &p1, &p2, &drawing_option);
drawing_option = DRAWING_OPTION(drawing_option);
return self;
* call-seq:
* rectangle(p1, p2[, drawing_option]) -> mat
* Return image is drawn a rectangle with two opposite corners p1 and p2.
* drawing_options should be Hash include these keys.
* :color
* Line color.
* :thickness
* Thickness of lines that make up the rectangle.
* Negative values make the function to draw a filled rectangle.
* :line_type
* Type of the line:
* * 0 or 8 - 8-connected line(default).
* * 4 - 4-connected line.
* * negative-value - antialiased line.
* :shift
* Number of fractional bits in the point coordinates.
* note: drawing_option's default value is CvMat::DRAWING_OPTION.
rb_rectangle(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
return rb_rectangle_bang(argc, argv, rb_clone(self));
* call-seq:
* rectangle!(p1, p2[, drawing_option]) -> self
* Draws simple, thick or filled rectangle.
* Same as CvMat#rectangle, but modifies the receiver in place.
* see CvMat#rectangle
rb_rectangle_bang(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE p1, p2, drawing_option;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "21", &p1, &p2, &drawing_option);
drawing_option = DRAWING_OPTION(drawing_option);
cvRectangle(CVARR(self), VALUE_TO_CVPOINT(p1), VALUE_TO_CVPOINT(p2),
return self;
* call-seq:
* circle(center, radius[,drawing_option]) -> cvmat
* Return image is drawn a simple or filled circle with given center and radius.
* drawing_options should be Hash include these keys.
* :color
* Circle color.
* :thickness
* Thickness of the circle outline if positive, otherwise that a filled circle has to be drawn.
* :line_type
* Type of the circle boundary:
* * 0 or 8 - 8-connected line(default).
* * 4 - 4-connected line.
* * negative-value - antialiased line.
* :shift
* Number of fractional bits in the center coordinates and radius value.
* note: drawing_option's default value is CvMat::DRAWING_OPTION.
rb_circle(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
return rb_circle_bang(argc, argv, rb_clone(self));
* call-seq:
* circle!(center, radius[,drawing_option]) -> cvmat
* Draw a circle.
* Same as CvMat#circle, but modifies the receiver in place.
* see CvMat#circle
rb_circle_bang(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE center, radius, drawing_option;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "21", ¢er, &radius, &drawing_option);
drawing_option = DRAWING_OPTION(drawing_option);
cvCircle(CVARR(self), VALUE_TO_CVPOINT(center), NUM2INT(radius),
return self;
* call-seq:
* ellipse(center, axis, angle, start_angle, end_angle[,drawing_option]) -> mat
* Return image is drawn a simple or thick elliptic arc or fills an ellipse sector.
* drawing_options should be Hash include these keys.
* :color
* Ellipse color.
* :thickness
* Thickness of the ellipse arc.
* :line_type
* Type of the ellipse boundary:
* * 0 or 8 - 8-connected line(default).
* * 4 - 4-connected line.
* * negative-value - antialiased line.
* :shift
* Number of fractional bits in the center coordinates and axes' value.
* note: drawing_option's default value is CvMat::DRAWING_OPTION.
rb_ellipse(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
return rb_ellipse_bang(argc, argv, rb_clone(self));
* call-seq:
* ellipse!(center, axis, angle, start_angle, end_angle[,drawing_option]) -> self
* Draws simple or thick elliptic arc or fills ellipse sector.
* Same as CvMat#ellipse, but modifies the receiver in place.
* see CvMat#ellipse
rb_ellipse_bang(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE center, axis, angle, start_angle, end_angle, drawing_option;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "51", ¢er, &axis, &angle, &start_angle, &end_angle, &drawing_option);
drawing_option = DRAWING_OPTION(drawing_option);
cvEllipse(CVARR(self), VALUE_TO_CVPOINT(center),
NUM2DBL(angle), NUM2DBL(start_angle), NUM2DBL(end_angle),
return self;
* call-seq:
* ellipse_box(box[, drawing_option]) -> mat
* Return image is drawn a simple or thick ellipse outline, or fills an ellipse.
* The method provides a convenient way to draw an ellipse approximating some shape.
* drawing_options should be Hash include these keys.
* :color
* Ellipse color.
* :thickness
* Thickness of the ellipse drawn.
* :line_type
* Type of the ellipse boundary:
* * 0 or 8 - 8-connected line(default).
* * 4 - 4-connected line.
* * negative-value - antialiased line.
* :shift
* Number of fractional bits in the box vertex coordinates.
* note: drawing_option's default value is CvMat::DRAWING_OPTION.
rb_ellipse_box(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
return rb_ellipse_box_bang(argc, argv, rb_clone(self));
* call-seq:
* ellipse_box!(box[, drawing_option]) -> self
* Draws simple or thick elliptic arc or fills ellipse sector.
* Same as CvMat#ellipse_box, but modifies the receiver in place.
* see CvMat#ellipse_box
rb_ellipse_box_bang(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE box, drawing_option;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &box, &drawing_option);
drawing_option = DRAWING_OPTION(drawing_option);
cvEllipseBox(CVARR(self), VALUE_TO_CVBOX2D(box),
return self;
* call-seq:
* fill_poly(points[,drawing_option]) -> mat
* Return image is filled an area bounded by several polygonal contours.
* The method fills complex areas, for example, areas with holes, contour self-intersection, etc.
rb_fill_poly(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
return rb_fill_poly_bang(argc, argv, self);
* call-seq:
* fill_poly!(points[,drawing_option]) -> self
* Fills polygons interior.
* Same as CvMat#fill_poly, but modifies the receiver in place.
* drawing_options should be Hash include these keys.
* :color
* Polygon color.
* :line_type
* Type of the polygon boundaries:
* * 0 or 8 - 8-connected line(default).
* * 4 - 4-connected line.
* * negative-value - antialiased line.
* :shift
* Number of fractional bits in the vertex coordinates.
* note: drawing_option's default value is CvMat::DRAWING_OPTION.
rb_fill_poly_bang(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE points, drawing_option;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &points, &drawing_option);
drawing_option = DRAWING_OPTION(drawing_option);
if (!POINT_SET_P(points))
rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "argument 1(points) should be %s.", cCvSeq::rb_class());
/* // todo : draw multi-sequence polygon
CvSeq *seq = CVSEQ(points);
int contours = 1;
while(seq = seq->h_next)
int **nps = ALLOCA_N(int*, contours);
CvPoint **ps = ALLOCA_N(CvPoint*, contours);
seq = CVSEQ(points);
for (int i = 0; i < contours; i++) {
int np = CVSEQ(points)->total;
VALUE tmp = cCvMat::new_object(1, np, CV_32SC2);
CvPoint *p = (CvPoint*)cvCvtSeqToArray(CVSEQ(points), CVMAT(tmp)->data.ptr, CV_WHOLE_SEQ);
1, //contours
return self;
* call-seq:
* fill_convex_poly(points[,drawing_option]) -> mat
* Return image is filled convex polygon interior.
* This method is much faster than The function CvMat#fill_poly
* and can fill not only the convex polygons but any monotonic polygon,
* i.e. a polygon whose contour intersects every horizontal line (scan line)
* twice at the most.
* drawing_options should be Hash include these keys.
* :color
* Polygon color.
* :line_type
* Type of the polygon boundaries:
* * 0 or 8 - 8-connected line(default).
* * 4 - 4-connected line.
* * negative-value - antialiased line.
* :shift
* Number of fractional bits in the vertex coordinates.
* note: drawing_option's default value is CvMat::DRAWING_OPTION.
rb_fill_convex_poly(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
return rb_fill_convex_poly_bang(argc, argv, rb_clone(self));
* call-seq:
* fill_convex_poly!(points[,drawing_option]) -> self
* Fills convex polygon.
* Same as CvMat#fill_convex_poly, but modifies the receiver in place.
* see CvMat#fill_cnovex_poly
rb_fill_convex_poly_bang(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE points, drawing_option;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &points, &drawing_option);
drawing_option = DRAWING_OPTION(drawing_option);
if (!POINT_SET_P(points))
rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "argument 1(points) should be %s.", cCvSeq::rb_class());
int np = CVSEQ(points)->total;
VALUE tmp = cCvMat::new_object(1, np, CV_32SC2);
CvPoint *p = (CvPoint*)cvCvtSeqToArray(CVSEQ(points), CVMAT(tmp)->data.ptr, CV_WHOLE_SEQ);
return self;
* call-seq:
* poly_line(points[,drawing_option]) -> mat
* Return image drawed a single or multiple polygonal curves.
* drawing_option should be Hash include these keys.
* :is_closed
* Indicates whether the polylines must be drawn closed.
* If closed, the method draws the line from the last vertex
* of every contour to the first vertex.
* :color
* Polyline color.
* :thickness
* Thickness of the polyline edges
* :line_type
* Type of line segments:
* * 0 or 8 - 8-connected line(default).
* * 4 - 4-connected line.
* * negative-value - antialiased line.
* :shift
* Number of fractional bits in the vertex coordinates.
* note: drawing_option's default value is CvMat::DRAWING_OPTION.
rb_poly_line(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
return rb_poly_line_bang(argc, argv, rb_clone(self));
* call-seq:
* poly_line!(points[,drawing_option]) -> self
* Draws simple or thick polygons.
* Same as CvMat#poly_line, but modifies the receiver in place.
* see CvMat#poly_line
rb_poly_line_bang(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE points, drawing_option;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &points, &drawing_option);
drawing_option = DRAWING_OPTION(drawing_option);
if (!POINT_SET_P(points))
rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "argument 1(points) should be %s.", cCvSeq::rb_class());
int np = CVSEQ(points)->total;
VALUE tmp = cCvMat::new_object(1, np, CV_32SC2);
CvPoint *p = (CvPoint*)cvCvtSeqToArray(CVSEQ(points), CVMAT(tmp)->data.ptr, CV_WHOLE_SEQ);
// todo: multi-sequence polygon
1, //contour
CvPoint *pointset = 0;
int length = CVPOINTS_FROM_POINT_SET(points, &pointset);
1, //contour
return self;
* call-seq:
* put_text(str, point, font[,color]) -> cvmat
* Return image is drawn text string.
* font should be CvFont object.
rb_put_text(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
return rb_put_text_bang(argc, argv, rb_clone(self));
* call-seq:
* put_text!(str, point ,font[,color]) -> self
* Draws text string. Return self.
rb_put_text_bang(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE text, point, font, color;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "22", &text, &point, &font, &color);
cvPutText(CVARR(self), StringValueCStr(text), VALUE_TO_CVPOINT(point), CVFONT(font), *CVSCALAR(color));
return self;
* call-seq:
* sobel(xorder,yorder[,aperture_size=3]) -> cvmat
* Calculates first, second, third or mixed image derivatives using extended Sobel operator.
* self should be single-channel 8bit signed/unsigned or 32bit floating-point.
* link:../images/CvMat_sobel.png
rb_sobel(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE xorder, yorder, aperture_size, dest;
if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "21", &xorder, &yorder, &aperture_size) < 3)
aperture_size = INT2FIX(3);
switch(CV_MAT_DEPTH(CVMAT(self)->type)) {
case CV_8U:
case CV_8S:
dest = new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), CV_MAKETYPE(CV_16S, 1));
case CV_32F:
dest = new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), CV_MAKETYPE(CV_32F, 1));
rb_raise(rb_eNotImpError, "source depth should be CV_8U or CV_8S or CV_32F.");
cvSobel(CVARR(self), CVARR(dest), NUM2INT(xorder), NUM2INT(yorder), NUM2INT(aperture_size));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* laplace([aperture_size = 3]) -> cvmat
* Calculates Laplacian of the image.
* self should be single-channel 8bit signed/unsigned or 32bit floating-point.
rb_laplace(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE aperture_size, dest;
if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &aperture_size) < 1)
aperture_size = INT2FIX(3);
switch(CV_MAT_DEPTH(CVMAT(self)->type)) {
case CV_8U:
case CV_8S:
dest = new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), CV_MAKETYPE(CV_16S, 1));
case CV_32F:
dest = new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), CV_MAKETYPE(CV_32F, 1));
rb_raise(rb_eNotImpError, "source depth should be CV_8U or CV_8S or CV_32F.");
cvLaplace(CVARR(self), CVARR(dest), NUM2INT(aperture_size));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* canny(thresh1,thresh2[,aperture_size = 3]) -> cvmat
* Canny algorithm for edge detection.
rb_canny(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE thresh1, thresh2, aperture_size;
if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "21", &thresh1, &thresh2, &aperture_size) < 3)
aperture_size = INT2FIX(3);
VALUE dest = new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
cvCanny(CVARR(self), CVARR(dest), NUM2INT(thresh1), NUM2INT(thresh2), NUM2INT(aperture_size));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* pre_corner_detect([aperture_size = 3]) -> cvmat
* Calculates feature map for corner detection.
* aperture_size is parameter for sobel operator(see #sobel).
* The corners can be found as local maximums of the function.
rb_pre_corner_detect(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE aperture_size, dest;
if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &aperture_size) < 1)
aperture_size = INT2FIX(3);
dest = new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), CV_MAKETYPE(CV_32F, 1));
cvPreCornerDetect(CVARR(self), CVARR(dest), NUM2INT(aperture_size));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* corner_eigenvv(block_size[,aperture_size]) -> cvmat
* For every pixel considers block_size x block_size neighborhood S(p).
* It calculates convariation matrix of derivatives over the neighborhood.
rb_corner_eigenvv(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE block_size, aperture_size, dest;
if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &block_size, &aperture_size) < 1)
aperture_size = INT2FIX(3);
Check_Type(block_size, T_FIXNUM);
CvSize size = cvGetSize(CVARR(self));
dest = new_object(cvSize(size.width * 6, size.height), CV_MAKETYPE(CV_32F, 1));
cvCornerEigenValsAndVecs(CVARR(self), CVARR(dest), NUM2INT(block_size), NUM2INT(aperture_size));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* corner_min_eigen_val(block_size[,aperture_size = 3]) -> cvmat
* Calculates minimal eigenvalue of gradient matrices for corner detection.
rb_corner_min_eigen_val(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE block_size, aperture_size, dest;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &block_size, &aperture_size);
dest = new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), CV_MAKETYPE(CV_32F, 1));
cvCornerMinEigenVal(CVARR(self), CVARR(dest), FIX2INT(block_size), FIX2INT(aperture_size));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* corner_harris(block_size[,aperture_size = 3][,k = 0.04]) -> cvmat
* Return image Applied Harris edge detector.
rb_corner_harris(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE block_size, aperture_size, k, dest;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "12", &block_size, &aperture_size, &k);
dest = new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), CV_MAKETYPE(CV_32F, 1));
cvCornerHarris(CVARR(self), CVARR(dest), FIX2INT(block_size), IF_INT(aperture_size, 3), IF_DBL(k, 0.04));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* find_corner_sub_pix()
* Refines corner locations.
* This method iterates to find the sub-pixel accurate location of corners,
* or radial saddle points, as shown in on the picture below.
rbi_find_corner_sub_pix(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE corners, win, zero_zone, criteria;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "13", &corners, &win, &zero_zone, &criteria);
if (!rb_obj_is_kind_of(corners, mPointSet::rb_module()))
rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "argument 1 (corners) should be %s.", rb_class2name(mPointSet::rb_module()));
int count = CVSEQ(corners)->total;
VALUE storage = cCvMemStorage::new_object();
CvPoint2D32f *pointset = POINTSET2D32f(corners);
//cvFindCornerSubPix(CVARR(self), pointset, count, VALUE_TO_CVSIZE(win), VALUE_TO_CVSIZE(zero_zone), VALUE_TO_CVTERMCRITERIA(criteria));
//return cCvSeq::new_sequence();
return Qnil;
rb_good_features_to_track(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE quality_level, min_distance, good_features_to_track_option, eigen, tmp, storage;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "21", &quality_level, &min_distance, &good_features_to_track_option);
good_features_to_track_option = GOOD_FEATURES_TO_TRACK_OPTION(good_features_to_track_option);
CvMat *src = CVMAT(self);
eigen = cCvMat::new_object(cvGetSize(src), CV_MAKETYPE(CV_32F, 1));
tmp = cCvMat::new_object(cvGetSize(src), CV_MAKETYPE(CV_32F, 1));
int np = GF_MAX(good_features_to_track_option);
if(!(np > 0))
rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "option :max should be positive value.");
CvPoint2D32f *p32 = (CvPoint2D32f*)cvAlloc(sizeof(CvPoint2D32f) * np);
rb_raise(rb_eNoMemError, "failed allocate memory.");
cvGoodFeaturesToTrack(src, CVARR(eigen), CVARR(tmp), p32, &np, NUM2DBL(quality_level), NUM2DBL(min_distance),
storage = cCvMemStorage::new_object();
CvSeq *pseq = cvCreateSeq(CV_SEQ_POINT_SET, sizeof(CvSeq), sizeof(CvPoint2D32f), CVMEMSTORAGE(storage));
cvSeqPushMulti(pseq, p32, np);
return cCvSeq::new_sequence(cCvSeq::rb_class(), pseq, cCvPoint2D32f::rb_class(), storage);
* call-seq:
* sample_line(p1, p2[,connectivity = 8]) {|pixel| }
* not yet.
rb_sample_line(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE p1, p2, connectivity;
if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "21", &p1, &p2, &connectivity) < 3)
connectivity = INT2FIX(8);
CvPoint point1 = VALUE_TO_CVPOINT(p1), point2 = VALUE_TO_CVPOINT(p2);
int size;
switch(FIX2INT(connectivity)) {
case 4:
size = abs(point2.x - point1.x) + abs(point2.y - point1.y) + 1;
case 8:
size = maxint(abs(point2.x - point1.x) + 1, abs(point2.y - point1.y) + 1);
rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "argument 3(connectivity) should be 4 or 8. 8 is default.");
VALUE buf = cCvMat::new_object(1, size, cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
cvSampleLine(CVARR(self), point1, point2, CVMAT(buf)->data.ptr, FIX2INT(connectivity));
if (rb_block_given_p()) {
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
//Data_Wrap_Struct(cCvScalar::rb_class(), 0, 0, CVMAT(buf)->data.ptr[]);
return buf;
return Qnil;
* call-seq:
* rect_sub_pix(center,size) -> cvmat
* Retrieves pixel rectangle from image with sub-pixel accuracy.
* Extracts pixels from self.
* dst(x,y) = self(x + center.x - (size.width - 1) * 0.5, y + center.y - (size.height - 1) * 0.5)
* where the values of pixels at non-integer coordinates are retrived using bilinear iterpolation.
* Every channel of multiple-channel images is processed independently.
* Whereas the rectangle center must be inside the image, the whole rectangle may be partially occludedl.
* In this case, the replication border mode is used to get pixel values beyond the image boundaries.
rb_rect_sub_pix(VALUE self, VALUE center, VALUE size)
VALUE dest = new_object(VALUE_TO_CVSIZE(size), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
cvGetRectSubPix(CVARR(self), CVARR(dest), VALUE_TO_CVPOINT2D32F(center));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* quandrangle_sub_pix(map_matrix) -> cvmat
* Retrives pixel quadrangle from image with sub-pixel accuracy.
* Extracts pixel from self at sub-pixel accuracy and store them:
rb_quadrangle_sub_pix(VALUE self, VALUE map_matrix, VALUE size)
if (!rb_obj_is_kind_of(map_matrix, cCvMat::rb_class()))
rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "argument 1 (map matrix) should be %s (2x3).", rb_class2name(cCvMat::rb_class()));
VALUE dest = new_object(VALUE_TO_CVSIZE(size), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
cvGetQuadrangleSubPix(CVARR(self), CVARR(dest), CVMAT(map_matrix));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* resize(size[,interpolation = :linear]) -> cvmat
* Resize image.
* interpolation is interpolation method:
* * :nn
* nearest-neighbor interpolation.
* * :linear
* bilinear interpolation (used by default)
* * :area
* resampling using pixel area relation. It is preferred method for image decimation that give moire-free results.
* In case of zooming it is similar to NN method.
* * :cubic
* bicubic interpolation.
* Return self resized image that it fits exactly to size. If ROI is set, the method consideres the ROI as supported as usual.
rb_resize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE size, interpolation;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &size, &interpolation);
VALUE dest = new_object(VALUE_TO_CVSIZE(size), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
return self;
* call-seq:
* warp_affine(map_matrix[,interpolation = :linear][,option = :fill_outliers][,fillval = 0]) -> cvmat
* Applies affine transformation to the image.
rb_warp_affine(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE map_matrix, interpolation, option, fill_value;
if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "13", &map_matrix, &interpolation, &option, &fill_value) < 4)
fill_value = INT2FIX(0);
if (!rb_obj_is_kind_of(map_matrix, cCvMat::rb_class()))
rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "argument 1 (map matrix) should be %s (2x3).", rb_class2name(cCvMat::rb_class()));
VALUE dest = new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
cvWarpAffine(CVARR(self), CVARR(dest), CVMAT(map_matrix),
return dest;
* call-seq:
* CvMat.rotation(center,angle,scale) -> cvmat
* Create new affine matrix of 2D rotation (2x3 32bit floating-point matrix).
* center is center of rotation (x, y).
* angle is rotation angle in degrees.
* Positive values mean counter-clockwise rotation
* (the coordinate origin is assumed at top-left corner).
* scale is isotropic scale factor.
* [ a b | (1 - a) * center.x - b * center.y ]
* [-b a | (b * center.x + (1 + a) * center.y ]
* where a = scale * cos(angle), b = scale * sin(angle)
rb_rotation(VALUE self, VALUE center, VALUE angle, VALUE scale)
VALUE map_matrix = new_object(cvSize(3,2), CV_MAKETYPE(CV_32F, 1));
cv2DRotationMatrix(VALUE_TO_CVPOINT2D32F(center), NUM2DBL(angle), NUM2DBL(scale), CVMAT(map_matrix));
return map_matrix;
* call-seq:
* warp_perspective(map_matrix[,interpolation=:linear][,option =:fill_outliers][,fillval=0])) -> cvmat
* Applies perspective transformation to the image.
rb_warp_perspective(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE map_matrix, interpolation, option, fillval;
if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "13", &map_matrix, &interpolation, &option, &fillval) < 4)
fillval = INT2FIX(0);
if (!rb_obj_is_kind_of(map_matrix, cCvMat::rb_class()))
rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "argument 1 (map matrix) should be %s (3x3).", rb_class2name(cCvMat::rb_class()));
VALUE dest = new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
cvWarpPerspective(CVARR(self), CVARR(dest), CVMAT(map_matrix),
return dest;
* call-seq:
* remap(mapx,mapy[,interpolation=:linear][,option=:fill_outliers][,fillval=0]) -> cvmat
* Applies generic geometrical transformation to the image.
* Transforms source image using the specified map:
* dst(x,y)<-src(mapx(x,y),mapy(x,y))
* Similar to other geometrical transformations, some interpolation method (specified by user) is used to
* extract pixels with non-integer coordinates.
rb_remap(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE mapx, mapy, interpolation, option, fillval;
if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "23", &mapx, &mapy, &interpolation, &option, &fillval) < 5)
fillval = INT2FIX(0);
if (!rb_obj_is_kind_of(mapx, cCvMat::rb_class()))
rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "argument 1 (map of x-coordinates) should be %s(CV_32F and single-channel).", rb_class2name(cCvMat::rb_class()));
if (!rb_obj_is_kind_of(mapy, cCvMat::rb_class()))
rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "argument 2 (map of y-coordinates) should be %s(CV_32F and single-channel).", rb_class2name(cCvMat::rb_class()));
VALUE dest = new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
cvRemap(CVARR(self), CVARR(dest), CVARR(mapx), CVARR(mapy),
return dest;
* call-seq:
* log_polar(center, magnitude, )
* Remaps image to log-polar space.
rb_log_polar(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE size, center, m, flags, fillval, dest;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "3*", &size, ¢er, &m, &flags);
dest = cCvMat::new_object();
cvLogPolar(CVARR(self), CVARR(dest),
return dest;
return Qnil;
* call-seq:
* erode([element = nil, iteration = 1]) -> cvmat
* Create erodes image by using arbitrary structuring element.
* element is structuring element used for erosion.
* element should be IplConvKernel. If it is nil, a 3x3 rectangular structuring element is used.
* iterations is number of times erosion is applied.
rb_erode(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
return rb_erode_bang(argc, argv, rb_clone(self));
* call-seq:
* erode!([element = nil][,iteration = 1]) -> self
* Erodes image by using arbitrary structuring element.
* see also #erode.
rb_erode_bang(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE element, iteration;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "02", &element, &iteration);
cvErode(CVARR(self), CVARR(self), IPLCONVKERNEL(element), IF_INT(iteration, 1));
return self;
* call-seq:
* dilate([element = nil][,iteration = 1]) -> cvmat
* Create dilates image by using arbitrary structuring element.
* element is structuring element used for erosion.
* element should be IplConvKernel. If it is nil, a 3x3 rectangular structuring element is used.
* iterations is number of times erosion is applied.
rb_dilate(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
return rb_dilate_bang(argc, argv, rb_clone(self));
* call-seq:
* dilate!([element = nil][,iteration = 1]) -> self
* Dilate image by using arbitrary structuring element.
* see also #dilate.
rb_dilate_bang(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE element, iteration;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "02", &element, &iteration);
cvDilate(CVARR(self), CVARR(self), IPLCONVKERNEL(element), IF_INT(iteration, 1));
return self;
* call-seq:
* morpholohy_open([element = nil][,iteration = 1]) -> cvmat
* Performs advanced morphological transformations "Opening".
* dilate(erode(src,element),element)
rb_morphology_open(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE element, iteration, dest;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "02", &element, &iteration);
dest = new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
cvMorphologyEx(CVARR(self), CVARR(dest), 0, IPLCONVKERNEL(element), CV_MOP_OPEN, IF_INT(iteration, 1));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* morpholohy_close([element = nil][,iteration = 1]) -> cvmat
* Performs advanced morphological transformations "Closing".
* erode(dilate(src,element),element)
rb_morphology_close(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE element, iteration, dest;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "02", &element, &iteration);
dest = new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
cvMorphologyEx(CVARR(self), CVARR(dest), 0, IPLCONVKERNEL(element), CV_MOP_CLOSE, IF_INT(iteration, 1));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* morpholohy_gradient([element = nil][,iteration = 1]) -> cvmat
* Performs advanced morphological transformations "Morphological gradient".
* dilate(src,element)-erode(src,element)
rb_morphology_gradient(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE element, iteration, temp, dest;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "02", &element, &iteration);
temp = new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
dest = new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
cvMorphologyEx(CVARR(self), CVARR(dest), CVARR(temp), IPLCONVKERNEL(element), CV_MOP_GRADIENT, IF_INT(iteration, 1));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* morpholohy_tophat([element = nil][,iteration = 1]) -> cvmat
* Performs advanced morphological transformations "tophat".
* src-open(src,element)
rb_morphology_tophat(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE element, iteration, dest;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "02", &element, &iteration);
dest = new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
cvMorphologyEx(CVARR(self), CVARR(dest), 0, IPLCONVKERNEL(element), CV_MOP_TOPHAT, IF_INT(iteration, 1));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* morpholohy_blackhat([element = nil][,iteration = 1]) -> cvmat
* Performs advanced morphological transformations "blackhat".
* close(src,element)-src
rb_morphology_blackhat(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE element, iteration, dest;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "02", &element, &iteration);
dest = new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
cvMorphologyEx(CVARR(self), CVARR(dest), 0, IPLCONVKERNEL(element), CV_MOP_BLACKHAT, IF_INT(iteration, 1));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* smooth_blur_no_scale([p1 = 3, p2 = 3]) -> cvmat
* Smooths the image by simple blur with no scaling.
* * 8bit unsigned -> return 16bit unsigned
* * 8bit signed -> return 16bit signed
* * 32bit floating point -> return 32bit floating point
* support single-channel image only.
rb_smooth_blur_no_scale(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE p1, p2, dest;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "02", &p1, &p2);
int type = cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)), dest_type;
switch (CV_MAT_DEPTH(type)) {
case CV_8U:
dest_type = CV_16U;
case CV_8S:
dest_type = CV_16S;
case CV_32F:
dest_type = CV_32F;
rb_raise(rb_eNotImpError, "unsupport format. (support 8bit unsigned/signed or 32bit floating point only)");
dest = new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), dest_type);
cvSmooth(CVARR(self), CVARR(dest), CV_BLUR_NO_SCALE, IF_INT(p1, 3), IF_INT(p2, 0));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* smooth_blur([p1 = 3, p2 = 3]) -> cvmat
* Smooths the image by simple blur.
* Summation over a pixel p1 x p2 neighborhood with subsequent scaling by 1 / (p1*p2).
rb_smooth_blur(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE p1, p2, dest;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "02", &p1, &p2);
dest = cCvMat::new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
cvSmooth(CVARR(self), CVARR(dest), CV_BLUR, IF_INT(p1, 3), IF_INT(p2, 0));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* smooth_gaussian([p1 = 3, p2 = 3, p3 = 0.0, p4 = 0.0]) -> cvmat
* Smooths the image by gaussian blur.
* Convolving image with p1 x p2 Gaussian kernel.
* p3 may specify Gaussian sigma (standard deviation).
* If it is zero, it is calculated from the kernel size:
* sigma = (n/2 - 1)*0.3 + 0.8, where n = p1 for horizontal kernel,
* n = p2 for vertical kernel.
* p4 is in case of non-square Gaussian kernel the parameter.
* It may be used to specify a different (from p3) sigma in the vertical direction.
rb_smooth_gaussian(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE p1, p2, p3, p4, dest;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "04", &p1, &p2, &p3, p4);
dest = cCvMat::new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
cvSmooth(CVARR(self), CVARR(dest), CV_GAUSSIAN, IF_INT(p1, 3), IF_INT(p2, 0), IF_DBL(p3, 0.0), IF_DBL(p4, 0.0));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* smooth_median([p1 = 3]) -> cvmat
* Smooths the image by median blur.
* Finding median of p1 x p1 neighborhood (i.e. the neighborhood is square).
rb_smooth_median(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE p1, dest;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &p1);
dest = cCvMat::new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
cvSmooth(CVARR(self), CVARR(dest), CV_MEDIAN, IF_INT(p1, 3));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* smooth_bilateral([p1 = 3][p2 = 3]) -> cvmat
* Smooths the image by bilateral filter.
* Applying bilateral 3x3 filtering with color sigma=p1 and space sigma=p2.
rb_smooth_bilateral(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE p1, p2, dest;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "02", &p1, &p2);
dest = cCvMat::new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
cvSmooth(CVARR(self), CVARR(dest), CV_BILATERAL, IF_INT(p1, 3), IF_INT(p2, 0));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* filter2d(kernel[,anchor]) -> cvmat
* Convolves image with the kernel.
* Convolution kernel, single-channel floating point matrix (or same depth of self's).
* If you want to apply different kernels to different channels,
* split the image using CvMat#split into separate color planes and process them individually.
rb_filter2d(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE kernel, anchor, dest;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &kernel, &anchor);
if (!rb_obj_is_kind_of(kernel, cCvMat::rb_class()))
rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "argument 1 (kernel) should be %s.", rb_class2name(cCvMat::rb_class()));
int type = cvGetElemType(CVARR(kernel));
dest = cCvMat::new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
cvFilter2D(CVARR(self), CVARR(dest), CVMAT(kernel), NIL_P(anchor) ? cvPoint(-1,-1) : VALUE_TO_CVPOINT(anchor));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* copy_make_border_constant(size, offset[,value = CvScalar.new(0)])
* Copies image and makes border around it.
* Border is filled with the fixed value, passed as last parameter of the function.
rb_copy_make_border_constant(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE size, offset, value, dest;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "21", &size, &offset, &value);
dest = cCvMat::new_object(VALUE_TO_CVSIZE(size), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
cvCopyMakeBorder(CVARR(self), CVARR(dest), VALUE_TO_CVPOINT(offset), IPL_BORDER_CONSTANT, NIL_P(value) ? cvScalar(0) : VALUE_TO_CVSCALAR(value));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* copy_make_border_replicate(size, offset)
* Copies image and makes border around it.
* The pixels from the top and bottom rows,
* the left-most and right-most columns are replicated to fill the border.
rb_copy_make_border_replicate(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE size, offset, dest;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "20", &size, &offset);
dest = cCvMat::new_object(VALUE_TO_CVSIZE(size), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
cvCopyMakeBorder(CVARR(self), CVARR(dest), VALUE_TO_CVPOINT(offset), IPL_BORDER_REPLICATE);
return dest;
* call-seq:
* integral(need_sqsum = false, need_tilted_sum = false) -> [cvmat, cvmat or nil, cvmat or nil]
* Calculates integral images.
* If need_sqsum = true, calculate the integral image for squared pixel values.
* If need_tilted_sum = true, calculate the integral for the image rotated by 45 degrees.
* sum(X,Y)=sumxthreshold, max_value[,use_otsu = false])
* Applies fixed-level threshold to array elements.
* dst(x,y) = max_value, if src(x,y)>threshold
* 0, otherwise
rb_threshold_binary(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE threshold, max_value, use_otsu, dest;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "21", &threshold, &max_value, &use_otsu);
dest = cCvMat::new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
cvThreshold(CVARR(self), CVARR(dest), NUM2DBL(threshold), NUM2DBL(max_value), CV_THRESH_BINARY | (use_otsu == Qtrue ? CV_THRESH_OTSU : 0));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* threshold_binary_inverse(threshold, max_value[,use_otsu = false])
* Applies fixed-level threshold to array elements.
* dst(x,y) = 0, if src(x,y)>threshold
* max_value, otherwise
rb_threshold_binary_inverse(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE threshold, max_value, use_otsu, dest;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "21", &threshold, &max_value, &use_otsu);
dest = cCvMat::new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
cvThreshold(CVARR(self), CVARR(dest), NUM2DBL(threshold), NUM2DBL(max_value), CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV | (use_otsu == Qtrue ? CV_THRESH_OTSU : 0));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* threshold_trunc(threshold[,use_otsu = false])
* Applies fixed-level threshold to array elements.
* dst(x,y) = threshold, if src(x,y)>threshold
* src(x,y), otherwise
rb_threshold_trunc(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE threshold, use_otsu, dest;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &threshold, &use_otsu);
dest = cCvMat::new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
cvThreshold(CVARR(self), CVARR(dest), NUM2DBL(threshold), 0, CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV | (use_otsu == Qtrue ? CV_THRESH_OTSU : 0));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* threshold_to_zero(threshold[,use_otsu = false])
* Applies fixed-level threshold to array elements.
* dst(x,y) = src(x,y), if src(x,y)>threshold
* 0, otherwise
rb_threshold_to_zero(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE threshold, use_otsu, dest;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &threshold, &use_otsu);
dest = cCvMat::new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
cvThreshold(CVARR(self), CVARR(dest), NUM2DBL(threshold), 0, CV_THRESH_TOZERO | (use_otsu == Qtrue ? CV_THRESH_OTSU : 0));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* threshold_to_zero_inverse(threshold[,use_otsu = false])
* Applies fixed-level threshold to array elements.
* dst(x,y) = 0, if src(x,y)>threshold
* src(x,y), otherwise
rb_threshold_to_zero_inverse(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE threshold, use_otsu, dest;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &threshold, &use_otsu);
dest = cCvMat::new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
cvThreshold(CVARR(self), CVARR(dest), NUM2DBL(threshold), 0, CV_THRESH_TOZERO_INV | (use_otsu == Qtrue ? CV_THRESH_OTSU : 0));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* pyr_down([filter = :gaussian_5x5]) -> cvmat
* Return downsamples image.
* This operation performs downsampling step of Gaussian pyramid decomposition.
* First it convolves source image with the specified filter and then downsamples the image by rejecting even rows and columns.
* note: filter - only :gaussian_5x5 is currently supported.
rb_pyr_down(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE filter_type, dest;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &filter_type);
int filter = CV_GAUSSIAN_5x5;
if (argc > 0) {
switch (TYPE(filter_type)) {
case T_SYMBOL:
// currently suport CV_GAUSSIAN_5x5 only.
rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "argument 1 (filter_type) should be Symbol.");
CvSize size = cvGetSize(CVARR(self));
dest = cCvMat::new_object(size.height / 2, size.width / 2, cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
cvPyrDown(CVARR(self), CVARR(dest), filter);
return dest;
* call-seq:
* pyr_up([filter = :gaussian_5x5]) -> cvmat
* Return upsamples image.
* This operation performs up-sampling step of Gaussian pyramid decomposition.
* First it upsamples the source image by injecting even zero rows and columns and then convolves result with the specified filter multiplied by 4 for interpolation.
* So the destination image is four times larger than the source image.
* note: filter - only :gaussian_5x5 is currently supported.
rb_pyr_up(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE filter_type, dest;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &filter_type);
int filter = CV_GAUSSIAN_5x5;
if (argc > 0) {
switch (TYPE(filter_type)) {
case T_SYMBOL:
// currently suport CV_GAUSSIAN_5x5 only.
rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "argument 1 (filter_type) should be Symbol.");
CvSize size = cvGetSize(CVARR(self));
dest = cCvMat::new_object(size.height * 2, size.width * 2, cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
cvPyrUp(CVARR(self), CVARR(dest), filter);
return dest;
* call-seq:
* flood_fill(seed_point, new_val, lo_diff, up_diff[,flood_fill_option]) -> [cvmat, cvconnectedcomp, iplimage(mask)]
* Return image filled a connnected compoment with given color.
* This operation fills a connected component starting from the seed point with the specified color.
* The connectivity is determined by the closeness of pixel values.
* The pixel at (x, y) is considered to belong to the repainted domain if:
* src(x',y')-lo_diff<=src(x,y)<=src(x',y')+up_diff, grayscale image, floating range
* src(seed.x,seed.y)-lo<=src(x,y)<=src(seed.x,seed.y)+up_diff, grayscale image, fixed range
* src(x',y')r-lo_diffr<=src(x,y)r<=src(x',y')r+up_diffr and
* src(x',y')g-lo_diffg<=src(x,y)g<=src(x',y')g+up_diffg and
* src(x',y')b-lo_diffb<=src(x,y)b<=src(x',y')b+up_diffb, color image, floating range
* src(seed.x,seed.y)r-lo_diffr<=src(x,y)r<=src(seed.x,seed.y)r+up_diffr and
* src(seed.x,seed.y)g-lo_diffg<=src(x,y)g<=src(seed.x,seed.y)g+up_diffg and
* src(seed.x,seed.y)b-lo_diffb<=src(x,y)b<=src(seed.x,seed.y)b+up_diffb, color image, fixed range
* where src(x',y') is value of one of pixel neighbors.
* That is, to be added to the connected component, a pixel's color/brightness should be close enough to:
* * color/brightness of one of its neighbors that are already referred to the connected component in case of floating range
* * color/brightness of the seed point in case of fixed range.
* arguments
* * seed_point -The starting point.
* * new_val - New value of repainted domain pixels.
* * lo_diff - Maximal lower brightness/color difference between the currently observed pixel and one of its neighbor belong to the component or seed pixel to add the pixel to component. In case of 8-bit color images it is packed value.
* * up_diff - Maximal upper brightness/color difference between the currently observed pixel and one of its neighbor belong to the component or seed pixel to add the pixel to component. In case of 8-bit color images it is packed value.
* and flood_fill_option
* :connectivity => 4 or 8, 4 default
* Connectivity determines which neighbors of a pixel are considered.
* :fixed_range => true or false, false default
* If set the difference between the current pixel and seed pixel is considered, otherwise difference between neighbor pixels is considered (the range is floating).
* :mask_only => true or false, false default
* If set, the function does not fill the image(new_val is ignored), but the fills mask.
* note: flood_fill_option's default value is CvMat::FLOOD_FILL_OPTION.
rb_flood_fill(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
return rb_flood_fill_bang(argc, argv, copy(self));
* call-seq:
* flood_fill!(seed_point, new_val, lo_diff, up_diff[,flood_fill_option]) -> [self, cvconnectedcomp, iplimage(mask)]
* Fills a connected component with given color.
* see CvMat#flood_fill
rb_flood_fill_bang(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE seed_point, new_val, lo_diff, up_diff, flood_fill_option, mask, comp;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "23", &seed_point, &new_val, &lo_diff, &up_diff, &flood_fill_option);
flood_fill_option = FLOOD_FILL_OPTION(flood_fill_option);
int flags = FF_CONNECTIVITY(flood_fill_option);
if (FF_FIXED_RANGE(flood_fill_option)) {
if (FF_MASK_ONLY(flood_fill_option)) {
CvSize size = cvGetSize(CVARR(self));
mask = cIplImage::new_object(size.width + 2, size.height + 2, CV_MAKETYPE(CV_8U, 1));
comp = cCvConnectedComp::new_object();
NIL_P(lo_diff) ? cvScalar(0) : VALUE_TO_CVSCALAR(lo_diff),
NIL_P(lo_diff) ? cvScalar(0) : VALUE_TO_CVSCALAR(up_diff),
cvSetImageROI(IPLIMAGE(mask), cvRect(1, 1, size.width, size.height));
return rb_ary_new3(3, self, comp, mask);
* call-seq:
* find_contours([find_contours_options]) -> cvchain or chcontour or nil
* Finds contours in binary image, and return contours as CvContour or CvChain.
* If contours not found, return nil.
* flood_fill_option should be Hash include these keys.
* :mode - Retrieval mode.
* :external - retrive only the extreme outer contours
* :list - retrieve all the contours and puts them in the list.(default)
* :ccomp - retrieve all the contours and organizes them into two-level hierarchy:
* top level are external boundaries of the components, second level are bounda boundaries of the holes
* :tree - retrieve all the contours and reconstructs the full hierarchy of nested contours
* Connectivity determines which neighbors of a pixel are considered.
* :method - Approximation method.
* :code - output contours in the Freeman chain code. All other methods output polygons (sequences of vertices).
* :approx_none - translate all the points from the chain code into points;
* :approx_simple - compress horizontal, vertical, and diagonal segments, that is, the function leaves only their ending points;(default)
* :approx_tc89_l1
* :approx_tc89_kcos - apply one of the flavors of Teh-Chin chain approximation algorithm.
* If set the difference between the current pixel and seed pixel is considered,
* otherwise difference between neighbor pixels is considered (the range is floating).
* :offset - Offset, by which every contour point is shifted.
* This is useful if the contours are extracted from the image ROI
* and then they should be analyzed in the whole image context. Should be CvPoint.
* note: find_contours_option's default value is CvMat::FIND_CONTOURS_OPTION.
* support single-channel 8bit unsigned image only.
* note: Non-zero pixels are treated as 1's, zero pixels remain 0's
* that is image treated as binary. To get such a binary image from grayscale,
* one may use threshold, adaptive_threshold or canny.
rb_find_contours(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
return rb_find_contours_bang(argc, argv, copy(self));
* call-seq:
* find_contours!([find_contours_options]) -> cvchain or chcontour or nil
* Finds contours in binary image.
* The function modifies the source image content.
* (Because the copy is not made, it is slightly faster than find_contours.)
* see find_contours
* support single-channel 8bit unsigned image only.
rb_find_contours_bang(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE find_contours_option, klass, element_klass, storage;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &find_contours_option);
CvSeq *contour = 0;
find_contours_option = FIND_CONTOURS_OPTION(find_contours_option);
int mode = FC_MODE(find_contours_option);
int method = FC_METHOD(find_contours_option);
int header, header_size, element_size;
if (method == CV_CHAIN_CODE) {
klass = cCvChain::rb_class();
element_klass = cCvChainCode::rb_class();
header_size = sizeof(CvChain);
element_size = sizeof(CvChainCode);
} else {
klass = cCvContour::rb_class();
element_klass = cCvPoint::rb_class();
header = CV_SEQ_CONTOUR;
header_size = sizeof(CvContour);
element_size = sizeof(CvPoint);
storage = cCvMemStorage::new_object();
if(cvFindContours(CVARR(self), CVMEMSTORAGE(storage), &contour, header, mode, method, FC_OFFSET(find_contours_option)) == 0)
return Qnil;
contour = cvCreateSeq(header, header_size, element_size, CVMEMSTORAGE(storage));
return cCvSeq::new_sequence(klass, contour, element_klass, storage);
* call-seq:
* pyr_segmentation(level, threshold1, threshold2) -> [cvmat, cvseq(include cvconnectedcomp)]
* Does image segmentation by pyramids.
* The pyramid builds up to the level level.
* The links between any pixel a on leveli and
* its candidate father pixel b on the adjacent level are established if
* p(c(a),c(b)) < threshold1. After the connected components are defined, they are joined into several clusters. Any two segments A and B belong to the same cluster, if
* p(c(A),c(B)) < threshold2. The input image has only one channel, then
* p(c^2,c^2)=|c^2-c^2|. If the input image has three channels (red, green and blue), then
* p(c^2,c^2)=0,3*(c^2 r-c^2 r)+0.59*(c^2 g-c^2 g)+0,11*(c^2 b-c^2 b) . There may be more than one connected component per a cluster.
* Return segmented image and sequence of connected components.
* support single-channel or 3-channel 8bit unsigned image only
rb_pyr_segmentation(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE level, threshold1, threshold2, storage, dest;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "30", &level, &threshold1, &threshold2);
IplImage *src = IPLIMAGE(self);
int l = FIX2INT(level);
double t1 = NUM2DBL(threshold1), t2 = NUM2DBL(threshold2);
if (!(l >0))
rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "argument 1 (level) should be > 0.");
if(((src->width | src->height) & ((1 << l) -1 )) != 0)
rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "bad image size on level %d.", FIX2INT(level));
if (t1 < 0)
rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "argument 2 (threshold for establishing the link) should be >= 0.");
if (t2 < 0)
rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "argument 3 (threshold for the segments clustering) should be >= 0.");
dest = cIplImage::new_object(cvGetSize(src), cvGetElemType(src));
CvSeq *comp = 0;
storage = cCvMemStorage::new_object();
l, t1, t2);
comp = cvCreateSeq(CV_SEQ_CONNECTED_COMP, sizeof(CvSeq), sizeof(CvConnectedComp), CVMEMSTORAGE(storage));
return rb_ary_new3(2, dest, cCvSeq::new_sequence(cCvSeq::rb_class(), comp, cCvConnectedComp::rb_class(), storage));
* call-seq:
* pyr_mean_shift_filtering(sp, sr[,max_level = 1][termcrit = CvTermCriteria.new(5,1)]) -> cvmat
* Does meanshift image segmentation.
* sp - The spatial window radius.
* sr - The color window radius.
* max_level - Maximum level of the pyramid for the segmentation.
* termcrit - Termination criteria: when to stop meanshift iterations.
* This method is implements the filtering stage of meanshift segmentation,
* that is, the output of the function is the filtered "posterized" image with color gradients and fine-grain texture flattened.
* At every pixel (X,Y) of the input image (or down-sized input image, see below)
* the function executes meanshift iterations, that is, the pixel (X,Y) neighborhood in the joint space-color hyperspace is considered:
* {(x,y): X-sp≤x≤X+sp && Y-sp≤y≤Y+sp && ||(R,G,B)-(r,g,b)|| ≤ sr},
* where (R,G,B) and (r,g,b) are the vectors of color components at (X,Y) and (x,y),
* respectively (though, the algorithm does not depend on the color space used,
* so any 3-component color space can be used instead).
* Over the neighborhood the average spatial value (X',Y')
* and average color vector (R',G',B') are found and they act as the neighborhood center on the next iteration:
* (X,Y)~(X',Y'), (R,G,B)~(R',G',B').
* After the iterations over, the color components of the initial pixel (that is, the pixel from where the iterations started)
* are set to the final value (average color at the last iteration):
* I(X,Y) <- (R*,G*,B*).
* Then max_level > 0, the gaussian pyramid of max_level+1 levels is built,
* and the above procedure is run on the smallest layer.
* After that, the results are propagated to the larger layer and the iterations are run again
* only on those pixels where the layer colors differ much (>sr) from the lower-resolution layer,
* that is, the boundaries of the color regions are clarified.
* Note, that the results will be actually different from the ones obtained by running the meanshift procedure on the whole original image (i.e. when max_level==0).
rb_pyr_mean_shift_filtering(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE spatial_window_radius, color_window_radius, max_level, termcrit, dest;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "22", &spatial_window_radius, &color_window_radius, &max_level, &termcrit);
dest = cCvMat::new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
cvPyrMeanShiftFiltering(CVARR(self), CVARR(dest),
IF_INT(max_level, 1),
NIL_P(termcrit) ? cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER + CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 5, 1) : VALUE_TO_CVTERMCRITERIA(termcrit));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* watershed -> cvmat(mean markers:cv32s)
* Does watershed segmentation.
rb_watershed(VALUE self)
VALUE markers = cCvMat::new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), CV_32SC1);
cvWatershed(CVARR(self), CVARR(markers));
return markers;
* call-seq:
* moments -> array(include CvMoments)
* Calculates moments.
rb_moments(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE is_binary, moments;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &is_binary);
IplImage image = *IPLIMAGE(self);
int cn = CV_MAT_CN(cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
moments = rb_ary_new();
for(int i = 1; i <= cn; i++) {
cvSetImageCOI(&image, i);
rb_ary_push(moments, cCvMoments::new_object(&image, TRUE_OR_FALSE(is_binary, 0)));
return moments;
* call-seq:
* hough_line_standard(rho, theta, threshold) -> cvseq(include CvLine)
* Finds lines in binary image using standard(classical) Hough transform.
* * rho - Distance resolution in pixel-related units.
* * theta - Angle resolution measured in radians.
* * threshold - Threshold parameter. A line is returned by the function if the corresponding accumulator value is greater than threshold.
rb_hough_lines_standard(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE rho, theta, threshold, storage;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "30", &rho, &theta, &threshold);
storage = cCvMemStorage::new_object();
CvSeq *seq = cvHoughLines2(CVARR(copy(self)), CVMEMSTORAGE(storage),
CV_HOUGH_STANDARD, NUM2DBL(rho), NUM2DBL(theta), NUM2INT(threshold));
return cCvSeq::new_sequence(cCvSeq::rb_class(), seq, cCvLine::rb_class(), storage);
* call-seq:
* hough_line_probabilistic(rho, theta, threshold, min_length, max_gap) -> cvseq(include CvTwoPoints)
* Finds lines in binary image using probabilistic Hough transform.
* * rho - Distance resolution in pixel-related units.
* * theta - Angle resolution measured in radians.
* * threshold - Threshold parameter. A line is returned by the function if the corresponding accumulator value is greater than threshold.
* * min_length - The minimum line length.
* * max_gap - The maximum gap between line segments lieing on the same line to treat them as the single line segment (i.e. to join them).
rb_hough_lines_probabilistic(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE rho, theta, threshold, p1, p2, storage;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "50", &rho, &theta, &threshold, &p1, &p2);
storage = cCvMemStorage::new_object();
CvSeq *seq = cvHoughLines2(CVARR(copy(self)), CVMEMSTORAGE(storage),
NUM2DBL(p1), NUM2DBL(p2));
return cCvSeq::new_sequence(cCvSeq::rb_class(), seq, cCvTwoPoints::rb_class(), storage);
* call-seq:
* hough_line_multi_scale(rho, theta, threshold, div_rho, div_theta) -> cvseq(include CvLine)
* Finds lines in binary image using multi-scale variant of classical Hough transform.
* * rho - Distance resolution in pixel-related units.
* * theta - Angle resolution measured in radians.
* * threshold - Threshold parameter. A line is returned by the function if the corresponding accumulator value is greater than threshold.
* * div_rho = divisor for distance resolution rho.
* * div_theta = divisor for angle resolution theta.
rb_hough_lines_multi_scale(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE rho, theta, threshold, p1, p2, storage;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "50", &rho, &theta, &threshold, &p1, &p2);
storage = cCvMemStorage::new_object();
CvSeq *seq = cvHoughLines2(CVARR(copy(self)), CVMEMSTORAGE(storage),
CV_HOUGH_MULTI_SCALE, NUM2DBL(rho), NUM2DBL(theta), NUM2INT(threshold),
NUM2DBL(p1), NUM2DBL(p2));
return cCvSeq::new_sequence(cCvSeq::rb_class(), seq, cCvLine::rb_class(), storage);
* call-seq:
* hough_circles_gradient(dp, min_dist, threshold_canny, threshold_accumulate, min_radius = 0, max_radius = max(width,height)) -> cvseq(include CvCircle32f)
* Finds circles in grayscale image using Hough transform.
rb_hough_circles_gradient(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE dp, min_dist, threshold_canny, threshold_accumulate, min_radius, max_radius, storage;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "24", &dp, &min_dist, &threshold_canny, &threshold_accumulate, &min_radius, &max_radius);
storage = cCvMemStorage::new_object();
CvSeq *seq = cvHoughCircles(CVARR(self), CVMEMSTORAGE(storage),
NUM2DBL(threshold_canny), NUM2DBL(threshold_accumulate),
IF_INT(min_radius, 0), IF_INT(max_radius, 0));
return cCvSeq::new_sequence(cCvSeq::rb_class(), seq, cCvCircle32f::rb_class(), storage);
* call-seq:
* inpaint_ns(mask, radius) -> cvmat
* Inpaints the selected region in the image by Navier-Stokes based method.
* The radius of circlular neighborhood of each point inpainted that is considered by the algorithm.
rb_inpaint_ns(VALUE self, VALUE mask, VALUE radius)
VALUE dest;
if (!(rb_obj_is_kind_of(mask, cCvMat::rb_class())) || cvGetElemType(CVARR(mask)) != CV_8UC1)
rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "argument 1 (mask) should be mask image.");
dest = cCvMat::new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
cvInpaint(CVARR(self), CVARR(mask), CVARR(dest), NUM2DBL(radius), CV_INPAINT_NS);
return dest;
* call-seq:
* inpaint_telea(mask, radius) -> cvmat
* Inpaints the selected region in the image by The method by Alexandru Telea's method.
* The radius of circlular neighborhood of each point inpainted that is considered by the algorithm.
rb_inpaint_telea(VALUE self, VALUE mask, VALUE radius)
VALUE dest;
if (!(rb_obj_is_kind_of(mask, cCvMat::rb_class())) || cvGetElemType(CVARR(mask)) != CV_8UC1)
rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "argument 1 (mask) should be mask image.");
dest = cCvMat::new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
cvInpaint(CVARR(self), CVARR(mask), CVARR(dest), NUM2DBL(radius), CV_INPAINT_TELEA);
return dest;
* call-seq:
* equalize_hist - cvmat
* Equalize histgram of grayscale of image.
* equalizes histogram of the input image using the following algorithm:
* 1. calculate histogram H for src.
* 2. normalize histogram, so that the sum of histogram bins is 255.
* 3. compute integral of the histogram:
* H’(i) = sum0≤j≤iH(j)
* 4. transform the image using H’ as a look-up table: dst(x,y)=H’(src(x,y))
* The algorithm normalizes brightness and increases contrast of the image.
* support single-channel 8bit image (grayscale) only.
rb_equalize_hist(VALUE self)
VALUE dest = cCvMat::new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)));
cvEqualizeHist(CVARR(self), CVARR(dest));
return dest;
* call-seq:
* match_template(template[,method = :sqdiff]) -> cvmat(result)
* Compares template against overlapped image regions.
* method is specifies the way the template must be compared with image regions.
* method should be following symbol. (see CvMat::MATCH_TEMPLATE_METHOD 's key and value.)
* * :sqdiff
* R(x,y)=sumx',y'[T(x',y')-I(x+x',y+y')]2
* * :sqdiff_normed
* R(x,y)=sumx',y'[T(x',y')-I(x+x',y+y')]2/sqrt[sumx',y'T(x',y')2*sumx',y'I(x+x',y+y')2]
* * :ccorr
* R(x,y)=sumx',y'[T(x',y')*I(x+x',y+y')]
* * :ccorr_normed
* R(x,y)=sumx',y'[T(x',y')*I(x+x',y+y')]/sqrt[sumx',y'T(x',y')2*sumx',y'I(x+x',y+y')2]
* * :ccoeff
* R(x,y)=sumx',y'[T'(x',y')*I'(x+x',y+y')],
* where T'(x',y')=T(x',y') - 1/(w*h)*sumx",y"T(x",y")
* I'(x+x',y+y')=I(x+x',y+y') - 1/(w*h)*sumx",y"I(x+x",y+y")
* * :ccoeff_normed
* R(x,y)=sumx',y'[T'(x',y')*I'(x+x',y+y')]/sqrt[sumx',y'T'(x',y')2*sumx',y'I'(x+x',y+y')2]
* After the match_template finishes comparison, the best matches can be found as global
* minimums (:sqdiff*) or maximums(:ccorr* or :ccoeff*) using minmax function.
* In case of color image and template summation in both numerator and each sum in denominator
* is done over all the channels (and separate mean values are used for each channel).
rb_match_template(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE templ, method, result;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &templ, &method);
if (!(rb_obj_is_kind_of(templ, cCvMat::rb_class())))
rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "argument 1 (template) should be %s.", rb_class2name(cCvMat::rb_class()));
if (cvGetElemType(CVARR(self)) != cvGetElemType(CVARR(templ)))
rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "template should be same type of self.");
CvSize src_size = cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), template_size = cvGetSize(CVARR(self));
result = cCvMat::new_object(cvSize(src_size.width - template_size.width + 1,
src_size.height - template_size.height + 1),
return result;
* call-seq:
* match_shapes_i1(object) -> float
* Compares two shapes(self and object). object should be CvMat or CvContour.
* A ~ object1, B - object2):
* I1(A,B)=sumi=1..7abs(1/mAi - 1/mBi)
rb_match_shapes_i1(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE object;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "10", &object);
if ((!(rb_obj_is_kind_of(object, cCvMat::rb_class()))) && (!(rb_obj_is_kind_of(object, cCvContour::rb_class()))))
rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "argument 1 (shape) should be %s or %s", rb_class2name(cCvMat::rb_class()), rb_class2name(cCvContour::rb_class()));
return rb_float_new(cvMatchShapes(CVARR(self), CVARR(object), CV_CONTOURS_MATCH_I1));
* call-seq:
* match_shapes_i2(object) -> float
* Compares two shapes(self and object). object should be CvMat or CvContour.
* A ~ object1, B - object2):
* I2(A,B)=sumi=1..7abs(mAi - mBi)
rb_match_shapes_i2(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE object;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "10", &object);
if ((!(rb_obj_is_kind_of(object, cCvMat::rb_class()))) && (!(rb_obj_is_kind_of(object, cCvContour::rb_class()))))
rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "argument 1 (shape) should be %s or %s", rb_class2name(cCvMat::rb_class()), rb_class2name(cCvContour::rb_class()));
return rb_float_new(cvMatchShapes(CVARR(self), CVARR(object), CV_CONTOURS_MATCH_I2));
* call-seq:
* match_shapes_i3(object) -> float
* Compares two shapes(self and object). object should be CvMat or CvContour.
* A ~ object1, B - object2):
* I3(A,B)=sumi=1..7abs(mAi - mBi)/abs(mAi)
rb_match_shapes_i3(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE object;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "10", &object);
if ((!(rb_obj_is_kind_of(object, cCvMat::rb_class()))) && (!(rb_obj_is_kind_of(object, cCvContour::rb_class()))))
rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "argument 1 (shape) should be %s or %s", rb_class2name(cCvMat::rb_class()), rb_class2name(cCvContour::rb_class()));
return rb_float_new(cvMatchShapes(CVARR(self), CVARR(object), CV_CONTOURS_MATCH_I3));
* call-seq:
* mean_shift(window, criteria) -> comp
* Implements CAMSHIFT object tracking algrorithm.
* First, it finds an object center using mean_shift and, after that,
* calculates the object size and orientation.
rb_mean_shift(VALUE self, VALUE window, VALUE criteria)
VALUE comp = cCvConnectedComp::new_object();
return comp;
* call-seq:
* cam_shift(window, criteria) -> [comp, box]
* Implements CAMSHIFT object tracking algrorithm. First, it finds an object center using cvMeanShift and,
* after that, calculates the object size and orientation. The function returns number of iterations made
* within cvMeanShift.
rb_cam_shift(VALUE self, VALUE window, VALUE criteria)
VALUE comp, box;
comp = cCvConnectedComp::new_object();
box = cCvBox2D::new_object();
return rb_ary_new3(2, comp, box);
* call-seq:
* snake_image(points, alpha, beta, gamma, window, criteria[, calc_gradient = true]) -> cvseq(pointset)
* Updates snake in order to minimize its total energy that is a sum of internal energy
* that depends on contour shape (the smoother contour is, the smaller internal energy is)
* and external energy that depends on the energy field and reaches minimum at the local energy
* extremums that correspond to the image edges in case of image gradient.
* The parameter criteria.epsilon is used to define the minimal number of points that must be moved
* during any iteration to keep the iteration process running.
* If at some iteration the number of moved points is less than criteria.epsilon or
* the function performed criteria.max_iter iterations, the function terminates.
* points
* Contour points (snake).
* alpha
* Weight[s] of continuity energy, single float or array of length floats, one per each contour point.
* beta
* Weight[s] of curvature energy, similar to alpha.
* gamma
* Weight[s] of image energy, similar to alpha.
* window
* Size of neighborhood of every point used to search the minimum, both win.width and win.height must be odd.
* criteria
* Termination criteria.
* calc_gradient
* Gradient flag. If not 0, the function calculates gradient magnitude for every image pixel and consideres
* it as the energy field, otherwise the input image itself is considered.
rb_snake_image(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE points, alpha, beta, gamma, window, criteria, calc_gradient, storage;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "43", &points, &alpha, &beta, &gamma, &window, &criteria, &calc_gradient);
CvPoint *pointset = 0;
CvSeq *seq = 0;
int length = CVPOINTS_FROM_POINT_SET(points, &pointset);
int coeff = (TYPE(alpha) == T_ARRAY || TYPE(beta) == T_ARRAY || TYPE(gamma) == T_ARRAY) ? CV_ARRAY : CV_VALUE;
float *a = 0, *b = 0, *c = 0;
IplImage stub;
if(coeff == CV_VALUE){
a = ALLOC(float);
a[0] = (float)NUM2DBL(alpha);
b = ALLOC(float);
b[0] = (float)NUM2DBL(beta);
c = ALLOC(float);
c[0] = (float)NUM2DBL(gamma);
}else{ // CV_ARRAY
rb_raise(rb_eNotImpError, "");
// todo
CvSize w = VALUE_TO_CVSIZE(window);
CvTermCriteria tc = VALUE_TO_CVTERMCRITERIA(criteria);
cvSnakeImage(cvGetImage(CVARR(self), &stub), pointset, length,
a, b, c, coeff, w, tc, IF_BOOL(calc_gradient, 1, 0, 1));
storage = cCvMemStorage::new_object();
seq = cvCreateSeq(CV_SEQ_POINT_SET, sizeof(CvSeq), sizeof(CvPoint), CVMEMSTORAGE(storage));
cvSeqPushMulti(seq, pointset, length);
return cCvSeq::new_sequence(cCvSeq::rb_class(), seq, cCvPoint::rb_class(), storage);
* call-seq:
* optical_flow_hs(prev[,velx = nil][,vely = nil][,options]) -> [cvmat, cvmat]
* Calculates optical flow for two images (previous -> self) using Horn & Schunck algorithm.
* Return horizontal component of the optical flow and vertical component of the optical flow.
* prev is previous image
* velx is previous velocity field of x-axis, and vely is previous velocity field of y-axis.
* options
* * :lambda -> should be Float (default is 0.0005)
* Lagrangian multiplier.
* * :criteria -> should be CvTermCriteria object (default is CvTermCriteria(1, 0.001))
* Criteria of termination of velocity computing.
* note: option's default value is CvMat::OPTICAL_FLOW_HS_OPTION.
* sample code
* velx, vely = nil, nil
* while true
* current = capture.query
* velx, vely = current.optical_flow_hs(prev, velx, vely) if prev
* prev = current
* end
rb_optical_flow_hs(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE prev, velx, vely, options;
int use_previous = 0;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "13", &prev, &velx, &vely, &options);
options = OPTICAL_FLOW_HS_OPTION(options);
if (!rb_obj_is_kind_of(prev, cCvMat::rb_class()))
rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "argument 1 (previous image) should be %s", rb_class2name(cCvMat::rb_class()));
if (NIL_P(velx) && NIL_P(vely)) {
velx = cCvMat::new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), CV_MAKETYPE(CV_32F, 1));
vely = cCvMat::new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), CV_MAKETYPE(CV_32F, 1));
} else {
if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(velx, cCvMat::rb_class()) && rb_obj_is_kind_of(vely, cCvMat::rb_class()))
use_previous = 1;
rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Necessary to give both argument 2(previous velocity field x) and argument 3(previous velocity field y)");
cvCalcOpticalFlowHS(CVARR(prev), CVARR(self), use_previous, CVARR(velx), CVARR(vely), HS_LAMBDA(options), HS_CRITERIA(options));
return rb_ary_new3(2, velx, vely);
* call-seq:
* optical_flow_lk(prev, win_size) -> [cvmat, cvmat]
* Calculates optical flow for two images (previous -> self) using Lucas & Kanade algorithm
* Return horizontal component of the optical flow and vertical component of the optical flow.
* win_size is size of the averaging window used for grouping pixels.
rb_optical_flow_lk(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE prev, win_size, velx, vely;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "20", &prev, &win_size);
if (!rb_obj_is_kind_of(prev, cCvMat::rb_class()))
rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "argument 1 (previous image) should be %s", rb_class2name(cCvMat::rb_class()));
velx = cCvMat::new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), CV_MAKETYPE(CV_32F, 1));
vely = cCvMat::new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(self)), CV_MAKETYPE(CV_32F, 1));
cvCalcOpticalFlowLK(CVARR(prev), CVARR(self), VALUE_TO_CVSIZE(win_size), CVARR(velx), CVARR(vely));
return rb_ary_new3(2, velx, vely);
* call-seq:
* optical_flow_bm(prev[,velx = nil][,vely = nil][,option]) -> [cvmat, cvmat]
* Calculates optical flow for two images (previous -> self) using block matching method.
* Return horizontal component of the optical flow and vertical component of the optical flow.
* prev is previous image.
* velx is previous velocity field of x-axis, and vely is previous velocity field of y-axis.
* options
* * :block_size -> should be CvSize (default is CvSize(4,4))
* Size of basic blocks that are compared.
* * :shift_size -> should be CvSize (default is CvSize(1,1))
* Block coordinate increments.
* * :max_range -> should be CvSize (default is CVSize(4,4))
* Size of the scanned neighborhood in pixels around block.
* note: option's default value is CvMat::OPTICAL_FLOW_BM_OPTION.
* Velocity is computed for every block, but not for every pixel,
* so velocity image pixels correspond to input image blocks.
* input/output velocity field's size should be (self.width / block_size.width)x(self.height / block_size.height).
* e.g. image.size is 320x240 and block_size is 4x4, velocity field's size is 80x60.
rb_optical_flow_bm(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE prev, velx, vely, options;
int use_previous = 0;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "13", &prev, &velx, &vely, &options);
options = OPTICAL_FLOW_BM_OPTION(options);
image_size = cvGetSize(CVARR(self)),
block_size = BM_BLOCK_SIZE(options),
shift_size = BM_SHIFT_SIZE(options),
max_range = BM_MAX_RANGE(options),
velocity_size = cvSize(image_size.width / block_size.width, image_size.height / block_size.height);
if (NIL_P(velx) && NIL_P(vely)) {
velx = cCvMat::new_object(velocity_size, CV_MAKETYPE(CV_32F, 1));
vely = cCvMat::new_object(velocity_size, CV_MAKETYPE(CV_32F, 1));
} else {
if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(velx, cCvMat::rb_class()) && rb_obj_is_kind_of(vely, cCvMat::rb_class()))
use_previous = 1;
rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Necessary to give both argument 2(previous velocity field x) and argument 3(previous velocity field y)");
cvCalcOpticalFlowBM(CVARR(prev), CVARR(self),
block_size, shift_size, max_range, use_previous,
CVARR(velx), CVARR(vely));
return rb_ary_new3(2, velx, vely);
* call-seq:
* CvMat.find_fundamental_mat_7point(points1, points2[,options = {}]) -> fundamental_matrix(cvmat) or nil
* Calculates fundamental matrix from corresponding points, use for 7-point algorism. Return fundamental matrix(9x3).
* points1 and points2 should be 2x7 or 3x7 single-channel, or 1x7 multi-channel matrix.
* option should be Hash include these keys.
* :with_status (true or false)
* If set true, return fundamental_matrix and status. [fundamental_matrix, status]
* Otherwise return fundamental matrix only(default).
* note: option's default value is CvMat::FIND_FUNDAMENTAL_MAT_OPTION.
* note: 9x3 fundamental matrix means 3x3 three fundamental matrices.
rb_find_fundamental_mat_7point(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
VALUE points1, points2, option, fundamental_matrix, status;
int num = 0;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "21", &points1, &points2, &option);
fundamental_matrix = cCvMat::new_object(9, 3, CV_32FC1);
status = cCvMat::new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(points1)), CV_8UC1);
num = cvFindFundamentalMat(CVMAT(points1), CVMAT(points2), CVMAT(fundamental_matrix), CV_FM_7POINT, 0, 0, CVMAT(status));
return rb_ary_new3(2, fundamental_matrix, status);
num = cvFindFundamentalMat(CVMAT(points1), CVMAT(points2), CVMAT(fundamental_matrix), CV_FM_7POINT, 0, 0, NULL);
return fundamental_matrix;
* call-seq:
* CvMat.find_fundamental_mat_8point(points1, points2[,options = {}]) -> fundamental_matrix(cvmat) or nil
* Calculates fundamental matrix from corresponding points, use for 8-point algorism.
* points1 and points2 should be 2x7 or 3x7 single-channel, or 1x7 multi-channel matrix.
* option should be Hash include these keys.
* :with_status (true or false)
* If set true, return fundamental_matrix and status. [fundamental_matrix, status]
* Otherwise return fundamental matrix only(default).
* note: option's default value is CvMat::FIND_FUNDAMENTAL_MAT_OPTION.
rb_find_fundamental_mat_8point(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
VALUE points1, points2, option, fundamental_matrix, status;
int num = 0;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "21", &points1, &points2, &option);
fundamental_matrix = cCvMat::new_object(3, 3, CV_32FC1);
status = cCvMat::new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(points1)), CV_8UC1);
num = cvFindFundamentalMat(CVMAT(points1), CVMAT(points2), CVMAT(fundamental_matrix), CV_FM_8POINT, 0, 0, CVMAT(status));
return num == 0 ? Qnil : rb_ary_new3(2, fundamental_matrix, status);
num = cvFindFundamentalMat(CVMAT(points1), CVMAT(points2), CVMAT(fundamental_matrix), CV_FM_8POINT, 0, 0, NULL);
return num == 0 ? Qnil : fundamental_matrix;
* call-seq:
* CvMat.find_fundamental_mat_ransac(points1, points2[,options = {}]) -> fundamental_matrix(cvmat) or nil
* Calculates fundamental matrix from corresponding points, use for RANSAC algorism.
* points1 and points2 should be 2x7 or 3x7 single-channel, or 1x7 multi-channel matrix.
* option should be Hash include these keys.
* :with_status (true or false)
* If set true, return fundamental_matrix and status. [fundamental_matrix, status]
* Otherwise return fundamental matrix only(default).
* :maximum_distance
* The maximum distance from point to epipolar line in pixels, beyond which the point is considered an outlier
* and is not used for computing the final fundamental matrix. Usually it is set to 0.5 or 1.0.
* :desirable_level
* It denotes the desirable level of confidence that the matrix is correct.
* note: option's default value is CvMat::FIND_FUNDAMENTAL_MAT_OPTION.
rb_find_fundamental_mat_ransac(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
VALUE points1, points2, option, fundamental_matrix, status;
int num = 0;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "21", &points1, &points2, &option);
fundamental_matrix = cCvMat::new_object(3, 3, CV_32FC1);
status = cCvMat::new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(points1)), CV_8UC1);
num = cvFindFundamentalMat(CVMAT(points1), CVMAT(points2), CVMAT(fundamental_matrix), CV_FM_RANSAC, FFM_MAXIMUM_DISTANCE(option), FFM_DESIRABLE_LEVEL(option), CVMAT(status));
return num == 0 ? Qnil : rb_ary_new3(2, fundamental_matrix, status);
num = cvFindFundamentalMat(CVMAT(points1), CVMAT(points2), CVMAT(fundamental_matrix), CV_FM_RANSAC, FFM_MAXIMUM_DISTANCE(option), FFM_DESIRABLE_LEVEL(option), NULL);
return num == 0 ? Qnil : fundamental_matrix;
* call-seq:
* CvMat.find_fundamental_mat_lmeds(points1, points2[,options = {}]) -> fundamental_matrix(cvmat) or nil
* Calculates fundamental matrix from corresponding points, use for LMedS algorism.
* points1 and points2 should be 2x7 or 3x7 single-channel, or 1x7 multi-channel matrix.
* option should be Hash include these keys.
* :with_status (true or false)
* If set true, return fundamental_matrix and status. [fundamental_matrix, status]
* Otherwise return fundamental matrix only(default).
* :maximum_distance
* The maximum distance from point to epipolar line in pixels, beyond which the point is considered an outlier
* and is not used for computing the final fundamental matrix. Usually it is set to 0.5 or 1.0.
* :desirable_level
* It denotes the desirable level of confidence that the matrix is correct.
* note: option's default value is CvMat::FIND_FUNDAMENTAL_MAT_OPTION.
rb_find_fundamental_mat_lmeds(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass)
VALUE points1, points2, option, fundamental_matrix, status;
int num = 0;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "21", &points1, &points2, &option);
fundamental_matrix = cCvMat::new_object(3, 3, CV_32FC1);
status = cCvMat::new_object(cvGetSize(CVARR(points1)), CV_8UC1);
num = cvFindFundamentalMat(CVMAT(points1), CVMAT(points2), CVMAT(fundamental_matrix), CV_FM_LMEDS, FFM_MAXIMUM_DISTANCE(option), FFM_DESIRABLE_LEVEL(option), CVMAT(status));
return num == 0 ? Qnil : rb_ary_new3(2, fundamental_matrix, status);
num = cvFindFundamentalMat(CVMAT(points1), CVMAT(points2), CVMAT(fundamental_matrix), CV_FM_LMEDS, FFM_MAXIMUM_DISTANCE(option), FFM_DESIRABLE_LEVEL(option), NULL);
return num == 0 ? Qnil : fundamental_matrix;
* call-seq:
* CvMat.compute_correspond_epilines(points, which_image, fundamental_matrix) -> correspondent_lines(cvmat)
* For points in one image of stereo pair computes the corresponding epilines in the other image.
* Finds equation of a line that contains the corresponding point (i.e. projection of the same 3D point)
* in the other image. Each line is encoded by a vector of 3 elements l=[a,b,c]T, so that:
* lT*[x, y, 1]T=0,
* or
* a*x + b*y + c = 0
* From the fundamental matrix definition (see cvFindFundamentalMatrix discussion), line l2 for a point p1 in the first image (which_image=1) can be computed as:
* l2=F*p1
* and the line l1 for a point p2 in the second image (which_image=1) can be computed as:
* l1=FT*p2
* Line coefficients are defined up to a scale. They are normalized (a2+b2=1) are stored into correspondent_lines.
rb_compute_correspond_epilines(VALUE klass, VALUE points, VALUE which_image, VALUE fundamental_matrix)
VALUE correspondent_lines;
CvSize size = cvGetSize(CVARR(points));
int n;
if(size.width <= 3 && size.height >= 7)
n = size.height;
else if(size.height <= 3 && size.width >= 7)
n = size.width;
rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "input points should 2xN, Nx2 or 3xN, Nx3 matrix(N >= 7).");
correspondent_lines = cCvMat::new_object(n, 3, CV_32F);
cvComputeCorrespondEpilines(CVMAT(points), FIX2INT(which_image), CVMAT(fundamental_matrix), CVMAT(correspondent_lines));
return correspondent_lines;
new_object(int rows, int cols, int type)
return OPENCV_OBJECT(rb_klass, cvCreateMat(rows, cols, type));
new_object(CvSize size, int type)
return OPENCV_OBJECT(rb_klass, cvCreateMat(size.height, size.width, type));