#!/usr/bin/env ruby # -*- mode: ruby; coding: utf-8-unix -*- require 'test/unit' require 'digest/md5' require 'opencv' require 'pp' require_relative 'test_opencv' include OpenCV # Tests to run first; check the handful of basic operations that the later tests rely on class TestPreliminary < TestOpenCV def test_lena # Check that the lena jpg image has loaded correctly img = get_sample('lena.jpg', false) # snap(img) # uncomment this line to view the image, when regilding assert_equal('2980cef5ac9bc061a5ab3f04775f3cf0', hash_img(img)) end def test_load assert_raise(ArgumentError) { IplImage::load } assert_raise(TypeError) { IplImage::load(4) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { IplImage::load('foo.jpg', 1, 1) } assert_raise(StandardError) { IplImage::load('foo.jpg', 'foobar') } end def test_types assert_equal(IplImage.new(7, 5, CV_8U, 1).class, IplImage) assert_equal(CvMat.new(5, 7, CV_32F).class, CvMat) end def test_to_s [1, 4, 64, 512, 640].each { |w| [1, 4, 64, 480, 512].each { |h| [1, 2, 3, 4].each { |c| @depths.each { |d| expected_size = w * h * c * @depthsize[d] mat = CvMat.new(w, h, d, c) assert_equal(expected_size, mat.data.size) # img = IplImage.new(w, h, d, c) # expected_size += 4 - (expected_size % 4) unless (expected_size % 4) == 0 # assert_equal(expected_size, img.data.to_s.size) } } } } end end