#!/usr/bin/env ruby # -*- mode: ruby; coding: utf-8-unix -*- require 'test/unit' require 'opencv' require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) + '/helper' include OpenCV # Tests for OpenCV::CvMat class TestCvMat < OpenCVTestCase def test_initialize m = CvMat.new(10, 20) assert_equal(10, m.rows) assert_equal(20, m.cols) assert_equal(:cv8u, m.depth) assert_equal(3, m.channel) depth_table = { CV_8U => :cv8u, CV_8S => :cv8s, CV_16U => :cv16u, CV_16S => :cv16s, CV_32S => :cv32s, CV_32F => :cv32f, CV_64F => :cv64f } [CV_8U, CV_8S, CV_16U, CV_16S, CV_32S, CV_32F, CV_64F, :cv8u, :cv8s, :cv16u, :cv16s, :cv32s, :cv32f, :cv64f].each { |depth| [1, 2, 3, 4].each { |ch| m = CvMat.new(10, 20, depth, ch) assert_equal(10, m.rows) assert_equal(20, m.cols) depth = depth_table[depth] unless depth.is_a? Symbol assert_equal(depth, m.depth) assert_equal(ch, m.channel) } } assert_raise(TypeError) { m = CvMat.new(DUMMY_OBJ, 20, :cv8u, 1) } assert_raise(TypeError) { m = CvMat.new(10, DUMMY_OBJ, :cv8u, 1) } assert_raise(TypeError) { m = CvMat.new(10, 20, :cv8u, DUMMY_OBJ) } end def test_load mat = CvMat.load(FILENAME_CAT) assert_equal(CvMat, mat.class) assert_equal(375, mat.cols) assert_equal(500, mat.rows) assert_equal(:cv8u, mat.depth) assert_equal(3, mat.channel) assert_equal('ebc0b85d3ac44ea60181c997f35d13df', hash_img(mat)) mat = CvMat.load(FILENAME_CAT, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE) assert_equal(CvMat, mat.class) assert_equal(375, mat.cols) assert_equal(500, mat.rows) assert_equal(:cv8u, mat.depth) assert_equal(1, mat.channel) assert_equal('f0ae1d7f2d6b3a64d093e3181361f3a4', hash_img(mat)) mat = CvMat.load(FILENAME_CAT, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_ANYDEPTH | CV_LOAD_IMAGE_ANYCOLOR) assert_equal(CvMat, mat.class) assert_equal(375, mat.cols) assert_equal(500, mat.rows) assert_equal(:cv8u, mat.depth) assert_equal(3, mat.channel) assert_equal('ebc0b85d3ac44ea60181c997f35d13df', hash_img(mat)) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { CvMat.load } assert_raise(TypeError) { CvMat.load(DUMMY_OBJ) } assert_raise(TypeError) { CvMat.load(FILENAME_CAT, DUMMY_OBJ) } assert_raise(StandardError) { CvMat.load('file/does/not/exist') } end def test_GOOD_FEATURES_TO_TRACK_OPTION assert_equal(0xff, CvMat::GOOD_FEATURES_TO_TRACK_OPTION[:max]) assert_nil(CvMat::GOOD_FEATURES_TO_TRACK_OPTION[:mask]) assert_equal(3, CvMat::GOOD_FEATURES_TO_TRACK_OPTION[:block_size]) assert((not CvMat::GOOD_FEATURES_TO_TRACK_OPTION[:use_harris])) assert_in_delta(0.04, CvMat::GOOD_FEATURES_TO_TRACK_OPTION[:k], 0.01) end def test_FIND_CONTOURS_OPTION assert_equal(1, CvMat::FIND_CONTOURS_OPTION[:mode]) assert_equal(2, CvMat::FIND_CONTOURS_OPTION[:method]) assert_equal(0, CvMat::FIND_CONTOURS_OPTION[:offset].x) assert_equal(0, CvMat::FIND_CONTOURS_OPTION[:offset].y) end def test_OPTICAL_FLOW_HS_OPTION assert_in_delta(0.0005, CvMat::OPTICAL_FLOW_HS_OPTION[:lambda], 0.000001) assert_equal(1, CvMat::OPTICAL_FLOW_HS_OPTION[:criteria].max) assert_in_delta(0.001, CvMat::OPTICAL_FLOW_HS_OPTION[:criteria].eps, 0.00001) end def test_OPTICAL_FLOW_BM_OPTION assert_equal(4, CvMat::OPTICAL_FLOW_BM_OPTION[:block_size].width) assert_equal(4, CvMat::OPTICAL_FLOW_BM_OPTION[:block_size].height) assert_equal(1, CvMat::OPTICAL_FLOW_BM_OPTION[:shift_size].width) assert_equal(1, CvMat::OPTICAL_FLOW_BM_OPTION[:shift_size].height) assert_equal(4, CvMat::OPTICAL_FLOW_BM_OPTION[:max_range].width) assert_equal(4, CvMat::OPTICAL_FLOW_BM_OPTION[:max_range].height) end def test_FIND_FUNDAMENTAL_MAT_OPTION assert((not CvMat::FIND_FUNDAMENTAL_MAT_OPTION[:with_status])) assert_in_delta(1.0, CvMat::FIND_FUNDAMENTAL_MAT_OPTION[:maximum_distance], 0.01) assert_in_delta(0.99, CvMat::FIND_FUNDAMENTAL_MAT_OPTION[:desirable_level], 0.01) end def test_to_s m = CvMat.new(10, 20) assert_equal('', m.to_s) m = CvMat.new(10, 20, :cv16s) assert_equal('', m.to_s) m = CvMat.new(10, 20, :cv32f, 1) assert_equal('', m.to_s) end def test_inside m = CvMat.new(20, 10) assert(m.inside? CvPoint.new(0, 0)) assert(m.inside? CvPoint.new(9, 19)) assert((not m.inside? CvPoint.new(10, 0))) assert((not m.inside? CvPoint.new(0, 20))) assert((not m.inside? CvPoint.new(10, 20))) end def test_to_IplConvKernel kernel = CvMat.new(10, 20).to_IplConvKernel(CvPoint.new(2, 3)) assert_equal(10, kernel.rows) assert_equal(20, kernel.cols) assert_equal(2, kernel.anchor.x) assert_equal(3, kernel.anchor.y) assert_equal(2, kernel.anchor_x) assert_equal(3, kernel.anchor_y) end def test_create_mask mask = CvMat.new(10, 20).create_mask assert_equal(20, mask.width) assert_equal(10, mask.height) assert_equal(:cv8u, mask.depth) assert_equal(1, mask.channel) end def test_fields m = CvMat.new(20, 10) assert_equal(10, m.width) assert_equal(10, m.columns) assert_equal(10, m.cols) assert_equal(20, m.height) assert_equal(20, m.rows) assert_equal(:cv8u, m.depth) assert_equal(3, m.channel) m = CvMat.new(20, 10, :cv16s, 1) assert_equal(10, m.width) assert_equal(10, m.columns) assert_equal(10, m.cols) assert_equal(20, m.height) assert_equal(20, m.rows) assert_equal(:cv16s, m.depth) assert_equal(1, m.channel) end def test_clone m1 = create_cvmat(10, 20) m2 = m1.clone assert_equal(m1.data, m2.data) end def test_copy m1 = create_cvmat(10, 20, CV_32F, 1) m2 = m1.copy assert_equal(m1.data, m2.data) m2 = CvMat.new(10, 20, CV_32F, 1) m1.copy(m2) assert_equal(m1.data, m2.data) a = m1.copy(2) assert_equal(2, a.size) a.each { |m| assert_equal(m1.height, m.height) assert_equal(m1.width, m.width) m1.height.times { |j| m1.width.times { |i| assert_cvscalar_equal(m1[j, i], m[j, i]) } } } assert_nil(m1.copy(-1)) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { m1.copy(DUMMY_OBJ) } end def test_convert_depth m = CvMat.new(10, 20, :cv32f) assert_equal(:cv8u, m.to_8u.depth) assert_equal(:cv8s, m.to_8s.depth) assert_equal(:cv16u, m.to_16u.depth) assert_equal(:cv16s, m.to_16s.depth) assert_equal(:cv32s, m.to_32s.depth) assert_equal(:cv32f, m.to_32f.depth) assert_equal(:cv64f, m.to_64f.depth) end def test_vector m = CvMat.new(1, 2) assert(m.vector?) m = CvMat.new(2, 2) assert((not m.vector?)) end def test_square m = CvMat.new(2, 2) assert(m.square?) m = CvMat.new(1, 2) assert((not m.square?)) end def test_to_CvMat m1 = CvMat.new(2, 3, :cv32f, 4) m2 = m1.to_CvMat assert_equal(CvMat, m2.class) assert_equal(m1.rows, m2.rows) assert_equal(m1.cols, m2.cols) assert_equal(m1.depth, m2.depth) assert_equal(m1.channel, m2.channel) assert_equal(m1.data, m2.data) end def test_sub_rect m1 = create_cvmat(10, 10) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { m1.sub_rect } m2 = m1.sub_rect(CvRect.new(0, 0, 2, 3)) assert_equal(2, m2.width) assert_equal(3, m2.height) m2.height.times { |j| m2.width.times { |i| assert_cvscalar_equal(m1[j, i], m2[j, i]) } } topleft = CvPoint.new(2, 3) m2 = m1.sub_rect(topleft, CvSize.new(4, 5)) assert_equal(4, m2.width) assert_equal(5, m2.height) m2.height.times { |j| m2.width.times { |i| assert_cvscalar_equal(m1[topleft.y + j, topleft.x + i], m2[j, i]) } } topleft = CvPoint.new(1, 2) m2 = m1.sub_rect(topleft.x, topleft.y, 3, 4) assert_equal(3, m2.width) assert_equal(4, m2.height) m2.height.times { |j| m2.width.times { |i| assert_cvscalar_equal(m1[topleft.y + j, topleft.x + i], m2[j, i]) } } # Alias m2 = m1.subrect(CvRect.new(0, 0, 2, 3)) assert_equal(2, m2.width) assert_equal(3, m2.height) m2.height.times { |j| m2.width.times { |i| assert_cvscalar_equal(m1[j, i], m2[j, i]) } } assert_raise(TypeError) { m1.sub_rect(DUMMY_OBJ) } assert_raise(TypeError) { m1.sub_rect(DUMMY_OBJ, CvSize.new(1, 2)) } assert_raise(TypeError) { m1.sub_rect(CvPoint.new(1, 2), DUMMY_OBJ) } assert_raise(TypeError) { m1.sub_rect(DUMMY_OBJ, 2, 3, 4) } assert_raise(TypeError) { m1.sub_rect(1, DUMMY_OBJ, 3, 4) } assert_raise(TypeError) { m1.sub_rect(1, 2, DUMMY_OBJ, 4) } assert_raise(TypeError) { m1.sub_rect(1, 2, 3, DUMMY_OBJ) } end def test_get_rows m1 = create_cvmat(10, 20) m2 = m1.get_rows(2) assert_equal(1, m2.height) assert_equal(m1.width, m2.width) m1.width.times { |i| assert_cvscalar_equal(m1[2, i], m2[i]) } m2, m3 = m1.get_rows(1, 2) [m2, m3].each { |m| assert_equal(1, m.height) assert_equal(m1.width, m.width) } m1.width.times { |i| assert_cvscalar_equal(m1[1, i], m2[i]) assert_cvscalar_equal(m1[2, i], m3[i]) } assert_raise(TypeError) { m1.get_rows(DUMMY_OBJ) } end def test_get_cols m1 = create_cvmat(10, 20) m2 = m1.get_cols(2) assert_equal(1, m2.width) assert_equal(m1.height, m2.height) m1.height.times { |j| assert_cvscalar_equal(m1[j, 2], m2[j]) } m2, m3 = m1.get_cols(1, 2) [m2, m3].each { |m| assert_equal(1, m.width) assert_equal(m1.height, m.height) } m1.height.times { |j| assert_cvscalar_equal(m1[j, 1], m2[j]) assert_cvscalar_equal(m1[j, 2], m3[j]) } assert_raise(TypeError) { m1.get_cols(DUMMY_OBJ) } end def test_each_row m1 = create_cvmat(2, 3) a = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] a.map! { |a1| a1.map! { |a2| CvScalar.new(a2, a2, a2, a2).to_ary } } j = 0 m1.each_row { |r| a[j].size.times { |i| assert_cvscalar_equal(a[j][i], r[i]) } j += 1 } end def test_each_col m1 = create_cvmat(2, 3) a = [[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]] a.map! { |a1| a1.map! { |a2| CvScalar.new(a2, a2, a2, a2).to_ary } } j = 0 m1.each_col { |c| a[j].size.times { |i| assert_cvscalar_equal(a[j][i], c[i]) } j += 1 } # Alias j = 0 m1.each_column { |c| a[j].size.times { |i| assert_cvscalar_equal(a[j][i], c[i]) } j += 1 } end def test_diag m = create_cvmat(5, 5) a = [1, 7, 13, 19, 25].map { |x| CvScalar.new(x, x, x, x) } d = m.diag a.each_with_index { |s, i| assert_cvscalar_equal(s, d[i]) } a = [2, 8, 14, 20].map { |x| CvScalar.new(x, x, x, x) } d = m.diag(1) a.each_with_index { |s, i| assert_cvscalar_equal(s, d[i]) } a = [6, 12, 18, 24].map { |x| CvScalar.new(x, x, x, x) } d = m.diag(-1) a.each_with_index { |s, i| assert_cvscalar_equal(s, d[i]) } # Alias a = [1, 7, 13, 19, 25].map { |x| CvScalar.new(x, x, x, x) } d = m.diagonal a.each_with_index { |s, i| assert_cvscalar_equal(s, d[i]) } [m.rows, m.cols, -m.rows, -m.cols].each { |d| assert_raise(CvStsOutOfRange) { m.diag(d) } } end def test_size m = CvMat.new(2, 3) assert_equal(3, m.size.width) assert_equal(2, m.size.height) end def test_dims m = CvMat.new(2, 3) assert_equal([2, 3], m.dims) end def test_dim_size m = CvMat.new(2, 3) assert_equal(2, m.dim_size(0)) assert_equal(3, m.dim_size(1)) assert_raise(TypeError) { m.dim_size(DUMMY_OBJ) } end def test_aref m = create_cvmat(2, 3) assert_cvscalar_equal(CvScalar.new(1, 1, 1, 1), m[0]) assert_cvscalar_equal(CvScalar.new(5, 5, 5, 5), m[4]) assert_cvscalar_equal(CvScalar.new(2, 2, 2, 2), m[0, 1]) assert_cvscalar_equal(CvScalar.new(4, 4, 4, 4), m[1, 0]) assert_cvscalar_equal(CvScalar.new(2, 2, 2, 2), m[0, 1, 2]) assert_cvscalar_equal(CvScalar.new(4, 4, 4, 4), m[1, 0, 3, 4]) # Alias assert_cvscalar_equal(CvScalar.new(1, 1, 1, 1), m.at(0)) assert_raise(TypeError) { m[DUMMY_OBJ] } assert_raise(CvStsOutOfRange) { m[-1] } assert_raise(CvStsOutOfRange) { m[6] } assert_raise(CvStsOutOfRange) { m[2, 2] } assert_raise(CvStsOutOfRange) { m[1, 3] } assert_raise(CvStsOutOfRange) { m[2, 2, 1] } assert_raise(CvStsOutOfRange) { m[1, 3, 1] } end def test_aset m = create_cvmat(2, 3) m[0] = CvScalar.new(10, 10, 10, 10) assert_cvscalar_equal(CvScalar.new(10, 10, 10, 10), m[0]) m[1, 0] = CvScalar.new(20, 20, 20, 20) assert_cvscalar_equal(CvScalar.new(20, 20, 20, 20), m[1, 0]) m[1, 0, 2] = CvScalar.new(4, 4, 4, 4) assert_cvscalar_equal(CvScalar.new(4, 4, 4, 4), m[1, 0]) m[1, 0, 2, 4] = CvScalar.new(5, 5, 5, 5) assert_cvscalar_equal(CvScalar.new(5, 5, 5, 5), m[1, 0]) assert_raise(TypeError) { m[DUMMY_OBJ] = CvScalar.new(10, 10, 10, 10) } assert_raise(TypeError) { m[0] = DUMMY_OBJ } assert_raise(CvStsOutOfRange) { m[-1] } assert_raise(CvStsOutOfRange) { m[6] } assert_raise(CvStsOutOfRange) { m[2, 2] } assert_raise(CvStsOutOfRange) { m[1, 3] } assert_raise(CvStsOutOfRange) { m[2, 2, 1] } assert_raise(CvStsOutOfRange) { m[1, 3, 1] } end def test_set_data [CV_8U, CV_8S, CV_16U, CV_16S, CV_32S].each { |depth| a = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60] m = CvMat.new(2, 3, depth, 1) m.set_data(a) (m.rows * m.cols).times { |i| assert_equal(a[i], m[i][0]) } } [CV_32F, CV_64F].each { |depth| a = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6] m = CvMat.new(2, 3, depth, 1) m.set_data(a) (m.rows * m.cols).times { |i| assert_in_delta(a[i], m[i][0], 1.0e-5) } } a = [[10, 20, 30], [40, 50, 60]] m = CvMat.new(2, 3, CV_8U, 1) m.set_data(a) (m.rows * m.cols).times { |i| assert_equal(a.flatten[i], m[i][0]) } [CV_8U, CV_8S, CV_16U, CV_16S, CV_32S, CV_32F, CV_64F].each { |depth| m = CvMat.new(2, 3, depth, 1) assert_raise(TypeError) { a = [DUMMY_OBJ] * 6 m.set_data(a) } } end def test_fill m1 = create_cvmat(2, 3) m2 = m1.fill(CvScalar.new(1, 2, 3, 4)) m1.fill!(CvScalar.new(1, 2, 3, 4)) m2.height.times { |j| m2.width.times { |i| assert_cvscalar_equal(CvScalar.new(1, 2, 3, 4), m1[j, i]) assert_cvscalar_equal(CvScalar.new(1, 2, 3, 4), m2[j, i]) } } m1 = create_cvmat(5, 5) m0 = m1.clone mask = CvMat.new(m1.height, m1.width, :cv8u, 1).clear 2.times { |j| 2.times { |i| mask[j, i] = CvScalar.new(1, 1, 1, 1) } } m2 = m1.fill(CvScalar.new(1, 2, 3, 4), mask) m1.fill!(CvScalar.new(1, 2, 3, 4), mask) m2.height.times { |j| m2.width.times { |i| if i < 2 and j < 2 assert_cvscalar_equal(CvScalar.new(1, 2, 3, 4), m1[j, i]) assert_cvscalar_equal(CvScalar.new(1, 2, 3, 4), m2[j, i]) else assert_cvscalar_equal(m0[j, i], m1[j, i]) assert_cvscalar_equal(m0[j, i], m2[j, i]) end } } # Alias m1 = create_cvmat(2, 3) m2 = m1.set(CvScalar.new(1, 2, 3, 4)) m1.set!(CvScalar.new(1, 2, 3, 4)) m2.height.times { |j| m2.width.times { |i| assert_cvscalar_equal(CvScalar.new(1, 2, 3, 4), m1[j, i]) assert_cvscalar_equal(CvScalar.new(1, 2, 3, 4), m2[j, i]) } } m1 = create_cvmat(5, 5) m0 = m1.clone mask = CvMat.new(m1.height, m1.width, CV_8U, 1).clear 2.times { |j| 2.times { |i| mask[j, i] = CvScalar.new(1, 1, 1, 1) } } m2 = m1.set(CvScalar.new(1, 2, 3, 4), mask) m1.set!(CvScalar.new(1, 2, 3, 4), mask) m2.height.times { |j| m2.width.times { |i| if i < 2 and j < 2 assert_cvscalar_equal(CvScalar.new(1, 2, 3, 4), m1[j, i]) assert_cvscalar_equal(CvScalar.new(1, 2, 3, 4), m2[j, i]) else assert_cvscalar_equal(m0[j, i], m1[j, i]) assert_cvscalar_equal(m0[j, i], m2[j, i]) end } } assert_raise(TypeError) { m1.fill(DUMMY_OBJ) } assert_raise(TypeError) { m1.fill(CvScalar.new(1), DUMMY_OBJ) } end def test_clear m1 = create_cvmat(2, 3) m2 = m1.clear m1.clear! m2.height.times { |j| m2.width.times { |i| assert_cvscalar_equal(CvScalar.new(0, 0, 0, 0), m1[j, i]) assert_cvscalar_equal(CvScalar.new(0, 0, 0, 0), m2[j, i]) } } # Alias m1 = create_cvmat(2, 3) m2 = m1.set_zero m1.set_zero! m2.height.times { |j| m2.width.times { |i| assert_cvscalar_equal(CvScalar.new(0, 0, 0, 0), m1[j, i]) assert_cvscalar_equal(CvScalar.new(0, 0, 0, 0), m2[j, i]) } } end def test_identity m1 = create_cvmat(5, 5) m2 = m1.identity m1.identity! m2.height.times { |j| m2.width.times { |i| if i == j assert_cvscalar_equal(CvScalar.new(1, 0, 0, 0), m1[j, i]) assert_cvscalar_equal(CvScalar.new(1, 0, 0, 0), m2[j, i]) else assert_cvscalar_equal(CvScalar.new(0, 0, 0, 0), m1[j, i]) assert_cvscalar_equal(CvScalar.new(0, 0, 0, 0), m2[j, i]) end } } m1 = CvMat.new(5, 5, :cv8u, 4) s = CvScalar.new(1, 2, 3, 4) m2 = m1.identity(s) m1.identity!(s) m2.height.times { |j| m2.width.times { |i| if i == j assert_cvscalar_equal(s, m1[j, i]) assert_cvscalar_equal(s, m2[j, i]) else assert_cvscalar_equal(CvScalar.new(0, 0, 0, 0), m1[j, i]) assert_cvscalar_equal(CvScalar.new(0, 0, 0, 0), m2[j, i]) end } } assert_raise(TypeError) { m1.identity(DUMMY_OBJ) } end def test_range m1 = CvMat.new(1, 10, CV_32S, 1) m2 = m1.range(0, m1.cols) m1.range!(0, m1.cols) m2.width.times { |i| assert_cvscalar_equal(CvScalar.new(i, 0, 0, 0), m1[0, i]) assert_cvscalar_equal(CvScalar.new(i, 0, 0, 0), m2[0, i]) } assert_raise(TypeError) { m1.range(DUMMY_OBJ, 2) } assert_raise(TypeError) { m1.range(1, DUMMY_OBJ) } end def test_reshape m = create_cvmat(2, 3, CV_8U, 3) vec = m.reshape(:rows => 1) assert_equal(6, vec.width) assert_equal(1, vec.height) size = m.width * m.height size.times { |i| assert_cvscalar_equal(m[i], vec[i]) } ch1 = m.reshape(:channel => 1) assert_equal(9, ch1.width) assert_equal(2, ch1.height) m.height.times { |j| m.width.times { |i| s1 = ch1[j, i * 3][0] s2 = ch1[j, i * 3 + 1][0] s3 = ch1[j, i * 3 + 2][0] assert_cvscalar_equal(m[j, i], CvScalar.new(s1, s2, s3, 0)) } } [DUMMY_OBJ, { :rows => DUMMY_OBJ }, { :channel => DUMMY_OBJ }].each { |arg| assert_raise(TypeError) { m.reshape(arg) } } end def test_repeat m1 = create_cvmat(2, 3, :cv8u, 3) m2 = CvMat.new(6, 9, :cv8u, 3) m2 = m1.repeat(m2) m2.height.times { |j| m2.width.times { |i| a = m1[j % m1.height, i % m1.width] assert_cvscalar_equal(m2[j, i], a) } } assert_raise(TypeError) { m1.repeat(DUMMY_OBJ) } end def test_flip m0 = create_cvmat(2, 3) m1 = m0.clone m1.flip!(:x) m2 = m0.flip(:x) m3 = m0.clone m3.flip!(:y) m4 = m0.flip(:y) m5 = m0.clone m5.flip!(:xy) m6 = m0.flip(:xy) m7 = m0.clone m7.flip! m8 = m0.flip [m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7, m8].each { |m| assert_equal(m0.height, m.height) assert_equal(m0.width, m.width) } m0.height.times { |j| m0.width.times { |i| ri = m0.width - i - 1 rj = m0.height - j - 1 assert_cvscalar_equal(m0[j, ri], m1[j, i]) assert_cvscalar_equal(m0[j, ri], m2[j, i]) assert_cvscalar_equal(m0[rj, i], m3[j, i]) assert_cvscalar_equal(m0[rj, i], m4[j, i]) assert_cvscalar_equal(m0[rj, ri], m5[j, i]) assert_cvscalar_equal(m0[rj, ri], m6[j, i]) assert_cvscalar_equal(m0[rj, i], m7[j, i]) assert_cvscalar_equal(m0[rj, i], m8[j, i]) } } end def test_split m0 = create_cvmat(2, 3, :cv8u, 3) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(c * 10, c * 20, c * 30) } m0.split.each_with_index { |m, idx| assert_equal(m0.height, m.height) assert_equal(m0.width, m.width) c = 0 m0.height.times { |j| m0.width.times { |i| val = c * 10 * (idx + 1) assert_cvscalar_equal(CvScalar.new(val), m[j, i]) c += 1 } } } end def test_merge m0 = create_cvmat(2, 3, :cv8u, 4) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(c * 10, c * 20, c * 30, c * 40) } m1 = create_cvmat(2, 3, :cv8u, 1) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(c * 10) } m2 = create_cvmat(2, 3, :cv8u, 1) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(c * 20) } m3 = create_cvmat(2, 3, :cv8u, 1) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(c * 30) } m4 = create_cvmat(2, 3, :cv8u, 1) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(c * 40) } m = CvMat.merge(m1, m2, m3, m4) assert_equal(m0.height, m.height) assert_equal(m0.width, m.width) m0.height.times { |j| m0.width.times { |i| assert_cvscalar_equal(m0[j, i], m[j, i]) } } m5 = create_cvmat(2, 3, :cv8u, 1) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(c * 50) } assert_raise(TypeError) { CvMat.merge(DUMMY_OBJ) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { CvMat.merge } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { CvMat.merge(m1, m2, m3, m4, m5) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { CvMat.merge(CvMat.new(1, 2, :cv8u, 2)) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { CvMat.merge(CvMat.new(1, 2, :cv8u, 1), CvMat.new(2, 2, :cv8u, 1)) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { CvMat.merge(CvMat.new(1, 2, :cv8u, 1), CvMat.new(1, 2, :cv32f, 1)) } end def test_rand_shuffle m0 = create_cvmat(2, 3) m1 = m0.clone m1.rand_shuffle! m2 = m0.rand_shuffle m3 = m0.clone m3.rand_shuffle!(123, 234) m4 = m0.rand_shuffle(123, 234) assert_shuffled_equal = lambda { |src, shuffled| assert_equal(src.width, shuffled.width) assert_equal(src.height, shuffled.height) mat0, mat1 = [], [] src.height { |j| src.width { |i| mat0 << src[j, i].to_s mat1 << shuffled[j, i].to_s } } assert_equal(0, (mat0 - mat1).size) } [m1, m2, m3, m4].each { |m| assert_shuffled_equal.call(m0, m) } assert_raise(TypeError) { m0.rand_shuffle(DUMMY_OBJ) } assert_raise(TypeError) { m0.rand_shuffle(123, DUMMY_OBJ) } end def test_lut m0 = create_cvmat(2, 3, :cv8u, 3) lut_mat = create_cvmat(1, 256, :cv8u, 3) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(255 - c, 255 - c, 255 - c) } m = m0.lut(lut_mat) assert_equal(m0.height, m.height) assert_equal(m0.width, m.width) m0.height.times { |j| m0.width.times { |i| r, g, b = m0[j, i].to_ary.map { |c| 255 - c } assert_cvscalar_equal(CvScalar.new(r, g, b, 0), m[j, i]) } } assert_raise(TypeError) { m0.lut(DUMMY_OBJ) } end def test_convert_scale m0 = create_cvmat(2, 3, :cv32f, 4) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(-c, -c, -c, -c) } m1 = m0.convert_scale(:depth => :cv8u) m2 = m0.convert_scale(:scale => 1.5) m3 = m0.convert_scale(:shift => 10.0) m4 = m0.convert_scale(:depth => CV_16U) [m1, m2, m3, m4].each { |m| assert_equal(m0.height, m.height) assert_equal(m0.width, m.width) } m0.height.times { |j| m0.width.times { |i| assert_cvscalar_equal(CvScalar.new(0, 0, 0, 0), m1[j, i]) a = m0[j, i].to_ary.map { |x| x * 1.5 } assert_in_delta(a, m2[j, i], 0.001) a = m0[j, i].to_ary.map { |x| x + 10.0 } assert_in_delta(a, m3[j, i], 0.001) assert_cvscalar_equal(CvScalar.new(0, 0, 0, 0), m4[j, i]) } } assert_raise(TypeError) { m0.convert_scale(DUMMY_OBJ) } end def test_convert_scale_abs m0 = create_cvmat(2, 3, :cv8u, 4) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(c, c, c, c) } m1 = m0.convert_scale_abs(:depth => :cv64f) m2 = m0.convert_scale_abs(:scale => 2) m3 = m0.convert_scale_abs(:shift => 10.0) m4 = m0.convert_scale_abs(:depth => CV_64F) [m1, m2, m3, m4].each { |m| assert_equal(m0.height, m.height) assert_equal(m0.width, m.width) } m0.height.times { |j| m0.width.times { |i| assert_cvscalar_equal(m0[j, i], m1[j, i]) a = m0[j, i].to_ary.map { |x| (x * 2).abs } assert_in_delta(a, m2[j, i], 0.001) a = m0[j, i].to_ary.map { |x| (x + 10.0).abs } assert_in_delta(a, m3[j, i], 0.001) assert_cvscalar_equal(m0[j, i], m4[j, i]) } } assert_raise(TypeError) { m0.convert_scale(DUMMY_OBJ) } end def test_add m1 = create_cvmat(6, 4, :cv32f, 4) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(c * 0.1, c * 0.2, c * 0.3, c * 0.4) } m2 = create_cvmat(6, 4, :cv32f, 4) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(c * 1, c * 2, c * 3, c * 4) } # CvMat + CvMat m3 = m1.add(m2) assert_equal(m1.height, m3.height) assert_equal(m1.width, m3.width) n = 0 m1.height.times { |j| m1.width.times { |i| s = CvScalar.new(n * 1.1, n * 2.2, n * 3.3, n * 4.4) assert_in_delta(s, m3[j, i], 0.001) n += 1 } } # CvMat + CvScalar s1 = CvScalar.new(1, 2, 3, 4) m3 = m1.add(s1) assert_equal(m1.height, m3.height) assert_equal(m1.width, m3.width) n = 0 m1.height.times { |j| m1.width.times { |i| s = CvScalar.new(n * 0.1 + 1, n * 0.2 + 2, n * 0.3 + 3, n * 0.4 + 4) assert_in_delta(s, m3[j, i], 0.001) n += 1 } } # Alias m3 = m1 + m2 assert_equal(m1.height, m3.height) assert_equal(m1.width, m3.width) n = 0 m1.height.times { |j| m1.width.times { |i| s = CvScalar.new(n * 1.1, n * 2.2, n * 3.3, n * 4.4) assert_in_delta(s, m3[j, i], 0.001) n += 1 } } # CvMat + CvMat with Mask mask = create_cvmat(6, 4, :cv8u, 1) { |j, i, c| (i < 3 and j < 2) ? 1 : 0 } m4 = m1.add(m2, mask) assert_equal(m1.height, m4.height) assert_equal(m1.width, m4.width) n = 0 m1.height.times { |j| m1.width.times { |i| if i < 3 and j < 2 s = CvScalar.new(n * 1.1, n * 2.2, n * 3.3, n * 4.4) else s = m1[j, i] end assert_in_delta(s, m4[j, i], 0.001) n += 1 } } # CvMat + CvScalar with Mask m4 = m1.add(s1, mask) assert_equal(m1.height, m4.height) assert_equal(m1.width, m4.width) n = 0 m1.height.times { |j| m1.width.times { |i| if i < 3 and j < 2 s = CvScalar.new(n * 0.1 + 1, n * 0.2 + 2, n * 0.3 + 3, n * 0.4 + 4) else s = m1[j, i] end assert_in_delta(s, m4[j, i], 0.001) n += 1 } } assert_raise(TypeError) { m1.add(DUMMY_OBJ) } assert_raise(TypeError) { m1.add(CvScalar.new(1), DUMMY_OBJ) } end def test_sub m1 = create_cvmat(6, 4, :cv32f, 4) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(c * 0.1, c * 0.2, c * 0.3, c * 0.4) } m2 = create_cvmat(6, 4, :cv32f, 4) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(c * 1, c * 2, c * 3, c * 4) } # CvMat - CvMat m3 = m1.sub(m2) assert_equal(m1.height, m3.height) assert_equal(m1.width, m3.width) n = 0 m1.height.times { |j| m1.width.times { |i| s = CvScalar.new(-n * 0.9, -n * 1.8, -n * 2.7, -n * 3.6) assert_in_delta(s, m3[j, i], 0.001) n += 1 } } # CvMat - CvScalar s1 = CvScalar.new(1, 2, 3, 4) m3 = m1.sub(s1) assert_equal(m1.height, m3.height) assert_equal(m1.width, m3.width) n = 0 m1.height.times { |j| m1.width.times { |i| s = CvScalar.new(n * 0.1 - 1, n * 0.2 - 2, n * 0.3 - 3, n * 0.4 - 4) assert_in_delta(s, m3[j, i], 0.001) n += 1 } } # Alias m3 = m1 - m2 assert_equal(m1.height, m3.height) assert_equal(m1.width, m3.width) n = 0 m1.height.times { |j| m1.width.times { |i| s = CvScalar.new(-n * 0.9, -n * 1.8, -n * 2.7, -n * 3.6) assert_in_delta(s, m3[j, i], 0.001) n += 1 } } mask = create_cvmat(6, 4, :cv8u, 1) { |j, i, c| (i < 3 and j < 2) ? 1 : 0 } # CvMat - CvMat with Mask m4 = m1.sub(m2, mask) assert_equal(m1.height, m4.height) assert_equal(m1.width, m4.width) n = 0 m1.height.times { |j| m1.width.times { |i| if i < 3 and j < 2 s = CvScalar.new(-n * 0.9, -n * 1.8, -n * 2.7, -n * 3.6) else s = m1[j, i] end assert_in_delta(s, m4[j, i], 0.001) n += 1 } } # CvMat - CvScalar with Mask m4 = m1.sub(s1, mask) assert_equal(m1.height, m4.height) assert_equal(m1.width, m4.width) n = 0 m1.height.times { |j| m1.width.times { |i| if i < 3 and j < 2 s = CvScalar.new(n * 0.1 - 1, n * 0.2 - 2, n * 0.3 - 3, n * 0.4 - 4) else s = m1[j, i] end assert_in_delta(s, m4[j, i], 0.001) n += 1 } } assert_raise(TypeError) { m1.sub(DUMMY_OBJ) } assert_raise(TypeError) { m1.sub(CvScalar.new(1), DUMMY_OBJ) } end def test_mul m1 = create_cvmat(3, 3, :cv32f) s1 = CvScalar.new(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4) m2 = create_cvmat(3, 3, :cv32f) { s1 } # CvMat * CvMat m3 = m1.mul(m2) assert_equal(m1.height, m3.height) assert_equal(m1.width, m3.width) assert_each_cvscalar(m3, 0.001) { |j, i, c| n = c + 1 CvScalar.new(n * 0.1, n * 0.2, n * 0.3, n * 0.4) } # CvMat * CvMat * scale scale = 2.5 m3 = m1.mul(m2, scale) assert_equal(m1.height, m3.height) assert_equal(m1.width, m3.width) assert_each_cvscalar(m3, 0.001) { |j, i, c| n = (c + 1) * scale CvScalar.new(n * 0.1, n * 0.2, n * 0.3, n * 0.4) } # CvMat * CvScalar scale = 2.5 m3 = m1.mul(s1) assert_equal(m1.height, m3.height) assert_equal(m1.width, m3.width) assert_each_cvscalar(m3, 0.001) { |j, i, c| n = c + 1 CvScalar.new(n * 0.1, n * 0.2, n * 0.3, n * 0.4) } # CvMat * CvScalar * scale m3 = m1.mul(s1, scale) assert_equal(m1.height, m3.height) assert_equal(m1.width, m3.width) assert_each_cvscalar(m3, 0.001) { |j, i, c| n = (c + 1) * scale CvScalar.new(n * 0.1, n * 0.2, n * 0.3, n * 0.4) } assert_raise(TypeError) { m1.mul(DUMMY_OBJ) } assert_raise(TypeError) { m1.mul(m2, DUMMY_OBJ) } end def test_mat_mul m0 = create_cvmat(3, 3, :cv32f, 1) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(c * 0.1) } m1 = create_cvmat(3, 3, :cv32f, 1) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(c) } m2 = create_cvmat(3, 3, :cv32f, 1) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(c + 1) } m3 = m0.mat_mul(m1) m4 = m0 * m1 [m3, m4].each { |m| assert_equal(m1.width, m.width) assert_equal(m1.height, m.height) assert_in_delta(1.5, m[0, 0][0], 0.001) assert_in_delta(1.8, m[0, 1][0], 0.001) assert_in_delta(2.1, m[0, 2][0], 0.001) assert_in_delta(4.2, m[1, 0][0], 0.001) assert_in_delta(5.4, m[1, 1][0], 0.001) assert_in_delta(6.6, m[1, 2][0], 0.001) assert_in_delta(6.9, m[2, 0][0], 0.001) assert_in_delta(9, m[2, 1][0], 0.001) assert_in_delta(11.1, m[2, 2][0], 0.001) } m5 = m0.mat_mul(m1, m2) [m5].each { |m| assert_equal(m1.width, m.width) assert_equal(m1.height, m.height) assert_in_delta(2.5, m[0, 0][0], 0.001) assert_in_delta(3.8, m[0, 1][0], 0.001) assert_in_delta(5.1, m[0, 2][0], 0.001) assert_in_delta(8.2, m[1, 0][0], 0.001) assert_in_delta(10.4, m[1, 1][0], 0.001) assert_in_delta(12.6, m[1, 2][0], 0.001) assert_in_delta(13.9, m[2, 0][0], 0.001) assert_in_delta(17, m[2, 1][0], 0.001) assert_in_delta(20.1, m[2, 2][0], 0.001) } assert_raise(TypeError) { m0.mat_mul(DUMMY_OBJ) } assert_raise(TypeError) { m0.mat_mul(m1, DUMMY_OBJ) } end def test_div m1 = create_cvmat(3, 3, :cv32f) s1 = CvScalar.new(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4) m2 = create_cvmat(3, 3, :cv32f) { s1 } # CvMat / CvMat m3 = m1.div(m2) assert_equal(m1.height, m3.height) assert_equal(m1.width, m3.width) assert_each_cvscalar(m3, 0.001) { |j, i, c| n = c + 1 CvScalar.new(n / 0.1, n / 0.2, n / 0.3, n / 0.4) } # scale * CvMat / CvMat scale = 2.5 m3 = m1.div(m2, scale) assert_equal(m1.height, m3.height) assert_equal(m1.width, m3.width) assert_each_cvscalar(m3, 0.001) { |j, i, c| n = (c + 1) * scale CvScalar.new(n / 0.1, n / 0.2, n / 0.3, n / 0.4) } # CvMat / CvScalar scale = 2.5 m3 = m1.div(s1) assert_equal(m1.height, m3.height) assert_equal(m1.width, m3.width) assert_each_cvscalar(m3, 0.001) { |j, i, c| n = c + 1 CvScalar.new(n / 0.1, n / 0.2, n / 0.3, n / 0.4) } # scale * CvMat / CvScalar m3 = m1.div(s1, scale) assert_equal(m1.height, m3.height) assert_equal(m1.width, m3.width) assert_each_cvscalar(m3, 0.001) { |j, i, c| n = (c + 1) * scale CvScalar.new(n / 0.1, n / 0.2, n / 0.3, n / 0.4) } # Alias m3 = m1 / m2 assert_equal(m1.height, m3.height) assert_equal(m1.width, m3.width) assert_each_cvscalar(m3, 0.001) { |j, i, c| n = c + 1 CvScalar.new(n / 0.1, n / 0.2, n / 0.3, n / 0.4) } assert_raise(TypeError) { m1.div(DUMMY_OBJ) } assert_raise(TypeError) { m1.div(m2, DUMMY_OBJ) } end def test_and m1 = create_cvmat(6, 4) s1 = CvScalar.new(1, 2, 3, 4) m2 = create_cvmat(6, 4) { s1 } mask = create_cvmat(6, 4, :cv8u, 1) { |j, i, c| s = (i < 3 and j < 2) ? 1 : 0 CvScalar.new(s) } # CvMat & CvMat m3 = m1.and(m2) assert_equal(m1.height, m3.height) assert_equal(m1.width, m3.width) assert_each_cvscalar(m3) { |j, i, c| n = c + 1 CvScalar.new(n & 1, n & 2, n & 3, n & 4) } # CvMat & CvMat with mask m3 = m1.and(m2, mask) assert_equal(m1.height, m3.height) assert_equal(m1.width, m3.width) assert_each_cvscalar(m3) { |j, i, c| n = c + 1 if i < 3 and j < 2 CvScalar.new(n & 1, n & 2, n & 3, n & 4) else CvScalar.new(n, n, n, n) end } # CvMat & CvScalar m3 = m1.and(s1) assert_equal(m1.height, m3.height) assert_equal(m1.width, m3.width) assert_each_cvscalar(m3) { |j, i, c| n = c + 1 CvScalar.new(n & 1, n & 2, n & 3, n & 4) } # CvMat & CvScalar with mask m3 = m1.and(s1, mask) assert_equal(m1.height, m3.height) assert_equal(m1.width, m3.width) assert_each_cvscalar(m3) { |j, i, c| n = c + 1 if i < 3 and j < 2 CvScalar.new(n & 1, n & 2, n & 3, n & 4) else CvScalar.new(n, n, n, n) end } # Alias m3 = m1 & m2 assert_equal(m1.height, m3.height) assert_equal(m1.width, m3.width) assert_each_cvscalar(m3) { |j, i, c| n = c + 1 CvScalar.new(n & 1, n & 2, n & 3, n & 4) } m3 = m1 & s1 assert_equal(m1.height, m3.height) assert_equal(m1.width, m3.width) assert_each_cvscalar(m3) { |j, i, c| n = c + 1 CvScalar.new(n & 1, n & 2, n & 3, n & 4) } assert_raise(TypeError) { m1.and(DUMMY_OBJ) } assert_raise(TypeError) { m1.and(m2, DUMMY_OBJ) } end def test_or m1 = create_cvmat(6, 4) s1 = CvScalar.new(1, 2, 3, 4) m2 = create_cvmat(6, 4) { s1 } mask = create_cvmat(6, 4, :cv8u, 1) { |j, i, c| s = (i < 3 and j < 2) ? 1 : 0 CvScalar.new(s) } # CvMat | CvMat m3 = m1.or(m2) assert_equal(m1.height, m3.height) assert_equal(m1.width, m3.width) assert_each_cvscalar(m3) { |j, i, c| n = c + 1 CvScalar.new(n | 1, n | 2, n | 3, n | 4) } # CvMat | CvMat with mask m3 = m1.or(m2, mask) assert_equal(m1.height, m3.height) assert_equal(m1.width, m3.width) assert_each_cvscalar(m3) { |j, i, c| n = c + 1 if i < 3 and j < 2 CvScalar.new(n | 1, n | 2, n | 3, n | 4) else CvScalar.new(n, n, n, n) end } # CvMat | CvScalar m3 = m1.or(s1) assert_equal(m1.height, m3.height) assert_equal(m1.width, m3.width) assert_each_cvscalar(m3) { |j, i, c| n = c + 1 CvScalar.new(n | 1, n | 2, n | 3, n | 4) } # CvMat | CvScalar with mask m3 = m1.or(s1, mask) assert_equal(m1.height, m3.height) assert_equal(m1.width, m3.width) assert_each_cvscalar(m3) { |j, i, c| n = c + 1 if i < 3 and j < 2 CvScalar.new(n | 1, n | 2, n | 3, n | 4) else CvScalar.new(n, n, n, n) end } # Alias m3 = m1 | m2 assert_equal(m1.height, m3.height) assert_equal(m1.width, m3.width) assert_each_cvscalar(m3) { |j, i, c| n = c + 1 CvScalar.new(n | 1, n | 2, n | 3, n | 4) } m3 = m1 | s1 assert_equal(m1.height, m3.height) assert_equal(m1.width, m3.width) assert_each_cvscalar(m3) { |j, i, c| n = c + 1 CvScalar.new(n | 1, n | 2, n | 3, n | 4) } assert_raise(TypeError) { m1.or(DUMMY_OBJ) } assert_raise(TypeError) { m1.or(m2, DUMMY_OBJ) } end def test_xor m1 = create_cvmat(6, 4) s1 = CvScalar.new(1, 2, 3, 4) m2 = create_cvmat(6, 4) { s1 } mask = create_cvmat(6, 4, :cv8u, 1) { |j, i, c| s = (i < 3 and j < 2) ? 1 : 0 CvScalar.new(s) } # CvMat ^ CvMat m3 = m1.xor(m2) assert_equal(m1.height, m3.height) assert_equal(m1.width, m3.width) assert_each_cvscalar(m3) { |j, i, c| n = c + 1 CvScalar.new(n ^ 1, n ^ 2, n ^ 3, n ^ 4) } # CvMat ^ CvMat with mask m3 = m1.xor(m2, mask) assert_equal(m1.height, m3.height) assert_equal(m1.width, m3.width) assert_each_cvscalar(m3) { |j, i, c| n = c + 1 if i < 3 and j < 2 CvScalar.new(n ^ 1, n ^ 2, n ^ 3, n ^ 4) else CvScalar.new(n, n, n, n) end } # CvMat ^ CvScalar m3 = m1.xor(s1) assert_equal(m1.height, m3.height) assert_equal(m1.width, m3.width) assert_each_cvscalar(m3) { |j, i, c| n = c + 1 CvScalar.new(n ^ 1, n ^ 2, n ^ 3, n ^ 4) } # CvMat ^ CvScalar with mask m3 = m1.xor(s1, mask) assert_equal(m1.height, m3.height) assert_equal(m1.width, m3.width) assert_each_cvscalar(m3) { |j, i, c| n = c + 1 if i < 3 and j < 2 CvScalar.new(n ^ 1, n ^ 2, n ^ 3, n ^ 4) else CvScalar.new(n, n, n, n) end } # Alias m3 = m1 ^ m2 assert_equal(m1.height, m3.height) assert_equal(m1.width, m3.width) assert_each_cvscalar(m3) { |j, i, c| n = c + 1 CvScalar.new(n ^ 1, n ^ 2, n ^ 3, n ^ 4) } m3 = m1 ^ s1 assert_equal(m1.height, m3.height) assert_equal(m1.width, m3.width) assert_each_cvscalar(m3) { |j, i, c| n = c + 1 CvScalar.new(n ^ 1, n ^ 2, n ^ 3, n ^ 4) } assert_raise(TypeError) { m1.xor(DUMMY_OBJ) } assert_raise(TypeError) { m1.xor(m2, DUMMY_OBJ) } end def test_not m1 = create_cvmat(6, 4, :cv8s) m2 = m1.not; m3 = m1.clone m3.not! [m2, m3].each { |m| assert_equal(m1.height, m.height) assert_equal(m1.width, m.width) assert_each_cvscalar(m) { |j, i, c| n = c + 1 CvScalar.new(~n, ~n, ~n, ~n) } } end def test_eq m1 = create_cvmat(6, 4, :cv8u, 1) { |j, i, c| n = (c.even?) ? 10 : c CvScalar.new(n, 0, 0, 0) } m2 = create_cvmat(6, 4, :cv8u, 1) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(10, 0, 0, 0) } s1 = CvScalar.new(10, 0, 0, 0) m3 = m1.eq(m2) m4 = m1.eq(s1) m5 = m1.eq(10) [m3, m4, m5].each { |m| assert_equal(m1.height, m.height) assert_equal(m1.width, m.width) assert_each_cvscalar(m) { |j, i, c| n = (c.even?) ? 0xff : 0 CvScalar.new(n, 0, 0, 0) } } assert_raise(TypeError) { m1.eq(DUMMY_OBJ) } end def test_gt m1 = create_cvmat(6, 4, :cv8u, 1) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(c, 0, 0, 0) } m2 = create_cvmat(6, 4, :cv8u, 1) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(10, 0, 0, 0) } s1 = CvScalar.new(10, 0, 0, 0) m3 = m1.gt(m2) m4 = m1.gt(s1) m5 = m1.gt(10) [m3, m4, m5].each { |m| assert_equal(m1.height, m.height) assert_equal(m1.width, m.width) assert_each_cvscalar(m) { |j, i, c| n = (c > 10) ? 0xff : 0 CvScalar.new(n, 0, 0, 0) } } assert_raise(TypeError) { m1.gt(DUMMY_OBJ) } end def test_ge m1 = create_cvmat(6, 4, :cv8u, 1) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(c, 0, 0, 0) } m2 = create_cvmat(6, 4, :cv8u, 1) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(10, 0, 0, 0) } s1 = CvScalar.new(10, 0, 0, 0) m3 = m1.ge(m2) m4 = m1.ge(s1) m5 = m1.ge(10) [m3, m4, m5].each { |m| assert_equal(m1.height, m.height) assert_equal(m1.width, m.width) assert_each_cvscalar(m) { |j, i, c| n = (c >= 10) ? 0xff : 0 CvScalar.new(n, 0, 0, 0) } } assert_raise(TypeError) { m1.ge(DUMMY_OBJ) } end def test_lt m1 = create_cvmat(6, 4, :cv8u, 1) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(c, 0, 0, 0) } m2 = create_cvmat(6, 4, :cv8u, 1) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(10, 0, 0, 0) } s1 = CvScalar.new(10, 0, 0, 0) m3 = m1.lt(m2) m4 = m1.lt(s1) m5 = m1.lt(10) [m3, m4, m5].each { |m| assert_equal(m1.height, m.height) assert_equal(m1.width, m.width) assert_each_cvscalar(m) { |j, i, c| n = (c < 10) ? 0xff : 0 CvScalar.new(n, 0, 0, 0) } } assert_raise(TypeError) { m1.lt(DUMMY_OBJ) } end def test_le m1 = create_cvmat(6, 4, :cv8u, 1) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(c, 0, 0, 0) } m2 = create_cvmat(6, 4, :cv8u, 1) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(10, 0, 0, 0) } s1 = CvScalar.new(10, 0, 0, 0) m3 = m1.le(m2) m4 = m1.le(s1) m5 = m1.le(10) [m3, m4, m5].each { |m| assert_equal(m1.height, m.height) assert_equal(m1.width, m.width) assert_each_cvscalar(m) { |j, i, c| n = (c <= 10) ? 0xff : 0 CvScalar.new(n, 0, 0, 0) } } assert_raise(TypeError) { m1.le(DUMMY_OBJ) } end def test_in_range m0 = create_cvmat(6, 4, :cv8u, 1) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(c + 5, 0, 0, 0) } m1 = create_cvmat(6, 4, :cv8u, 1) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(10, 0, 0, 0) } m2 = create_cvmat(6, 4, :cv8u, 1) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(20, 0, 0, 0) } s1 = CvScalar.new(10, 0, 0, 0) s2 = CvScalar.new(20, 0, 0, 0) m3 = m0.in_range(m1, m2) m4 = m0.in_range(s1, s2) m5 = m0.in_range(10, 20) [m3, m4, m5].each { |m| assert_equal(m0.height, m.height) assert_equal(m0.width, m.width) assert_each_cvscalar(m) { |j, i, c| val = m0[j, i][0] n = ((val >= 10) and (val < 20)) ? 0xff : 0 CvScalar.new(n, 0, 0, 0) } } assert_raise(TypeError) { m0.in_range(DUMMY_OBJ, m2) } assert_raise(TypeError) { m0.in_range(m1, DUMMY_OBJ) } end def test_abs_diff m0 = create_cvmat(6, 4, :cv32f, 4) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(-10 + 10.5, 20 + 10.5, -30 + 10.5, 40 - 10.5) } m1 = create_cvmat(6, 4, :cv32f, 4) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(c + 10.5, c - 10.5, c + 10.5, c - 10.5) } m2 = create_cvmat(6, 4, :cv32f, 4) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(c, c, c, c) } s1 = CvScalar.new(-10, 20, -30, 40) m3 = m1.abs_diff(m2) m4 = m0.abs_diff(s1) [m3, m4].each { |m| assert_equal(m1.width, m.width) assert_equal(m1.height, m.height) assert_each_cvscalar(m, 0.001) { CvScalar.new(10.5, 10.5, 10.5, 10.5) } } assert_raise(TypeError) { m0.abs_diff(DUMMY_OBJ) } end def test_count_non_zero m0 = create_cvmat(6, 4, :cv32f, 1) { |j, i, c| n = 0 n = 1 if i == 0 CvScalar.new(n, 0, 0, 0) } assert_equal(6, m0.count_non_zero) end def test_sum m0 = create_cvmat(6, 4, :cv32f, 1) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(c, c, c, c) } assert_cvscalar_equal(CvScalar.new(276, 0, 0, 0), m0.sum) m0 = create_cvmat(6, 4, :cv32f, 1) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(-c) } assert_cvscalar_equal(CvScalar.new(-276, 0, 0, 0), m0.sum) end def test_avg_sdv m0 = create_cvmat(6, 4, :cv32f, 4) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(c * 0.1, -c * 0.1, c, -c) } # CvMat#avg assert_in_delta(CvScalar.new(1.15, -1.15, 11.5, -11.5), m0.avg, 0.001) # CvMat#sdv assert_in_delta(CvScalar.new(0.69221, 0.69221, 6.9221, 6.9221), m0.sdv, 0.001) # CvMat#avg_sdv avg, sdv = m0.avg_sdv assert_in_delta(CvScalar.new(1.15, -1.15, 11.5, -11.5), avg, 0.001) assert_in_delta(CvScalar.new(0.69221, 0.69221, 6.9221, 6.9221), sdv, 0.001) mask = create_cvmat(6, 4, :cv8u, 1) { |j, i, c| n = (i == j) ? 1 : 0 CvScalar.new(n) } # CvMat#avg assert_in_delta(CvScalar.new(0.75, -0.75, 7.5, -7.5), m0.avg(mask), 0.001) # CvMat#sdv assert_in_delta(CvScalar.new(0.55901, 0.55901, 5.5901, 5.5901), m0.sdv(mask), 0.001) # CvMat#avg_sdv avg, sdv = m0.avg_sdv(mask) assert_in_delta(CvScalar.new(0.75, -0.75, 7.5, -7.5), avg, 0.001) assert_in_delta(CvScalar.new(0.55901, 0.55901, 5.5901, 5.5901), sdv, 0.001) assert_raise(TypeError) { m0.avg(DUMMY_OBJ) } assert_raise(TypeError) { m0.sdv(DUMMY_OBJ) } assert_raise(TypeError) { m0.avg_sdv(DUMMY_OBJ) } end def test_min_max_loc m0 = create_cvmat(6, 4, :cv32f, 1) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(c * 0.5) } m0[2, 3] = CvScalar.new(100.5) # Max m0[5, 1] = CvScalar.new(-100.5) # Min min_val, max_val, min_loc, max_loc = m0.min_max_loc assert_equal(-100.5, min_val) assert_equal(5, min_loc.y) assert_equal(1, min_loc.x) assert_equal(100.5, max_val) assert_equal(2, max_loc.y) assert_equal(3, max_loc.x) assert_raise(TypeError) { m0.min_max_loc(DUMMY_OBJ) } end def test_dot_product m1 = create_cvmat(2, 2, :cv32f, 1) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(c * 0.5) } m2 = create_cvmat(2, 2, :cv32f, 1) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(c * 1.5) } assert_in_delta(10.5, m1.dot_product(m2), 0.001) m1 = create_cvmat(2, 2, :cv32f) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(c * 0.5, c * 0.6, c * 0.7, c * 0.8) } m2 = create_cvmat(2, 2, :cv32f) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(c * 1.5, c * 2.0, c * 2.5, c * 3.0) } assert_in_delta(85.39999, m1.dot_product(m2), 0.001) assert_raise(TypeError) { m1.dot_product(DUMMY_OBJ) } end def test_cross_product m1 = create_cvmat(1, 3, :cv32f, 1) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(c * 0.5) } m2 = create_cvmat(1, 3, :cv32f, 1) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(c + 1) } m3 = m1.cross_product(m2) assert_in_delta(CvScalar.new(-0.5), m3[0, 0], 0.001) assert_in_delta(CvScalar.new(1), m3[0, 1], 0.001) assert_in_delta(CvScalar.new(-0.5), m3[0, 2], 0.001) assert_raise(TypeError) { m1.cross_product(DUMMY_OBJ) } end def test_transform m0 = create_cvmat(5, 5, :cv32f, 3) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(c * 0.5, c * 1.0, c * 1.5) } transmat = CvMat.new(3, 3, :cv32f, 1); transmat[0, 0] = CvScalar.new(0.0) transmat[1, 0] = CvScalar.new(0.0) transmat[2, 0] = CvScalar.new(0.0) transmat[0, 1] = CvScalar.new(0.0) transmat[1, 1] = CvScalar.new(0.0) transmat[2, 1] = CvScalar.new(1.0) transmat[0, 2] = CvScalar.new(1.0) transmat[1, 2] = CvScalar.new(0.0) transmat[2, 2] = CvScalar.new(0.0) m1 = m0.transform(transmat) assert_each_cvscalar(m1, 0.01) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(c * 1.5, 0, c, 0) } stf = CvMat.new(3, 1, :cv32f, 1) stf[0, 0] = CvScalar.new(-10) stf[1, 0] = CvScalar.new(0.0) stf[2, 0] = CvScalar.new(5) m1 = m0.transform(transmat, stf) assert_each_cvscalar(m1, 0.01) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(c * 1.5 - 10, 0, c + 5, 0) } assert_raise(TypeError) { m0.transform(DUMMY_OBJ) } assert_raise(TypeError) { m0.transform(transmat, DUMMY_OBJ) } end def test_perspective_transform mat = CvMat.new(1, 1, :cv32f, 2) mat[0] = CvScalar.new(2, 3) transmat = CvMat.new(3, 3, :cv32f, 1).clear mat.channel.times { |c| transmat[c, c] = CvScalar.new(1.0) } transmat[2, 2] = CvScalar.new(0.5) m = mat.perspective_transform(transmat) assert_equal(1, m.height) assert_equal(1, m.width) assert_equal(:cv32f, m.depth) assert_equal(2, m.channel) assert_in_delta(CvScalar.new(4, 6), m[0], 0.001); mat = CvMat.new(1, 1, :cv32f, 3) mat[0] = CvScalar.new(2, 3, 4) transmat = CvMat.new(4, 4, :cv32f, 1).clear mat.channel.times { |c| transmat[c, c] = CvScalar.new(1.0) } transmat[3, 3] = CvScalar.new(0.5) m = mat.perspective_transform(transmat) assert_equal(1, m.height) assert_equal(1, m.width) assert_equal(:cv32f, m.depth) assert_equal(3, m.channel) assert_in_delta(CvScalar.new(4, 6, 8), m[0], 0.001); assert_raise(TypeError) { mat.perspective_transform(DUMMY_OBJ) } assert_raise(CvStsAssert) { mat.perspective_transform(CvMat.new(3, 3, :cv32f, 3)) } end def test_mul_transposed mat0 = create_cvmat(2, 2, :cv32f, 1) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new((c + 1) * 2) } delta = create_cvmat(2, 2, :cv32f, 1) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(c + 1) } [mat0.mul_transposed, mat0.mul_transposed(:delta => nil), mat0.mul_transposed(:order => 0), mat0.mul_transposed(:scale => 1.0)].each { |m| expected = [20, 44, 44, 100] assert_equal(2, m.rows) assert_equal(2, m.cols) assert_equal(:cv32f, m.depth) expected.each_with_index { |x, i| assert_in_delta(x, m[i][0], 0.1) } } m = mat0.mul_transposed(:delta => delta) expected = [5, 11, 11, 25] assert_equal(2, m.rows) assert_equal(2, m.cols) assert_equal(:cv32f, m.depth) expected.each_with_index { |x, i| assert_in_delta(x, m[i][0], 0.1) } m = mat0.mul_transposed(:delta => delta, :order => 1, :scale => 2.0) expected = [20, 28, 28, 40] assert_equal(2, m.rows) assert_equal(2, m.cols) assert_equal(:cv32f, m.depth) expected.each_with_index { |x, i| assert_in_delta(x, m[i][0], 0.1) } end def test_trace m0 = create_cvmat(5, 5, :cv32f, 4) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(c * 0.5, c * 1.0, c * 1.5, c * 2.0) } assert_in_delta(CvScalar.new(30, 60, 90, 120), m0.trace, 0.001) end def test_transpose m0 = create_cvmat(5, 5, :cv32f, 4) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(c * 0.5, c * 1.0, c * 1.5, c * 2.0) } m1 = m0.clone m2 = m1.transpose m1.transpose! m3 = m0.t m4 = m0.clone m4.t! [m1, m2, m3, m4].each { |m| assert_equal(m0.width, m.width) assert_equal(m0.height, m.height) assert_each_cvscalar(m, 0.001) { |j, i, c| m0[i, j] } } end def test_det elems = [2.5, 4.5, 2.0, 3.0, 2.5, -0.5, 1.0, 0.5, 1.5] m0 = create_cvmat(3, 3, :cv32f, 1) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(elems[c]) } assert_in_delta(-14.5, m0.det, 0.001) end def test_invert elems = [1, 2, 3, 2, 6, 9, 1, 4, 7] m0 = create_cvmat(3, 3, :cv32f, 1) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(elems[c]) } m1 = m0.invert m2 = m0.invert(:lu) m3 = m0.invert(:svd) m4 = m0.invert(:svd_sym) m5 = m0.invert(:svd_symmetric) expected = [3, -1, 0, -2.5, 2, -1.5, 1, -1, 1] [m1, m2, m3, m4, m5].each { |m| assert_equal(m0.width, m.width) assert_equal(m0.height, m.height) assert_each_cvscalar(m, 0.001) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(expected[c]) } } assert_raise(TypeError) { m0.invert(DUMMY_OBJ) } end def test_solve elems1 = [3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 6, 3, 5, 9] elems2 = [3, 4, 5] m0 = create_cvmat(3, 3, :cv32f, 1) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(elems1[c]) } b = create_cvmat(3, 1, :cv32f, 1) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(elems2[c]) } m1 = m0.solve(b) m2 = m0.solve(b, :lu) m3 = m0.solve(b, :svd) m4 = m0.solve(b, :svd_sym) m5 = m0.solve(b, :svd_symmetric) expected = [2, -2, 1] [m1, m2, m3, m4, m5].each { |m| assert_equal(b.width, m.width) assert_equal(m0.height, m.height) assert_each_cvscalar(m, 0.001) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(expected[c]) } } assert_raise(TypeError) { m0.solve(b, DUMMY_OBJ) } end def test_svd flunk('FIXME: CvMat#svd is not implemented yet') end def test_svdksb flunk('FIXME: CvMat#svdksb is not implemented yet') end def test_eigenvv elems = [6, -2, -3, 7] m0 = create_cvmat(2, 2, :cv32f, 1) { |j, i, c| CvScalar.new(elems[c]) } v1 = m0.eigenvv v2 = m0.eigenvv(10 ** -15) v3 = m0.eigenvv(10 ** -15, 1, 1) [v1, v2].each { |vec, val| assert_in_delta(-0.615, vec[0, 0][0], 0.01) assert_in_delta(0.788, vec[0, 1][0], 0.01) assert_in_delta(0.788, vec[1, 0][0], 0.01) assert_in_delta(0.615, vec[1, 1][0], 0.01) assert_in_delta(8.562, val[0][0], 0.01) assert_in_delta(4.438, val[1][0], 0.01) } vec3, val3 = v3 assert_in_delta(-0.615, vec3[0, 0][0], 0.01) assert_in_delta(0.788, vec3[0, 1][0], 0.01) assert_in_delta(8.562, val3[0][0], 0.01) assert_raise(TypeError) { m0.eigenvv(DUMMY_OBJ) } assert_raise(TypeError) { m0.eigenvv(nil, DUMMY_OBJ) } assert_raise(TypeError) { m0.eigenvv(nil, nil, DUMMY_OBJ) } end def test_calc_covar_matrix flunk('FIXME: CvMat#calc_covar_matrix is not implemented yet') end def test_mahalonobis flunk('FIXME: CvMat#mahalonobis is not implemented yet') end def test_find_homography # Nx2 src = CvMat.new(4, 2, :cv32f, 1) dst = CvMat.new(4, 2, :cv32f, 1) # Nx3 (Homogeneous coordinates) src2 = CvMat.new(4, 3, :cv32f, 1) dst2 = CvMat.new(4, 3, :cv32f, 1) # Homography # => # (0, 0) => (50, 0) # (255, 0) => (205, 0) # (255, 255) => (255, 220) # (0, 255) => (0, 275) [[0, 0], [255, 0], [255, 255], [0, 255]].each_with_index { |coord, i| src[i, 0] = coord[0] src[i, 1] = coord[1] src2[i, 0] = coord[0] * 2 src2[i, 1] = coord[1] * 2 src2[i, 2] = 2 } [[50, 0], [205, 0], [255, 220], [0, 275]].each_with_index { |coord, i| dst[i, 0] = coord[0] dst[i, 1] = coord[1] dst2[i, 0] = coord[0] * 2 dst2[i, 1] = coord[1] * 2 dst2[i, 2] = 2 } mat1 = CvMat.find_homography(src, dst) mat2 = CvMat.find_homography(src, dst, :all) mat3 = CvMat.find_homography(src, dst, :ransac) mat4 = CvMat.find_homography(src, dst, :lmeds) mat5, status5 = CvMat.find_homography(src, dst, :ransac, 5, true) mat6, status6 = CvMat.find_homography(src, dst, :ransac, 5, true) mat7 = CvMat.find_homography(src, dst, :ransac, 5, false) mat8 = CvMat.find_homography(src, dst, :ransac, 5, nil) mat9 = CvMat.find_homography(src, dst, :all, 5, true) mat10, status10 = CvMat.find_homography(src2, dst2, :ransac, 5, true) [mat1, mat2, mat3, mat4, mat5, mat6, mat7, mat8, mat9, mat10].each { |mat| assert_equal(3, mat.rows) assert_equal(3, mat.cols) assert_equal(:cv32f, mat.depth) assert_equal(1, mat.channel) [0.72430, -0.19608, 50.0, 0.0, 0.62489, 0.0, 0.00057, -0.00165, 1.0].each_with_index { |x, i| assert_in_delta(x, mat[i][0], 0.0001) } } [status5, status6, status10].each { |status| assert_equal(1, status.rows) assert_equal(4, status.cols) assert_equal(:cv8u, status.depth) assert_equal(1, status.channel) 4.times { |i| assert_in_delta(1.0, status[i][0], 0.0001) } } assert_raise(TypeError) { CvMat.find_homography(DUMMY_OBJ, dst, :ransac, 5, true) } assert_raise(TypeError) { CvMat.find_homography(src, DUMMY_OBJ, :ransac, 5, true) } assert_raise(TypeError) { CvMat.find_homography(src, dst, DUMMY_OBJ, 5, true) } assert_raise(TypeError) { CvMat.find_homography(src, dst, :ransac, DUMMY_OBJ, true) } CvMat.find_homography(src, dst, :ransac, 5, DUMMY_OBJ) end def test_find_fundamental_mat points1 = [[488.362, 169.911], [449.488, 174.44], [408.565, 179.669], [364.512, 184.56], [491.483, 122.366], [451.512, 126.56], [409.502, 130.342], [365.5, 134.0], [494.335, 74.544], [453.5, 76.5], [411.646, 79.5901], [366.498, 81.6577], [453.5, 76.5], [411.646, 79.5901], [366.498, 81.6577]] points2 = [[526.605, 213.332], [470.485, 207.632], [417.5, 201.0], [367.485, 195.632], [530.673, 156.417], [473.749, 151.39], [419.503, 146.656], [368.669, 142.565], [534.632, 97.5152], [475.84, 94.6777], [421.16, 90.3223], [368.5, 87.5], [475.84, 94.6777], [421.16, 90.3223], [368.5, 87.5]] # 7 point num_points = 7 mat1 = CvMat.new(num_points, 2, :cv64f, 1) mat2 = CvMat.new(num_points, 2, :cv64f, 1) points1[0...num_points].each_with_index { |pt, i| mat1[i, 0] = CvScalar.new(pt[0]) mat1[i, 1] = CvScalar.new(pt[1]) } points2[0...num_points].each_with_index { |pt, i| mat2[i, 0] = CvScalar.new(pt[0]) mat2[i, 1] = CvScalar.new(pt[1]) } f_mat1 = CvMat.find_fundamental_mat(mat1, mat2, CV_FM_7POINT) f_mat2, status = CvMat.find_fundamental_mat(mat1, mat2, CV_FM_7POINT, :with_status => true) expected = [0.000009, 0.000029, -0.010343, -0.000033, 0.000000, 0.014590, 0.004415, -0.013420, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000001, -0.000223, -0.000001, 0.000036, -0.005309, -0.000097, -0.006463, 1.000000, 0.000002, 0.000005, -0.001621, -0.000005, 0.000031, -0.002559, 0.000527, -0.007424, 1.000000] [f_mat1, f_mat2].each { |f_mat| assert_equal(9, f_mat.rows) assert_equal(3, f_mat.cols) expected.each_with_index { |val, i| assert_in_delta(val, f_mat[i][0], 1.0e-5) } } assert_equal(num_points, status.cols) num_points.times { |i| assert_in_delta(1, status[i][0], 1.0e-5) } # 8 point num_points = 8 mat1 = CvMat.new(num_points, 2, :cv64f, 1) mat2 = CvMat.new(num_points, 2, :cv64f, 1) points1[0...num_points].each_with_index { |pt, i| mat1[i, 0] = CvScalar.new(pt[0]) mat1[i, 1] = CvScalar.new(pt[1]) } points2[0...num_points].each_with_index { |pt, i| mat2[i, 0] = CvScalar.new(pt[0]) mat2[i, 1] = CvScalar.new(pt[1]) } f_mat1 = CvMat.find_fundamental_mat(mat1, mat2, CV_FM_8POINT) f_mat2, status = CvMat.find_fundamental_mat(mat1, mat2, CV_FM_8POINT, :with_status => true) expected = [0.000001, 0.000004, -0.001127, -0.000005, 0.000038, -0.003778, 0.000819, -0.008325, 1.000000] [f_mat1, f_mat2].each { |f_mat| assert_equal(3, f_mat.rows) assert_equal(3, f_mat.cols) expected.each_with_index { |val, i| assert_in_delta(val, f_mat[i][0], 1.0e-5) } } assert_equal(num_points, status.cols) num_points.times { |i| assert_in_delta(1, status[i][0], 1.0e-5) } # RANSAC default num_points = points1.size mat1 = CvMat.new(num_points, 2, :cv64f, 1) mat2 = CvMat.new(num_points, 2, :cv64f, 1) points1[0...num_points].each_with_index { |pt, i| mat1[i, 0] = CvScalar.new(pt[0]) mat1[i, 1] = CvScalar.new(pt[1]) } points2[0...num_points].each_with_index { |pt, i| mat2[i, 0] = CvScalar.new(pt[0]) mat2[i, 1] = CvScalar.new(pt[1]) } [CvMat.find_fundamental_mat(mat1, mat2, CV_FM_RANSAC, :with_status => false, :maximum_distance => 1.0, :desirable_level => 0.99), CvMat.find_fundamental_mat(mat1, mat2, CV_FM_RANSAC)].each { |f_mat| assert_equal(3, f_mat.rows) assert_equal(3, f_mat.cols) expected = [0.000010, 0.000039, -0.011141, -0.000045, -0.000001, 0.019631, 0.004873, -0.017604, 1.000000] expected.each_with_index { |val, i| assert_in_delta(val, f_mat[i][0], 1.0e-5) } } # RANSAC with options f_mat, status = CvMat.find_fundamental_mat(mat1, mat2, CV_FM_RANSAC, :with_status => true, :maximum_distance => 2.0, :desirable_level => 0.8) assert_equal(3, f_mat.rows) assert_equal(3, f_mat.cols) assert_equal(1, status.rows) assert_equal(num_points, status.cols) expected_f_mat = [0.000009, 0.000030, -0.010692, -0.000039, 0.000000, 0.020567, 0.004779, -0.018064, 1.000000] expected_f_mat.each_with_index { |val, i| assert_in_delta(val, f_mat[i][0], 1.0e-5) } expected_status = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] expected_status.each_with_index { |val, i| assert_in_delta(val, status[i][0], 1.0e-5) } # LMedS default num_points = 12 mat1 = CvMat.new(num_points, 2, :cv64f, 1) mat2 = CvMat.new(num_points, 2, :cv64f, 1) points1[0...num_points].each_with_index { |pt, i| mat1[i, 0] = CvScalar.new(pt[0]) mat1[i, 1] = CvScalar.new(pt[1]) } points2[0...num_points].each_with_index { |pt, i| mat2[i, 0] = CvScalar.new(pt[0]) mat2[i, 1] = CvScalar.new(pt[1]) } [CvMat.find_fundamental_mat(mat1, mat2, CV_FM_LMEDS, :with_status => false, :maximum_distance => 1.0, :desirable_level => 0.99), CvMat.find_fundamental_mat(mat1, mat2, CV_FM_LMEDS)].each { |f_mat| assert_equal(3, f_mat.rows) assert_equal(3, f_mat.cols) expected = [0.000032, 0.000882, -0.012426, -0.000854, 0.000091, 0.210136, 0.001034, -0.2405784, 1.000000] expected.each_with_index { |val, i| assert_in_delta(val, f_mat[i][0], 1.0e-5) } } # LMedS with options f_mat, status = CvMat.find_fundamental_mat(mat1, mat2, CV_FM_LMEDS, :with_status => true, :desirable_level => 0.8) assert_equal(3, f_mat.rows) assert_equal(3, f_mat.cols) assert_equal(1, status.rows) assert_equal(num_points, status.cols) expected_f_mat = [0.000009, 0.000101, -0.009396, -0.000113, -0.000002, 0.049380, 0.003335, -0.045132, 1.000000] expected_f_mat.each_with_index { |val, i| assert_in_delta(val, f_mat[i][0], 1.0e-5) } expected_status = [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] expected_status.each_with_index { |val, i| assert_in_delta(val, status[i][0], 1.0e-5) } [CV_FM_7POINT, CV_FM_8POINT, CV_FM_RANSAC, CV_FM_LMEDS].each { |method| assert_raise(TypeError) { CvMat.find_fundamental_mat(DUMMY_OBJ, mat2, method, :with_status => true) } assert_raise(TypeError) { CvMat.find_fundamental_mat(mat1, DUMMY_OBJ, method, :with_status => true) } assert_raise(TypeError) { CvMat.find_fundamental_mat(mat1, mat2, method, DUMMY_OBJ) } } CvMat.find_fundamental_mat(mat1, mat2, DUMMY_OBJ, :with_status => true) end def test_compute_correspond_epilines test_func = lambda { |mat1, mat2, f_mat_arr, num_points| f_mat = CvMat.new(3, 3, CV_64F, 1) f_mat_arr.each_with_index { |a, i| f_mat[i] = CvScalar.new(a) } line = CvMat.compute_correspond_epilines(mat1, 1, f_mat) assert_equal(num_points, line.rows) assert_equal(3, line.cols) expected = [[-0.221257, -0.975215, 6.03758], [0.359337, -0.933208, -3.61419], [0.958304, -0.28575, -15.0573], [0.73415, -0.678987, -10.4037], [0.0208539, -0.999783, 2.11625], [0.284451, -0.958691, -2.31993], [0.624647, -0.780907, -8.35208], [0.618494, -0.785789, -8.23888], [0.766694, -0.642012, -11.0298], [0.700293, -0.713855, -9.76109]] expected.size.times { |i| assert_in_delta(expected[i][0], line[i, 0][0], 1.0e-3) assert_in_delta(expected[i][1], line[i, 1][0], 1.0e-3) assert_in_delta(expected[i][2], line[i, 2][0], 1.0e-3) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { m = CvMat.new(10, 10, CV_32F, 1) CvMat.compute_correspond_epilines(m, 1, f_mat) } } num_points = 10 # input points are Nx2 matrix points1 =[[17, 175], [370, 24], [192, 456], [614, 202], [116, 111], [305, 32], [249, 268], [464, 157], [259, 333], [460, 224]] points2 = [[295, 28], [584, 221], [67, 172], [400, 443], [330, 9], [480, 140], [181, 140], [350, 265], [176, 193], [333, 313]] mat1 = CvMat.new(num_points, 2, CV_64F, 1) mat2 = CvMat.new(num_points, 2, CV_64F, 1) points1.flatten.each_with_index { |pt, i| mat1[i] = CvScalar.new(pt) } points2.flatten.each_with_index { |pt, i| mat2[i] = CvScalar.new(pt) } # pre computed f matrix from points1, points2 # f_mat = CvMat.find_fundamental_mat(mat1, mat2, CV_FM_LMEDS) f_mat_arr = [0.000266883, 0.000140277, -0.0445223, -0.00012592, 0.000245543, -0.108868, -0.00407942, -0.00291097, 1] test_func.call(mat1, mat2, f_mat_arr, num_points) # input points are 2xN matrix points1 = [[17, 370, 192, 614, 116, 305, 249, 464, 259, 460], [175, 24, 456, 202, 111, 32, 268, 157, 333, 224]] points2 = [[295, 584, 67, 400, 330, 480, 181, 350, 176, 333], [28, 221, 172, 443, 9, 140, 140, 265, 193, 313]] mat1 = CvMat.new(2, num_points, CV_64F, 1) mat2 = CvMat.new(2, num_points, CV_64F, 1) points1.flatten.each_with_index { |pt, i| mat1[i] = CvScalar.new(pt) } points2.flatten.each_with_index { |pt, i| mat2[i] = CvScalar.new(pt) } test_func.call(mat1, mat2, f_mat_arr, num_points) f_mat = CvMat.new(3, 3, CV_64F, 1) f_mat_arr.each_with_index { |a, i| f_mat[i] = CvScalar.new(a) } assert_raise(TypeError) { CvMat.compute_correspond_epilines(DUMMY_OBJ, 1, f_mat) } assert_raise(TypeError) { CvMat.compute_correspond_epilines(mat1, DUMMY_OBJ, f_mat) } assert_raise(TypeError) { CvMat.compute_correspond_epilines(mat1, 1, DUMMY_OBJ) } end end