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require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/helper'
I knew I shoulda taken that left turn at Hoboken This is a fairly large reworking of Sinatra's innards. Although most of the internal implementation has been modified, it provides the same basic feature set and is meant to be compatible with Sinatra 0.3.2. * The Event and EventContext classes have been removed. Sinatra applications are now defined within the class context of a Sinatra::Base subclass; each request is processed within a new instance. * Sinatra::Base can be used as a base class for multiple Rack applications within a single process and can be used as Rack middleware. * The routing and result type processing implementation has been simplified and enhanced a bit. There's a new route conditions system for things like :agent/:host matching and a request level #pass method has been added to allow an event handler to exit immediately, passing control to the next matching route. * Regular expressions may now be used in route patterns. Captures are available as an array from "params[:captures]". * The #body helper method now takes a block. The block is not evaluated until an attempt is made to read the body. * Options are now dynamically generated class attributes on the Sinatra::Base subclass (instead of OpenStruct); options are inherited by subclasses and may be overridden up the inheritance hierarchy. The Base.set manages all option related stuff. * The application file (app_file) detection heuristics are bit more sane now. This fixes some bugs with reloading and public/views directory detection. All thin / passenger issues of these type should be better now. * Error mappings are now split into to distinct layers: exception mappings and custom error pages. Exception mappings are registered with 'error(Exception)' and are run only when the app raises an exception. Custom error pages are registered with error(status_code) and are run any time the response has the status code specified. It's also possible to register an error page for a range of status codes: 'error(500..599)'. * The spec and unit testing extensions have been modified to take advantage of the ability to have multiple Sinatra applications. The Sinatra::Test module must be included within the TestCase in order to take advantage of these methods (unless the 'sinatra/compat' library has been required). * Rebuilt specs from scratch for better coverage and organization. Sinatra 3.2 unit tests have been retained under ./compat to ensure a baseline level of compatibility with previous versions; use the 'rake compat' task to run these. A large number of existing Sinatra idioms have been deprecated but continue to be supported through the 'sinatra/compat' library. * The "set_option" and "set_options" methods have been deprecated due to redundancy; use "set". * The "env" option (Sinatra::Base.env) has been renamed to "environment" and deprecated because it's too easy to confuse with the request-level Rack environment Hash (Sinatra::Base#env). * The request level "stop" method has been renamed "halt" and deprecated. This is for consistency with `throw :halt`. * The request level "entity_tag" method has been renamed "etag" and deprecated. Both versions were previously supported. * The request level "headers" method has been deprecated. Use response['Header-Name'] to access and modify response headers. * Sinatra.application is deprecated. Use Sinatra::Application instead. * Setting Sinatra.application = nil to reset an application is deprecated. You shouldn't have to reset objects anymore. * The Sinatra.default_options Hash is deprecated. Modifying this object now results in "set(key, value)" invocations on the Sinatra::Base subclass. * The "body.to_result" convention has been deprecated. * The ServerError exception has been deprecated. Any Exception is now considered a ServerError.
2008-12-13 21:06:02 +00:00
describe 'Sinatra::Helpers' do
describe '#status' do
setup do
mock_app {
get '/' do
status 207
it 'sets the response status code' do
get '/'
assert_equal 207, response.status
I knew I shoulda taken that left turn at Hoboken This is a fairly large reworking of Sinatra's innards. Although most of the internal implementation has been modified, it provides the same basic feature set and is meant to be compatible with Sinatra 0.3.2. * The Event and EventContext classes have been removed. Sinatra applications are now defined within the class context of a Sinatra::Base subclass; each request is processed within a new instance. * Sinatra::Base can be used as a base class for multiple Rack applications within a single process and can be used as Rack middleware. * The routing and result type processing implementation has been simplified and enhanced a bit. There's a new route conditions system for things like :agent/:host matching and a request level #pass method has been added to allow an event handler to exit immediately, passing control to the next matching route. * Regular expressions may now be used in route patterns. Captures are available as an array from "params[:captures]". * The #body helper method now takes a block. The block is not evaluated until an attempt is made to read the body. * Options are now dynamically generated class attributes on the Sinatra::Base subclass (instead of OpenStruct); options are inherited by subclasses and may be overridden up the inheritance hierarchy. The Base.set manages all option related stuff. * The application file (app_file) detection heuristics are bit more sane now. This fixes some bugs with reloading and public/views directory detection. All thin / passenger issues of these type should be better now. * Error mappings are now split into to distinct layers: exception mappings and custom error pages. Exception mappings are registered with 'error(Exception)' and are run only when the app raises an exception. Custom error pages are registered with error(status_code) and are run any time the response has the status code specified. It's also possible to register an error page for a range of status codes: 'error(500..599)'. * The spec and unit testing extensions have been modified to take advantage of the ability to have multiple Sinatra applications. The Sinatra::Test module must be included within the TestCase in order to take advantage of these methods (unless the 'sinatra/compat' library has been required). * Rebuilt specs from scratch for better coverage and organization. Sinatra 3.2 unit tests have been retained under ./compat to ensure a baseline level of compatibility with previous versions; use the 'rake compat' task to run these. A large number of existing Sinatra idioms have been deprecated but continue to be supported through the 'sinatra/compat' library. * The "set_option" and "set_options" methods have been deprecated due to redundancy; use "set". * The "env" option (Sinatra::Base.env) has been renamed to "environment" and deprecated because it's too easy to confuse with the request-level Rack environment Hash (Sinatra::Base#env). * The request level "stop" method has been renamed "halt" and deprecated. This is for consistency with `throw :halt`. * The request level "entity_tag" method has been renamed "etag" and deprecated. Both versions were previously supported. * The request level "headers" method has been deprecated. Use response['Header-Name'] to access and modify response headers. * Sinatra.application is deprecated. Use Sinatra::Application instead. * Setting Sinatra.application = nil to reset an application is deprecated. You shouldn't have to reset objects anymore. * The Sinatra.default_options Hash is deprecated. Modifying this object now results in "set(key, value)" invocations on the Sinatra::Base subclass. * The "body.to_result" convention has been deprecated. * The ServerError exception has been deprecated. Any Exception is now considered a ServerError.
2008-12-13 21:06:02 +00:00
describe '#body' do
it 'takes a block for defered body generation' do
mock_app {
get '/' do
body { 'Hello World' }
get '/'
assert_equal 'Hello World', body
I knew I shoulda taken that left turn at Hoboken This is a fairly large reworking of Sinatra's innards. Although most of the internal implementation has been modified, it provides the same basic feature set and is meant to be compatible with Sinatra 0.3.2. * The Event and EventContext classes have been removed. Sinatra applications are now defined within the class context of a Sinatra::Base subclass; each request is processed within a new instance. * Sinatra::Base can be used as a base class for multiple Rack applications within a single process and can be used as Rack middleware. * The routing and result type processing implementation has been simplified and enhanced a bit. There's a new route conditions system for things like :agent/:host matching and a request level #pass method has been added to allow an event handler to exit immediately, passing control to the next matching route. * Regular expressions may now be used in route patterns. Captures are available as an array from "params[:captures]". * The #body helper method now takes a block. The block is not evaluated until an attempt is made to read the body. * Options are now dynamically generated class attributes on the Sinatra::Base subclass (instead of OpenStruct); options are inherited by subclasses and may be overridden up the inheritance hierarchy. The Base.set manages all option related stuff. * The application file (app_file) detection heuristics are bit more sane now. This fixes some bugs with reloading and public/views directory detection. All thin / passenger issues of these type should be better now. * Error mappings are now split into to distinct layers: exception mappings and custom error pages. Exception mappings are registered with 'error(Exception)' and are run only when the app raises an exception. Custom error pages are registered with error(status_code) and are run any time the response has the status code specified. It's also possible to register an error page for a range of status codes: 'error(500..599)'. * The spec and unit testing extensions have been modified to take advantage of the ability to have multiple Sinatra applications. The Sinatra::Test module must be included within the TestCase in order to take advantage of these methods (unless the 'sinatra/compat' library has been required). * Rebuilt specs from scratch for better coverage and organization. Sinatra 3.2 unit tests have been retained under ./compat to ensure a baseline level of compatibility with previous versions; use the 'rake compat' task to run these. A large number of existing Sinatra idioms have been deprecated but continue to be supported through the 'sinatra/compat' library. * The "set_option" and "set_options" methods have been deprecated due to redundancy; use "set". * The "env" option (Sinatra::Base.env) has been renamed to "environment" and deprecated because it's too easy to confuse with the request-level Rack environment Hash (Sinatra::Base#env). * The request level "stop" method has been renamed "halt" and deprecated. This is for consistency with `throw :halt`. * The request level "entity_tag" method has been renamed "etag" and deprecated. Both versions were previously supported. * The request level "headers" method has been deprecated. Use response['Header-Name'] to access and modify response headers. * Sinatra.application is deprecated. Use Sinatra::Application instead. * Setting Sinatra.application = nil to reset an application is deprecated. You shouldn't have to reset objects anymore. * The Sinatra.default_options Hash is deprecated. Modifying this object now results in "set(key, value)" invocations on the Sinatra::Base subclass. * The "body.to_result" convention has been deprecated. * The ServerError exception has been deprecated. Any Exception is now considered a ServerError.
2008-12-13 21:06:02 +00:00
it 'takes a String, Array, or other object responding to #each' do
mock_app {
get '/' do
body 'Hello World'
get '/'
assert_equal 'Hello World', body
I knew I shoulda taken that left turn at Hoboken This is a fairly large reworking of Sinatra's innards. Although most of the internal implementation has been modified, it provides the same basic feature set and is meant to be compatible with Sinatra 0.3.2. * The Event and EventContext classes have been removed. Sinatra applications are now defined within the class context of a Sinatra::Base subclass; each request is processed within a new instance. * Sinatra::Base can be used as a base class for multiple Rack applications within a single process and can be used as Rack middleware. * The routing and result type processing implementation has been simplified and enhanced a bit. There's a new route conditions system for things like :agent/:host matching and a request level #pass method has been added to allow an event handler to exit immediately, passing control to the next matching route. * Regular expressions may now be used in route patterns. Captures are available as an array from "params[:captures]". * The #body helper method now takes a block. The block is not evaluated until an attempt is made to read the body. * Options are now dynamically generated class attributes on the Sinatra::Base subclass (instead of OpenStruct); options are inherited by subclasses and may be overridden up the inheritance hierarchy. The Base.set manages all option related stuff. * The application file (app_file) detection heuristics are bit more sane now. This fixes some bugs with reloading and public/views directory detection. All thin / passenger issues of these type should be better now. * Error mappings are now split into to distinct layers: exception mappings and custom error pages. Exception mappings are registered with 'error(Exception)' and are run only when the app raises an exception. Custom error pages are registered with error(status_code) and are run any time the response has the status code specified. It's also possible to register an error page for a range of status codes: 'error(500..599)'. * The spec and unit testing extensions have been modified to take advantage of the ability to have multiple Sinatra applications. The Sinatra::Test module must be included within the TestCase in order to take advantage of these methods (unless the 'sinatra/compat' library has been required). * Rebuilt specs from scratch for better coverage and organization. Sinatra 3.2 unit tests have been retained under ./compat to ensure a baseline level of compatibility with previous versions; use the 'rake compat' task to run these. A large number of existing Sinatra idioms have been deprecated but continue to be supported through the 'sinatra/compat' library. * The "set_option" and "set_options" methods have been deprecated due to redundancy; use "set". * The "env" option (Sinatra::Base.env) has been renamed to "environment" and deprecated because it's too easy to confuse with the request-level Rack environment Hash (Sinatra::Base#env). * The request level "stop" method has been renamed "halt" and deprecated. This is for consistency with `throw :halt`. * The request level "entity_tag" method has been renamed "etag" and deprecated. Both versions were previously supported. * The request level "headers" method has been deprecated. Use response['Header-Name'] to access and modify response headers. * Sinatra.application is deprecated. Use Sinatra::Application instead. * Setting Sinatra.application = nil to reset an application is deprecated. You shouldn't have to reset objects anymore. * The Sinatra.default_options Hash is deprecated. Modifying this object now results in "set(key, value)" invocations on the Sinatra::Base subclass. * The "body.to_result" convention has been deprecated. * The ServerError exception has been deprecated. Any Exception is now considered a ServerError.
2008-12-13 21:06:02 +00:00
describe '#redirect' do
it 'uses a 302 when only a path is given' do
mock_app {
get '/' do
redirect '/foo'
fail 'redirect should halt'
get '/'
assert_equal 302, status
assert_equal '', body
assert_equal '/foo', response['Location']
I knew I shoulda taken that left turn at Hoboken This is a fairly large reworking of Sinatra's innards. Although most of the internal implementation has been modified, it provides the same basic feature set and is meant to be compatible with Sinatra 0.3.2. * The Event and EventContext classes have been removed. Sinatra applications are now defined within the class context of a Sinatra::Base subclass; each request is processed within a new instance. * Sinatra::Base can be used as a base class for multiple Rack applications within a single process and can be used as Rack middleware. * The routing and result type processing implementation has been simplified and enhanced a bit. There's a new route conditions system for things like :agent/:host matching and a request level #pass method has been added to allow an event handler to exit immediately, passing control to the next matching route. * Regular expressions may now be used in route patterns. Captures are available as an array from "params[:captures]". * The #body helper method now takes a block. The block is not evaluated until an attempt is made to read the body. * Options are now dynamically generated class attributes on the Sinatra::Base subclass (instead of OpenStruct); options are inherited by subclasses and may be overridden up the inheritance hierarchy. The Base.set manages all option related stuff. * The application file (app_file) detection heuristics are bit more sane now. This fixes some bugs with reloading and public/views directory detection. All thin / passenger issues of these type should be better now. * Error mappings are now split into to distinct layers: exception mappings and custom error pages. Exception mappings are registered with 'error(Exception)' and are run only when the app raises an exception. Custom error pages are registered with error(status_code) and are run any time the response has the status code specified. It's also possible to register an error page for a range of status codes: 'error(500..599)'. * The spec and unit testing extensions have been modified to take advantage of the ability to have multiple Sinatra applications. The Sinatra::Test module must be included within the TestCase in order to take advantage of these methods (unless the 'sinatra/compat' library has been required). * Rebuilt specs from scratch for better coverage and organization. Sinatra 3.2 unit tests have been retained under ./compat to ensure a baseline level of compatibility with previous versions; use the 'rake compat' task to run these. A large number of existing Sinatra idioms have been deprecated but continue to be supported through the 'sinatra/compat' library. * The "set_option" and "set_options" methods have been deprecated due to redundancy; use "set". * The "env" option (Sinatra::Base.env) has been renamed to "environment" and deprecated because it's too easy to confuse with the request-level Rack environment Hash (Sinatra::Base#env). * The request level "stop" method has been renamed "halt" and deprecated. This is for consistency with `throw :halt`. * The request level "entity_tag" method has been renamed "etag" and deprecated. Both versions were previously supported. * The request level "headers" method has been deprecated. Use response['Header-Name'] to access and modify response headers. * Sinatra.application is deprecated. Use Sinatra::Application instead. * Setting Sinatra.application = nil to reset an application is deprecated. You shouldn't have to reset objects anymore. * The Sinatra.default_options Hash is deprecated. Modifying this object now results in "set(key, value)" invocations on the Sinatra::Base subclass. * The "body.to_result" convention has been deprecated. * The ServerError exception has been deprecated. Any Exception is now considered a ServerError.
2008-12-13 21:06:02 +00:00
it 'uses the code given when specified' do
mock_app {
get '/' do
redirect '/foo', 301
fail 'redirect should halt'
get '/'
assert_equal 301, status
assert_equal '', body
assert_equal '/foo', response['Location']
I knew I shoulda taken that left turn at Hoboken This is a fairly large reworking of Sinatra's innards. Although most of the internal implementation has been modified, it provides the same basic feature set and is meant to be compatible with Sinatra 0.3.2. * The Event and EventContext classes have been removed. Sinatra applications are now defined within the class context of a Sinatra::Base subclass; each request is processed within a new instance. * Sinatra::Base can be used as a base class for multiple Rack applications within a single process and can be used as Rack middleware. * The routing and result type processing implementation has been simplified and enhanced a bit. There's a new route conditions system for things like :agent/:host matching and a request level #pass method has been added to allow an event handler to exit immediately, passing control to the next matching route. * Regular expressions may now be used in route patterns. Captures are available as an array from "params[:captures]". * The #body helper method now takes a block. The block is not evaluated until an attempt is made to read the body. * Options are now dynamically generated class attributes on the Sinatra::Base subclass (instead of OpenStruct); options are inherited by subclasses and may be overridden up the inheritance hierarchy. The Base.set manages all option related stuff. * The application file (app_file) detection heuristics are bit more sane now. This fixes some bugs with reloading and public/views directory detection. All thin / passenger issues of these type should be better now. * Error mappings are now split into to distinct layers: exception mappings and custom error pages. Exception mappings are registered with 'error(Exception)' and are run only when the app raises an exception. Custom error pages are registered with error(status_code) and are run any time the response has the status code specified. It's also possible to register an error page for a range of status codes: 'error(500..599)'. * The spec and unit testing extensions have been modified to take advantage of the ability to have multiple Sinatra applications. The Sinatra::Test module must be included within the TestCase in order to take advantage of these methods (unless the 'sinatra/compat' library has been required). * Rebuilt specs from scratch for better coverage and organization. Sinatra 3.2 unit tests have been retained under ./compat to ensure a baseline level of compatibility with previous versions; use the 'rake compat' task to run these. A large number of existing Sinatra idioms have been deprecated but continue to be supported through the 'sinatra/compat' library. * The "set_option" and "set_options" methods have been deprecated due to redundancy; use "set". * The "env" option (Sinatra::Base.env) has been renamed to "environment" and deprecated because it's too easy to confuse with the request-level Rack environment Hash (Sinatra::Base#env). * The request level "stop" method has been renamed "halt" and deprecated. This is for consistency with `throw :halt`. * The request level "entity_tag" method has been renamed "etag" and deprecated. Both versions were previously supported. * The request level "headers" method has been deprecated. Use response['Header-Name'] to access and modify response headers. * Sinatra.application is deprecated. Use Sinatra::Application instead. * Setting Sinatra.application = nil to reset an application is deprecated. You shouldn't have to reset objects anymore. * The Sinatra.default_options Hash is deprecated. Modifying this object now results in "set(key, value)" invocations on the Sinatra::Base subclass. * The "body.to_result" convention has been deprecated. * The ServerError exception has been deprecated. Any Exception is now considered a ServerError.
2008-12-13 21:06:02 +00:00
describe '#error' do
it 'sets a status code and halts' do
mock_app {
get '/' do
error 501
fail 'error should halt'
get '/'
assert_equal 501, status
assert_equal '', body
I knew I shoulda taken that left turn at Hoboken This is a fairly large reworking of Sinatra's innards. Although most of the internal implementation has been modified, it provides the same basic feature set and is meant to be compatible with Sinatra 0.3.2. * The Event and EventContext classes have been removed. Sinatra applications are now defined within the class context of a Sinatra::Base subclass; each request is processed within a new instance. * Sinatra::Base can be used as a base class for multiple Rack applications within a single process and can be used as Rack middleware. * The routing and result type processing implementation has been simplified and enhanced a bit. There's a new route conditions system for things like :agent/:host matching and a request level #pass method has been added to allow an event handler to exit immediately, passing control to the next matching route. * Regular expressions may now be used in route patterns. Captures are available as an array from "params[:captures]". * The #body helper method now takes a block. The block is not evaluated until an attempt is made to read the body. * Options are now dynamically generated class attributes on the Sinatra::Base subclass (instead of OpenStruct); options are inherited by subclasses and may be overridden up the inheritance hierarchy. The Base.set manages all option related stuff. * The application file (app_file) detection heuristics are bit more sane now. This fixes some bugs with reloading and public/views directory detection. All thin / passenger issues of these type should be better now. * Error mappings are now split into to distinct layers: exception mappings and custom error pages. Exception mappings are registered with 'error(Exception)' and are run only when the app raises an exception. Custom error pages are registered with error(status_code) and are run any time the response has the status code specified. It's also possible to register an error page for a range of status codes: 'error(500..599)'. * The spec and unit testing extensions have been modified to take advantage of the ability to have multiple Sinatra applications. The Sinatra::Test module must be included within the TestCase in order to take advantage of these methods (unless the 'sinatra/compat' library has been required). * Rebuilt specs from scratch for better coverage and organization. Sinatra 3.2 unit tests have been retained under ./compat to ensure a baseline level of compatibility with previous versions; use the 'rake compat' task to run these. A large number of existing Sinatra idioms have been deprecated but continue to be supported through the 'sinatra/compat' library. * The "set_option" and "set_options" methods have been deprecated due to redundancy; use "set". * The "env" option (Sinatra::Base.env) has been renamed to "environment" and deprecated because it's too easy to confuse with the request-level Rack environment Hash (Sinatra::Base#env). * The request level "stop" method has been renamed "halt" and deprecated. This is for consistency with `throw :halt`. * The request level "entity_tag" method has been renamed "etag" and deprecated. Both versions were previously supported. * The request level "headers" method has been deprecated. Use response['Header-Name'] to access and modify response headers. * Sinatra.application is deprecated. Use Sinatra::Application instead. * Setting Sinatra.application = nil to reset an application is deprecated. You shouldn't have to reset objects anymore. * The Sinatra.default_options Hash is deprecated. Modifying this object now results in "set(key, value)" invocations on the Sinatra::Base subclass. * The "body.to_result" convention has been deprecated. * The ServerError exception has been deprecated. Any Exception is now considered a ServerError.
2008-12-13 21:06:02 +00:00
it 'takes an optional body' do
mock_app {
get '/' do
error 501, 'FAIL'
fail 'error should halt'
get '/'
assert_equal 501, status
assert_equal 'FAIL', body
I knew I shoulda taken that left turn at Hoboken This is a fairly large reworking of Sinatra's innards. Although most of the internal implementation has been modified, it provides the same basic feature set and is meant to be compatible with Sinatra 0.3.2. * The Event and EventContext classes have been removed. Sinatra applications are now defined within the class context of a Sinatra::Base subclass; each request is processed within a new instance. * Sinatra::Base can be used as a base class for multiple Rack applications within a single process and can be used as Rack middleware. * The routing and result type processing implementation has been simplified and enhanced a bit. There's a new route conditions system for things like :agent/:host matching and a request level #pass method has been added to allow an event handler to exit immediately, passing control to the next matching route. * Regular expressions may now be used in route patterns. Captures are available as an array from "params[:captures]". * The #body helper method now takes a block. The block is not evaluated until an attempt is made to read the body. * Options are now dynamically generated class attributes on the Sinatra::Base subclass (instead of OpenStruct); options are inherited by subclasses and may be overridden up the inheritance hierarchy. The Base.set manages all option related stuff. * The application file (app_file) detection heuristics are bit more sane now. This fixes some bugs with reloading and public/views directory detection. All thin / passenger issues of these type should be better now. * Error mappings are now split into to distinct layers: exception mappings and custom error pages. Exception mappings are registered with 'error(Exception)' and are run only when the app raises an exception. Custom error pages are registered with error(status_code) and are run any time the response has the status code specified. It's also possible to register an error page for a range of status codes: 'error(500..599)'. * The spec and unit testing extensions have been modified to take advantage of the ability to have multiple Sinatra applications. The Sinatra::Test module must be included within the TestCase in order to take advantage of these methods (unless the 'sinatra/compat' library has been required). * Rebuilt specs from scratch for better coverage and organization. Sinatra 3.2 unit tests have been retained under ./compat to ensure a baseline level of compatibility with previous versions; use the 'rake compat' task to run these. A large number of existing Sinatra idioms have been deprecated but continue to be supported through the 'sinatra/compat' library. * The "set_option" and "set_options" methods have been deprecated due to redundancy; use "set". * The "env" option (Sinatra::Base.env) has been renamed to "environment" and deprecated because it's too easy to confuse with the request-level Rack environment Hash (Sinatra::Base#env). * The request level "stop" method has been renamed "halt" and deprecated. This is for consistency with `throw :halt`. * The request level "entity_tag" method has been renamed "etag" and deprecated. Both versions were previously supported. * The request level "headers" method has been deprecated. Use response['Header-Name'] to access and modify response headers. * Sinatra.application is deprecated. Use Sinatra::Application instead. * Setting Sinatra.application = nil to reset an application is deprecated. You shouldn't have to reset objects anymore. * The Sinatra.default_options Hash is deprecated. Modifying this object now results in "set(key, value)" invocations on the Sinatra::Base subclass. * The "body.to_result" convention has been deprecated. * The ServerError exception has been deprecated. Any Exception is now considered a ServerError.
2008-12-13 21:06:02 +00:00
it 'uses a 500 status code when first argument is a body' do
mock_app {
get '/' do
error 'FAIL'
fail 'error should halt'
get '/'
assert_equal 500, status
assert_equal 'FAIL', body
I knew I shoulda taken that left turn at Hoboken This is a fairly large reworking of Sinatra's innards. Although most of the internal implementation has been modified, it provides the same basic feature set and is meant to be compatible with Sinatra 0.3.2. * The Event and EventContext classes have been removed. Sinatra applications are now defined within the class context of a Sinatra::Base subclass; each request is processed within a new instance. * Sinatra::Base can be used as a base class for multiple Rack applications within a single process and can be used as Rack middleware. * The routing and result type processing implementation has been simplified and enhanced a bit. There's a new route conditions system for things like :agent/:host matching and a request level #pass method has been added to allow an event handler to exit immediately, passing control to the next matching route. * Regular expressions may now be used in route patterns. Captures are available as an array from "params[:captures]". * The #body helper method now takes a block. The block is not evaluated until an attempt is made to read the body. * Options are now dynamically generated class attributes on the Sinatra::Base subclass (instead of OpenStruct); options are inherited by subclasses and may be overridden up the inheritance hierarchy. The Base.set manages all option related stuff. * The application file (app_file) detection heuristics are bit more sane now. This fixes some bugs with reloading and public/views directory detection. All thin / passenger issues of these type should be better now. * Error mappings are now split into to distinct layers: exception mappings and custom error pages. Exception mappings are registered with 'error(Exception)' and are run only when the app raises an exception. Custom error pages are registered with error(status_code) and are run any time the response has the status code specified. It's also possible to register an error page for a range of status codes: 'error(500..599)'. * The spec and unit testing extensions have been modified to take advantage of the ability to have multiple Sinatra applications. The Sinatra::Test module must be included within the TestCase in order to take advantage of these methods (unless the 'sinatra/compat' library has been required). * Rebuilt specs from scratch for better coverage and organization. Sinatra 3.2 unit tests have been retained under ./compat to ensure a baseline level of compatibility with previous versions; use the 'rake compat' task to run these. A large number of existing Sinatra idioms have been deprecated but continue to be supported through the 'sinatra/compat' library. * The "set_option" and "set_options" methods have been deprecated due to redundancy; use "set". * The "env" option (Sinatra::Base.env) has been renamed to "environment" and deprecated because it's too easy to confuse with the request-level Rack environment Hash (Sinatra::Base#env). * The request level "stop" method has been renamed "halt" and deprecated. This is for consistency with `throw :halt`. * The request level "entity_tag" method has been renamed "etag" and deprecated. Both versions were previously supported. * The request level "headers" method has been deprecated. Use response['Header-Name'] to access and modify response headers. * Sinatra.application is deprecated. Use Sinatra::Application instead. * Setting Sinatra.application = nil to reset an application is deprecated. You shouldn't have to reset objects anymore. * The Sinatra.default_options Hash is deprecated. Modifying this object now results in "set(key, value)" invocations on the Sinatra::Base subclass. * The "body.to_result" convention has been deprecated. * The ServerError exception has been deprecated. Any Exception is now considered a ServerError.
2008-12-13 21:06:02 +00:00
describe '#not_found' do
it 'halts with a 404 status' do
mock_app {
get '/' do
fail 'not_found should halt'
get '/'
assert_equal 404, status
assert_equal '', body
I knew I shoulda taken that left turn at Hoboken This is a fairly large reworking of Sinatra's innards. Although most of the internal implementation has been modified, it provides the same basic feature set and is meant to be compatible with Sinatra 0.3.2. * The Event and EventContext classes have been removed. Sinatra applications are now defined within the class context of a Sinatra::Base subclass; each request is processed within a new instance. * Sinatra::Base can be used as a base class for multiple Rack applications within a single process and can be used as Rack middleware. * The routing and result type processing implementation has been simplified and enhanced a bit. There's a new route conditions system for things like :agent/:host matching and a request level #pass method has been added to allow an event handler to exit immediately, passing control to the next matching route. * Regular expressions may now be used in route patterns. Captures are available as an array from "params[:captures]". * The #body helper method now takes a block. The block is not evaluated until an attempt is made to read the body. * Options are now dynamically generated class attributes on the Sinatra::Base subclass (instead of OpenStruct); options are inherited by subclasses and may be overridden up the inheritance hierarchy. The Base.set manages all option related stuff. * The application file (app_file) detection heuristics are bit more sane now. This fixes some bugs with reloading and public/views directory detection. All thin / passenger issues of these type should be better now. * Error mappings are now split into to distinct layers: exception mappings and custom error pages. Exception mappings are registered with 'error(Exception)' and are run only when the app raises an exception. Custom error pages are registered with error(status_code) and are run any time the response has the status code specified. It's also possible to register an error page for a range of status codes: 'error(500..599)'. * The spec and unit testing extensions have been modified to take advantage of the ability to have multiple Sinatra applications. The Sinatra::Test module must be included within the TestCase in order to take advantage of these methods (unless the 'sinatra/compat' library has been required). * Rebuilt specs from scratch for better coverage and organization. Sinatra 3.2 unit tests have been retained under ./compat to ensure a baseline level of compatibility with previous versions; use the 'rake compat' task to run these. A large number of existing Sinatra idioms have been deprecated but continue to be supported through the 'sinatra/compat' library. * The "set_option" and "set_options" methods have been deprecated due to redundancy; use "set". * The "env" option (Sinatra::Base.env) has been renamed to "environment" and deprecated because it's too easy to confuse with the request-level Rack environment Hash (Sinatra::Base#env). * The request level "stop" method has been renamed "halt" and deprecated. This is for consistency with `throw :halt`. * The request level "entity_tag" method has been renamed "etag" and deprecated. Both versions were previously supported. * The request level "headers" method has been deprecated. Use response['Header-Name'] to access and modify response headers. * Sinatra.application is deprecated. Use Sinatra::Application instead. * Setting Sinatra.application = nil to reset an application is deprecated. You shouldn't have to reset objects anymore. * The Sinatra.default_options Hash is deprecated. Modifying this object now results in "set(key, value)" invocations on the Sinatra::Base subclass. * The "body.to_result" convention has been deprecated. * The ServerError exception has been deprecated. Any Exception is now considered a ServerError.
2008-12-13 21:06:02 +00:00
describe '#session' do
it 'uses the existing rack.session' do
mock_app {
get '/' do
get '/', :env => { 'rack.session' => { :foo => 'bar' } }
assert_equal 'bar', body
I knew I shoulda taken that left turn at Hoboken This is a fairly large reworking of Sinatra's innards. Although most of the internal implementation has been modified, it provides the same basic feature set and is meant to be compatible with Sinatra 0.3.2. * The Event and EventContext classes have been removed. Sinatra applications are now defined within the class context of a Sinatra::Base subclass; each request is processed within a new instance. * Sinatra::Base can be used as a base class for multiple Rack applications within a single process and can be used as Rack middleware. * The routing and result type processing implementation has been simplified and enhanced a bit. There's a new route conditions system for things like :agent/:host matching and a request level #pass method has been added to allow an event handler to exit immediately, passing control to the next matching route. * Regular expressions may now be used in route patterns. Captures are available as an array from "params[:captures]". * The #body helper method now takes a block. The block is not evaluated until an attempt is made to read the body. * Options are now dynamically generated class attributes on the Sinatra::Base subclass (instead of OpenStruct); options are inherited by subclasses and may be overridden up the inheritance hierarchy. The Base.set manages all option related stuff. * The application file (app_file) detection heuristics are bit more sane now. This fixes some bugs with reloading and public/views directory detection. All thin / passenger issues of these type should be better now. * Error mappings are now split into to distinct layers: exception mappings and custom error pages. Exception mappings are registered with 'error(Exception)' and are run only when the app raises an exception. Custom error pages are registered with error(status_code) and are run any time the response has the status code specified. It's also possible to register an error page for a range of status codes: 'error(500..599)'. * The spec and unit testing extensions have been modified to take advantage of the ability to have multiple Sinatra applications. The Sinatra::Test module must be included within the TestCase in order to take advantage of these methods (unless the 'sinatra/compat' library has been required). * Rebuilt specs from scratch for better coverage and organization. Sinatra 3.2 unit tests have been retained under ./compat to ensure a baseline level of compatibility with previous versions; use the 'rake compat' task to run these. A large number of existing Sinatra idioms have been deprecated but continue to be supported through the 'sinatra/compat' library. * The "set_option" and "set_options" methods have been deprecated due to redundancy; use "set". * The "env" option (Sinatra::Base.env) has been renamed to "environment" and deprecated because it's too easy to confuse with the request-level Rack environment Hash (Sinatra::Base#env). * The request level "stop" method has been renamed "halt" and deprecated. This is for consistency with `throw :halt`. * The request level "entity_tag" method has been renamed "etag" and deprecated. Both versions were previously supported. * The request level "headers" method has been deprecated. Use response['Header-Name'] to access and modify response headers. * Sinatra.application is deprecated. Use Sinatra::Application instead. * Setting Sinatra.application = nil to reset an application is deprecated. You shouldn't have to reset objects anymore. * The Sinatra.default_options Hash is deprecated. Modifying this object now results in "set(key, value)" invocations on the Sinatra::Base subclass. * The "body.to_result" convention has been deprecated. * The ServerError exception has been deprecated. Any Exception is now considered a ServerError.
2008-12-13 21:06:02 +00:00
it 'creates a new session when none provided' do
mock_app {
get '/' do
assert session.empty?
I knew I shoulda taken that left turn at Hoboken This is a fairly large reworking of Sinatra's innards. Although most of the internal implementation has been modified, it provides the same basic feature set and is meant to be compatible with Sinatra 0.3.2. * The Event and EventContext classes have been removed. Sinatra applications are now defined within the class context of a Sinatra::Base subclass; each request is processed within a new instance. * Sinatra::Base can be used as a base class for multiple Rack applications within a single process and can be used as Rack middleware. * The routing and result type processing implementation has been simplified and enhanced a bit. There's a new route conditions system for things like :agent/:host matching and a request level #pass method has been added to allow an event handler to exit immediately, passing control to the next matching route. * Regular expressions may now be used in route patterns. Captures are available as an array from "params[:captures]". * The #body helper method now takes a block. The block is not evaluated until an attempt is made to read the body. * Options are now dynamically generated class attributes on the Sinatra::Base subclass (instead of OpenStruct); options are inherited by subclasses and may be overridden up the inheritance hierarchy. The Base.set manages all option related stuff. * The application file (app_file) detection heuristics are bit more sane now. This fixes some bugs with reloading and public/views directory detection. All thin / passenger issues of these type should be better now. * Error mappings are now split into to distinct layers: exception mappings and custom error pages. Exception mappings are registered with 'error(Exception)' and are run only when the app raises an exception. Custom error pages are registered with error(status_code) and are run any time the response has the status code specified. It's also possible to register an error page for a range of status codes: 'error(500..599)'. * The spec and unit testing extensions have been modified to take advantage of the ability to have multiple Sinatra applications. The Sinatra::Test module must be included within the TestCase in order to take advantage of these methods (unless the 'sinatra/compat' library has been required). * Rebuilt specs from scratch for better coverage and organization. Sinatra 3.2 unit tests have been retained under ./compat to ensure a baseline level of compatibility with previous versions; use the 'rake compat' task to run these. A large number of existing Sinatra idioms have been deprecated but continue to be supported through the 'sinatra/compat' library. * The "set_option" and "set_options" methods have been deprecated due to redundancy; use "set". * The "env" option (Sinatra::Base.env) has been renamed to "environment" and deprecated because it's too easy to confuse with the request-level Rack environment Hash (Sinatra::Base#env). * The request level "stop" method has been renamed "halt" and deprecated. This is for consistency with `throw :halt`. * The request level "entity_tag" method has been renamed "etag" and deprecated. Both versions were previously supported. * The request level "headers" method has been deprecated. Use response['Header-Name'] to access and modify response headers. * Sinatra.application is deprecated. Use Sinatra::Application instead. * Setting Sinatra.application = nil to reset an application is deprecated. You shouldn't have to reset objects anymore. * The Sinatra.default_options Hash is deprecated. Modifying this object now results in "set(key, value)" invocations on the Sinatra::Base subclass. * The "body.to_result" convention has been deprecated. * The ServerError exception has been deprecated. Any Exception is now considered a ServerError.
2008-12-13 21:06:02 +00:00
session[:foo] = 'bar'
get '/'
assert_equal 'Hi', body
I knew I shoulda taken that left turn at Hoboken This is a fairly large reworking of Sinatra's innards. Although most of the internal implementation has been modified, it provides the same basic feature set and is meant to be compatible with Sinatra 0.3.2. * The Event and EventContext classes have been removed. Sinatra applications are now defined within the class context of a Sinatra::Base subclass; each request is processed within a new instance. * Sinatra::Base can be used as a base class for multiple Rack applications within a single process and can be used as Rack middleware. * The routing and result type processing implementation has been simplified and enhanced a bit. There's a new route conditions system for things like :agent/:host matching and a request level #pass method has been added to allow an event handler to exit immediately, passing control to the next matching route. * Regular expressions may now be used in route patterns. Captures are available as an array from "params[:captures]". * The #body helper method now takes a block. The block is not evaluated until an attempt is made to read the body. * Options are now dynamically generated class attributes on the Sinatra::Base subclass (instead of OpenStruct); options are inherited by subclasses and may be overridden up the inheritance hierarchy. The Base.set manages all option related stuff. * The application file (app_file) detection heuristics are bit more sane now. This fixes some bugs with reloading and public/views directory detection. All thin / passenger issues of these type should be better now. * Error mappings are now split into to distinct layers: exception mappings and custom error pages. Exception mappings are registered with 'error(Exception)' and are run only when the app raises an exception. Custom error pages are registered with error(status_code) and are run any time the response has the status code specified. It's also possible to register an error page for a range of status codes: 'error(500..599)'. * The spec and unit testing extensions have been modified to take advantage of the ability to have multiple Sinatra applications. The Sinatra::Test module must be included within the TestCase in order to take advantage of these methods (unless the 'sinatra/compat' library has been required). * Rebuilt specs from scratch for better coverage and organization. Sinatra 3.2 unit tests have been retained under ./compat to ensure a baseline level of compatibility with previous versions; use the 'rake compat' task to run these. A large number of existing Sinatra idioms have been deprecated but continue to be supported through the 'sinatra/compat' library. * The "set_option" and "set_options" methods have been deprecated due to redundancy; use "set". * The "env" option (Sinatra::Base.env) has been renamed to "environment" and deprecated because it's too easy to confuse with the request-level Rack environment Hash (Sinatra::Base#env). * The request level "stop" method has been renamed "halt" and deprecated. This is for consistency with `throw :halt`. * The request level "entity_tag" method has been renamed "etag" and deprecated. Both versions were previously supported. * The request level "headers" method has been deprecated. Use response['Header-Name'] to access and modify response headers. * Sinatra.application is deprecated. Use Sinatra::Application instead. * Setting Sinatra.application = nil to reset an application is deprecated. You shouldn't have to reset objects anymore. * The Sinatra.default_options Hash is deprecated. Modifying this object now results in "set(key, value)" invocations on the Sinatra::Base subclass. * The "body.to_result" convention has been deprecated. * The ServerError exception has been deprecated. Any Exception is now considered a ServerError.
2008-12-13 21:06:02 +00:00
describe '#media_type' do
include Sinatra::Helpers
it "looks up media types in Rack's MIME registry" do
Rack::Mime::MIME_TYPES['.foo'] = 'application/foo'
assert_equal 'application/foo', media_type('foo')
assert_equal 'application/foo', media_type('.foo')
assert_equal 'application/foo', media_type(:foo)
it 'returns nil when given nil' do
assert media_type(nil).nil?
it 'returns nil when media type not registered' do
assert media_type(:bizzle).nil?
it 'returns the argument when given a media type string' do
assert_equal 'text/plain', media_type('text/plain')
I knew I shoulda taken that left turn at Hoboken This is a fairly large reworking of Sinatra's innards. Although most of the internal implementation has been modified, it provides the same basic feature set and is meant to be compatible with Sinatra 0.3.2. * The Event and EventContext classes have been removed. Sinatra applications are now defined within the class context of a Sinatra::Base subclass; each request is processed within a new instance. * Sinatra::Base can be used as a base class for multiple Rack applications within a single process and can be used as Rack middleware. * The routing and result type processing implementation has been simplified and enhanced a bit. There's a new route conditions system for things like :agent/:host matching and a request level #pass method has been added to allow an event handler to exit immediately, passing control to the next matching route. * Regular expressions may now be used in route patterns. Captures are available as an array from "params[:captures]". * The #body helper method now takes a block. The block is not evaluated until an attempt is made to read the body. * Options are now dynamically generated class attributes on the Sinatra::Base subclass (instead of OpenStruct); options are inherited by subclasses and may be overridden up the inheritance hierarchy. The Base.set manages all option related stuff. * The application file (app_file) detection heuristics are bit more sane now. This fixes some bugs with reloading and public/views directory detection. All thin / passenger issues of these type should be better now. * Error mappings are now split into to distinct layers: exception mappings and custom error pages. Exception mappings are registered with 'error(Exception)' and are run only when the app raises an exception. Custom error pages are registered with error(status_code) and are run any time the response has the status code specified. It's also possible to register an error page for a range of status codes: 'error(500..599)'. * The spec and unit testing extensions have been modified to take advantage of the ability to have multiple Sinatra applications. The Sinatra::Test module must be included within the TestCase in order to take advantage of these methods (unless the 'sinatra/compat' library has been required). * Rebuilt specs from scratch for better coverage and organization. Sinatra 3.2 unit tests have been retained under ./compat to ensure a baseline level of compatibility with previous versions; use the 'rake compat' task to run these. A large number of existing Sinatra idioms have been deprecated but continue to be supported through the 'sinatra/compat' library. * The "set_option" and "set_options" methods have been deprecated due to redundancy; use "set". * The "env" option (Sinatra::Base.env) has been renamed to "environment" and deprecated because it's too easy to confuse with the request-level Rack environment Hash (Sinatra::Base#env). * The request level "stop" method has been renamed "halt" and deprecated. This is for consistency with `throw :halt`. * The request level "entity_tag" method has been renamed "etag" and deprecated. Both versions were previously supported. * The request level "headers" method has been deprecated. Use response['Header-Name'] to access and modify response headers. * Sinatra.application is deprecated. Use Sinatra::Application instead. * Setting Sinatra.application = nil to reset an application is deprecated. You shouldn't have to reset objects anymore. * The Sinatra.default_options Hash is deprecated. Modifying this object now results in "set(key, value)" invocations on the Sinatra::Base subclass. * The "body.to_result" convention has been deprecated. * The ServerError exception has been deprecated. Any Exception is now considered a ServerError.
2008-12-13 21:06:02 +00:00
describe '#content_type' do
it 'sets the Content-Type header' do
mock_app {
get '/' do
content_type 'text/plain'
'Hello World'
get '/'
assert_equal 'text/plain', response['Content-Type']
assert_equal 'Hello World', body
I knew I shoulda taken that left turn at Hoboken This is a fairly large reworking of Sinatra's innards. Although most of the internal implementation has been modified, it provides the same basic feature set and is meant to be compatible with Sinatra 0.3.2. * The Event and EventContext classes have been removed. Sinatra applications are now defined within the class context of a Sinatra::Base subclass; each request is processed within a new instance. * Sinatra::Base can be used as a base class for multiple Rack applications within a single process and can be used as Rack middleware. * The routing and result type processing implementation has been simplified and enhanced a bit. There's a new route conditions system for things like :agent/:host matching and a request level #pass method has been added to allow an event handler to exit immediately, passing control to the next matching route. * Regular expressions may now be used in route patterns. Captures are available as an array from "params[:captures]". * The #body helper method now takes a block. The block is not evaluated until an attempt is made to read the body. * Options are now dynamically generated class attributes on the Sinatra::Base subclass (instead of OpenStruct); options are inherited by subclasses and may be overridden up the inheritance hierarchy. The Base.set manages all option related stuff. * The application file (app_file) detection heuristics are bit more sane now. This fixes some bugs with reloading and public/views directory detection. All thin / passenger issues of these type should be better now. * Error mappings are now split into to distinct layers: exception mappings and custom error pages. Exception mappings are registered with 'error(Exception)' and are run only when the app raises an exception. Custom error pages are registered with error(status_code) and are run any time the response has the status code specified. It's also possible to register an error page for a range of status codes: 'error(500..599)'. * The spec and unit testing extensions have been modified to take advantage of the ability to have multiple Sinatra applications. The Sinatra::Test module must be included within the TestCase in order to take advantage of these methods (unless the 'sinatra/compat' library has been required). * Rebuilt specs from scratch for better coverage and organization. Sinatra 3.2 unit tests have been retained under ./compat to ensure a baseline level of compatibility with previous versions; use the 'rake compat' task to run these. A large number of existing Sinatra idioms have been deprecated but continue to be supported through the 'sinatra/compat' library. * The "set_option" and "set_options" methods have been deprecated due to redundancy; use "set". * The "env" option (Sinatra::Base.env) has been renamed to "environment" and deprecated because it's too easy to confuse with the request-level Rack environment Hash (Sinatra::Base#env). * The request level "stop" method has been renamed "halt" and deprecated. This is for consistency with `throw :halt`. * The request level "entity_tag" method has been renamed "etag" and deprecated. Both versions were previously supported. * The request level "headers" method has been deprecated. Use response['Header-Name'] to access and modify response headers. * Sinatra.application is deprecated. Use Sinatra::Application instead. * Setting Sinatra.application = nil to reset an application is deprecated. You shouldn't have to reset objects anymore. * The Sinatra.default_options Hash is deprecated. Modifying this object now results in "set(key, value)" invocations on the Sinatra::Base subclass. * The "body.to_result" convention has been deprecated. * The ServerError exception has been deprecated. Any Exception is now considered a ServerError.
2008-12-13 21:06:02 +00:00
it 'takes media type parameters (like charset=)' do
mock_app {
get '/' do
content_type 'text/html', :charset => 'utf-8'
"<h1>Hello, World</h1>"
get '/'
assert ok?
assert_equal 'text/html;charset=utf-8', response['Content-Type']
assert_equal "<h1>Hello, World</h1>", body
I knew I shoulda taken that left turn at Hoboken This is a fairly large reworking of Sinatra's innards. Although most of the internal implementation has been modified, it provides the same basic feature set and is meant to be compatible with Sinatra 0.3.2. * The Event and EventContext classes have been removed. Sinatra applications are now defined within the class context of a Sinatra::Base subclass; each request is processed within a new instance. * Sinatra::Base can be used as a base class for multiple Rack applications within a single process and can be used as Rack middleware. * The routing and result type processing implementation has been simplified and enhanced a bit. There's a new route conditions system for things like :agent/:host matching and a request level #pass method has been added to allow an event handler to exit immediately, passing control to the next matching route. * Regular expressions may now be used in route patterns. Captures are available as an array from "params[:captures]". * The #body helper method now takes a block. The block is not evaluated until an attempt is made to read the body. * Options are now dynamically generated class attributes on the Sinatra::Base subclass (instead of OpenStruct); options are inherited by subclasses and may be overridden up the inheritance hierarchy. The Base.set manages all option related stuff. * The application file (app_file) detection heuristics are bit more sane now. This fixes some bugs with reloading and public/views directory detection. All thin / passenger issues of these type should be better now. * Error mappings are now split into to distinct layers: exception mappings and custom error pages. Exception mappings are registered with 'error(Exception)' and are run only when the app raises an exception. Custom error pages are registered with error(status_code) and are run any time the response has the status code specified. It's also possible to register an error page for a range of status codes: 'error(500..599)'. * The spec and unit testing extensions have been modified to take advantage of the ability to have multiple Sinatra applications. The Sinatra::Test module must be included within the TestCase in order to take advantage of these methods (unless the 'sinatra/compat' library has been required). * Rebuilt specs from scratch for better coverage and organization. Sinatra 3.2 unit tests have been retained under ./compat to ensure a baseline level of compatibility with previous versions; use the 'rake compat' task to run these. A large number of existing Sinatra idioms have been deprecated but continue to be supported through the 'sinatra/compat' library. * The "set_option" and "set_options" methods have been deprecated due to redundancy; use "set". * The "env" option (Sinatra::Base.env) has been renamed to "environment" and deprecated because it's too easy to confuse with the request-level Rack environment Hash (Sinatra::Base#env). * The request level "stop" method has been renamed "halt" and deprecated. This is for consistency with `throw :halt`. * The request level "entity_tag" method has been renamed "etag" and deprecated. Both versions were previously supported. * The request level "headers" method has been deprecated. Use response['Header-Name'] to access and modify response headers. * Sinatra.application is deprecated. Use Sinatra::Application instead. * Setting Sinatra.application = nil to reset an application is deprecated. You shouldn't have to reset objects anymore. * The Sinatra.default_options Hash is deprecated. Modifying this object now results in "set(key, value)" invocations on the Sinatra::Base subclass. * The "body.to_result" convention has been deprecated. * The ServerError exception has been deprecated. Any Exception is now considered a ServerError.
2008-12-13 21:06:02 +00:00
it "looks up symbols in Rack's mime types dictionary" do
Rack::Mime::MIME_TYPES['.foo'] = 'application/foo'
I knew I shoulda taken that left turn at Hoboken This is a fairly large reworking of Sinatra's innards. Although most of the internal implementation has been modified, it provides the same basic feature set and is meant to be compatible with Sinatra 0.3.2. * The Event and EventContext classes have been removed. Sinatra applications are now defined within the class context of a Sinatra::Base subclass; each request is processed within a new instance. * Sinatra::Base can be used as a base class for multiple Rack applications within a single process and can be used as Rack middleware. * The routing and result type processing implementation has been simplified and enhanced a bit. There's a new route conditions system for things like :agent/:host matching and a request level #pass method has been added to allow an event handler to exit immediately, passing control to the next matching route. * Regular expressions may now be used in route patterns. Captures are available as an array from "params[:captures]". * The #body helper method now takes a block. The block is not evaluated until an attempt is made to read the body. * Options are now dynamically generated class attributes on the Sinatra::Base subclass (instead of OpenStruct); options are inherited by subclasses and may be overridden up the inheritance hierarchy. The Base.set manages all option related stuff. * The application file (app_file) detection heuristics are bit more sane now. This fixes some bugs with reloading and public/views directory detection. All thin / passenger issues of these type should be better now. * Error mappings are now split into to distinct layers: exception mappings and custom error pages. Exception mappings are registered with 'error(Exception)' and are run only when the app raises an exception. Custom error pages are registered with error(status_code) and are run any time the response has the status code specified. It's also possible to register an error page for a range of status codes: 'error(500..599)'. * The spec and unit testing extensions have been modified to take advantage of the ability to have multiple Sinatra applications. The Sinatra::Test module must be included within the TestCase in order to take advantage of these methods (unless the 'sinatra/compat' library has been required). * Rebuilt specs from scratch for better coverage and organization. Sinatra 3.2 unit tests have been retained under ./compat to ensure a baseline level of compatibility with previous versions; use the 'rake compat' task to run these. A large number of existing Sinatra idioms have been deprecated but continue to be supported through the 'sinatra/compat' library. * The "set_option" and "set_options" methods have been deprecated due to redundancy; use "set". * The "env" option (Sinatra::Base.env) has been renamed to "environment" and deprecated because it's too easy to confuse with the request-level Rack environment Hash (Sinatra::Base#env). * The request level "stop" method has been renamed "halt" and deprecated. This is for consistency with `throw :halt`. * The request level "entity_tag" method has been renamed "etag" and deprecated. Both versions were previously supported. * The request level "headers" method has been deprecated. Use response['Header-Name'] to access and modify response headers. * Sinatra.application is deprecated. Use Sinatra::Application instead. * Setting Sinatra.application = nil to reset an application is deprecated. You shouldn't have to reset objects anymore. * The Sinatra.default_options Hash is deprecated. Modifying this object now results in "set(key, value)" invocations on the Sinatra::Base subclass. * The "body.to_result" convention has been deprecated. * The ServerError exception has been deprecated. Any Exception is now considered a ServerError.
2008-12-13 21:06:02 +00:00
mock_app {
get '/foo.xml' do
content_type :foo
get '/foo.xml'
assert ok?
assert_equal 'application/foo', response['Content-Type']
assert_equal 'I AM FOO', body
I knew I shoulda taken that left turn at Hoboken This is a fairly large reworking of Sinatra's innards. Although most of the internal implementation has been modified, it provides the same basic feature set and is meant to be compatible with Sinatra 0.3.2. * The Event and EventContext classes have been removed. Sinatra applications are now defined within the class context of a Sinatra::Base subclass; each request is processed within a new instance. * Sinatra::Base can be used as a base class for multiple Rack applications within a single process and can be used as Rack middleware. * The routing and result type processing implementation has been simplified and enhanced a bit. There's a new route conditions system for things like :agent/:host matching and a request level #pass method has been added to allow an event handler to exit immediately, passing control to the next matching route. * Regular expressions may now be used in route patterns. Captures are available as an array from "params[:captures]". * The #body helper method now takes a block. The block is not evaluated until an attempt is made to read the body. * Options are now dynamically generated class attributes on the Sinatra::Base subclass (instead of OpenStruct); options are inherited by subclasses and may be overridden up the inheritance hierarchy. The Base.set manages all option related stuff. * The application file (app_file) detection heuristics are bit more sane now. This fixes some bugs with reloading and public/views directory detection. All thin / passenger issues of these type should be better now. * Error mappings are now split into to distinct layers: exception mappings and custom error pages. Exception mappings are registered with 'error(Exception)' and are run only when the app raises an exception. Custom error pages are registered with error(status_code) and are run any time the response has the status code specified. It's also possible to register an error page for a range of status codes: 'error(500..599)'. * The spec and unit testing extensions have been modified to take advantage of the ability to have multiple Sinatra applications. The Sinatra::Test module must be included within the TestCase in order to take advantage of these methods (unless the 'sinatra/compat' library has been required). * Rebuilt specs from scratch for better coverage and organization. Sinatra 3.2 unit tests have been retained under ./compat to ensure a baseline level of compatibility with previous versions; use the 'rake compat' task to run these. A large number of existing Sinatra idioms have been deprecated but continue to be supported through the 'sinatra/compat' library. * The "set_option" and "set_options" methods have been deprecated due to redundancy; use "set". * The "env" option (Sinatra::Base.env) has been renamed to "environment" and deprecated because it's too easy to confuse with the request-level Rack environment Hash (Sinatra::Base#env). * The request level "stop" method has been renamed "halt" and deprecated. This is for consistency with `throw :halt`. * The request level "entity_tag" method has been renamed "etag" and deprecated. Both versions were previously supported. * The request level "headers" method has been deprecated. Use response['Header-Name'] to access and modify response headers. * Sinatra.application is deprecated. Use Sinatra::Application instead. * Setting Sinatra.application = nil to reset an application is deprecated. You shouldn't have to reset objects anymore. * The Sinatra.default_options Hash is deprecated. Modifying this object now results in "set(key, value)" invocations on the Sinatra::Base subclass. * The "body.to_result" convention has been deprecated. * The ServerError exception has been deprecated. Any Exception is now considered a ServerError.
2008-12-13 21:06:02 +00:00
it 'fails when no mime type is registered for the argument provided' do
mock_app {
get '/foo.xml' do
content_type :bizzle
assert_raise(RuntimeError) { get '/foo.xml' }
I knew I shoulda taken that left turn at Hoboken This is a fairly large reworking of Sinatra's innards. Although most of the internal implementation has been modified, it provides the same basic feature set and is meant to be compatible with Sinatra 0.3.2. * The Event and EventContext classes have been removed. Sinatra applications are now defined within the class context of a Sinatra::Base subclass; each request is processed within a new instance. * Sinatra::Base can be used as a base class for multiple Rack applications within a single process and can be used as Rack middleware. * The routing and result type processing implementation has been simplified and enhanced a bit. There's a new route conditions system for things like :agent/:host matching and a request level #pass method has been added to allow an event handler to exit immediately, passing control to the next matching route. * Regular expressions may now be used in route patterns. Captures are available as an array from "params[:captures]". * The #body helper method now takes a block. The block is not evaluated until an attempt is made to read the body. * Options are now dynamically generated class attributes on the Sinatra::Base subclass (instead of OpenStruct); options are inherited by subclasses and may be overridden up the inheritance hierarchy. The Base.set manages all option related stuff. * The application file (app_file) detection heuristics are bit more sane now. This fixes some bugs with reloading and public/views directory detection. All thin / passenger issues of these type should be better now. * Error mappings are now split into to distinct layers: exception mappings and custom error pages. Exception mappings are registered with 'error(Exception)' and are run only when the app raises an exception. Custom error pages are registered with error(status_code) and are run any time the response has the status code specified. It's also possible to register an error page for a range of status codes: 'error(500..599)'. * The spec and unit testing extensions have been modified to take advantage of the ability to have multiple Sinatra applications. The Sinatra::Test module must be included within the TestCase in order to take advantage of these methods (unless the 'sinatra/compat' library has been required). * Rebuilt specs from scratch for better coverage and organization. Sinatra 3.2 unit tests have been retained under ./compat to ensure a baseline level of compatibility with previous versions; use the 'rake compat' task to run these. A large number of existing Sinatra idioms have been deprecated but continue to be supported through the 'sinatra/compat' library. * The "set_option" and "set_options" methods have been deprecated due to redundancy; use "set". * The "env" option (Sinatra::Base.env) has been renamed to "environment" and deprecated because it's too easy to confuse with the request-level Rack environment Hash (Sinatra::Base#env). * The request level "stop" method has been renamed "halt" and deprecated. This is for consistency with `throw :halt`. * The request level "entity_tag" method has been renamed "etag" and deprecated. Both versions were previously supported. * The request level "headers" method has been deprecated. Use response['Header-Name'] to access and modify response headers. * Sinatra.application is deprecated. Use Sinatra::Application instead. * Setting Sinatra.application = nil to reset an application is deprecated. You shouldn't have to reset objects anymore. * The Sinatra.default_options Hash is deprecated. Modifying this object now results in "set(key, value)" invocations on the Sinatra::Base subclass. * The "body.to_result" convention has been deprecated. * The ServerError exception has been deprecated. Any Exception is now considered a ServerError.
2008-12-13 21:06:02 +00:00
describe '#send_file' do
before {
@file = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/file.txt', 'wb') { |io| io.write('Hello World') }
after {
File.unlink @file
@file = nil
def send_file_app
path = @file
mock_app {
get '/file.txt' do
send_file path
it "sends the contents of the file" do
get '/file.txt'
assert ok?
assert_equal 'Hello World', body
I knew I shoulda taken that left turn at Hoboken This is a fairly large reworking of Sinatra's innards. Although most of the internal implementation has been modified, it provides the same basic feature set and is meant to be compatible with Sinatra 0.3.2. * The Event and EventContext classes have been removed. Sinatra applications are now defined within the class context of a Sinatra::Base subclass; each request is processed within a new instance. * Sinatra::Base can be used as a base class for multiple Rack applications within a single process and can be used as Rack middleware. * The routing and result type processing implementation has been simplified and enhanced a bit. There's a new route conditions system for things like :agent/:host matching and a request level #pass method has been added to allow an event handler to exit immediately, passing control to the next matching route. * Regular expressions may now be used in route patterns. Captures are available as an array from "params[:captures]". * The #body helper method now takes a block. The block is not evaluated until an attempt is made to read the body. * Options are now dynamically generated class attributes on the Sinatra::Base subclass (instead of OpenStruct); options are inherited by subclasses and may be overridden up the inheritance hierarchy. The Base.set manages all option related stuff. * The application file (app_file) detection heuristics are bit more sane now. This fixes some bugs with reloading and public/views directory detection. All thin / passenger issues of these type should be better now. * Error mappings are now split into to distinct layers: exception mappings and custom error pages. Exception mappings are registered with 'error(Exception)' and are run only when the app raises an exception. Custom error pages are registered with error(status_code) and are run any time the response has the status code specified. It's also possible to register an error page for a range of status codes: 'error(500..599)'. * The spec and unit testing extensions have been modified to take advantage of the ability to have multiple Sinatra applications. The Sinatra::Test module must be included within the TestCase in order to take advantage of these methods (unless the 'sinatra/compat' library has been required). * Rebuilt specs from scratch for better coverage and organization. Sinatra 3.2 unit tests have been retained under ./compat to ensure a baseline level of compatibility with previous versions; use the 'rake compat' task to run these. A large number of existing Sinatra idioms have been deprecated but continue to be supported through the 'sinatra/compat' library. * The "set_option" and "set_options" methods have been deprecated due to redundancy; use "set". * The "env" option (Sinatra::Base.env) has been renamed to "environment" and deprecated because it's too easy to confuse with the request-level Rack environment Hash (Sinatra::Base#env). * The request level "stop" method has been renamed "halt" and deprecated. This is for consistency with `throw :halt`. * The request level "entity_tag" method has been renamed "etag" and deprecated. Both versions were previously supported. * The request level "headers" method has been deprecated. Use response['Header-Name'] to access and modify response headers. * Sinatra.application is deprecated. Use Sinatra::Application instead. * Setting Sinatra.application = nil to reset an application is deprecated. You shouldn't have to reset objects anymore. * The Sinatra.default_options Hash is deprecated. Modifying this object now results in "set(key, value)" invocations on the Sinatra::Base subclass. * The "body.to_result" convention has been deprecated. * The ServerError exception has been deprecated. Any Exception is now considered a ServerError.
2008-12-13 21:06:02 +00:00
it 'sets the Content-Type response header if a mime-type can be located' do
get '/file.txt'
assert_equal 'text/plain', response['Content-Type']
I knew I shoulda taken that left turn at Hoboken This is a fairly large reworking of Sinatra's innards. Although most of the internal implementation has been modified, it provides the same basic feature set and is meant to be compatible with Sinatra 0.3.2. * The Event and EventContext classes have been removed. Sinatra applications are now defined within the class context of a Sinatra::Base subclass; each request is processed within a new instance. * Sinatra::Base can be used as a base class for multiple Rack applications within a single process and can be used as Rack middleware. * The routing and result type processing implementation has been simplified and enhanced a bit. There's a new route conditions system for things like :agent/:host matching and a request level #pass method has been added to allow an event handler to exit immediately, passing control to the next matching route. * Regular expressions may now be used in route patterns. Captures are available as an array from "params[:captures]". * The #body helper method now takes a block. The block is not evaluated until an attempt is made to read the body. * Options are now dynamically generated class attributes on the Sinatra::Base subclass (instead of OpenStruct); options are inherited by subclasses and may be overridden up the inheritance hierarchy. The Base.set manages all option related stuff. * The application file (app_file) detection heuristics are bit more sane now. This fixes some bugs with reloading and public/views directory detection. All thin / passenger issues of these type should be better now. * Error mappings are now split into to distinct layers: exception mappings and custom error pages. Exception mappings are registered with 'error(Exception)' and are run only when the app raises an exception. Custom error pages are registered with error(status_code) and are run any time the response has the status code specified. It's also possible to register an error page for a range of status codes: 'error(500..599)'. * The spec and unit testing extensions have been modified to take advantage of the ability to have multiple Sinatra applications. The Sinatra::Test module must be included within the TestCase in order to take advantage of these methods (unless the 'sinatra/compat' library has been required). * Rebuilt specs from scratch for better coverage and organization. Sinatra 3.2 unit tests have been retained under ./compat to ensure a baseline level of compatibility with previous versions; use the 'rake compat' task to run these. A large number of existing Sinatra idioms have been deprecated but continue to be supported through the 'sinatra/compat' library. * The "set_option" and "set_options" methods have been deprecated due to redundancy; use "set". * The "env" option (Sinatra::Base.env) has been renamed to "environment" and deprecated because it's too easy to confuse with the request-level Rack environment Hash (Sinatra::Base#env). * The request level "stop" method has been renamed "halt" and deprecated. This is for consistency with `throw :halt`. * The request level "entity_tag" method has been renamed "etag" and deprecated. Both versions were previously supported. * The request level "headers" method has been deprecated. Use response['Header-Name'] to access and modify response headers. * Sinatra.application is deprecated. Use Sinatra::Application instead. * Setting Sinatra.application = nil to reset an application is deprecated. You shouldn't have to reset objects anymore. * The Sinatra.default_options Hash is deprecated. Modifying this object now results in "set(key, value)" invocations on the Sinatra::Base subclass. * The "body.to_result" convention has been deprecated. * The ServerError exception has been deprecated. Any Exception is now considered a ServerError.
2008-12-13 21:06:02 +00:00
it 'sets the Content-Length response header' do
get '/file.txt'
assert_equal 'Hello World'.length.to_s, response['Content-Length']
I knew I shoulda taken that left turn at Hoboken This is a fairly large reworking of Sinatra's innards. Although most of the internal implementation has been modified, it provides the same basic feature set and is meant to be compatible with Sinatra 0.3.2. * The Event and EventContext classes have been removed. Sinatra applications are now defined within the class context of a Sinatra::Base subclass; each request is processed within a new instance. * Sinatra::Base can be used as a base class for multiple Rack applications within a single process and can be used as Rack middleware. * The routing and result type processing implementation has been simplified and enhanced a bit. There's a new route conditions system for things like :agent/:host matching and a request level #pass method has been added to allow an event handler to exit immediately, passing control to the next matching route. * Regular expressions may now be used in route patterns. Captures are available as an array from "params[:captures]". * The #body helper method now takes a block. The block is not evaluated until an attempt is made to read the body. * Options are now dynamically generated class attributes on the Sinatra::Base subclass (instead of OpenStruct); options are inherited by subclasses and may be overridden up the inheritance hierarchy. The Base.set manages all option related stuff. * The application file (app_file) detection heuristics are bit more sane now. This fixes some bugs with reloading and public/views directory detection. All thin / passenger issues of these type should be better now. * Error mappings are now split into to distinct layers: exception mappings and custom error pages. Exception mappings are registered with 'error(Exception)' and are run only when the app raises an exception. Custom error pages are registered with error(status_code) and are run any time the response has the status code specified. It's also possible to register an error page for a range of status codes: 'error(500..599)'. * The spec and unit testing extensions have been modified to take advantage of the ability to have multiple Sinatra applications. The Sinatra::Test module must be included within the TestCase in order to take advantage of these methods (unless the 'sinatra/compat' library has been required). * Rebuilt specs from scratch for better coverage and organization. Sinatra 3.2 unit tests have been retained under ./compat to ensure a baseline level of compatibility with previous versions; use the 'rake compat' task to run these. A large number of existing Sinatra idioms have been deprecated but continue to be supported through the 'sinatra/compat' library. * The "set_option" and "set_options" methods have been deprecated due to redundancy; use "set". * The "env" option (Sinatra::Base.env) has been renamed to "environment" and deprecated because it's too easy to confuse with the request-level Rack environment Hash (Sinatra::Base#env). * The request level "stop" method has been renamed "halt" and deprecated. This is for consistency with `throw :halt`. * The request level "entity_tag" method has been renamed "etag" and deprecated. Both versions were previously supported. * The request level "headers" method has been deprecated. Use response['Header-Name'] to access and modify response headers. * Sinatra.application is deprecated. Use Sinatra::Application instead. * Setting Sinatra.application = nil to reset an application is deprecated. You shouldn't have to reset objects anymore. * The Sinatra.default_options Hash is deprecated. Modifying this object now results in "set(key, value)" invocations on the Sinatra::Base subclass. * The "body.to_result" convention has been deprecated. * The ServerError exception has been deprecated. Any Exception is now considered a ServerError.
2008-12-13 21:06:02 +00:00
it 'sets the Last-Modified response header' do
get '/file.txt'
assert_equal File.mtime(@file).httpdate, response['Last-Modified']
I knew I shoulda taken that left turn at Hoboken This is a fairly large reworking of Sinatra's innards. Although most of the internal implementation has been modified, it provides the same basic feature set and is meant to be compatible with Sinatra 0.3.2. * The Event and EventContext classes have been removed. Sinatra applications are now defined within the class context of a Sinatra::Base subclass; each request is processed within a new instance. * Sinatra::Base can be used as a base class for multiple Rack applications within a single process and can be used as Rack middleware. * The routing and result type processing implementation has been simplified and enhanced a bit. There's a new route conditions system for things like :agent/:host matching and a request level #pass method has been added to allow an event handler to exit immediately, passing control to the next matching route. * Regular expressions may now be used in route patterns. Captures are available as an array from "params[:captures]". * The #body helper method now takes a block. The block is not evaluated until an attempt is made to read the body. * Options are now dynamically generated class attributes on the Sinatra::Base subclass (instead of OpenStruct); options are inherited by subclasses and may be overridden up the inheritance hierarchy. The Base.set manages all option related stuff. * The application file (app_file) detection heuristics are bit more sane now. This fixes some bugs with reloading and public/views directory detection. All thin / passenger issues of these type should be better now. * Error mappings are now split into to distinct layers: exception mappings and custom error pages. Exception mappings are registered with 'error(Exception)' and are run only when the app raises an exception. Custom error pages are registered with error(status_code) and are run any time the response has the status code specified. It's also possible to register an error page for a range of status codes: 'error(500..599)'. * The spec and unit testing extensions have been modified to take advantage of the ability to have multiple Sinatra applications. The Sinatra::Test module must be included within the TestCase in order to take advantage of these methods (unless the 'sinatra/compat' library has been required). * Rebuilt specs from scratch for better coverage and organization. Sinatra 3.2 unit tests have been retained under ./compat to ensure a baseline level of compatibility with previous versions; use the 'rake compat' task to run these. A large number of existing Sinatra idioms have been deprecated but continue to be supported through the 'sinatra/compat' library. * The "set_option" and "set_options" methods have been deprecated due to redundancy; use "set". * The "env" option (Sinatra::Base.env) has been renamed to "environment" and deprecated because it's too easy to confuse with the request-level Rack environment Hash (Sinatra::Base#env). * The request level "stop" method has been renamed "halt" and deprecated. This is for consistency with `throw :halt`. * The request level "entity_tag" method has been renamed "etag" and deprecated. Both versions were previously supported. * The request level "headers" method has been deprecated. Use response['Header-Name'] to access and modify response headers. * Sinatra.application is deprecated. Use Sinatra::Application instead. * Setting Sinatra.application = nil to reset an application is deprecated. You shouldn't have to reset objects anymore. * The Sinatra.default_options Hash is deprecated. Modifying this object now results in "set(key, value)" invocations on the Sinatra::Base subclass. * The "body.to_result" convention has been deprecated. * The ServerError exception has been deprecated. Any Exception is now considered a ServerError.
2008-12-13 21:06:02 +00:00
it "returns a 404 when not found" do
mock_app {
get '/' do
send_file 'this-file-does-not-exist.txt'
get '/'
assert not_found?
I knew I shoulda taken that left turn at Hoboken This is a fairly large reworking of Sinatra's innards. Although most of the internal implementation has been modified, it provides the same basic feature set and is meant to be compatible with Sinatra 0.3.2. * The Event and EventContext classes have been removed. Sinatra applications are now defined within the class context of a Sinatra::Base subclass; each request is processed within a new instance. * Sinatra::Base can be used as a base class for multiple Rack applications within a single process and can be used as Rack middleware. * The routing and result type processing implementation has been simplified and enhanced a bit. There's a new route conditions system for things like :agent/:host matching and a request level #pass method has been added to allow an event handler to exit immediately, passing control to the next matching route. * Regular expressions may now be used in route patterns. Captures are available as an array from "params[:captures]". * The #body helper method now takes a block. The block is not evaluated until an attempt is made to read the body. * Options are now dynamically generated class attributes on the Sinatra::Base subclass (instead of OpenStruct); options are inherited by subclasses and may be overridden up the inheritance hierarchy. The Base.set manages all option related stuff. * The application file (app_file) detection heuristics are bit more sane now. This fixes some bugs with reloading and public/views directory detection. All thin / passenger issues of these type should be better now. * Error mappings are now split into to distinct layers: exception mappings and custom error pages. Exception mappings are registered with 'error(Exception)' and are run only when the app raises an exception. Custom error pages are registered with error(status_code) and are run any time the response has the status code specified. It's also possible to register an error page for a range of status codes: 'error(500..599)'. * The spec and unit testing extensions have been modified to take advantage of the ability to have multiple Sinatra applications. The Sinatra::Test module must be included within the TestCase in order to take advantage of these methods (unless the 'sinatra/compat' library has been required). * Rebuilt specs from scratch for better coverage and organization. Sinatra 3.2 unit tests have been retained under ./compat to ensure a baseline level of compatibility with previous versions; use the 'rake compat' task to run these. A large number of existing Sinatra idioms have been deprecated but continue to be supported through the 'sinatra/compat' library. * The "set_option" and "set_options" methods have been deprecated due to redundancy; use "set". * The "env" option (Sinatra::Base.env) has been renamed to "environment" and deprecated because it's too easy to confuse with the request-level Rack environment Hash (Sinatra::Base#env). * The request level "stop" method has been renamed "halt" and deprecated. This is for consistency with `throw :halt`. * The request level "entity_tag" method has been renamed "etag" and deprecated. Both versions were previously supported. * The request level "headers" method has been deprecated. Use response['Header-Name'] to access and modify response headers. * Sinatra.application is deprecated. Use Sinatra::Application instead. * Setting Sinatra.application = nil to reset an application is deprecated. You shouldn't have to reset objects anymore. * The Sinatra.default_options Hash is deprecated. Modifying this object now results in "set(key, value)" invocations on the Sinatra::Base subclass. * The "body.to_result" convention has been deprecated. * The ServerError exception has been deprecated. Any Exception is now considered a ServerError.
2008-12-13 21:06:02 +00:00
describe '#last_modified' do
before do
now =
mock_app {
get '/' do
body { 'Hello World' }
last_modified now
@now = now
it 'sets the Last-Modified header to a valid RFC 2616 date value' do
get '/'
assert_equal @now.httpdate, response['Last-Modified']
I knew I shoulda taken that left turn at Hoboken This is a fairly large reworking of Sinatra's innards. Although most of the internal implementation has been modified, it provides the same basic feature set and is meant to be compatible with Sinatra 0.3.2. * The Event and EventContext classes have been removed. Sinatra applications are now defined within the class context of a Sinatra::Base subclass; each request is processed within a new instance. * Sinatra::Base can be used as a base class for multiple Rack applications within a single process and can be used as Rack middleware. * The routing and result type processing implementation has been simplified and enhanced a bit. There's a new route conditions system for things like :agent/:host matching and a request level #pass method has been added to allow an event handler to exit immediately, passing control to the next matching route. * Regular expressions may now be used in route patterns. Captures are available as an array from "params[:captures]". * The #body helper method now takes a block. The block is not evaluated until an attempt is made to read the body. * Options are now dynamically generated class attributes on the Sinatra::Base subclass (instead of OpenStruct); options are inherited by subclasses and may be overridden up the inheritance hierarchy. The Base.set manages all option related stuff. * The application file (app_file) detection heuristics are bit more sane now. This fixes some bugs with reloading and public/views directory detection. All thin / passenger issues of these type should be better now. * Error mappings are now split into to distinct layers: exception mappings and custom error pages. Exception mappings are registered with 'error(Exception)' and are run only when the app raises an exception. Custom error pages are registered with error(status_code) and are run any time the response has the status code specified. It's also possible to register an error page for a range of status codes: 'error(500..599)'. * The spec and unit testing extensions have been modified to take advantage of the ability to have multiple Sinatra applications. The Sinatra::Test module must be included within the TestCase in order to take advantage of these methods (unless the 'sinatra/compat' library has been required). * Rebuilt specs from scratch for better coverage and organization. Sinatra 3.2 unit tests have been retained under ./compat to ensure a baseline level of compatibility with previous versions; use the 'rake compat' task to run these. A large number of existing Sinatra idioms have been deprecated but continue to be supported through the 'sinatra/compat' library. * The "set_option" and "set_options" methods have been deprecated due to redundancy; use "set". * The "env" option (Sinatra::Base.env) has been renamed to "environment" and deprecated because it's too easy to confuse with the request-level Rack environment Hash (Sinatra::Base#env). * The request level "stop" method has been renamed "halt" and deprecated. This is for consistency with `throw :halt`. * The request level "entity_tag" method has been renamed "etag" and deprecated. Both versions were previously supported. * The request level "headers" method has been deprecated. Use response['Header-Name'] to access and modify response headers. * Sinatra.application is deprecated. Use Sinatra::Application instead. * Setting Sinatra.application = nil to reset an application is deprecated. You shouldn't have to reset objects anymore. * The Sinatra.default_options Hash is deprecated. Modifying this object now results in "set(key, value)" invocations on the Sinatra::Base subclass. * The "body.to_result" convention has been deprecated. * The ServerError exception has been deprecated. Any Exception is now considered a ServerError.
2008-12-13 21:06:02 +00:00
it 'returns a body when conditional get misses' do
get '/'
assert_equal 200, status
assert_equal 'Boo!', body
I knew I shoulda taken that left turn at Hoboken This is a fairly large reworking of Sinatra's innards. Although most of the internal implementation has been modified, it provides the same basic feature set and is meant to be compatible with Sinatra 0.3.2. * The Event and EventContext classes have been removed. Sinatra applications are now defined within the class context of a Sinatra::Base subclass; each request is processed within a new instance. * Sinatra::Base can be used as a base class for multiple Rack applications within a single process and can be used as Rack middleware. * The routing and result type processing implementation has been simplified and enhanced a bit. There's a new route conditions system for things like :agent/:host matching and a request level #pass method has been added to allow an event handler to exit immediately, passing control to the next matching route. * Regular expressions may now be used in route patterns. Captures are available as an array from "params[:captures]". * The #body helper method now takes a block. The block is not evaluated until an attempt is made to read the body. * Options are now dynamically generated class attributes on the Sinatra::Base subclass (instead of OpenStruct); options are inherited by subclasses and may be overridden up the inheritance hierarchy. The Base.set manages all option related stuff. * The application file (app_file) detection heuristics are bit more sane now. This fixes some bugs with reloading and public/views directory detection. All thin / passenger issues of these type should be better now. * Error mappings are now split into to distinct layers: exception mappings and custom error pages. Exception mappings are registered with 'error(Exception)' and are run only when the app raises an exception. Custom error pages are registered with error(status_code) and are run any time the response has the status code specified. It's also possible to register an error page for a range of status codes: 'error(500..599)'. * The spec and unit testing extensions have been modified to take advantage of the ability to have multiple Sinatra applications. The Sinatra::Test module must be included within the TestCase in order to take advantage of these methods (unless the 'sinatra/compat' library has been required). * Rebuilt specs from scratch for better coverage and organization. Sinatra 3.2 unit tests have been retained under ./compat to ensure a baseline level of compatibility with previous versions; use the 'rake compat' task to run these. A large number of existing Sinatra idioms have been deprecated but continue to be supported through the 'sinatra/compat' library. * The "set_option" and "set_options" methods have been deprecated due to redundancy; use "set". * The "env" option (Sinatra::Base.env) has been renamed to "environment" and deprecated because it's too easy to confuse with the request-level Rack environment Hash (Sinatra::Base#env). * The request level "stop" method has been renamed "halt" and deprecated. This is for consistency with `throw :halt`. * The request level "entity_tag" method has been renamed "etag" and deprecated. Both versions were previously supported. * The request level "headers" method has been deprecated. Use response['Header-Name'] to access and modify response headers. * Sinatra.application is deprecated. Use Sinatra::Application instead. * Setting Sinatra.application = nil to reset an application is deprecated. You shouldn't have to reset objects anymore. * The Sinatra.default_options Hash is deprecated. Modifying this object now results in "set(key, value)" invocations on the Sinatra::Base subclass. * The "body.to_result" convention has been deprecated. * The ServerError exception has been deprecated. Any Exception is now considered a ServerError.
2008-12-13 21:06:02 +00:00
it 'halts when a conditional GET matches' do
get '/', :env => { 'HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE' => @now.httpdate }
assert_equal 304, status
assert_equal '', body
I knew I shoulda taken that left turn at Hoboken This is a fairly large reworking of Sinatra's innards. Although most of the internal implementation has been modified, it provides the same basic feature set and is meant to be compatible with Sinatra 0.3.2. * The Event and EventContext classes have been removed. Sinatra applications are now defined within the class context of a Sinatra::Base subclass; each request is processed within a new instance. * Sinatra::Base can be used as a base class for multiple Rack applications within a single process and can be used as Rack middleware. * The routing and result type processing implementation has been simplified and enhanced a bit. There's a new route conditions system for things like :agent/:host matching and a request level #pass method has been added to allow an event handler to exit immediately, passing control to the next matching route. * Regular expressions may now be used in route patterns. Captures are available as an array from "params[:captures]". * The #body helper method now takes a block. The block is not evaluated until an attempt is made to read the body. * Options are now dynamically generated class attributes on the Sinatra::Base subclass (instead of OpenStruct); options are inherited by subclasses and may be overridden up the inheritance hierarchy. The Base.set manages all option related stuff. * The application file (app_file) detection heuristics are bit more sane now. This fixes some bugs with reloading and public/views directory detection. All thin / passenger issues of these type should be better now. * Error mappings are now split into to distinct layers: exception mappings and custom error pages. Exception mappings are registered with 'error(Exception)' and are run only when the app raises an exception. Custom error pages are registered with error(status_code) and are run any time the response has the status code specified. It's also possible to register an error page for a range of status codes: 'error(500..599)'. * The spec and unit testing extensions have been modified to take advantage of the ability to have multiple Sinatra applications. The Sinatra::Test module must be included within the TestCase in order to take advantage of these methods (unless the 'sinatra/compat' library has been required). * Rebuilt specs from scratch for better coverage and organization. Sinatra 3.2 unit tests have been retained under ./compat to ensure a baseline level of compatibility with previous versions; use the 'rake compat' task to run these. A large number of existing Sinatra idioms have been deprecated but continue to be supported through the 'sinatra/compat' library. * The "set_option" and "set_options" methods have been deprecated due to redundancy; use "set". * The "env" option (Sinatra::Base.env) has been renamed to "environment" and deprecated because it's too easy to confuse with the request-level Rack environment Hash (Sinatra::Base#env). * The request level "stop" method has been renamed "halt" and deprecated. This is for consistency with `throw :halt`. * The request level "entity_tag" method has been renamed "etag" and deprecated. Both versions were previously supported. * The request level "headers" method has been deprecated. Use response['Header-Name'] to access and modify response headers. * Sinatra.application is deprecated. Use Sinatra::Application instead. * Setting Sinatra.application = nil to reset an application is deprecated. You shouldn't have to reset objects anymore. * The Sinatra.default_options Hash is deprecated. Modifying this object now results in "set(key, value)" invocations on the Sinatra::Base subclass. * The "body.to_result" convention has been deprecated. * The ServerError exception has been deprecated. Any Exception is now considered a ServerError.
2008-12-13 21:06:02 +00:00
describe '#etag' do
before do
mock_app {
get '/' do
body { 'Hello World' }
etag 'FOO'
it 'sets the ETag header' do
get '/'
assert_equal '"FOO"', response['ETag']
I knew I shoulda taken that left turn at Hoboken This is a fairly large reworking of Sinatra's innards. Although most of the internal implementation has been modified, it provides the same basic feature set and is meant to be compatible with Sinatra 0.3.2. * The Event and EventContext classes have been removed. Sinatra applications are now defined within the class context of a Sinatra::Base subclass; each request is processed within a new instance. * Sinatra::Base can be used as a base class for multiple Rack applications within a single process and can be used as Rack middleware. * The routing and result type processing implementation has been simplified and enhanced a bit. There's a new route conditions system for things like :agent/:host matching and a request level #pass method has been added to allow an event handler to exit immediately, passing control to the next matching route. * Regular expressions may now be used in route patterns. Captures are available as an array from "params[:captures]". * The #body helper method now takes a block. The block is not evaluated until an attempt is made to read the body. * Options are now dynamically generated class attributes on the Sinatra::Base subclass (instead of OpenStruct); options are inherited by subclasses and may be overridden up the inheritance hierarchy. The Base.set manages all option related stuff. * The application file (app_file) detection heuristics are bit more sane now. This fixes some bugs with reloading and public/views directory detection. All thin / passenger issues of these type should be better now. * Error mappings are now split into to distinct layers: exception mappings and custom error pages. Exception mappings are registered with 'error(Exception)' and are run only when the app raises an exception. Custom error pages are registered with error(status_code) and are run any time the response has the status code specified. It's also possible to register an error page for a range of status codes: 'error(500..599)'. * The spec and unit testing extensions have been modified to take advantage of the ability to have multiple Sinatra applications. The Sinatra::Test module must be included within the TestCase in order to take advantage of these methods (unless the 'sinatra/compat' library has been required). * Rebuilt specs from scratch for better coverage and organization. Sinatra 3.2 unit tests have been retained under ./compat to ensure a baseline level of compatibility with previous versions; use the 'rake compat' task to run these. A large number of existing Sinatra idioms have been deprecated but continue to be supported through the 'sinatra/compat' library. * The "set_option" and "set_options" methods have been deprecated due to redundancy; use "set". * The "env" option (Sinatra::Base.env) has been renamed to "environment" and deprecated because it's too easy to confuse with the request-level Rack environment Hash (Sinatra::Base#env). * The request level "stop" method has been renamed "halt" and deprecated. This is for consistency with `throw :halt`. * The request level "entity_tag" method has been renamed "etag" and deprecated. Both versions were previously supported. * The request level "headers" method has been deprecated. Use response['Header-Name'] to access and modify response headers. * Sinatra.application is deprecated. Use Sinatra::Application instead. * Setting Sinatra.application = nil to reset an application is deprecated. You shouldn't have to reset objects anymore. * The Sinatra.default_options Hash is deprecated. Modifying this object now results in "set(key, value)" invocations on the Sinatra::Base subclass. * The "body.to_result" convention has been deprecated. * The ServerError exception has been deprecated. Any Exception is now considered a ServerError.
2008-12-13 21:06:02 +00:00
it 'returns a body when conditional get misses' do
get '/'
assert_equal 200, status
assert_equal 'Boo!', body
I knew I shoulda taken that left turn at Hoboken This is a fairly large reworking of Sinatra's innards. Although most of the internal implementation has been modified, it provides the same basic feature set and is meant to be compatible with Sinatra 0.3.2. * The Event and EventContext classes have been removed. Sinatra applications are now defined within the class context of a Sinatra::Base subclass; each request is processed within a new instance. * Sinatra::Base can be used as a base class for multiple Rack applications within a single process and can be used as Rack middleware. * The routing and result type processing implementation has been simplified and enhanced a bit. There's a new route conditions system for things like :agent/:host matching and a request level #pass method has been added to allow an event handler to exit immediately, passing control to the next matching route. * Regular expressions may now be used in route patterns. Captures are available as an array from "params[:captures]". * The #body helper method now takes a block. The block is not evaluated until an attempt is made to read the body. * Options are now dynamically generated class attributes on the Sinatra::Base subclass (instead of OpenStruct); options are inherited by subclasses and may be overridden up the inheritance hierarchy. The Base.set manages all option related stuff. * The application file (app_file) detection heuristics are bit more sane now. This fixes some bugs with reloading and public/views directory detection. All thin / passenger issues of these type should be better now. * Error mappings are now split into to distinct layers: exception mappings and custom error pages. Exception mappings are registered with 'error(Exception)' and are run only when the app raises an exception. Custom error pages are registered with error(status_code) and are run any time the response has the status code specified. It's also possible to register an error page for a range of status codes: 'error(500..599)'. * The spec and unit testing extensions have been modified to take advantage of the ability to have multiple Sinatra applications. The Sinatra::Test module must be included within the TestCase in order to take advantage of these methods (unless the 'sinatra/compat' library has been required). * Rebuilt specs from scratch for better coverage and organization. Sinatra 3.2 unit tests have been retained under ./compat to ensure a baseline level of compatibility with previous versions; use the 'rake compat' task to run these. A large number of existing Sinatra idioms have been deprecated but continue to be supported through the 'sinatra/compat' library. * The "set_option" and "set_options" methods have been deprecated due to redundancy; use "set". * The "env" option (Sinatra::Base.env) has been renamed to "environment" and deprecated because it's too easy to confuse with the request-level Rack environment Hash (Sinatra::Base#env). * The request level "stop" method has been renamed "halt" and deprecated. This is for consistency with `throw :halt`. * The request level "entity_tag" method has been renamed "etag" and deprecated. Both versions were previously supported. * The request level "headers" method has been deprecated. Use response['Header-Name'] to access and modify response headers. * Sinatra.application is deprecated. Use Sinatra::Application instead. * Setting Sinatra.application = nil to reset an application is deprecated. You shouldn't have to reset objects anymore. * The Sinatra.default_options Hash is deprecated. Modifying this object now results in "set(key, value)" invocations on the Sinatra::Base subclass. * The "body.to_result" convention has been deprecated. * The ServerError exception has been deprecated. Any Exception is now considered a ServerError.
2008-12-13 21:06:02 +00:00
it 'halts when a conditional GET matches' do
get '/', :env => { 'HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH' => '"FOO"' }
assert_equal 304, status
assert_equal '', body
I knew I shoulda taken that left turn at Hoboken This is a fairly large reworking of Sinatra's innards. Although most of the internal implementation has been modified, it provides the same basic feature set and is meant to be compatible with Sinatra 0.3.2. * The Event and EventContext classes have been removed. Sinatra applications are now defined within the class context of a Sinatra::Base subclass; each request is processed within a new instance. * Sinatra::Base can be used as a base class for multiple Rack applications within a single process and can be used as Rack middleware. * The routing and result type processing implementation has been simplified and enhanced a bit. There's a new route conditions system for things like :agent/:host matching and a request level #pass method has been added to allow an event handler to exit immediately, passing control to the next matching route. * Regular expressions may now be used in route patterns. Captures are available as an array from "params[:captures]". * The #body helper method now takes a block. The block is not evaluated until an attempt is made to read the body. * Options are now dynamically generated class attributes on the Sinatra::Base subclass (instead of OpenStruct); options are inherited by subclasses and may be overridden up the inheritance hierarchy. The Base.set manages all option related stuff. * The application file (app_file) detection heuristics are bit more sane now. This fixes some bugs with reloading and public/views directory detection. All thin / passenger issues of these type should be better now. * Error mappings are now split into to distinct layers: exception mappings and custom error pages. Exception mappings are registered with 'error(Exception)' and are run only when the app raises an exception. Custom error pages are registered with error(status_code) and are run any time the response has the status code specified. It's also possible to register an error page for a range of status codes: 'error(500..599)'. * The spec and unit testing extensions have been modified to take advantage of the ability to have multiple Sinatra applications. The Sinatra::Test module must be included within the TestCase in order to take advantage of these methods (unless the 'sinatra/compat' library has been required). * Rebuilt specs from scratch for better coverage and organization. Sinatra 3.2 unit tests have been retained under ./compat to ensure a baseline level of compatibility with previous versions; use the 'rake compat' task to run these. A large number of existing Sinatra idioms have been deprecated but continue to be supported through the 'sinatra/compat' library. * The "set_option" and "set_options" methods have been deprecated due to redundancy; use "set". * The "env" option (Sinatra::Base.env) has been renamed to "environment" and deprecated because it's too easy to confuse with the request-level Rack environment Hash (Sinatra::Base#env). * The request level "stop" method has been renamed "halt" and deprecated. This is for consistency with `throw :halt`. * The request level "entity_tag" method has been renamed "etag" and deprecated. Both versions were previously supported. * The request level "headers" method has been deprecated. Use response['Header-Name'] to access and modify response headers. * Sinatra.application is deprecated. Use Sinatra::Application instead. * Setting Sinatra.application = nil to reset an application is deprecated. You shouldn't have to reset objects anymore. * The Sinatra.default_options Hash is deprecated. Modifying this object now results in "set(key, value)" invocations on the Sinatra::Base subclass. * The "body.to_result" convention has been deprecated. * The ServerError exception has been deprecated. Any Exception is now considered a ServerError.
2008-12-13 21:06:02 +00:00
it 'should handle multiple ETag values in If-None-Match header' do
get '/', :env => { 'HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH' => '"BAR", *' }
assert_equal 304, status
assert_equal '', body
I knew I shoulda taken that left turn at Hoboken This is a fairly large reworking of Sinatra's innards. Although most of the internal implementation has been modified, it provides the same basic feature set and is meant to be compatible with Sinatra 0.3.2. * The Event and EventContext classes have been removed. Sinatra applications are now defined within the class context of a Sinatra::Base subclass; each request is processed within a new instance. * Sinatra::Base can be used as a base class for multiple Rack applications within a single process and can be used as Rack middleware. * The routing and result type processing implementation has been simplified and enhanced a bit. There's a new route conditions system for things like :agent/:host matching and a request level #pass method has been added to allow an event handler to exit immediately, passing control to the next matching route. * Regular expressions may now be used in route patterns. Captures are available as an array from "params[:captures]". * The #body helper method now takes a block. The block is not evaluated until an attempt is made to read the body. * Options are now dynamically generated class attributes on the Sinatra::Base subclass (instead of OpenStruct); options are inherited by subclasses and may be overridden up the inheritance hierarchy. The Base.set manages all option related stuff. * The application file (app_file) detection heuristics are bit more sane now. This fixes some bugs with reloading and public/views directory detection. All thin / passenger issues of these type should be better now. * Error mappings are now split into to distinct layers: exception mappings and custom error pages. Exception mappings are registered with 'error(Exception)' and are run only when the app raises an exception. Custom error pages are registered with error(status_code) and are run any time the response has the status code specified. It's also possible to register an error page for a range of status codes: 'error(500..599)'. * The spec and unit testing extensions have been modified to take advantage of the ability to have multiple Sinatra applications. The Sinatra::Test module must be included within the TestCase in order to take advantage of these methods (unless the 'sinatra/compat' library has been required). * Rebuilt specs from scratch for better coverage and organization. Sinatra 3.2 unit tests have been retained under ./compat to ensure a baseline level of compatibility with previous versions; use the 'rake compat' task to run these. A large number of existing Sinatra idioms have been deprecated but continue to be supported through the 'sinatra/compat' library. * The "set_option" and "set_options" methods have been deprecated due to redundancy; use "set". * The "env" option (Sinatra::Base.env) has been renamed to "environment" and deprecated because it's too easy to confuse with the request-level Rack environment Hash (Sinatra::Base#env). * The request level "stop" method has been renamed "halt" and deprecated. This is for consistency with `throw :halt`. * The request level "entity_tag" method has been renamed "etag" and deprecated. Both versions were previously supported. * The request level "headers" method has been deprecated. Use response['Header-Name'] to access and modify response headers. * Sinatra.application is deprecated. Use Sinatra::Application instead. * Setting Sinatra.application = nil to reset an application is deprecated. You shouldn't have to reset objects anymore. * The Sinatra.default_options Hash is deprecated. Modifying this object now results in "set(key, value)" invocations on the Sinatra::Base subclass. * The "body.to_result" convention has been deprecated. * The ServerError exception has been deprecated. Any Exception is now considered a ServerError.
2008-12-13 21:06:02 +00:00
2008-12-21 10:11:25 +00:00
it 'uses a weak etag with the :weak option' do
mock_app {
get '/' do
etag 'FOO', :weak
"that's weak, dude."
get '/'
assert_equal 'W/"FOO"', response['ETag']
2008-12-21 10:11:25 +00:00
I knew I shoulda taken that left turn at Hoboken This is a fairly large reworking of Sinatra's innards. Although most of the internal implementation has been modified, it provides the same basic feature set and is meant to be compatible with Sinatra 0.3.2. * The Event and EventContext classes have been removed. Sinatra applications are now defined within the class context of a Sinatra::Base subclass; each request is processed within a new instance. * Sinatra::Base can be used as a base class for multiple Rack applications within a single process and can be used as Rack middleware. * The routing and result type processing implementation has been simplified and enhanced a bit. There's a new route conditions system for things like :agent/:host matching and a request level #pass method has been added to allow an event handler to exit immediately, passing control to the next matching route. * Regular expressions may now be used in route patterns. Captures are available as an array from "params[:captures]". * The #body helper method now takes a block. The block is not evaluated until an attempt is made to read the body. * Options are now dynamically generated class attributes on the Sinatra::Base subclass (instead of OpenStruct); options are inherited by subclasses and may be overridden up the inheritance hierarchy. The Base.set manages all option related stuff. * The application file (app_file) detection heuristics are bit more sane now. This fixes some bugs with reloading and public/views directory detection. All thin / passenger issues of these type should be better now. * Error mappings are now split into to distinct layers: exception mappings and custom error pages. Exception mappings are registered with 'error(Exception)' and are run only when the app raises an exception. Custom error pages are registered with error(status_code) and are run any time the response has the status code specified. It's also possible to register an error page for a range of status codes: 'error(500..599)'. * The spec and unit testing extensions have been modified to take advantage of the ability to have multiple Sinatra applications. The Sinatra::Test module must be included within the TestCase in order to take advantage of these methods (unless the 'sinatra/compat' library has been required). * Rebuilt specs from scratch for better coverage and organization. Sinatra 3.2 unit tests have been retained under ./compat to ensure a baseline level of compatibility with previous versions; use the 'rake compat' task to run these. A large number of existing Sinatra idioms have been deprecated but continue to be supported through the 'sinatra/compat' library. * The "set_option" and "set_options" methods have been deprecated due to redundancy; use "set". * The "env" option (Sinatra::Base.env) has been renamed to "environment" and deprecated because it's too easy to confuse with the request-level Rack environment Hash (Sinatra::Base#env). * The request level "stop" method has been renamed "halt" and deprecated. This is for consistency with `throw :halt`. * The request level "entity_tag" method has been renamed "etag" and deprecated. Both versions were previously supported. * The request level "headers" method has been deprecated. Use response['Header-Name'] to access and modify response headers. * Sinatra.application is deprecated. Use Sinatra::Application instead. * Setting Sinatra.application = nil to reset an application is deprecated. You shouldn't have to reset objects anymore. * The Sinatra.default_options Hash is deprecated. Modifying this object now results in "set(key, value)" invocations on the Sinatra::Base subclass. * The "body.to_result" convention has been deprecated. * The ServerError exception has been deprecated. Any Exception is now considered a ServerError.
2008-12-13 21:06:02 +00:00