This commit is contained in:
Konstantin Haase 2011-04-17 16:23:41 +02:00
parent 6ad90f55e5
commit 0f0fa46e39
1 changed files with 159 additions and 280 deletions

View File

@ -209,10 +209,82 @@ Note that the public directory name is not included in the URL. A file
== Views / Templates
Each template language is exposed as via its own rendering method. These
methods simply return a string:
get '/' do
erb :index
This renders <tt>views/index.erb</tt>.
Instead of a template name, you can also just pass in the template content
get '/' do
code = "<%= Time.now >"
erb code
Templates take a second argument, the options hash:
get '/' do
erb :index, :layout => :post
This will render <tt>views/index.erb</tt> embedded in the
<tt>views/post.erb</tt> (default is <tt>views/layout.erb</tt>, if it exists).
Any options not understood by Sinatra will be passed on to the template
get '/' do
haml :index, :format => :html5
You can also set options per template language in general:
set :haml, :format => :html5
get '/' do
haml :index
Options passed to the render method override options set via +set+.
Available Options:
List of locals passed to the document. Handy with partials.
Example: <tt>erb "<%= foo %>", :locals => {:foo => "bar"}</tt>
String encoding to use if uncertain. Defaults to
Views folder to load templates from. Defaults to <tt>settings.views</tt>.
Whether to use a layout (+true+ or +false+), if it's a Symbol, specifies
what template to use. Example: <tt>erb :index, :layout => request.xhr?</tt>
Content-Type the template produces, default depends on template language.
Scope to render template under. Defaults to the application instance. If you
change this, instance variables and helper methods will not be available.
Template engine to use for rendering the layout. Useful for languages that
do not support layouts otherwise. Defaults to the engine used for the
temple. Example: <tt>set :rdoc, :layout_engine => :erb</tt>
Templates are assumed to be located directly under the <tt>./views</tt>
directory. To use a different views directory:
set :views, File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/templates'
set :views, settings.root + '/templates'
One important thing to remember is that you always have to reference
templates with symbols, even if they're in a subdirectory (in this
@ -220,160 +292,84 @@ case, use <tt>:'subdir/template'</tt>). You must use a symbol because
otherwise rendering methods will render any strings passed to them
=== Available Template Languages
Some languages have multiple implementations. To specify what implementation
to use (and to be thread-safe), you should simply require it first:
require 'rdiscount' # or require 'bluecloth'
get('/') { markdown :index }
=== Haml Templates
The <tt>haml</tt> gem/library is required to render HAML templates:
# You'll need to require haml in your app
require 'haml'
get '/' do
haml :index
Renders <tt>./views/index.haml</tt>.
{Haml's options}[http://haml-lang.com/docs/yardoc/file.HAML_REFERENCE.html#options]
can be set globally through Sinatra's configurations,
see {Options and Configurations}[http://www.sinatrarb.com/configuration.html],
and overridden on an individual basis.
set :haml, :format => :html5 # default Haml format is :xhtml
get '/' do
haml :index, :format => :html4 # overridden
Dependency:: {haml}[http://haml-lang.com/]
File Extensions:: <tt>.haml</tt>
Example:: <tt>haml :index, :format => :html5</tt>
=== Erb Templates
# You'll need to require erb in your app
require 'erb'
get '/' do
erb :index
Renders <tt>./views/index.erb</tt>.
Dependency:: {erubis}[http://www.kuwata-lab.com/erubis/] or
erb (included in Ruby)
File Extensions:: <tt>.erb</tt>, <tt>.rhtml</tt> or <tt>.erubis</tt> (Erubis
Example:: <tt>erb :index</tt>
=== Builder Templates
The <tt>builder</tt> gem/library is required to render builder templates:
Dependency:: {builder}[http://builder.rubyforge.org/]
File Extensions:: <tt>.builder</tt>
Example:: <tt>builder { |xml| xml.em "hi" }</tt>
# You'll need to require builder in your app
require 'builder'
get '/' do
builder :index
Renders <tt>./views/index.builder</tt>.
It also takes a block for inline templates (see example).
=== Nokogiri Templates
The <tt>nokogiri</tt> gem/library is required to render nokogiri templates:
Dependency:: {nokogiri}[http://nokogiri.org/]
File Extensions:: <tt>.nokogiri</tt>
Example:: <tt>builder { |xml| xml.em "hi" }</tt>
# You'll need to require nokogiri in your app
require 'nokogiri'
get '/' do
nokogiri :index
Renders <tt>./views/index.nokogiri</tt>.
It also takes a block for inline templates (see example).
=== Sass Templates
The <tt>haml</tt> or <tt>sass</tt> gem/library is required to render Sass templates:
Dependency:: {sass}[http://sass-lang.com/]
File Extensions:: <tt>.sass</tt>
Example:: <tt>sass :stylesheet, :style => :expanded</tt>
# You'll need to require haml or sass in your app
require 'sass'
Up until version 3.0, Sass is included in the +haml+ gem.
get '/stylesheet.css' do
sass :stylesheet
=== SCSS Templates
Renders <tt>./views/stylesheet.sass</tt>.
Dependency:: {sass}[http://sass-lang.com/]
File Extensions:: <tt>.scss</tt>
Example:: <tt>scss :stylesheet, :style => :expanded</tt>
{Sass's options}[http://sass-lang.com/docs/yardoc/file.SASS_REFERENCE.html#options]
can be set globally through Sinatra's configurations,
see {Options and Configurations}[http://www.sinatrarb.com/configuration.html],
and overridden on an individual basis.
set :sass, :style => :compact # default Sass style is :nested
get '/stylesheet.css' do
sass :stylesheet, :style => :expanded # overridden
=== Scss Templates
The <tt>haml</tt> or <tt>sass</tt> gem/library is required to render Scss templates:
# You'll need to require haml or sass in your app
require 'sass'
get '/stylesheet.css' do
scss :stylesheet
Renders <tt>./views/stylesheet.scss</tt>.
{Scss's options}[http://sass-lang.com/docs/yardoc/file.SASS_REFERENCE.html#options]
can be set globally through Sinatra's configurations,
see {Options and Configurations}[http://www.sinatrarb.com/configuration.html],
and overridden on an individual basis.
set :scss, :style => :compact # default Scss style is :nested
get '/stylesheet.css' do
scss :stylesheet, :style => :expanded # overridden
Up until version 3.0, SCSS is included in the +haml+ gem.
=== Less Templates
The <tt>less</tt> gem/library is required to render Less templates:
# You'll need to require less in your app
require 'less'
get '/stylesheet.css' do
less :stylesheet
Renders <tt>./views/stylesheet.less</tt>.
Dependency:: {less}[http://www.lesscss.org/]
File Extensions:: <tt>.less</tt>
Example:: <tt>less :stylesheet</tt>
=== Liquid Templates
The <tt>liquid</tt> gem/library is required to render Liquid templates:
# You'll need to require liquid in your app
require 'liquid'
get '/' do
liquid :index
Renders <tt>./views/index.liquid</tt>.
Dependency:: {liquid}[http://www.liquidmarkup.org/]
File Extensions:: <tt>.liquid</tt>
Example:: <tt>liquid :index, :locals => { :key => 'value' }</tt>
Since you cannot call Ruby methods (except for +yield+) from a Liquid
template, you almost always want to pass locals to it:
liquid :index, :locals => { :key => 'value' }
template, you almost always want to pass locals to it.
=== Markdown Templates
The <tt>rdiscount</tt> gem/library is required to render Markdown templates:
# You'll need to require rdiscount in your app
require "rdiscount"
get '/' do
markdown :index
Renders <tt>./views/index.markdown</tt> (+md+ and +mkd+ are also valid file
Dependency:: {rdiscount}[https://github.com/rtomayko/rdiscount],
{kramdown}[http://kramdown.rubyforge.org/] *or*
File Extensions:: <tt>.markdown</tt>, <tt>.mkd</tt> and <tt>.md</tt>
Example:: <tt>markdown :index, :layout_engine => :erb</tt>
It is not possible to call methods from markdown, nor to pass locals to it.
You therefore will usually use it in combination with another rendering
@ -388,52 +384,13 @@ Note that you may also call the +markdown+ method from within other templates:
Since you cannot call Ruby from Markdown, you cannot use layouts written in
Markdown. However, it is possible to use another rendering engine for the
template than for the layout by passing the <tt>:layout_engine</tt> option:
get '/' do
markdown :index, :layout_engine => :erb
This will render <tt>./views/index.md</tt> with <tt>./views/layout.erb</tt> as
Remember that you can set such rendering options globally:
set :markdown, :layout_engine => :haml, :layout => :post
get '/' do
markdown :index
This will render <tt>./views/index.md</tt> (and any other Markdown template)
with <tt>./views/post.haml</tt> as layout.
It is also possible to parse Markdown with BlueCloth rather than RDiscount:
require 'bluecloth'
Tilt.register 'markdown', BlueClothTemplate
Tilt.register 'mkd', BlueClothTemplate
Tilt.register 'md', BlueClothTemplate
get '/' do
markdown :index
Renders <tt>./views/index.md</tt> with BlueCloth.
template than for the layout by passing the <tt>:layout_engine</tt> option.
=== Textile Templates
The <tt>RedCloth</tt> gem/library is required to render Textile templates:
# You'll need to require redcloth in your app
require "redcloth"
get '/' do
textile :index
Renders <tt>./views/index.textile</tt>.
Dependency:: {RedCloth}[http://redcloth.org/]
File Extensions:: <tt>.textile</tt>
Example:: <tt>textile :index, :layout_engine => :erb</tt>
It is not possible to call methods from textile, nor to pass locals to it. You
therefore will usually use it in combination with another rendering engine:
@ -447,38 +404,13 @@ Note that you may also call the +textile+ method from within other templates:
Since you cannot call Ruby from Textile, you cannot use layouts written in
Textile. However, it is possible to use another rendering engine for the
template than for the layout by passing the <tt>:layout_engine</tt> option:
get '/' do
textile :index, :layout_engine => :erb
This will render <tt>./views/index.textile</tt> with
<tt>./views/layout.erb</tt> as layout.
Remember that you can set such rendering options globally:
set :textile, :layout_engine => :haml, :layout => :post
get '/' do
textile :index
This will render <tt>./views/index.textile</tt> (and any other Textile
template) with <tt>./views/post.haml</tt> as layout.
template than for the layout by passing the <tt>:layout_engine</tt> option.
=== RDoc Templates
The <tt>rdoc</tt> gem/library is required to render RDoc templates:
# You'll need to require rdoc/markup/to_html in your app
require "rdoc/markup/to_html"
get '/' do
rdoc :index
Renders <tt>./views/index.rdoc</tt>.
Dependency:: {rdoc}[http://rdoc.rubyforge.org/]
File Extensions:: <tt>.rdoc</tt>
Example:: <tt>textile :README, :layout_engine => :erb</tt>
It is not possible to call methods from rdoc, nor to pass locals to it. You
therefore will usually use it in combination with another rendering engine:
@ -492,110 +424,57 @@ Note that you may also call the +rdoc+ method from within other templates:
Since you cannot call Ruby from RDoc, you cannot use layouts written in
RDoc. However, it is possible to use another rendering engine for the
template than for the layout by passing the <tt>:layout_engine</tt> option:
get '/' do
rdoc :index, :layout_engine => :erb
This will render <tt>./views/index.rdoc</tt> with <tt>./views/layout.erb</tt> as
Remember that you can set such rendering options globally:
set :rdoc, :layout_engine => :haml, :layout => :post
get '/' do
rdoc :index
This will render <tt>./views/index.rdoc</tt> (and any other RDoc template)
with <tt>./views/post.haml</tt> as layout.
template than for the layout by passing the <tt>:layout_engine</tt> option.
=== Radius Templates
The <tt>radius</tt> gem/library is required to render Radius templates:
Dependency:: {radius}[http://radius.rubyforge.org/]
File Extensions:: <tt>.radius</tt>
Example:: <tt>radius :index, :locals => { :key => 'value' }</tt>
# You'll need to require radius in your app
require 'radius'
get '/' do
radius :index
Renders <tt>./views/index.radius</tt>.
Since you cannot call Ruby methods (except for +yield+) from a Radius
template, you almost always want to pass locals to it:
radius :index, :locals => { :key => 'value' }
Since you cannot call Ruby methods directly from a Radius template, you almost
always want to pass locals to it.
=== Markaby Templates
The <tt>markaby</tt> gem/library is required to render Markaby templates:
Dependency:: {markaby}[http://markaby.github.com/]
File Extensions:: <tt>.mab</tt>
Example:: <tt>markaby { h1 "Welcome!" }</tt>
# You'll need to require markaby in your app
require 'markaby'
get '/' do
markaby :index
Renders <tt>./views/index.mab</tt>.
You may also use inline Markaby:
get '/' do
markaby { h1 "Welcome!" }
It also takes a block for inline templates (see example).
=== Slim Templates
The <tt>slim</tt> gem/library is required to render Slim templates:
# You'll need to require slim in your app
require 'slim'
get '/' do
slim :index
Renders <tt>./views/index.slim</tt>.
Dependency:: {slim}[http://slim-lang.com/]
File Extensions:: <tt>.slim</tt>
Example:: <tt>slim :index</tt>
=== Creole Templates
The <tt>creole</tt> gem/library is required to render Creole templates:
Dependency:: {creole}[https://github.com/minad/creole]
File Extensions:: <tt>.creole</tt>
Example:: <tt>creole :wiki, :layout_engine => :erb</tt>
# You'll need to require creole in your app
require 'creole'
It is not possible to call methods from creole, nor to pass locals to it. You
therefore will usually use it in combination with another rendering engine:
get '/' do
creole :index
erb :overview, :locals => { :text => creole(:introduction) }
Renders <tt>./views/index.creole</tt>.
Note that you may also call the +creole+ method from within other templates:
%h1 Hello From Haml!
%p= creole(:greetings)
Since you cannot call Ruby from Creole, you cannot use layouts written in
Creole. However, it is possible to use another rendering engine for the
template than for the layout by passing the <tt>:layout_engine</tt> option.
=== CoffeeScript Templates
The <tt>coffee-script</tt> gem/library and at least <b>one</b> of the
following options to execute JavaScript:
* +node+ (from Node.js) in your path
* you must be running on OSX
* +therubyracer+ gem/library
See http://github.com/josh/ruby-coffee-script for an updated list of options.
Now you can render CoffeeScript templates:
# You'll need to require coffee-script in your app
require 'coffee-script'
get '/application.js' do
coffee :application
Renders <tt>./views/application.coffee</tt>.
Dependency:: {coffee-script}[https://github.com/josh/ruby-coffee-script]
and a {way to execute javascript}[https://github.com/sstephenson/execjs/blob/master/README.md#readme]
File Extensions:: <tt>.coffee</tt>
Example:: <tt>coffee :index</tt>
=== Embedded Templates