README and CHANGES tweaks for 0.9.0 release (#63)

* Add support for regex routes to README
* Use $LOAD_PATH instead of $:
* EventContext is no longer present
* Misc cleanup from rtomayko
This commit is contained in:
Markus Prinz 2009-01-11 16:59:34 +01:00 committed by Ryan Tomayko
parent 9ab1b600c9
commit 17cb177ea3
2 changed files with 107 additions and 83 deletions

View File

@ -1,31 +1,37 @@
= 0.9.0 (unreleased)
* New "dump_errors" option controls whether the backtrace is dumped to
rack.errors when an exception is raised from a route. The option is
enabled by default for top-level apps.
* Works with and requires Rack >= 0.9.1
* Multiple Sinatra applications can now co-exist peacefully within a
single process. The new "Sinatra::Base" class can be subclassed to
establish a blank-slate Rack application or middleware component.
Documentation on using these features is forth-coming; the following
provides the basic gist:
* Regular expressions may now be used in route pattens; captures are
available at "params[:captures]".
* New ":provides" route condition takes an array of mime types and
matches only when an Accept request header is present with a
corresponding type. [cypher]
* Work with and require Rack >= 0.9
* Regular expressions may now be used in route pattens; captures are
available at "params[:captures]".
* New request-level "pass" method; immediately exits the current block
and passes control to the next matching route.
* The request-level "body" method now takes a block; evaluation is
deferred until an attempt is made to read the body. The block must
return a String or Array.
* Better default "app_file", "root", "public", and "views" location
detection; changes to "root" and "app_file" automatically cascade to
other options that depend on them.
* New "route conditions" system for attaching rules for when a route
matches. The :agent and :host route options now use this system.
* New request-level "pass" method; immediately exits the current block
and passes control to the next matching route.
* New "dump_errors" option controls whether the backtrace is dumped to
rack.errors when an exception is raised from a route. The option is
enabled by default for top-level apps.
* Better default "app_file", "root", "public", and "views" location
detection; changes to "root" and "app_file" automatically cascade to
other options that depend on them.
* Error mappings are now split into two distinct layers: exception
mappings and custom error pages. Exception mappings are registered

View File

@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
= Sinatra
Sinatra is a DSL for quickly creating web-applications in Ruby with minimal
== Sample App
# myapp.rb
require 'rubygems'
@ -32,10 +30,6 @@ Run with <tt>ruby myapp.rb</tt> and view at <tt>http://localhost:4567</tt>
.. annihilate something ..
head '/' do
== Routes
Routes are matched based on the order of declaration. The first route that
@ -47,14 +41,17 @@ Basic routes:
Named parameters:
Route patterns may include named parameters, accessible via the
<tt>params</tt> hash:
get '/:name' do
# matches "GET /foo" and "GET /bar"
# params[:name] is 'foo' or 'bar'
"Hello #{params[:name]}!"
Splat parameters:
Route patterns may also include splat (or wildcard) parameters, accessible
via the <tt>params[:splat]</tt> array.
get '/say/*/to/*' do
# matches /say/hello/to/world
@ -66,7 +63,13 @@ Splat parameters:
params[:splat] # => ["path/to/file", "xml"]
User agent matching:
Route matching with Regular Expressions:
get %r{/hello/([\w]+)} do
"Hello, #{params[:captures].first}!"
Routes may include a variety of matching conditions, such as the user agent:
get '/foo', :agent => /Songbird (\d\.\d)[\d\/]*?/ do
"You're using Songbird version #{params[:agent][0]}"
@ -78,33 +81,29 @@ User agent matching:
== Static Files
Put all of your static content in the ./public directory
\ public
To use a different static directory:
Static files are served from the <tt>./public</tt> directory. You can specify
a different location by setting the <tt>:public</tt> option:
set :public, File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/static'
== Views
== Views / Templates
Views are searched for in a ./views directory in the same location as
your main application.
To use a different views directory:
Templates are assumed to be located directly under a <tt>./views</tt>
directory. To use a different views directory:
set :views, File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/templates'
=== Haml Templates
The haml gem/library is required to render HAML templates:
get '/' do
haml :index
Renders <tt>./views/index.haml</tt>.
=== Erb
=== Erb Templates
get '/' do
erb :index
@ -112,11 +111,20 @@ Renders <tt>./views/index.haml</tt>.
Renders <tt>./views/index.erb</tt>
=== Builder
=== Builder Templates
See Sinatra::Builder
The builder gem/library is required to render builder templates:
=== Sass
get '/' do
content_type 'application/xml', :charset => 'utf-8'
builder :index
Renders <tt>./views/index.builder</tt>.
=== Sass Templates
The sass gem/library is required to render Sass templates:
get '/stylesheet.css' do
content_type 'text/css', :charset => 'utf-8'
@ -135,9 +143,8 @@ Renders the inlined template string.
=== Accessing Variables
Templates are evaluated within the Sinatra::EventContext instance
used to evaluate event blocks. Instance variables set in event
blocks can be accessed direcly in views:
Templates are evaluated within the same context as the route blocks. Instance
variables set in route blocks are available in templates:
get '/:id' do
@foo = Foo.find(params[:id])
@ -167,9 +174,8 @@ Templates may be defined at the end of the source file:
@@ layout
= yield
= yield
@@ index
%div.title Hello world!!!!!
@ -178,7 +184,7 @@ It's also possible to define named templates using the top-level template
template :layout do
"%html\n =yield\n"
template :index do
@ -189,8 +195,8 @@ method:
haml :index
Some times you'll want to render a specific template with or without a
layout (i.e. if a request is Ajax or not).
If a template named "layout" exists, it will be used each time a template
is rendered. You can disable layouts by passing <tt>:layout => false</tt>.
get '/' do
haml :index, :layout => !request.xhr?
@ -198,7 +204,8 @@ layout (i.e. if a request is Ajax or not).
== Helpers
The top-level <tt>helpers</tt> method
Use the top-level <tt>helpers</tt> method to define helper methods for use in
route blocks and templates:
helpers do
def bar(name)
@ -212,7 +219,9 @@ The top-level <tt>helpers</tt> method
== Filters
Before filters are evaluated in request context before routing is performed:
Before filters are evaluated before each request within the context of the
request and can modify the request and response. Instance variables set in
filters are accessible by routes and templates.
before do
@note = 'Hi!'
@ -224,64 +233,75 @@ Before filters are evaluated in request context before routing is performed:
params[:splat] #=> 'bar/baz'
Before filters can modify the request and response; instance variables are
available to routes.
== Halting
== Halt!
To immediately stop a request during a before filter or route use:
To immediately stop a request during a before filter or event use:
throw :halt
You can also specify a body when halting ...
Set the body to a simple string
halt 'this will be the body'
throw :halt, 'this will be the body'
Set the status and body ...
Set status then the body
halt 401, 'go away!'
throw :halt, [401, 'go away!']
== Passing
Run a proc inside the Sinatra::EventContext instance and set the body to the
A route can punt processing to the next matching route using the <tt>pass</tt>
throw :halt, lambda { puts 'In a proc!'; 'I just wrote to $stdout!' }
get '/guess/:who' do
pass unless params[:who] == 'Frank'
"You got me!"
get '/guess/*' do
"You missed!"
The route block is immediately exited and control continues with the next
matching route. If no matching route is found, a 404 is returned.
== Configuration and Reloading
Sinatra supports multiple environments and reloading. Reloading happens
before every request when running under the :development environment. Wrap
your configurations in <tt>configure</tt> (i.e. Database connections, Constants,
etc.) to protect them from reloading or to target specific environments.
before each request when running under the <tt>:development</tt>
environment. Wrap your configurations (e.g., database connections, constants,
etc.) in <tt>configure</tt> blocks to protect them from reloading or to
target specific environments.
All environments:
Run once, at startup, in any environment:
configure do
Run only when the environment (RACK_ENV environment variable) is set to
configure :production do
Two at a time:
Run when the environment (RACK_ENV environment variable) is set to
either <tt>:production</tt> or <tt>:test</tt>.
configure :production, :test do
This is also really nifty for error handling.
== Error handling
Error handlers run inside the current Sinatra::EventContext instance, which
means you get all the goodies it has to offer (i.e. haml, erb, throw :halt,
Error handlers run within the same context as routes and before filters, which
means you get all the goodies it has to offer, like <tt>haml</tt>, <tt>erb</tt>,
<tt>halt</tt>, etc.
=== Not Found
When Sinatra::NotFound is raised, the not_found handler is invoked:
When a <tt>Sinatra::NotFound</tt> exception is raised, or the response's status
code is 404, the <tt>not_found</tt> handler is invoked:
not_found do
'This is nowhere to be found'
@ -289,14 +309,12 @@ When Sinatra::NotFound is raised, the not_found handler is invoked:
=== Error
By default, the +error+ handler is invoked on Sinatra::ServerError or when
an unknown error occurs.
The exception can be obtained from the 'sinatra.error' variable in
The +error+ handler is invoked any time an exception is raised from a route
block or before filter. The exception object can be obtained from the
'sinatra.error' Rack variable:
error do
'Sorry there was a nasty error - ' + request.env['sinatra.error'].name
'Sorry there was a nasty error - ' + env['sinatra.error'].name
Custom errors:
@ -316,12 +334,12 @@ You get this:
So what happened was... something bad
Sinatra installs special not_found and error handlers when running under
the development.
the development environment.
== Mime types
When using send_file or static files you may have mime types Sinatra doesn't
understand. Use +mime+ in those cases.
When using <tt>send_file</tt> or static files you may have mime types Sinatra
doesn't understand. Use +mime+ to register them by file extension:
mime :foo, 'text/foo'
@ -469,7 +487,7 @@ screencasts about Git, which you can find here:
at the top of your sinatra_app.rb file:
$:.unshift File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/sinatra/lib'
$LOAD_PATH.unshift File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/sinatra/lib'
require 'sinatra'
get '/about' do