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Handle the case of /:name.:format parsing /file.tar.gz

This commit is contained in:
Florian René Hanke 2013-03-21 15:53:53 +11:00
parent 6c41a20169
commit 2791c293c4
2 changed files with 54 additions and 14 deletions

View file

@ -1416,9 +1416,21 @@ module Sinatra
def compile(path)
if path.respond_to? :to_str
keys = []
# We append a / at the end if there was one.
# Reason: Splitting does not split off an empty
# string at the end if the split separator
# is at the end.
postfix = '/' if path =~ /\/\z/
# Split the path into pieces in between forward slashes.
segments = path.split('/').map! do |segment|
ignore = ""
ignore = []
# Special character handling.
pattern = segment.to_str.gsub(/[^\?\%\\\/\:\*\w]/) do |c|
ignore << escaped(c).join if c.match(/[\.@]/)
patt = encoded(c)
@ -1426,7 +1438,12 @@ module Sinatra
match.split(//).map {|char| char =~ /[A-Z]/ ? "[#{char}#{char.tr('A-Z', 'a-z')}]" : char}.join
pattern.gsub!(/((:\w+)|\*)/) do |match|
ignore = ignore.uniq.join
# Key handling.
pattern.gsub(/((:\w+)|\*)/) do |match|
if match == "*"
keys << 'splat'
@ -1437,7 +1454,18 @@ module Sinatra
# Special case handling.
if segment = segments.pop
if segment.match(/\[\^\\\./)
parts = segment.rpartition /\[\^\\\./
parts[1] = '[^'
segments << parts.join
segments << segment
[/\A#{segments.join('/')}#{postfix}\z/, keys]
elsif path.respond_to?(:keys) && path.respond_to?(:match)

View file

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ class CompileTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
it "parses #{example} with #{pattern} into params #{expected_params}" do
compiled, keys = compiled pattern
match = compiled.match(example)
fail %Q{"#{example}" does not parse on pattern "#{pattern}".} unless match
fail %Q{"#{example}" does not parse on pattern "#{pattern}" (compiled pattern is #{compiled.source}).} unless match
# Aggregate e.g. multiple splat values into one array.
@ -115,15 +115,19 @@ class CompileTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
parses "/test.bar", "/test.bar", {}
fails "/test.bar", "/test0bar"
converts "/:file.:ext", %r{\A/((?:[^\./?#%]|(?:%[^2].|%[2][^Ee]))+)(?:\.|%2[Ee])((?:[^\./?#%]|(?:%[^2].|%[2][^Ee]))+)\z}
converts "/:file.:ext", %r{\A/((?:[^\./?#%]|(?:%[^2].|%[2][^Ee]))+)(?:\.|%2[Ee])((?:[^/?#%]|(?:%[^2].|%[2][^Ee]))+)\z}
parses "/:file.:ext", "/pony.jpg", "file" => "pony", "ext" => "jpg"
parses "/:file.:ext", "/pony%2Ejpg", "file" => "pony", "ext" => "jpg"
fails "/:file.:ext", "/.jpg"
converts "/:name.?:format?", %r{\A/((?:[^\./?#%]|(?:%[^2].|%[2][^Ee]))+)(?:\.|%2[Ee])?((?:[^\./?#%]|(?:%[^2].|%[2][^Ee]))+)?\z}
converts "/:name.?:format?", %r{\A/((?:[^\./?#%]|(?:%[^2].|%[2][^Ee]))+)(?:\.|%2[Ee])?((?:[^/?#%]|(?:%[^2].|%[2][^Ee]))+)?\z}
parses "/:name.?:format?", "/foo", "name" => "foo", "format" => nil
parses "/:name.?:format?", "/foo.bar", "name" => "foo", "format" => "bar"
parses "/:name.?:format?", "/foo%2Ebar", "name" => "foo", "format" => "bar"
parses "/:name?.?:format", "/.bar", "name" => nil, "format" => "bar"
parses "/:name?.?:format?", "/.bar", "name" => nil, "format" => "bar"
parses "/:name?.:format?", "/.bar", "name" => nil, "format" => "bar"
fails "/:name.:format", "/.bar"
fails "/:name.?:format?", "/.bar"
converts "/:user@?:host?", %r{\A/((?:[^@/?#%]|(?:%[^4].|%[4][^0]))+)(?:@|%40)?((?:[^@/?#%]|(?:%[^4].|%[4][^0]))+)?\z}
@ -149,21 +153,29 @@ class CompileTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
parses '/10.1/:id', '/10.1/test', "id" => "test"
parses '/10.1/:id', '/10.1/te.st', "id" => "te.st"
parses '/:foo/:id', '/10.1/te.st', "foo" => "10.1", "id" => "te.st"
parses '/:foo/:id', '/10.1.2/te.st', "foo" => "10.1.2", "id" => "te.st"
parses '/:foo.:bar/:id', '/10.1/te.st', "foo" => "10", "bar" => "1", "id" => "te.st"
fails '/:foo.:bar/:id', '/10.1.2/te.st' # We don't do crazy.
parses '/:a/:b.?:c?', '/a/b', "a" => "a", "b" => "b", "c" => nil
parses '/:a/:b.?:c?', '/a/b.c', "a" => "a", "b" => "b", "c" => "c"
parses '/:a/:b.?:c?', '/a.b/c', "a" => "a.b", "b" => "c", "c" => nil
parses '/:a/:b.?:c?', '/a.b/c.d', "a" => "a.b", "b" => "c", "c" => "d"
fails '/:a/:b.?:c?', '/a.b/c.d/e'
parses "/:file.:ext", "/pony%2ejpg", "file" => "pony", "ext" => "jpg"
parses "/:file.:ext", "/pony%E6%AD%A3%2Ejpg", "file" => "pony%E6%AD%A3", "ext" => "jpg"
parses "/:file.:ext", "/pony%e6%ad%a3%2ejpg", "file" => "pony%e6%ad%a3", "ext" => "jpg"
parses "/:file.:ext", "/pony正%2Ejpg", "file" => "pony正", "ext" => "jpg"
parses "/:file.:ext", "/pony正%2ejpg", "file" => "pony正", "ext" => "jpg"
fails "/:file.:ext", "/pony正..jpg"
parses "/:file.:ext", "/pony正..jpg", "file" => "pony正", "ext" => ".jpg"
fails "/:file.:ext", "/pony正.%2ejpg"
# parses "/:foo.:bar", "/file.tar.gz", "foo" => "file", "bar" => "tar.gz"
converts "/:name.:format", %r{\A/((?:[^\./?#%]|(?:%[^2].|%[2][^Ee]))+)(?:\.|%2[Ee])((?:[^/?#%]|(?:%[^2].|%[2][^Ee]))+)\z}
parses "/:name.:format", "/file.tar.gz", "name" => "file", "format" => "tar.gz"
parses "/:name.:format1.:format2", "/file.tar.gz", "name" => "file", "format1" => "tar", "format2" => "gz"
parses "/:name.:format1.:format2", "/file.temp.tar.gz", "name" => "file", "format1" => "temp", "format2" => "tar.gz"
# From issue #688.