testing blockquote

This commit is contained in:
Kashyap 2013-01-09 22:19:21 +05:30
parent ae9119393e
commit 3cb91c4828
1 changed files with 263 additions and 233 deletions

View File

@ -1344,7 +1344,7 @@ You can also hand in an array in order to disable a list of protections:
### Available Settings
> If disabled, Sinatra will allow relative redirects, however, Sinatra will no
longer conform with RFC 2616 (HTTP 1.1), which only allows absolute redirects.
@ -1355,109 +1355,129 @@ pass in `false` as the second parameter.
> Disabled per default.
> mime types the `content_type` helper will automatically add the charset info to.
You should add to it rather than overriding this option:
settings.add_charsets << "application/foobar"
[app_file] Path to the main application file, used to detect project
root, views and public folder and inline templates.
[bind] IP address to bind to (default:
Only used for built-in server.
> Path to the main application file, used to detect project root, views and public
folder and inline templates.
[default_encoding] encoding to assume if unknown
(defaults to `"utf-8"`).
[dump_errors] display errors in the log.
> IP address to bind to (default: Only used for built-in server.
[environment] current environment, defaults to `ENV['RACK_ENV']`,
or `"development"` if not available.
[logging] use the logger.
> encoding to assume if unknown (defaults to `"utf-8"`).
[lock] Places a lock around every request, only running
processing on request per Ruby process concurrently.
Enabled if your app is not thread-safe.
Disabled per default.
> display errors in the log.
[method_override] use `_method` magic to allow put/delete forms in
browsers that don't support it.
[port] Port to listen on. Only used for built-in server.
> current environment, defaults to `ENV['RACK_ENV']`, or `"development"` if
not available.
[prefixed_redirects] Whether or not to insert `request.script_name`
into redirects if no absolute path is given. That way
`redirect '/foo'` would behave like
`redirect to('/foo')`. Disabled per default.
> use the logger.
[protection] Whether or not to enable web attack protections. See
protection section above.
> Places a lock around every request, only running processing on request
per Ruby process concurrently.
[public_dir] Alias for `public_folder`. See below.
> Enabled if your app is not thread-safe. Disabled per default.
[public_folder] Path to the folder public files are served from. Only
used if static file serving is enabled (see
`static` setting below). Inferred from
`app_file` setting if not set.
> use `_method` magic to allow put/delete forms in browsers that
don't support it.
[reload_templates] whether or not to reload templates between requests.
Enabled in development mode.
> Port to listen on. Only used for built-in server.
[root] Path to project root folder. Inferred from +app_file+
setting if not set.
> Whether or not to insert `request.script_name` into redirects if no
absolute path is given. That way `redirect '/foo'` would behave like
`redirect to('/foo')`. Disabled per default.
[raise_errors] raise exceptions (will stop application). Enabled
by default when `environment` is set to
`"test"`, disabled otherwise.
> Whether or not to enable web attack protections. See protection section above.
[run] if enabled, Sinatra will handle starting the web server,
do not enable if using rackup or other means.
> Alias for `public_folder`. See below.
[running] is the built-in server running now?
do not change this setting!
> Path to the folder public files are served from. Only used if static
file serving is enabled (see `static` setting below). Inferred from
`app_file` setting if not set.
[server] server or list of servers to use for built-in server.
defaults to ['thin', 'mongrel', 'webrick'], order
indicates priority.
> Whether or not to reload templates between requests. Enabled in development mode.
[sessions] enable cookie-based sessions support using
`Rack::Session::Cookie`. See 'Using Sessions'
section for more information.
> Path to project root folder. Inferred from `app_file` setting if not set.
[show_exceptions] show a stack trace in the browser when an exception
happens. Enabled by default when `environment`
is set to `"development"`, disabled otherwise.
Can also be set to `:after_handler` to trigger
app-specified error handling before showing a stack
trace in the browser.
> raise exceptions (will stop application). Enabled by default when
`environment` is set to `"test"`, disabled otherwise.
[static] Whether Sinatra should handle serving static files.
Disable when using a server able to do this on its own.
Disabling will boost performance.
Enabled per default in classic style, disabled for
modular apps.
> if enabled, Sinatra will handle starting the web server, do not
enable if using rackup or other means.
[static_cache_control] When Sinatra is serving static files, set this to add
`Cache-Control` headers to the responses. Uses the
+cache_control+ helper. Disabled by default.
Use an explicit array when setting multiple values:
`set :static_cache_control, [:public, :max_age => 300]`
> is the built-in server running now? do not change this setting!
[threaded] If set to +true+, will tell Thin to use
`EventMachine.defer` for processing the request.
> server or list of servers to use for built-in server. defaults to
['thin', 'mongrel', 'webrick'], order indicates priority.
[views] Path to the views folder. Inferred from `app_file`
setting if not set.
> Enable cookie-based sessions support using `Rack::Session::Cookie`.
See 'Using Sessions' section for more information.
== Environments
> Show a stack trace in the browser when an exception
happens. Enabled by default when `environment`
is set to `"development"`, disabled otherwise.
> Can also be set to `:after_handler` to trigger
app-specified error handling before showing a stack
trace in the browser.
> Whether Sinatra should handle serving static files.
> Disable when using a server able to do this on its own.
> Disabling will boost performance.
> Enabled per default in classic style, disabled for
modular apps.
> When Sinatra is serving static files, set this to add
`Cache-Control` headers to the responses. Uses the
`cache_control` helper. Disabled by default.
Use an explicit array when setting multiple values:
`set :static_cache_control, [:public, :max_age => 300]`
> If set to `true`, will tell Thin to use `EventMachine.defer`
for processing the request.
> Path to the views folder. Inferred from `app_file` setting if
not set.
## Environments
There are three predefined +environments+: `"development"`,
`"production"` and `"test"`. Environments can be set
through the +RACK_ENV+ environment variable. The default value is
through the `RACK_ENV` environment variable. The default value is
`"development"`. In the `"development"` environment all templates are reloaded between
requests, and special `not_found` and `error` handlers
display stack traces in your browser.
@ -1470,24 +1490,26 @@ To run different environments use the `-e` option:
You can use predefined methods: +development?+, +test?+ and +production?+ to
check the current environment setting.
== Error Handling
## Error Handling
Error handlers run within the same context as routes and before filters, which
means you get all the goodies it has to offer, like `haml`,
`erb`, `halt`, etc.
=== Not Found
### Not Found
When a `Sinatra::NotFound` exception is raised, or the response's status
code is 404, the `not_found` handler is invoked:
not_found do
not_found do
'This is nowhere to be found.'
=== Error
### Error
The +error+ handler is invoked any time an exception is raised from a route
The `error` handler is invoked any time an exception is raised from a route
block or a filter. The exception object can be obtained from the
`sinatra.error` Rack variable:
@ -1530,16 +1552,16 @@ Or a range:
Sinatra installs special `not_found` and `error` handlers when
running under the development environment.
== Rack Middleware
## Rack Middleware
Sinatra rides on Rack[http://rack.rubyforge.org/], a minimal standard
Sinatra rides on [Rack](http://rack.rubyforge.org/), a minimal standard
interface for Ruby web frameworks. One of Rack's most interesting capabilities
for application developers is support for "middleware" -- components that sit
between the server and your application monitoring and/or manipulating the
HTTP request/response to provide various types of common functionality.
Sinatra makes building Rack middleware pipelines a cinch via a top-level
+use+ method:
`use` method:
require 'sinatra'
require 'my_custom_middleware'
@ -1552,7 +1574,7 @@ Sinatra makes building Rack middleware pipelines a cinch via a top-level
The semantics of +use+ are identical to those defined for the
Rack::Builder[http://rack.rubyforge.org/doc/classes/Rack/Builder.html] DSL
[Rack::Builder](http://rack.rubyforge.org/doc/classes/Rack/Builder.html) DSL
(most frequently used from rackup files). For example, the +use+ method
accepts multiple/variable args as well as blocks:
@ -1566,15 +1588,15 @@ many of these components automatically based on configuration so you
typically don't have to +use+ them explicitly.
You can find useful middleware in
with {CodeRack}[http://coderack.org/] or in the
{Rack wiki}[https://github.com/rack/rack/wiki/List-of-Middleware].
with [CodeRack](http://coderack.org/) or in the
[Rack wiki](https://github.com/rack/rack/wiki/List-of-Middleware).
== Testing
Sinatra tests can be written using any Rack-based testing library or framework.
is recommended:
require 'my_sinatra_app'
@ -1604,9 +1626,10 @@ is recommended:
Note: If you are using Sinatra in the modular style, replace `Sinatra::Application` above with the class name of your app.
Note: If you are using Sinatra in the modular style, replace `Sinatra::Application`
above with the class name of your app.
== Sinatra::Base - Middleware, Libraries, and Modular Apps
## Sinatra::Base - Middleware, Libraries, and Modular Apps
Defining your app at the top-level works well for micro-apps but has
considerable drawbacks when building reusable components such as Rack
@ -1639,10 +1662,10 @@ available via the top-level DSL. Most top-level apps can be converted to
`Sinatra::Base` is a blank slate. Most options are disabled by default,
including the built-in server. See
{Options and Configuration}[http://sinatra.github.com/configuration.html]
[Options and Configuration](http://sinatra.github.com/configuration.html)
for details on available options and their behavior.
=== Modular vs. Classic Style
### Modular vs. Classic Style
Contrary to common belief, there is nothing wrong with the classic style. If it
suits your application, you do not have to switch to a modular application.
@ -1665,7 +1688,7 @@ different default settings:
static true false
=== Serving a Modular Application
### Serving a Modular Application
There are two common options for starting a modular app, actively starting with
@ -1694,7 +1717,7 @@ Run:
rackup -p 4567
=== Using a Classic Style Application with a config.ru
### Using a Classic Style Application with a config.ru
Write your app file:
@ -1710,7 +1733,7 @@ And a corresponding `config.ru`:
require './app'
run Sinatra::Application
=== When to use a config.ru?
### When to use a config.ru?
A `config.ru` file is recommended if:
@ -1719,11 +1742,11 @@ A `config.ru` file is recommended if:
* You want to use more than one subclass of `Sinatra::Base`.
* You want to use Sinatra only for middleware, and not as an endpoint.
<b>There is no need to switch to a `config.ru` simply because you
**There is no need to switch to a `config.ru` simply because you
switched to the modular style, and you don't have to use the modular style for running
with a `config.ru`.</b>
with a `config.ru`.**
=== Using Sinatra as Middleware
### Using Sinatra as Middleware
Not only is Sinatra able to use other Rack middleware, any Sinatra application
can in turn be added in front of any Rack endpoint as middleware itself. This
@ -1759,63 +1782,70 @@ application (Rails/Ramaze/Camping/...):
get('/') { "Hello #{session['user_name']}." }
=== Dynamic Application Creation
### Dynamic Application Creation
Sometimes you want to create new applications at runtime without having to
assign them to a constant, you can do this with `Sinatra.new`:
require 'sinatra/base'
my_app = Sinatra.new { get('/') { "hi" } }
require 'sinatra/base'
my_app = Sinatra.new { get('/') { "hi" } }
It takes the application to inherit from as an optional argument:
# config.ru (run with rackup)
require 'sinatra/base'
# config.ru (run with rackup)
require 'sinatra/base'
controller = Sinatra.new do
controller = Sinatra.new do
enable :logging
helpers MyHelpers
map('/a') do
map('/a') do
run Sinatra.new(controller) { get('/') { 'a' } }
map('/b') do
map('/b') do
run Sinatra.new(controller) { get('/') { 'b' } }
This is especially useful for testing Sinatra extensions or using Sinatra in
your own library.
This also makes using Sinatra as middleware extremely easy:
require 'sinatra/base'
require 'sinatra/base'
use Sinatra do
use Sinatra do
get('/') { ... }
run RailsProject::Application
run RailsProject::Application
== Scopes and Binding
## Scopes and Binding
The scope you are currently in determines what methods and variables are
=== Application/Class Scope
### Application/Class Scope
Every Sinatra application corresponds to a subclass of `Sinatra::Base`.
If you are using the top-level DSL (`require 'sinatra'`), then this
class is `Sinatra::Application`, otherwise it is the subclass you
created explicitly. At class level you have methods like +get+ or +before+, but
you cannot access the +request+ or +session+ objects, as there is only a
created explicitly. At class level you have methods like `get` or `before`, but
you cannot access the `request` or `session` objects, as there is only a
single application class for all requests.
Options created via +set+ are methods at class level:
Options created via `set` are methods at class level:
class MyApp < Sinatra::Base
class MyApp < Sinatra::Base
# Hey, I'm in the application scope!
set :foo, 42
foo # => 42
@ -1823,8 +1853,8 @@ Options created via +set+ are methods at class level:
get '/foo' do
# Hey, I'm no longer in the application scope!
You have the application scope binding inside:
* Your application class body