[sinatra-contrib] API docs: TestHelpers

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Olle Jonsson 2017-09-09 14:55:46 +02:00
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@ -11,8 +11,9 @@ module Sinatra
Base.set :environment, :test
# Helper methods to ease testing your Sinatra application. Partly extracted
# from Sinatra. Testing framework agnostic
# from Sinatra. Testing framework agnostic.
module TestHelpers
# Test variant of session, which exposes a `global_env`.
class Session < Rack::Test::Session
def global_env
@global_env ||= {}
@ -29,11 +30,107 @@ module Sinatra
extend Forwardable
attr_accessor :settings
# @!group Instance Methods delegated to last_response
# @!method body
# Body of last_response
# @see http://www.rubydoc.info/github/rack/rack/master/Rack/Response#body-instance_method
# @return [String] body of the last response
# @!method headers
# Headers of last_response
# @return [Hash] hash of the last response
# @!method status
# HTTP status of last_response
# @return [Integer] HTTP status of the last response
# @!method errors
# Errors of last_response
# @return [Array] errors of the last response
def_delegators :last_response, :body, :headers, :status, :errors
# @!endgroup
# @!group Class Methods delegated to app
# @!method configure(*envs) {|_self| ... }
# @!scope class
# @yieldparam _self [Sinatra::Base] the object that the method was called on
# Set configuration options for Sinatra and/or the app. Allows scoping of
# settings for certain environments.
# @!method set(option, value = (not_set = true), ignore_setter = false, &block)
# @!scope class
# Sets an option to the given value. If the value is a proc, the proc will
# be called every time the option is accessed.
# @raise [ArgumentError]
# @!method enable(*opts)
# @!scope class
# Same as calling `set :option, true` for each of the given options.
# @!method disable(*opts)
# @!scope class
# Same as calling `set :option, false` for each of the given options.
# @!method use(middleware, *args, &block)
# @!scope class
# Use the specified Rack middleware
# @!method helpers(*extensions, &block)
# @!scope class
# Makes the methods defined in the block and in the Modules given in
# `extensions` available to the handlers and templates.
# @!method register(*extensions, &block)
# @!scope class
# Register an extension. Alternatively take a block from which an
# extension will be created and registered on the fly.
def_delegators :app, :configure, :set, :enable, :disable, :use, :helpers, :register
# @!endgroup
# @!group Instance Methods delegated to current_session
# @!method env_for(uri = "", opts = {})
# Return the Rack environment used for a request to `uri`.
# @return [Hash]
def_delegators :current_session, :env_for
# @!endgroup
# @!group Instance Methods delegated to rack_mock_session
# @!method cookie_jar
# Returns a {http://www.rubydoc.info/github/rack-test/rack-test/Rack/Test/CookieJar Rack::Test::CookieJar}.
# @return [Rack::Test::CookieJar]
def_delegators :rack_mock_session, :cookie_jar
# @!endgroup
# Instantiate and configure a mock Sinatra app.
# Takes a `base` app class, or defaults to Sinatra::Base, and instantiates
# an app instance. Any given code in `block` is `class_eval`'d on this new
# instance before the instance is returned.
# @param base [Sinatra::Base] App base class
# @return [Sinatra] Configured mocked app
def mock_app(base = Sinatra::Base, &block)
inner = nil
@app = Sinatra.new(base) do
@ -44,18 +141,35 @@ module Sinatra
# Replaces the configured app.
# @param base [Sinatra::Base] a configured app
def app=(base)
@app = base
alias set_app app=
# Returns a Rack::Lint-wrapped Sinatra app.
# If no app has been configured, a new subclass of Sinatra::Base will be
# used and stored.
# (Rack::Lint validates your application and the requests and
# responses according to the Rack spec.)
# @return [Sinatra::Base]
def app
@app ||= Class.new Sinatra::Base
Rack::Lint.new @app
unless method_defined? :options
# Processes an OPTIONS request in the context of the current session.
# @param uri [String]
# @param params [Hash]
# @param env [Hash]
def options(uri, params = {}, env = {}, &block)
env = env_for(uri, env.merge(:method => "OPTIONS", :params => params))
current_session.send(:process_request, uri, env, &block)
@ -63,12 +177,18 @@ module Sinatra
unless method_defined? :patch
# Processes a PATCH request in the context of the current session.
# @param uri [String]
# @param params [Hash]
# @param env [Hash]
def patch(uri, params = {}, env = {}, &block)
env = env_for(uri, env.merge(:method => "PATCH", :params => params))
current_session.send(:process_request, uri, env, &block)
# @return [Boolean]
def last_request?
@ -76,12 +196,15 @@ module Sinatra
# @raise [Rack::Test:Error] If sessions are not enabled for app
# @return [Hash] Session of last request, or the empty Hash
def session
return {} unless last_request?
raise Rack::Test::Error, "session not enabled for app" unless last_env["rack.session"] or app.session?
# @return The env of the last request
def last_env