diff --git a/lib/sinatra/base.rb b/lib/sinatra/base.rb
index 729d7c16..acd1092b 100644
--- a/lib/sinatra/base.rb
+++ b/lib/sinatra/base.rb
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ require 'time'
require 'uri'
# other files we need
+require 'sinatra/indifferent_hash'
require 'sinatra/show_exceptions'
require 'sinatra/version'
@@ -240,18 +241,6 @@ module Sinatra
def http_status; 404 end
- class IndifferentHash < Hash
- def [](key)
- value = super(key)
- return super(key.to_s) if value.nil? && Symbol === key
- value
- end
- def has_key?(key)
- super(key) || (Symbol === key && super(key.to_s))
- end
- end
# Methods available to routes, before/after filters, and views.
module Helpers
# Set or retrieve the response status code.
@@ -1078,20 +1067,6 @@ module Sinatra
send_file path, options.merge(:disposition => nil)
- # Enable string or symbol key access to the nested params hash.
- def indifferent_params(object)
- case object
- when Hash
- new_hash = IndifferentHash.new
- object.each { |key, value| new_hash[key] = indifferent_params(value) }
- new_hash
- when Array
- object.map { |item| indifferent_params(item) }
- else
- object
- end
- end
# Run the block with 'throw :halt' support and apply result to the response.
def invoke
res = catch(:halt) { yield }
@@ -1110,8 +1085,7 @@ module Sinatra
# Dispatch a request with error handling.
def dispatch!
- @params = indifferent_params(@request.params)
- force_encoding(@params)
+ force_encoding(@params = IndifferentHash[@request.params])
invoke do
static! if settings.static? && (request.get? || request.head?)
diff --git a/lib/sinatra/indifferent_hash.rb b/lib/sinatra/indifferent_hash.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..95abdcd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sinatra/indifferent_hash.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module Sinatra
+ # A poor man's ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess, with all the Rails-y
+ # stuff removed.
+ #
+ # Implements a hash where keys :foo and "foo" are
+ # considered to be the same.
+ #
+ # rgb = Sinatra::IndifferentHash.new
+ #
+ # rgb[:black] = '#000000' # symbol assignment
+ # rgb[:black] # => '#000000' # symbol retrieval
+ # rgb['black'] # => '#000000' # string retrieval
+ #
+ # rgb['white'] = '#FFFFFF' # string assignment
+ # rgb[:white] # => '#FFFFFF' # symbol retrieval
+ # rgb['white'] # => '#FFFFFF' # string retrieval
+ #
+ # Internally, symbols are mapped to strings when used as keys in the entire
+ # writing interface (calling e.g. []=, merge). This mapping
+ # belongs to the public interface. For example, given:
+ #
+ # hash = Sinatra::IndifferentHash.new(:a=>1)
+ #
+ # You are guaranteed that the key is returned as a string:
+ #
+ # hash.keys # => ["a"]
+ #
+ # Technically other types of keys are accepted:
+ #
+ # hash = Sinatra::IndifferentHash.new(:a=>1)
+ # hash[0] = 0
+ # hash # => { "a"=>1, 0=>0 }
+ #
+ # But this class is intended for use cases where strings or symbols are the
+ # expected keys and it is convenient to understand both as the same. For
+ # example the +params+ hash in Sinatra.
+ class IndifferentHash < Hash
+ def self.[](*args)
+ new.merge!(Hash[*args])
+ end
+ def initialize(*args)
+ super(*args.map(&method(:convert_value)))
+ end
+ def default(*args)
+ super(*args.map(&method(:convert_key)))
+ end
+ def default=(value)
+ super(convert_value(value))
+ end
+ def assoc(key)
+ super(convert_key(key))
+ end
+ def rassoc(value)
+ super(convert_value(value))
+ end
+ def fetch(key, *args)
+ super(convert_key(key), *args.map(&method(:convert_value)))
+ end
+ def [](key)
+ super(convert_key(key))
+ end
+ def []=(key, value)
+ super(convert_key(key), convert_value(value))
+ end
+ alias_method :store, :[]=
+ def key(value)
+ super(convert_value(value))
+ end
+ def key?(key)
+ super(convert_key(key))
+ end
+ alias_method :has_key?, :key?
+ alias_method :include?, :key?
+ alias_method :member?, :key?
+ def value?(value)
+ super(convert_value(value))
+ end
+ alias_method :has_value?, :value?
+ def delete(key)
+ super(convert_key(key))
+ end
+ def dig(key, *other_keys)
+ super(convert_key(key), *other_keys)
+ end if method_defined?(:dig) # Added in Ruby 2.3
+ def fetch_values(*keys)
+ super(*keys.map(&method(:convert_key)))
+ end if method_defined?(:fetch_values) # Added in Ruby 2.3
+ def values_at(*keys)
+ super(*keys.map(&method(:convert_key)))
+ end
+ def merge!(other_hash)
+ return super if other_hash.is_a?(self.class)
+ other_hash.each_pair do |key, value|
+ key = convert_key(key)
+ value = yield(key, self[key], value) if block_given? && key?(key)
+ self[key] = convert_value(value)
+ end
+ self
+ end
+ alias_method :update, :merge!
+ def merge(other_hash, &block)
+ dup.merge!(other_hash, &block)
+ end
+ def replace(other_hash)
+ super(other_hash.is_a?(self.class) ? other_hash : self.class[other_hash])
+ end
+ private
+ def convert_key(key)
+ key.is_a?(Symbol) ? key.to_s : key
+ end
+ def convert_value(value)
+ case value
+ when Hash
+ value.is_a?(self.class) ? value : self.class[value]
+ when Array
+ value.map(&method(:convert_value))
+ else
+ value
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/sinatra-contrib/lib/sinatra/config_file.rb b/sinatra-contrib/lib/sinatra/config_file.rb
index 8863d09d..7106b457 100644
--- a/sinatra-contrib/lib/sinatra/config_file.rb
+++ b/sinatra-contrib/lib/sinatra/config_file.rb
@@ -156,13 +156,12 @@ module Sinatra
# returned config is a indifferently accessible Hash, which means that you
# can get its values using Strings or Symbols as keys.
def config_for_env(hash)
- if hash.respond_to? :keys and hash.keys.all? { |k| environments.include? k.to_s }
+ if hash.respond_to?(:keys) && hash.keys.all? { |k| environments.include?(k.to_s) }
hash = hash[environment.to_s] || hash[environment.to_sym]
- if hash.respond_to? :to_hash
- indifferent_hash = Hash.new { |hash, key| hash[key.to_s] if Symbol === key }
- indifferent_hash.merge hash.to_hash
+ if hash.respond_to?(:to_hash)
+ IndifferentHash[hash.to_hash]
diff --git a/test/indifferent_hash_test.rb b/test/indifferent_hash_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c7111bc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/indifferent_hash_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+# We don't need the full test helper for this standalone class.
+require 'bundler/setup'
+require 'minitest/autorun' unless defined?(Minitest)
+require_relative '../lib/sinatra/indifferent_hash'
+class TestIndifferentHashBasics < Minitest::Test
+ def test_flattened_constructor
+ hash = Sinatra::IndifferentHash[:a, 1, ?b, 2]
+ assert_equal 1, hash[?a]
+ assert_equal 2, hash[?b]
+ end
+ def test_pairs_constructor
+ hash = Sinatra::IndifferentHash[[[:a, 1], [?b, 2]]]
+ assert_equal 1, hash[?a]
+ assert_equal 2, hash[?b]
+ end
+ def test_default_block
+ hash = Sinatra::IndifferentHash.new { |h, k| h[k] = k.upcase }
+ assert_nil hash.default
+ assert_equal ?A, hash.default(:a)
+ end
+ def test_default_object
+ hash = Sinatra::IndifferentHash.new(:a=>1, ?b=>2)
+ assert_equal({ ?a=>1, ?b=>2 }, hash.default)
+ assert_equal({ ?a=>1, ?b=>2 }, hash[:a])
+ end
+ def test_default_assignment
+ hash = Sinatra::IndifferentHash.new
+ hash.default = { :a=>1, ?b=>2 }
+ assert_equal({ ?a=>1, ?b=>2 }, hash.default)
+ assert_equal({ ?a=>1, ?b=>2 }, hash[:a])
+ end
+ def test_assignment
+ hash = Sinatra::IndifferentHash.new
+ hash[:a] = :a
+ hash[?b] = :b
+ hash[3] = 3
+ hash[:simple_nested] = { :a=>:a, ?b=>:b }
+ assert_equal :a, hash[?a]
+ assert_equal :b, hash[?b]
+ assert_equal 3, hash[3]
+ assert_equal({ ?a=>:a, ?b=>:b }, hash['simple_nested'])
+ assert_nil hash[?d]
+ end
+ def test_merge!
+ # merge! is already mostly tested by the different constructors, so we
+ # really just need to test the block form here
+ hash = Sinatra::IndifferentHash[:a=>'a', ?b=>'b', 3=>3]
+ hash.merge!(?a=>'A', :b=>'B', :d=>'D') do |key, oldval, newval|
+ "#{oldval}*#{key}*#{newval}"
+ end
+ assert_equal({ ?a=>'a*a*A', ?b=>'b*b*B', 3=>3, ?d=>'D' }, hash)
+ end
+class TestIndifferentHash < Minitest::Test
+ def skip_if_lacking(meth)
+ skip "Hash##{meth} not supported on this Ruby" unless Hash.method_defined?(meth)
+ end
+ def setup
+ @hash = Sinatra::IndifferentHash[:a=>:a, ?b=>:b, 3=>3,
+ :simple_nested=>{ :a=>:a, ?b=>:b },
+ :nested=>{ :a=>[{ :a=>:a, ?b=>:b }, :c, 4], ?f=>:f, 7=>7 }
+ ]
+ end
+ def test_hash_constructor
+ assert_equal :a, @hash[?a]
+ assert_equal :b, @hash[?b]
+ assert_equal 3, @hash[3]
+ assert_equal({ ?a=>:a, ?b=>:b }, @hash['nested'][?a][0])
+ assert_equal :c, @hash['nested'][?a][1]
+ assert_equal 4, @hash['nested'][?a][2]
+ assert_equal :f, @hash['nested'][?f]
+ assert_equal 7, @hash['nested'][7]
+ assert_equal :a, @hash['simple_nested'][?a]
+ assert_equal :b, @hash['simple_nested'][?b]
+ assert_nil @hash[?d]
+ end
+ def test_assoc
+ assert_nil @hash.assoc(:d)
+ assert_equal [?a, :a], @hash.assoc(:a)
+ assert_equal [?b, :b], @hash.assoc(:b)
+ end
+ def test_rassoc
+ assert_nil @hash.rassoc(:d)
+ assert_equal [?a, :a], @hash.rassoc(:a)
+ assert_equal [?b, :b], @hash.rassoc(:b)
+ assert_equal ['simple_nested', { ?a=>:a, ?b=>:b }], @hash.rassoc(:a=>:a, ?b=>:b)
+ end
+ def test_fetch
+ assert_raises(KeyError) { @hash.fetch(:d) }
+ assert_equal 1, @hash.fetch(:d, 1)
+ assert_equal 2, @hash.fetch(:d) { 2 }
+ assert_equal ?d, @hash.fetch(:d) { |k| k }
+ assert_equal :a, @hash.fetch(:a, 1)
+ assert_equal :a, @hash.fetch(:a) { 2 }
+ end
+ def test_symbolic_retrieval
+ assert_equal :a, @hash[:a]
+ assert_equal :b, @hash[:b]
+ assert_equal({ ?a=>:a, ?b=>:b }, @hash[:nested][:a][0])
+ assert_equal :c, @hash[:nested][:a][1]
+ assert_equal 4, @hash[:nested][:a][2]
+ assert_equal :f, @hash[:nested][:f]
+ assert_equal 7, @hash[:nested][7]
+ assert_equal :a, @hash[:simple_nested][:a]
+ assert_equal :b, @hash[:simple_nested][:b]
+ assert_nil @hash[:d]
+ end
+ def test_key
+ assert_nil @hash.key(:d)
+ assert_equal ?a, @hash.key(:a)
+ assert_equal 'simple_nested', @hash.key(:a=>:a, ?b=>:b)
+ end
+ def test_key?
+ assert_operator @hash, :key?, :a
+ assert_operator @hash, :key?, ?b
+ assert_operator @hash, :key?, 3
+ refute_operator @hash, :key?, :d
+ end
+ def test_value?
+ assert_operator @hash, :value?, :a
+ assert_operator @hash, :value?, :b
+ assert_operator @hash, :value?, 3
+ assert_operator @hash, :value?, { :a=>:a, ?b=>:b }
+ refute_operator @hash, :value?, :d
+ end
+ def test_delete
+ @hash.delete(:a)
+ @hash.delete(?b)
+ assert_nil @hash[:a]
+ assert_nil @hash[?b]
+ end
+ def test_dig
+ skip_if_lacking :dig
+ assert_equal :a, @hash.dig(:a)
+ assert_equal :b, @hash.dig(?b)
+ assert_nil @hash.dig(:d)
+ assert_equal :a, @hash.dig(:simple_nested, :a)
+ assert_equal :b, @hash.dig('simple_nested', ?b)
+ assert_nil @hash.dig('simple_nested', :d)
+ assert_equal :a, @hash.dig(:nested, :a, 0, :a)
+ assert_equal :b, @hash.dig('nested', ?a, 0, ?b)
+ assert_nil @hash.dig('nested', ?a, 0, :d)
+ end
+ def test_fetch_values
+ skip_if_lacking :fetch_values
+ assert_raises(KeyError) { @hash.fetch_values(3, :d) }
+ assert_equal [:a, :b, 3, ?D], @hash.fetch_values(:a, ?b, 3, :d) { |k| k.upcase }
+ end
+ def test_values_at
+ assert_equal [:a, :b, 3, nil], @hash.values_at(:a, ?b, 3, :d)
+ end
+ def test_merge
+ # merge just calls merge!, which is already thoroughly tested
+ hash2 = @hash.merge(?a=>1, :q=>2) { |key, oldval, newval| "#{oldval}*#{key}*#{newval}" }
+ refute_equal @hash, hash2
+ assert_equal 'a*a*1', hash2[:a]
+ assert_equal 2, hash2[?q]
+ end
+ def test_replace
+ @hash.replace(?a=>1, :q=>2)
+ assert_equal({ ?a=>1, ?q=>2 }, @hash)
+ end
diff --git a/test/request_test.rb b/test/request_test.rb
index 1c88ea70..2df31388 100644
--- a/test/request_test.rb
+++ b/test/request_test.rb
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class RequestTest < Minitest::Test
'CONTENT_TYPE' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'rack.input' => StringIO.new('foo=bar')
- Sinatra::IndifferentHash.new.replace(request.params)
+ Sinatra::IndifferentHash[request.params]
dumped = Marshal.dump(request.params)
assert_equal 'bar', Marshal.load(dumped)['foo']