Testing out some HTML in Markdown

This commit is contained in:
Kashyap 2013-01-11 03:39:57 +05:30
parent 8d9442be52
commit 63a18c478c
1 changed files with 688 additions and 599 deletions

View File

@ -344,45 +344,65 @@ Options passed to the render method override options set via `set`.
Available Options:
> List of locals passed to the document. Handy with partials.
List of locals passed to the document. Handy with partials.
Example: `erb "<%= foo %>", :locals => {:foo => "bar"}`
> String encoding to use if uncertain. Defaults to
String encoding to use if uncertain. Defaults to
> Views folder to load templates from. Defaults to `settings.views`.
Views folder to load templates from. Defaults to `settings.views`.
> Whether to use a layout (`true` or `false`), if it's a Symbol, specifies
Whether to use a layout (`true` or `false`), if it's a Symbol, specifies
what template to use. Example: `erb :index, :layout => !request.xhr?`
> Content-Type the template produces, default depends on template language.
Content-Type the template produces, default depends on template language.
> Scope to render template under. Defaults to the application instance. If you
Scope to render template under. Defaults to the application instance. If you
change this, instance variables and helper methods will not be available.
> Template engine to use for rendering the layout. Useful for languages that
Template engine to use for rendering the layout. Useful for languages that
do not support layouts otherwise. Defaults to the engine used for the
template. Example: `set :rdoc, :layout_engine => :erb`
> Templates are assumed to be located directly under the `./views`
Templates are assumed to be located directly under the `./views`
directory. To use a different views directory:
set :views, settings.root + '/templates'
> One important thing to remember is that you always have to reference
One important thing to remember is that you always have to reference
templates with symbols, even if they're in a subdirectory (in this
case, use: `'subdir/template'`). You must use a symbol because
otherwise rendering methods will render any strings passed to them
### Available Template Languages
@ -396,19 +416,37 @@ get('/') { markdown :index }
#### Haml Templates
Dependency [haml](http://haml.info/)
File Extension .haml
Example haml :index, :format => :html5
<td>File Extension</td>
<td>haml :index, :format => :html5</td>
#### Erb Templates
Dependency [erubis](http://www.kuwata-lab.com/erubis/) or erb (included in Ruby)
File Extensions .erb, .rhtml or .erubis (Erubis only)
Example erb :index
<td>[erubis](http://www.kuwata-lab.com/erubis/) or erb (included in Ruby)</td>
<td>File Extensions</td>
<td>.erb, .rhtml or .erubis (Erubis only)</td>
<td>erb :index</td>
#### Builder Templates
@ -1324,28 +1362,34 @@ send_file 'foo.png', :type => :jpg
The options are:
> file name, in response, defaults to the real file name.
<dd>file name, in response, defaults to the real file name.</dd>
> value for Last-Modified header, defaults to the file's mtime.
<dd>value for Last-Modified header, defaults to the file's mtime.</dd>
> content type to use, guessed from the file extension if missing.
<dd>content type to use, guessed from the file extension if missing.</dd>
> used for Content-Disposition, possible values: `nil` (default),
used for Content-Disposition, possible values: `nil` (default),
`:attachment` and `:inline`
> Content-Length header, defaults to file size.
<dd>Content-Length header, defaults to file size.</dd>
> Status code to be send. Useful when sending a static file as an error page.
Status code to be send. Useful when sending a static file as an error page.
> If supported by the Rack handler, other means than streaming from the Ruby
If supported by the Rack handler, other means than streaming from the Ruby
process will be used. If you use this helper method, Sinatra will automatically
handle range requests.
### Accessing the Request Object
@ -1532,7 +1576,7 @@ configure do
Run only when the environment (RACK_ENV environment variable) is set to
Run only when the environment (`RACK_ENV` environment variable) is set to
@ -1589,134 +1633,169 @@ set :protection, :except => [:path_traversal, :session_hijacking]
### Available Settings
> If disabled, Sinatra will allow relative redirects, however, Sinatra will no
If disabled, Sinatra will allow relative redirects, however, Sinatra will no
longer conform with RFC 2616 (HTTP 1.1), which only allows absolute redirects.
> Enable if your app is running behind a reverse proxy that has not been set up
Enable if your app is running behind a reverse proxy that has not been set up
properly. Note that the `url` helper will still produce absolute URLs, unless you
pass in `false` as the second parameter.
<dd>Disabled per default.</dd>
> Disabled per default.
> mime types the `content_type` helper will automatically add the charset info to.
mime types the `content_type` helper will automatically add the charset info to.
You should add to it rather than overriding this option:
settings.add_charsets << "application/foobar"
> Path to the main application file, used to detect project root, views and public
Path to the main application file, used to detect project root, views and public
folder and inline templates.
<dd>IP address to bind to (default: Only used for built-in server.</dd>
> IP address to bind to (default: Only used for built-in server.
<dd>encoding to assume if unknown (defaults to `"utf-8"`).</dd>
<dd>display errors in the log.</dd>
> encoding to assume if unknown (defaults to `"utf-8"`).
> display errors in the log.
> current environment, defaults to `ENV['RACK_ENV']`, or `"development"` if
current environment, defaults to `ENV['RACK_ENV']`, or `"development"` if
not available.
> use the logger.
<dd>use the logger.</dd>
> Places a lock around every request, only running processing on request
Places a lock around every request, only running processing on request
per Ruby process concurrently.
<dd>Enabled if your app is not thread-safe. Disabled per default.</dd>
> Enabled if your app is not thread-safe. Disabled per default.
> use `_method` magic to allow put/delete forms in browsers that
use `_method` magic to allow put/delete forms in browsers that
don't support it.
> Port to listen on. Only used for built-in server.
<dd>Port to listen on. Only used for built-in server.</dd>
> Whether or not to insert `request.script_name` into redirects if no
Whether or not to insert `request.script_name` into redirects if no
absolute path is given. That way `redirect '/foo'` would behave like
`redirect to('/foo')`. Disabled per default.
> Whether or not to enable web attack protections. See protection section above.
<dd>Whether or not to enable web attack protections. See protection section above.</dd>
> Alias for `public_folder`. See below.
<dd>Alias for `public_folder`. See below.</dd>
> Path to the folder public files are served from. Only used if static
Path to the folder public files are served from. Only used if static
file serving is enabled (see `static` setting below). Inferred from
`app_file` setting if not set.
> Whether or not to reload templates between requests. Enabled in development mode.
Whether or not to reload templates between requests. Enabled in development mode.
> Path to project root folder. Inferred from `app_file` setting if not set.
Path to project root folder. Inferred from `app_file` setting if not set.
> raise exceptions (will stop application). Enabled by default when
raise exceptions (will stop application). Enabled by default when
`environment` is set to `"test"`, disabled otherwise.
> if enabled, Sinatra will handle starting the web server, do not
if enabled, Sinatra will handle starting the web server, do not
enable if using rackup or other means.
> is the built-in server running now? do not change this setting!
<dd>is the built-in server running now? do not change this setting!</dd>
> server or list of servers to use for built-in server. defaults to
server or list of servers to use for built-in server. defaults to
['thin', 'mongrel', 'webrick'], order indicates priority.
> Enable cookie-based sessions support using `Rack::Session::Cookie`.
Enable cookie-based sessions support using `Rack::Session::Cookie`.
See 'Using Sessions' section for more information.
> Show a stack trace in the browser when an exception
Show a stack trace in the browser when an exception
happens. Enabled by default when `environment`
is set to `"development"`, disabled otherwise.
> Can also be set to `:after_handler` to trigger
Can also be set to `:after_handler` to trigger
app-specified error handling before showing a stack
trace in the browser.
> Whether Sinatra should handle serving static files.
> Disable when using a server able to do this on its own.
> Disabling will boost performance.
> Enabled per default in classic style, disabled for
<dd>Whether Sinatra should handle serving static files.</dd>
<dd>Disable when using a server able to do this on its own.</dd>
<dd>Disabling will boost performance.</dd>
Enabled per default in classic style, disabled for
modular apps.
> When Sinatra is serving static files, set this to add
When Sinatra is serving static files, set this to add
`Cache-Control` headers to the responses. Uses the
`cache_control` helper. Disabled by default.
Use an explicit array when setting multiple values:
`set :static_cache_control, [:public, :max_age => 300]`
> If set to `true`, will tell Thin to use `EventMachine.defer`
If set to `true`, will tell Thin to use `EventMachine.defer`
for processing the request.
> Path to the views folder. Inferred from `app_file` setting if
Path to the views folder. Inferred from `app_file` setting if
not set.
## Environments
@ -2223,39 +2302,49 @@ Options are:
## Requirement
The following Ruby versions are officially supported:
**Ruby 1.8.7**
> 1.8.7 is fully supported, however, if nothing is keeping you from it, we
<dt>Ruby 1.8.7</dt>
1.8.7 is fully supported, however, if nothing is keeping you from it, we
recommend upgrading to 1.9.2 or switching to JRuby or Rubinius. Support for
1.8.7 will not be dropped before Sinatra 2.0 and Ruby 2.0 except maybe in
the unlikely event of 1.8.8 being released. Even then, we might continue
supporting it. <b>Ruby 1.8.6 is no longer supported.</b> If you want to run
with 1.8.6, downgrade to Sinatra 1.2, which will receive bug fixes until
Sinatra 1.4.0 is released.
**Ruby 1.9.2**
> 1.9.2 is fully supported and recommended. Do not use 1.9.2p0, as it is known to
<dt>Ruby 1.9.2</dt>
1.9.2 is fully supported and recommended. Do not use 1.9.2p0, as it is known to
cause segmentation faults when running Sinatra. Support will continue at least
until the release of Ruby 1.9.4/2.0 and support for the latest 1.9 release
will continue as long as it is still supported by the Ruby core team.
**Ruby 1.9.3**
> 1.9.3 is fully supported and recommended. Please note that switching to 1.9.3
<dt>Ruby 1.9.3</dt>
1.9.3 is fully supported and recommended. Please note that switching to 1.9.3
from an earlier version will invalidate all sessions.
> Rubinius is officially supported (Rubinius >= 1.2.4), everything works, including
Rubinius is officially supported (Rubinius >= 1.2.4), everything works, including
all template languages. The upcoming 2.0 release is supported as
well, including 1.9 mode.
> JRuby is officially supported (JRuby >= 1.6.7). No issues with third party
JRuby is officially supported (JRuby >= 1.6.7). No issues with third party
template libraries are known, however, if you choose to use JRuby, please
look into JRuby rack handlers, as the Thin web server is not fully supported
on JRuby. JRuby's support for C extensions is still experimental, which only
affects RDiscount, Redcarpet, RedCloth and Yajl templates as well as Thin
and Mongrel at the moment.
We also keep an eye on upcoming Ruby versions.
The following Ruby implementations are not officially supported but still are
@ -2372,7 +2461,7 @@ SemVerTag.
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