diff --git a/README.de.md b/README.de.md index f3fc64f0..9208023e 100644 --- a/README.de.md +++ b/README.de.md @@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ end Routen mit regulären Ausdrücken sind auch möglich: ```ruby -get %r{/hallo/([\w]+)} do +get /^\/hallo\/([\w]+)$/ do "Hallo, #{params['captures'].first}!" end ``` diff --git a/README.es.md b/README.es.md index e4c9e4a3..65d1df9c 100644 --- a/README.es.md +++ b/README.es.md @@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ end Rutas con Expresiones Regulares: ``` ruby -get %r{/hola/([\w]+)} do +get /^\/hola\/([\w]+)$/ do "Hola, #{params['captures'].first}!" end ``` diff --git a/README.fr.md b/README.fr.md index 04d7a148..067e2120 100644 --- a/README.fr.md +++ b/README.fr.md @@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ end Une route peut aussi être définie par une expression régulière : ``` ruby -get %r{/bonjour/([\w]+)} do +get /^\/bonjour\/([\w]+)$/ do "Bonjour, #{params['captures'].first} !" end ``` diff --git a/README.hu.md b/README.hu.md index d9330b0d..bf0bbf55 100644 --- a/README.hu.md +++ b/README.hu.md @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ Az útvonalmintákban szerepelhetnek joker paraméterek is, melyeket a Reguláris kifejezéseket is felvehetünk az útvonalba: ```ruby - get %r{/hello/([\w]+)} do + get /^\/hello\/([\w]+)$/ do "Helló, #{params[:captures].first}!" end ``` diff --git a/README.ja.md b/README.ja.md index 7ccff7f4..344fe515 100644 --- a/README.ja.md +++ b/README.ja.md @@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ end ルーティングを正規表現にマッチさせることもできます。 ``` ruby -get %r{/hello/([\w]+)} do +get /^\/hello\/([\w]+)$/ do "Hello, #{params['captures'].first}!" end ``` diff --git a/README.ko.md b/README.ko.md index de3fa06b..1b12bccf 100644 --- a/README.ko.md +++ b/README.ko.md @@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ end 라우터는 정규표현식으로 매치할 수 있습니다. ``` ruby -get %r{/hello/([\w]+)} do +get /^\/hello\/([\w]+)$/ do "Hello, #{params[:captures].first}!" end ``` diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 118ac042..3912b686 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ end Route matching with Regular Expressions: ``` ruby -get %r{/hello/([\w]+)} do +get /^\/hello\/([\w]+)$/ do "Hello, #{params['captures'].first}!" end ``` @@ -216,6 +216,7 @@ Or with a block parameter: ``` ruby get %r{/hello/([\w]+)} do |c| + # Matches "GET /meta/hello/world", "GET /hello/world/1234" etc. "Hello, #{c}!" end ``` diff --git a/README.pt-br.md b/README.pt-br.md index 18954a04..0e8c6c17 100644 --- a/README.pt-br.md +++ b/README.pt-br.md @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ end Rotas podem casar com expressões regulares: ``` ruby -get %r{/ola/([\w]+)} do +get /^\/ola\/([\w]+)$/ do "Olá, #{params['captures'].first}!" end ``` diff --git a/README.pt-pt.md b/README.pt-pt.md index 877991dc..426bf6da 100644 --- a/README.pt-pt.md +++ b/README.pt-pt.md @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ end Rotas correspondem-se com expressões regulares: ``` ruby -get %r{/ola/([\w]+)} do +get /^\/ola\/([\w]+)$/ do "Olá, #{params['captures'].first}!" end ``` diff --git a/README.ru.md b/README.ru.md index f4e25cb3..8cd419bc 100644 --- a/README.ru.md +++ b/README.ru.md @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ end Регулярные выражения в качестве шаблонов маршрутов: ```ruby -get %r{/hello/([\w]+)} do +get /^\/hello\/([\w]+)$/ do "Hello, #{params[:captures].first}!" end ``` diff --git a/README.zh.md b/README.zh.md index 42fccf2b..492b349f 100644 --- a/README.zh.md +++ b/README.zh.md @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ end 通过正则表达式匹配的路由: ~~~~ ruby -get %r{/hello/([\w]+)} do +get /^\/hello\/([\w]+)$/ do "Hello, #{params[:captures].first}!" end ~~~~