require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/helper' describe 'Options' do before do restore_default_options @app = end it 'sets options to literal values' do @app.set(:foo, 'bar') assert @app.respond_to?(:foo) assert_equal 'bar', end it 'sets options to Procs' do @app.set(:foo, { 'baz' }) assert @app.respond_to?(:foo) assert_equal 'baz', end it "sets multiple options with a Hash" do @app.set :foo => 1234, :bar => 'Hello World', :baz => { 'bizzle' } assert_equal 1234, assert_equal 'Hello World', assert_equal 'bizzle', @app.baz end it 'inherits option methods when subclassed' do @app.set :foo, 'bar' @app.set :biz, { 'baz' } sub = assert sub.respond_to?(:foo) assert_equal 'bar', assert sub.respond_to?(:biz) assert_equal 'baz', end it 'overrides options in subclass' do @app.set :foo, 'bar' @app.set :biz, { 'baz' } sub = sub.set :foo, 'bling' assert_equal 'bling', assert_equal 'bar', end it 'creates setter methods when first defined' do @app.set :foo, 'bar' assert @app.respond_to?('foo=') = 'biz' assert_equal 'biz', end it 'creates predicate methods when first defined' do @app.set :foo, 'hello world' assert @app.respond_to?(:foo?) assert @app.set :foo, nil assert ! end it 'uses existing setter methods if detected' do class << @app def foo @foo end def foo=(value) @foo = 'oops' end end @app.set :foo, 'bam' assert_equal 'oops', end it "sets multiple options to true with #enable" do @app.enable :sessions, :foo, :bar assert @app.sessions assert assert end it "sets multiple options to false with #disable" do @app.disable :sessions, :foo, :bar assert !@app.sessions assert ! assert ! end it 'enables MethodOverride middleware when :methodoverride is enabled' do @app.set :methodoverride, true @app.put('/') { 'okay' } post '/', {'_method'=>'PUT'}, {} assert_equal 200, status assert_equal 'okay', body end end describe_option 'clean_trace' do def clean_backtrace(trace), trace) end it 'is enabled on Base' do assert @base.clean_trace? end it 'is enabled on Default' do assert @default.clean_trace? end it 'does nothing when disabled' do backtrace = [ "./lib/sinatra/base.rb", "./myapp:42", ("#{Gem.dir}/some/lib.rb" if defined?(Gem)) ].compact @base.set :clean_trace, false assert_equal backtrace, clean_backtrace(backtrace) end it 'removes sinatra lib paths from backtrace when enabled' do backtrace = [ "./lib/sinatra/base.rb", "./lib/sinatra/compat.rb:42", "./lib/sinatra/main.rb:55 in `foo'" ] assert clean_backtrace(backtrace).empty? end it 'removes ./ prefix from backtrace paths when enabled' do assert_equal ['myapp.rb:42'], clean_backtrace(['./myapp.rb:42']) end if defined?(Gem) it 'removes gem lib paths from backtrace when enabled' do assert clean_backtrace(["#{Gem.dir}/some/lib"]).empty? end end end describe_option 'run' do it 'is disabled on Base' do assert ! end it 'is disabled on Default' do assert ! end # TODO: it 'is enabled when $0 == app_file' end describe_option 'raise_errors' do it 'is enabled on Base' do assert @base.raise_errors? end it 'is enabled on Default only in test' do @default.set(:environment, :development) assert @default.development? assert ! @default.raise_errors?, "disabled development" @default.set(:environment, :production) assert ! @default.raise_errors? @default.set(:environment, :test) assert @default.raise_errors? end end describe_option 'dump_errors' do it 'is disabled on Base' do assert ! @base.dump_errors? end it 'is enabled on Default' do assert @default.dump_errors? end it 'dumps exception with backtrace to rack.errors' do Sinatra::Default.disable(:raise_errors) mock_app(Sinatra::Default) { error do error = @env['rack.errors'].instance_variable_get(:@error) error.rewind end get '/' do raise end } get '/' assert body.include?("RuntimeError") && body.include?("options_test.rb") end end describe_option 'sessions' do it 'is disabled on Base' do assert ! @base.sessions? end it 'is disabled on Default' do assert ! @default.sessions? end # TODO: it 'uses Rack::Session::Cookie when enabled' do end describe_option 'logging' do it 'is disabled on Base' do assert ! @base.logging? end it 'is enabled on Default' do assert @default.logging? end # TODO: it 'uses Rack::CommonLogger when enabled' do end describe_option 'static' do it 'is disabled on Base' do assert ! @base.static? end it 'is enabled on Default' do assert @default.static? end # TODO: it setup static routes if public is enabled # TODO: however, that's already tested in static_test so... end describe_option 'host' do it 'defaults to' do assert_equal '', assert_equal '', end end describe_option 'port' do it 'defaults to 4567' do assert_equal 4567, @base.port assert_equal 4567, @default.port end end describe_option 'server' do it 'is one of thin, mongrel, webrick' do assert_equal %w[thin mongrel webrick], @base.server assert_equal %w[thin mongrel webrick], @default.server end end describe_option 'app_file' do it 'is nil' do assert @base.app_file.nil? assert @default.app_file.nil? end end describe_option 'root' do it 'is nil if app_file is not set' do assert @base.root.nil? assert @default.root.nil? end it 'is equal to the expanded basename of app_file' do @base.app_file = __FILE__ assert_equal File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), @base.root @default.app_file = __FILE__ assert_equal File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), @default.root end end describe_option 'views' do it 'is nil if root is not set' do assert @base.views.nil? assert @default.views.nil? end it 'is set to root joined with views/' do @base.root = File.dirname(__FILE__) assert_equal File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/views", @base.views @default.root = File.dirname(__FILE__) assert_equal File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/views", @default.views end end describe_option 'public' do it 'is nil if root is not set' do assert @base.public.nil? assert @default.public.nil? end it 'is set to root joined with public/' do @base.root = File.dirname(__FILE__) assert_equal File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/public", @base.public @default.root = File.dirname(__FILE__) assert_equal File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/public", @default.public end end describe_option 'reload' do it 'is enabled when app_file is set, is not a rackup file, and we are in development' do @base.app_file = __FILE__ @base.set(:environment, :development) assert @base.reload? @default.app_file = __FILE__ @default.set(:environment, :development) assert @default.reload? end it 'is disabled if app_file is not set' do assert ! @base.reload? assert ! @default.reload? end it 'is disabled if app_file is a rackup file' do @base.app_file = '' assert ! @base.reload? @default.app_file = '' assert ! @base.reload? end it 'is disabled if we are not in development' do @base.set(:environment, :foo) assert ! @base.reload @default.set(:environment, :bar) assert ! @default.reload end end describe_option 'lock' do it 'is enabled when reload is enabled' do @base.enable(:reload) assert @base.lock? @default.enable(:reload) assert @default.lock? end it 'is disabled when reload is disabled' do @base.disable(:reload) assert ! @base.lock? @default.disable(:reload) assert ! @default.lock? end end