require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__) begin require 'sass' class ScssTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def scss_app(options = {}, &block) mock_app { set :views, File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/views' set options get '/', &block } get '/' end it 'renders inline Scss strings' do scss_app { scss "#scss {\n background-color: white; }\n" } assert ok? assert_equal "#scss {\n background-color: white; }\n", body end it 'defaults content type to css' do scss_app { scss "#scss {\n background-color: white; }\n" } assert ok? assert_equal "text/css;charset=utf-8", response['Content-Type'] end it 'defaults allows setting content type per route' do scss_app do content_type :html scss "#scss {\n background-color: white; }\n" end assert ok? assert_equal "text/html;charset=utf-8", response['Content-Type'] end it 'defaults allows setting content type globally' do scss_app(:scss => { :content_type => 'html' }) do scss "#scss {\n background-color: white; }\n" end assert ok? assert_equal "text/html;charset=utf-8", response['Content-Type'] end it 'renders .scss files in views path' do scss_app { scss :hello } assert ok? assert_equal "#scss {\n background-color: white; }\n", body end it 'ignores the layout option' do scss_app { scss :hello, :layout => :layout2 } assert ok? assert_equal "#scss {\n background-color: white; }\n", body end it "raises error if template not found" do mock_app { get('/') { scss :no_such_template } } assert_raise(Errno::ENOENT) { get('/') } end it "passes scss options to the scss engine" do scss_app { scss "#scss {\n background-color: white;\n color: black\n}", :style => :compact } assert ok? assert_equal "#scss { background-color: white; color: black; }\n", body end it "passes default scss options to the scss engine" do mock_app { set :scss, {:style => :compact} # default scss style is :nested get '/' do scss "#scss {\n background-color: white;\n color: black;\n}" end } get '/' assert ok? assert_equal "#scss { background-color: white; color: black; }\n", body end end rescue LoadError warn "#{$!.to_s}: skipping scss tests" end