# Releasing Sinatra 🥂 This document explains releasing process for all Sinatra gems. Since everything is bundled in same repo (except `Mustermann`), we now have one rake task to cut a release. (Please refer to [Mustermann](https://github.com/sinatra/mustermann) if that also needs a release.) ### Releasing For relesing new version of [`sinatra`, `sinatra-contrib`, `rack-protection`], this is the procedure: 1. Update `VERSION` file with target version 2. Run `bundle exec rake release:all` 3. ??? 4. Profit!!! Thats it! This rake task can be broken down as: * Pick up latest version string from `VERSION` file * Run all tests to ensure gems are not broken * Update `version.rb` file in all gems with latest `VERSION` * Create a new commit with new `VERSION` and `version.rb` files * Tag the commit with same version * Push the commit and tags to github * Package all the gems, ie create all `.gem` files * Ensure that all the gems can be installed locally * If no issues, push all gems to upstream. In addition to above rake task, there are other rake tasks which can help with development. ### Packaging These rake tasks will generate `.gem` and `.tar.gz` files. For each gem, there is one dedicated rake task. ```sh # Build sinatra-contrib package $ bundle exec rake package:sinatra-contrib # Build rack-protection package $ bundle exec rake package:rack-protection # Build sinatra package $ bundle exec rake package:sinatra # Build all packages $ bundle exec rake package:all ``` ### Packaging and installing locally These rake tasks will package all the gems, and install them locally ```sh # Build and install sinatra-contrib gem locally $ bundle exec rake install:sinatra-contrib # Build and install rack-protection gem locally $ bundle exec rake install:rack-protection # Build and install sinatra gem locally $ bundle exec rake install:sinatra # Build and install all gems locally $ bundle exec rake install:all ```