# I like coding: UTF-8 require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__) # Helper method for easy route pattern matching testing def route_def(pattern) mock_app { get(pattern) { } } end class PatternLookAlike def to_pattern(*) self end def params(input) { "one" => "this", "two" => "is", "three" => "a", "four" => "test" } end end class RoutingTest < Minitest::Test %w[get put post delete options patch link unlink].each do |verb| it "defines #{verb.upcase} request handlers with #{verb}" do mock_app { send verb, '/hello' do 'Hello World' end } request = Rack::MockRequest.new(@app) response = request.request(verb.upcase, '/hello', {}) assert response.ok? assert_equal 'Hello World', response.body end end it "defines HEAD request handlers with HEAD" do mock_app { head '/hello' do response['X-Hello'] = 'World!' 'remove me' end } request = Rack::MockRequest.new(@app) response = request.request('HEAD', '/hello', {}) assert response.ok? assert_equal 'World!', response['X-Hello'] assert_equal '', response.body end it "400s when request params contain conflicting types" do mock_app { get('/foo') { } } request = Rack::MockRequest.new(@app) response = request.request('GET', '/foo?bar=&bar[]=', {}) assert response.bad_request? end it "404s when no route satisfies the request" do mock_app { get('/foo') { } } get '/bar' assert_equal 404, status end it "404s and sets X-Cascade header when no route satisfies the request" do mock_app { get('/foo') { } } get '/bar' assert_equal 404, status assert_equal 'pass', response.headers['X-Cascade'] end it "404s and does not set X-Cascade header when no route satisfies the request and x_cascade has been disabled" do mock_app { disable :x_cascade get('/foo') { } } get '/bar' assert_equal 404, status assert_nil response.headers['X-Cascade'] end it "allows using unicode" do mock_app do get('/föö') { } end get '/f%C3%B6%C3%B6' assert_equal 200, status end it "it handles encoded slashes correctly" do mock_app { set :protection, :except => :path_traversal get("/:a") { |a| a } } get '/foo%2Fbar' assert_equal 200, status assert_body "foo/bar" end it "it handles encoded colons correctly" do mock_app { get("/\\:") { 'a' } get("/a/\\:") { 'b' } get("/a/\\:/b") { 'c' } get("/a/b\\:") { 'd' } get("/a/b\\: ") { 'e' } } get '/:' assert_equal 200, status assert_body "a" get '/%3a' assert_equal 200, status assert_body "a" get '/a/:' assert_equal 200, status assert_body "b" get '/a/%3a' assert_equal 200, status assert_body "b" get '/a/:/b' assert_equal 200, status assert_body "c" get '/a/%3A/b' assert_equal 200, status assert_body "c" get '/a/b:' assert_equal 200, status assert_body "d" get '/a/b%3a' assert_equal 200, status assert_body "d" get '/a/b%3a%20' assert_equal 200, status assert_body "e" get '/a/b%3a+' assert_equal 200, status assert_body "e" end it "overrides the content-type in error handlers" do mock_app { before { content_type 'text/plain' } error Sinatra::NotFound do content_type "text/html" "

Not Found

" end } get '/foo' assert_equal 404, status assert_equal 'text/html;charset=utf-8', response["Content-Type"] assert_equal "

Not Found

", response.body end it "recalculates body length correctly for 404 response" do mock_app { get '/' do @response["Content-Length"] = "30" raise Sinatra::NotFound end } get "/" assert_equal "18", response["Content-Length"] assert_equal 404, status end it "captures the exception message of a raised NotFound" do mock_app { get '/' do raise Sinatra::NotFound, "This is not a drill" end } get "/" assert_equal "19", response["Content-Length"] assert_equal 404, status assert_equal "This is not a drill", response.body end it "captures the exception message of a raised BadRequest" do mock_app { get '/' do raise Sinatra::BadRequest, "This is not a drill either" end } get "/" assert_equal "26", response["Content-Length"] assert_equal 400, status assert_equal "This is not a drill either", response.body end it "captures the custom exception message of a BadRequest" do mock_app { get('/') {} error Sinatra::BadRequest do 'This is not a drill either' end } get "/", "foo" => "", "foo[]" => "" assert_equal "26", response["Content-Length"] assert_equal 400, status assert_equal "This is not a drill either", response.body end it "returns empty when unmatched with any regex captures" do mock_app do before do # noop end get '/hello' do params.to_s end end assert get('/hello').ok? assert_body '{}' end it "uses 404 error handler for not matching route" do mock_app { not_found do "nf" end error 404 do "e" end } get "/" assert_equal "e", body assert_equal 404, status end it 'matches empty PATH_INFO to "/" if no route is defined for ""' do mock_app do get '/' do 'worked' end end get '/', {}, "PATH_INFO" => "" assert ok? assert_equal 'worked', body end it 'matches empty PATH_INFO to "" if a route is defined for ""' do mock_app do disable :protection get '/' do 'did not work' end get '' do 'worked' end end get '/', {}, "PATH_INFO" => "" assert ok? assert_equal 'worked', body end it 'takes multiple definitions of a route' do mock_app { user_agent(/Foo/) get '/foo' do 'foo' end get '/foo' do 'not foo' end } get '/foo', {}, 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' => 'Foo' assert ok? assert_equal 'foo', body get '/foo' assert ok? assert_equal 'not foo', body end it "exposes params with indifferent hash" do mock_app { get '/:foo' do assert_equal 'bar', params['foo'] assert params.has_key?('foo') assert_equal 'bar', params[:foo] assert params.has_key?(:foo) 'well, alright' end } get '/bar' assert_equal 'well, alright', body end it "handles params without a value" do mock_app { get '/' do assert_nil params.fetch('foo') "Given: #{params.keys.sort.join(',')}" end } get '/?foo' assert_equal 'Given: foo', body end it "merges named params and query string params in params" do mock_app { get '/:foo' do assert_equal 'bar', params['foo'] assert_equal 'biz', params['baz'] end } get '/bar?baz=biz' assert ok? end it "supports named params like /hello/:person" do mock_app { get '/hello/:person' do "Hello #{params['person']}" end } get '/hello/Frank' assert_equal 'Hello Frank', body end it "supports optional named params like /?:foo?/?:bar?" do mock_app { get '/?:foo?/?:bar?' do "foo=#{params[:foo]};bar=#{params[:bar]}" end } get '/hello/world' assert ok? assert_equal "foo=hello;bar=world", body get '/hello' assert ok? assert_equal "foo=hello;bar=", body get '/' assert ok? assert_equal "foo=;bar=", body end it "uses the default encoding for named params" do mock_app { set :default_encoding ,'ISO-8859-1' get '/:foo/:bar' do "foo=#{params[:foo].encoding};bar=#{params[:bar].encoding}" end } get '/f%C3%B6%C3%B6/b%C3%B6%C3%B6' assert ok? assert_equal 'foo=ISO-8859-1;bar=ISO-8859-1', body end it "supports named captures like %r{/hello/(?[^/?#]+)}" do mock_app { get Regexp.new('/hello/(?[^/?#]+)') do "Hello #{params['person']}" end } get '/hello/Frank' assert_equal 'Hello Frank', body end it "supports optional named captures like %r{/page(?.[^/?#]+)?}" do mock_app { get Regexp.new('/page(?.[^/?#]+)?') do "format=#{params[:format]}" end } get '/page.html' assert ok? assert_equal "format=.html", body get '/page.xml' assert ok? assert_equal "format=.xml", body get '/page' assert ok? assert_equal "format=", body end it 'uses the default encoding for named captures' do mock_app { set :default_encoding ,'ISO-8859-1' get Regexp.new('/page(?.[^/?#]+)?') do "format=#{params[:format].encoding};captures=#{params[:captures][0].encoding}" end } get '/page.f%C3%B6' assert ok? assert_equal 'format=ISO-8859-1;captures=ISO-8859-1', body end it 'does not concatenate params with the same name' do mock_app { get('/:foo') { params[:foo] } } get '/a?foo=b' assert_body 'a' end it "supports single splat params like /*" do mock_app { get '/*' do assert params['splat'].kind_of?(Array) params['splat'].join "\n" end } get '/foo' assert_equal "foo", body get '/foo/bar/baz' assert_equal "foo/bar/baz", body end it "supports mixing multiple splat params like /*/foo/*/*" do mock_app { get '/*/foo/*/*' do assert params['splat'].kind_of?(Array) params['splat'].join "\n" end } get '/bar/foo/bling/baz/boom' assert_equal "bar\nbling\nbaz/boom", body get '/bar/foo/baz' assert not_found? end it "supports mixing named and splat params like /:foo/*" do mock_app { get '/:foo/*' do assert_equal 'foo', params['foo'] assert_equal ['bar/baz'], params['splat'] end } get '/foo/bar/baz' assert ok? end it "matches a dot ('.') as part of a named param" do mock_app { get '/:foo/:bar' do params[:foo] end } get '/user@example.com/name' assert_equal 200, response.status assert_equal 'user@example.com', body end it "matches a literal dot ('.') outside of named params" do mock_app { get '/:file.:ext' do assert_equal 'pony', params[:file] assert_equal 'jpg', params[:ext] 'right on' end } get '/pony.jpg' assert_equal 200, response.status assert_equal 'right on', body end it "literally matches dot in paths" do route_def '/test.bar' get '/test.bar' assert ok? get 'test0bar' assert not_found? end it "literally matches dollar sign in paths" do route_def '/test$/' get '/test$/' assert ok? end it "literally matches plus sign in paths" do route_def '/te+st/' get '/te%2Bst/' assert ok? get '/teeeeeeest/' assert not_found? end it "does not convert plus sign into space as the value of a named param" do mock_app do get '/:test' do params["test"] end end get '/bob+ross' assert ok? assert_equal 'bob+ross', body end it "literally matches parens in paths when escaped" do route_def '/test\(bar\)/' get '/test(bar)/' assert ok? end it "supports basic nested params" do mock_app { get '/hi' do params["person"]["name"] end } get "/hi?person[name]=John+Doe" assert ok? assert_equal "John Doe", body end it "exposes nested params with indifferent hash" do mock_app { get '/testme' do assert_equal 'baz', params['bar']['foo'] assert_equal 'baz', params['bar'][:foo] 'well, alright' end } get '/testme?bar[foo]=baz' assert_equal 'well, alright', body end it "exposes params nested within arrays with indifferent hash" do mock_app { get '/testme' do assert_equal 'baz', params['bar'][0]['foo'] assert_equal 'baz', params['bar'][0][:foo] 'well, alright' end } get '/testme?bar[][foo]=baz' assert_equal 'well, alright', body end it "supports arrays within params" do mock_app { get '/foo' do assert_equal ['A', 'B'], params['bar'] 'looks good' end } get '/foo?bar[]=A&bar[]=B' assert ok? assert_equal 'looks good', body end it "supports deeply nested params" do expected_params = { "emacs" => { "map" => { "goto-line" => "M-g g" }, "version" => "22.3.1" }, "browser" => { "firefox" => {"engine" => {"name"=>"spidermonkey", "version"=>"1.7.0"}}, "chrome" => {"engine" => {"name"=>"V8", "version"=>"1.0"}} }, "paste" => {"name"=>"hello world", "syntax"=>"ruby"} } mock_app { get '/foo' do assert_equal expected_params, params 'looks good' end } get '/foo', expected_params assert ok? assert_equal 'looks good', body end it "preserves non-nested params" do mock_app { get '/foo' do assert_equal "2", params["article_id"] assert_equal "awesome", params['comment']['body'] assert_nil params['comment[body]'] 'looks good' end } get '/foo?article_id=2&comment[body]=awesome' assert ok? assert_equal 'looks good', body end it "matches paths that include spaces encoded with %20" do mock_app { get '/path with spaces' do 'looks good' end } get '/path%20with%20spaces' assert ok? assert_equal 'looks good', body end it "matches paths that include spaces encoded with +" do mock_app { get '/path with spaces' do 'looks good' end } get '/path+with+spaces' assert ok? assert_equal 'looks good', body end it "matches paths that include ampersands" do mock_app { get '/:name' do 'looks good' end } get '/foo&bar' assert ok? assert_equal 'looks good', body end it "URL decodes named parameters and splats" do mock_app { get '/:foo/*' do assert_equal 'hello world', params['foo'] assert_equal ['how are you'], params['splat'] nil end } get '/hello%20world/how%20are%20you' assert ok? end it 'unescapes named parameters and splats' do mock_app { get '/:foo/*' do |a, b| assert_equal "foo\xE2\x80\x8Cbar", params['foo'] assert_predicate params['foo'], :valid_encoding? assert_equal ["bar\xE2\x80\x8Cbaz"], params['splat'] end } get '/foo%e2%80%8cbar/bar%e2%80%8cbaz' assert ok? end it 'supports regular expressions' do mock_app { get(/\/foo...\/bar/) do 'Hello World' end } get '/foooom/bar' assert ok? assert_equal 'Hello World', body end it 'unescapes regular expression captures' do mock_app { get(/\/foo\/(.+)/) do |path| path end } get '/foo/bar%e2%80%8cbaz' assert ok? assert_equal "bar\xE2\x80\x8Cbaz", body assert_predicate body, :valid_encoding? end it 'makes regular expression captures available in params[:captures]' do mock_app { get(/\/fo(.*)\/ba(.*)/) do assert_equal ['orooomma', 'f'], params[:captures] 'right on' end } get '/foorooomma/baf' assert ok? assert_equal 'right on', body end it 'makes regular expression captures available in params[:captures] for concatenated routes' do with_regexp = Mustermann.new('/prefix') + Mustermann.new("/fo(.*)/ba(.*)", type: :regexp) without_regexp = Mustermann.new('/prefix', type: :identity) + Mustermann.new('/baz') mock_app { get(with_regexp) do assert_equal ['orooomma', 'f'], params[:captures] 'right on' end get(without_regexp) do assert !params.keys.include?(:captures) 'no captures here' end } get '/prefix/foorooomma/baf' assert ok? assert_equal 'right on', body get '/prefix/baz' assert ok? assert_equal 'no captures here', body end it 'supports regular expression look-alike routes' do mock_app { get(PatternLookAlike.new) do assert_equal 'this', params[:one] assert_equal 'is', params[:two] assert_equal 'a', params[:three] assert_equal 'test', params[:four] 'right on' end } get '/this/is/a/test/' assert ok? assert_equal 'right on', body end it 'raises a TypeError when pattern is not a String or Regexp' do assert_raises(TypeError) { mock_app { get(42){} } } end it "returns response immediately on halt" do mock_app { get '/' do halt 'Hello World' 'Boo-hoo World' end } get '/' assert ok? assert_equal 'Hello World', body end it "halts with a response tuple" do mock_app { get '/' do halt 295, {'Content-Type' => 'text/plain'}, 'Hello World' end } get '/' assert_equal 295, status assert_equal 'text/plain', response['Content-Type'] assert_equal 'Hello World', body end it "halts with an array of strings" do mock_app { get '/' do halt %w[Hello World How Are You] end } get '/' assert_equal 'HelloWorldHowAreYou', body end it 'sets response.status with halt' do status_was = nil mock_app do after { status_was = status } get('/') { halt 500, 'error' } end get '/' assert_status 500 assert_equal 500, status_was end it "transitions to the next matching route on pass" do mock_app { get '/:foo' do pass 'Hello Foo' end get '/*' do assert !params.include?('foo') 'Hello World' end } get '/bar' assert ok? assert_equal 'Hello World', body end it "makes original request params available in error handler" do mock_app { disable :raise_errors get '/:foo' do raise ArgumentError, "foo" end error do "Hello #{params['foo']}2" end } get '/bar' assert_equal 'Hello bar2', body end it "transitions to 404 when passed and no subsequent route matches" do mock_app { get '/:foo' do pass 'Hello Foo' end } get '/bar' assert not_found? end it "transitions to 404 and sets X-Cascade header when passed and no subsequent route matches" do mock_app { get '/:foo' do pass 'Hello Foo' end get '/bar' do 'Hello Bar' end } get '/foo' assert not_found? assert_equal 'pass', response.headers['X-Cascade'] end it "uses optional block passed to pass as route block if no other route is found" do mock_app { get "/" do pass do "this" end "not this" end } get "/" assert ok? assert "this", body end it "uses optional block passed to pass as route block if no other route is found and superclass has non-matching routes" do base = Class.new(Sinatra::Base) base.get('/foo') { 'foo in baseclass' } mock_app(base) { get "/" do pass do "this" end "not this" end } get "/" assert_equal 200, status assert "this", body end it "passes when matching condition returns false" do mock_app { condition { params[:foo] == 'bar' } get '/:foo' do 'Hello World' end } get '/bar' assert ok? assert_equal 'Hello World', body get '/foo' assert not_found? end it "does not pass when matching condition returns nil" do mock_app { condition { nil } get '/:foo' do 'Hello World' end } get '/bar' assert ok? assert_equal 'Hello World', body end it "passes to next route when condition calls pass explicitly" do mock_app { condition { pass unless params[:foo] == 'bar' } get '/:foo' do 'Hello World' end } get '/bar' assert ok? assert_equal 'Hello World', body get '/foo' assert not_found? end it "passes to the next route when host_name does not match" do mock_app { host_name 'example.com' get '/foo' do 'Hello World' end } get '/foo' assert not_found? get '/foo', {}, { 'HTTP_HOST' => 'example.com' } assert_equal 200, status assert_equal 'Hello World', body end it "passes to the next route when user_agent does not match" do mock_app { user_agent(/Foo/) get '/foo' do 'Hello World' end } get '/foo' assert not_found? get '/foo', {}, { 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' => 'Foo Bar' } assert_equal 200, status assert_equal 'Hello World', body end it "treats missing user agent like an empty string" do mock_app do user_agent(/.*/) get '/' do "Hello World" end end get '/' assert_equal 200, status assert_equal 'Hello World', body end it "makes captures in user agent pattern available in params[:agent]" do mock_app { user_agent(/Foo (.*)/) get '/foo' do 'Hello ' + params[:agent].first end } get '/foo', {}, { 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' => 'Foo Bar' } assert_equal 200, status assert_equal 'Hello Bar', body end it 'matches mime_types with dots, hyphens and plus signs' do mime_types = %w( application/atom+xml application/ecmascript application/EDI-X12 application/EDIFACT application/json application/javascript application/octet-stream application/ogg application/pdf application/postscript application/rdf+xml application/rss+xml application/soap+xml application/font-woff application/xhtml+xml application/xml application/xml-dtd application/xop+xml application/zip application/gzip audio/basic audio/L24 audio/mp4 audio/mpeg audio/ogg audio/vorbis audio/vnd.rn-realaudio audio/vnd.wave audio/webm image/gif image/jpeg image/pjpeg image/png image/svg+xml image/tiff image/vnd.microsoft.icon message/http message/imdn+xml message/partial message/rfc822 model/example model/iges model/mesh model/vrml model/x3d+binary model/x3d+vrml model/x3d+xml multipart/mixed multipart/alternative multipart/related multipart/form-data multipart/signed multipart/encrypted text/cmd text/css text/csv text/html text/javascript application/javascript text/plain text/vcard text/xml video/mpeg video/mp4 video/ogg video/quicktime video/webm video/x-matroska video/x-ms-wmv video/x-flv application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics application/vnd.ms-excel application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet application/vnd.ms-powerpoint application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml application/x-deb application/x-dvi application/x-font-ttf application/x-javascript application/x-latex application/x-mpegURL application/x-rar-compressed application/x-shockwave-flash application/x-stuffit application/x-tar application/x-www-form-urlencoded application/x-xpinstall audio/x-aac audio/x-caf image/x-xcf text/x-gwt-rpc text/x-jquery-tmpl application/x-pkcs12 application/x-pkcs12 application/x-pkcs7-certificates application/x-pkcs7-certificates application/x-pkcs7-certreqresp application/x-pkcs7-mime application/x-pkcs7-mime application/x-pkcs7-signature ) mime_types.each { |mime_type| assert mime_type.match(Sinatra::Request::HEADER_VALUE_WITH_PARAMS) } end it "filters by accept header" do mock_app { get '/', :provides => :xml do env['HTTP_ACCEPT'] end get '/foo', :provides => :html do env['HTTP_ACCEPT'] end get '/stream', :provides => 'text/event-stream' do env['HTTP_ACCEPT'] end } get '/', {}, { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'application/xml' } assert ok? assert_equal 'application/xml', body assert_equal 'application/xml;charset=utf-8', response.headers['Content-Type'] get '/', {}, {} assert ok? assert_equal '', body assert_equal 'application/xml;charset=utf-8', response.headers['Content-Type'] get '/', {}, { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => '*/*' } assert ok? assert_equal '*/*', body assert_equal 'application/xml;charset=utf-8', response.headers['Content-Type'] get '/', {}, { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'text/html;q=0.9' } assert !ok? get '/foo', {}, { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'text/html;q=0.9' } assert ok? assert_equal 'text/html;q=0.9', body get '/foo', {}, { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => '' } assert ok? assert_equal '', body get '/foo', {}, { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => '*/*' } assert ok? assert_equal '*/*', body get '/foo', {}, { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'application/xml' } assert !ok? get '/stream', {}, { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'text/event-stream' } assert ok? assert_equal 'text/event-stream', body get '/stream', {}, { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => '' } assert ok? assert_equal '', body get '/stream', {}, { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => '*/*' } assert ok? assert_equal '*/*', body get '/stream', {}, { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'application/xml' } assert !ok? end it "filters by current Content-Type" do mock_app do before('/txt') { content_type :txt } get('*', :provides => :txt) { 'txt' } before('/html') { content_type :html } get('*', :provides => :html) { 'html' } end get '/', {}, { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => '*/*' } assert ok? assert_equal 'text/plain;charset=utf-8', response.headers['Content-Type'] assert_body 'txt' get '/txt', {}, { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'text/plain' } assert ok? assert_equal 'text/plain;charset=utf-8', response.headers['Content-Type'] assert_body 'txt' get '/', {}, { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'text/html' } assert ok? assert_equal 'text/html;charset=utf-8', response.headers['Content-Type'] assert_body 'html' end it "doesn't allow provides of passed routes to interfere with provides of other routes" do mock_app do get('/:foo', :provides => :txt) do pass if params[:foo] != 'foo' 'foo' end get('/bar', :provides => :html) { 'bar' } end get '/foo', {}, { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => '*/*' } assert ok? assert_equal 'text/plain;charset=utf-8', response.headers['Content-Type'] assert_body 'foo' get '/bar', {}, { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => '*/*' } assert ok? assert_equal 'text/html;charset=utf-8', response.headers['Content-Type'] assert_body 'bar' end it "allows multiple mime types for accept header" do types = ['image/jpeg', 'image/pjpeg'] mock_app { get '/', :provides => types do env['HTTP_ACCEPT'] end } types.each do |type| get '/', {}, { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => type } assert ok? assert_equal type, body assert_equal type, response.headers['Content-Type'] end end it 'respects user agent preferences for the content type' do mock_app { get('/', :provides => [:png, :html]) { content_type }} get '/', {}, { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'image/png;q=0.5,text/html;q=0.8' } assert_body 'text/html;charset=utf-8' get '/', {}, { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'image/png;q=0.8,text/html;q=0.5' } assert_body 'image/png' end it 'accepts generic types' do mock_app do get('/', :provides => :xml) { content_type } get('/') { 'no match' } end get '/', {}, { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'foo/*' } assert_body 'no match' get '/', {}, { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'application/*' } assert_body 'application/xml;charset=utf-8' get '/', {}, { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => '*/*' } assert_body 'application/xml;charset=utf-8' end it 'prefers concrete over partly generic types' do mock_app { get('/', :provides => [:png, :html]) { content_type }} get '/', {}, { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'image/*, text/html' } assert_body 'text/html;charset=utf-8' get '/', {}, { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'image/png, text/*' } assert_body 'image/png' end it 'prefers concrete over fully generic types' do mock_app { get('/', :provides => [:png, :html]) { content_type }} get '/', {}, { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => '*/*, text/html' } assert_body 'text/html;charset=utf-8' get '/', {}, { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'image/png, */*' } assert_body 'image/png' end it 'prefers partly generic over fully generic types' do mock_app { get('/', :provides => [:png, :html]) { content_type }} get '/', {}, { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => '*/*, text/*' } assert_body 'text/html;charset=utf-8' get '/', {}, { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'image/*, */*' } assert_body 'image/png' end it 'respects quality with generic types' do mock_app { get('/', :provides => [:png, :html]) { content_type }} get '/', {}, { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'image/*;q=1, text/html;q=0' } assert_body 'image/png' get '/', {}, { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'image/png;q=0.5, text/*;q=0.7' } assert_body 'text/html;charset=utf-8' end it 'supplies a default quality of 1.0' do mock_app { get('/', :provides => [:png, :html]) { content_type }} get '/', {}, { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'image/png;q=0.5, text/*' } assert_body 'text/html;charset=utf-8' end it 'orders types with equal quality by parameter count' do mock_app do get('/', :provides => [:png, :jpg]) { content_type } end lo_png = 'image/png;q=0.5' hi_png = 'image/png;q=0.5;profile=FOGRA40;gamma=0.8' jpeg = 'image/jpeg;q=0.5;compress=0.25' get '/', {}, { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => "#{lo_png}, #{jpeg}" } assert_body 'image/jpeg' get '/', {}, { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => "#{hi_png}, #{jpeg}" } assert_body 'image/png' end it 'ignores the quality parameter when ordering by parameter count' do mock_app do get('/', :provides => [:png, :jpg]) { content_type } end lo_png = 'image/png' hi_png = 'image/png;profile=FOGRA40;gamma=0.8' jpeg = 'image/jpeg;q=1.0;compress=0.25' get '/', {}, { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => "#{jpeg}, #{lo_png}" } assert_body 'image/jpeg' get '/', {}, { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => "#{jpeg}, #{hi_png}" } assert_body 'image/png' end it 'properly handles quoted strings in parameters' do mock_app do get('/', :provides => [:png, :jpg]) { content_type } end get '/', {}, { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'image/png;q=0.5;profile=",image/jpeg,"' } assert_body 'image/png' get '/', {}, { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'image/png;q=0.5,image/jpeg;q=0;x=";q=1.0"' } assert_body 'image/png' get '/', {}, { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'image/png;q=0.5,image/jpeg;q=0;x="\";q=1.0"' } assert_body 'image/png' end it 'accepts both text/javascript and application/javascript for js' do mock_app { get('/', :provides => :js) { content_type }} get '/', {}, { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'application/javascript' } assert_body 'application/javascript;charset=utf-8' get '/', {}, { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'text/javascript' } assert_body 'text/javascript;charset=utf-8' end it 'accepts both text/xml and application/xml for xml' do mock_app { get('/', :provides => :xml) { content_type }} get '/', {}, { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'application/xml' } assert_body 'application/xml;charset=utf-8' get '/', {}, { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'text/xml' } assert_body 'text/xml;charset=utf-8' end it 'matches content-type to mime_type' do mime_type = 'application/rss+xml;version="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/"' mock_app do configure { mime_type(:rss10, mime_type) } get('/', :provides => [:rss10]) { content_type } end get '/', {}, { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'application/rss+xml' } assert ok? assert_body mime_type end it 'handles missing mime_types with 404' do mock_app do configure { mime_type(:rss10, 'application/rss+xml') } get('/', :provides => [:jpg]) { content_type } end get '/', {}, { 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'application/rss+xml' } assert_equal 404, status assert_equal 'text/html;charset=utf-8', response['Content-Type'] end it 'passes a single url param as block parameters when one param is specified' do mock_app { get '/:foo' do |foo| assert_equal 'bar', foo end } get '/bar' assert ok? end it 'passes multiple params as block parameters when many are specified' do mock_app { get '/:foo/:bar/:baz' do |foo, bar, baz| assert_equal 'abc', foo assert_equal 'def', bar assert_equal 'ghi', baz end } get '/abc/def/ghi' assert ok? end it 'passes regular expression captures as block parameters' do mock_app { get(/\/fo(.*)\/ba(.*)/) do |foo, bar| assert_equal 'orooomma', foo assert_equal 'f', bar 'looks good' end } get '/foorooomma/baf' assert ok? assert_equal 'looks good', body end it "supports mixing multiple splat params like /*/foo/*/* as block parameters" do mock_app { get '/*/foo/*/*' do |foo, bar, baz| assert_equal 'bar', foo assert_equal 'bling', bar assert_equal 'baz/boom', baz 'looks good' end } get '/bar/foo/bling/baz/boom' assert ok? assert_equal 'looks good', body end it "uses the default encoding for block parameters" do mock_app { set :default_encoding ,'ISO-8859-1' get '/:foo/:bar' do |foo, bar| "foo=#{foo.encoding};bar=#{bar.encoding}" end } get '/f%C3%B6%C3%B6/b%C3%B6%C3%B6' assert ok? assert_equal 'foo=ISO-8859-1;bar=ISO-8859-1', body end it 'raises an ArgumentError with block arity > 1 and too many values' do mock_app do get '/:foo/:bar/:baz' do |foo, bar| 'quux' end end assert_raises(ArgumentError) { get '/a/b/c' } end it 'raises an ArgumentError with block param arity > 1 and too few values' do mock_app { get '/:foo/:bar' do |foo, bar, baz| 'quux' end } assert_raises(ArgumentError) { get '/a/b' } end it 'succeeds if no block parameters are specified' do mock_app { get '/:foo/:bar' do 'quux' end } get '/a/b' assert ok? assert_equal 'quux', body end it 'passes all params with block param arity -1 (splat args)' do mock_app { get '/:foo/:bar' do |*args| args.join end } get '/a/b' assert ok? assert_equal 'ab', body end it 'allows custom route-conditions to be set via route options' do protector = Module.new { def protect(*args) condition { unless authorize(params["user"], params["password"]) halt 403, "go away" end } end } mock_app { register protector helpers do def authorize(username, password) username == "foo" && password == "bar" end end get "/", :protect => true do "hey" end } get "/" assert forbidden? assert_equal "go away", body get "/", :user => "foo", :password => "bar" assert ok? assert_equal "hey", body end it 'raises an ArgumentError with block param arity 1 and no values' do mock_app { get '/foo' do |foo| 'quux' end } assert_raises(ArgumentError) { get '/foo' } end it 'raises an ArgumentError with block param arity 1 and too many values' do mock_app { get '/:foo/:bar/:baz' do |foo| 'quux' end } assert_raises(ArgumentError) { get '/a/b/c' } end it "matches routes defined in superclasses" do base = Class.new(Sinatra::Base) base.get('/foo') { 'foo in baseclass' } mock_app(base) { get('/bar') { 'bar in subclass' } } get '/foo' assert ok? assert_equal 'foo in baseclass', body get '/bar' assert ok? assert_equal 'bar in subclass', body end it "matches routes in subclasses before superclasses" do base = Class.new(Sinatra::Base) base.get('/foo') { 'foo in baseclass' } base.get('/bar') { 'bar in baseclass' } mock_app(base) { get('/foo') { 'foo in subclass' } } get '/foo' assert ok? assert_equal 'foo in subclass', body get '/bar' assert ok? assert_equal 'bar in baseclass', body end it "adds hostname condition when it is in options" do mock_app { get '/foo', :host => 'host' do 'foo' end } get '/foo' assert not_found? end it 'allows using call to fire another request internally' do mock_app do get '/foo' do status, headers, body = call env.merge("PATH_INFO" => '/bar') [status, headers, body.each.map(&:upcase)] end get '/bar' do "bar" end end get '/foo' assert ok? assert_body "BAR" end it 'plays well with other routing middleware' do middleware = Sinatra.new inner_app = Sinatra.new { get('/foo') { 'hello' } } builder = Rack::Builder.new do use middleware map('/test') { run inner_app } end @app = builder.to_app get '/test/foo' assert ok? assert_body 'hello' end it 'returns the route signature' do signature = list = nil mock_app do signature = post('/') { } list = routes['POST'] end assert_equal Array, signature.class assert_equal 3, signature.length assert list.include?(signature) end it "sets env['sinatra.route'] to the matched route" do mock_app do after do assert_equal 'GET /users/:id/status', env['sinatra.route'] end get('/users/:id/status') { 'ok' } end get '/users/1/status' end it 'treats routes with and without trailing slashes differently' do mock_app do get '/foo' do 'Foo' end get '/foo/' do 'Foo with a slash' end end get '/foo' assert_equal 'Foo', body refute_equal 'Foo with a slash', body get '/foo/' assert_equal 'Foo with a slash', body end it 'does not treat routes with and without trailing slashes differently if :strict_paths is disabled' do mock_app do disable :strict_paths get '/foo' do 'foo' end end get '/foo' assert_equal 'foo', body get '/foo/' assert_equal 'foo', body end end