require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/helper' class FooError < RuntimeError end class FooNotFound < Sinatra::NotFound end class MappedErrorTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_default assert true end describe 'Exception Mappings' do it 'invokes handlers registered with ::error when raised' do mock_app { set :raise_errors, false error(FooError) { 'Foo!' } get '/' do raise FooError end } get '/' assert_equal 500, status assert_equal 'Foo!', body end it 'uses the Exception handler if no matching handler found' do mock_app { set :raise_errors, false error(Exception) { 'Exception!' } get '/' do raise FooError end } get '/' assert_equal 500, status assert_equal 'Exception!', body end it "sets env['sinatra.error'] to the rescued exception" do mock_app { set :raise_errors, false error(FooError) { assert env.include?('sinatra.error') assert env['sinatra.error'].kind_of?(FooError) 'looks good' } get '/' do raise FooError end } get '/' assert_equal 'looks good', body end it "raises without calling the handler when the raise_errors options is set" do mock_app { set :raise_errors, true error(FooError) { "she's not there." } get '/' do raise FooError end } assert_raise(FooError) { get '/' } end it "never raises Sinatra::NotFound beyond the application" do mock_app { set :raise_errors, true get '/' do raise Sinatra::NotFound end } assert_nothing_raised { get '/' } assert_equal 404, status end it "cascades for subclasses of Sinatra::NotFound" do mock_app { set :raise_errors, true error(FooNotFound) { "foo! not found." } get '/' do raise FooNotFound end } assert_nothing_raised { get '/' } assert_equal 404, status assert_equal 'foo! not found.', body end it 'has a not_found method for backwards compatibility' do mock_app { not_found do "Lost, are we?" end } get '/test' assert_equal 404, status assert_equal "Lost, are we?", body end it 'inherits error mappings from base class' do base = base.error(FooError) { 'base class' } mock_app(base) { set :raise_errors, false get '/' do raise FooError end } get '/' assert_equal 'base class', body end it 'overrides error mappings in base class' do base = base.error(FooError) { 'base class' } mock_app(base) { set :raise_errors, false error(FooError) { 'subclass' } get '/' do raise FooError end } get '/' assert_equal 'subclass', body end end describe 'Custom Error Pages' do it 'allows numeric status code mappings to be registered with ::error' do mock_app { set :raise_errors, false error(500) { 'Foo!' } get '/' do [500, {}, 'Internal Foo Error'] end } get '/' assert_equal 500, status assert_equal 'Foo!', body end it 'allows ranges of status code mappings to be registered with :error' do mock_app { set :raise_errors, false error(500..550) { "Error: #{response.status}" } get '/' do [507, {}, 'A very special error'] end } get '/' assert_equal 507, status assert_equal 'Error: 507', body end class FooError < RuntimeError end it 'runs after exception mappings and overwrites body' do mock_app { set :raise_errors, false error FooError do response.status = 502 'from exception mapping' end error(500) { 'from 500 handler' } error(502) { 'from custom error page' } get '/' do raise FooError end } get '/' assert_equal 502, status assert_equal 'from custom error page', body end end end