require 'spec_helper' require 'fileutils' describe Sinatra::Reloader do # Returns the temporary directory. def tmp_dir File.expand_path('../../tmp', __FILE__) end # Returns the path of the Sinatra application file created by # +setup_example_app+. def app_file_path File.join(tmp_dir, "example_app_#{$example_app_counter}.rb") end # Returns the name of the Sinatra application created by # +setup_example_app+: 'ExampleApp1' for the first application, # 'ExampleApp2' fo the second one, and so on... def app_name "ExampleApp#{$example_app_counter}" end # Returns the (constant of the) Sinatra application created by # +setup_example_app+. def app_const Module.const_get(app_name) end # Writes a file with a Sinatra application using the template # located at specs/reloader/app.rb.erb. It expects an # +options+ hash, with an array of strings containing the # application's routes (+:routes+ key), a hash with the inline # template's names as keys and the bodys as values # (+:inline_templates+ key) and an optional application name # (+:name+) otherwise +app_name+ is used. # # It ensures to change the written file's mtime when it already # exists. def write_app_file(options={}) options[:routes] ||= ['get("/foo") { erb :foo }'] options[:inline_templates] ||= nil options[:extensions] ||= [] options[:middlewares] ||= [] options[:filters] ||= [] options[:errors] ||= {} options[:name] ||= app_name options[:enable_reloader] = true unless options[:enable_reloader] === false options[:parent] ||= 'Sinatra::Base' update_file(app_file_path) do |f| template_path = File.expand_path('../reloader/app.rb.erb', __FILE__) template =, nil, :trim => '<>') f.write template.render(, options) end end alias update_app_file write_app_file # It calls, 'w', &block) all the times # needed to change the file's mtime. def update_file(path, &block) original_mtime = File.exist?(path) ? File.mtime(path) : new_time = original_mtime + 1, 'w', &block) File.utime(new_time, new_time, path) end # Writes a Sinatra application to a file, requires the file, sets # the new application as the one being tested and enables the # reloader. def setup_example_app(options={}) $example_app_counter ||= 0 $example_app_counter += 1 FileUtils.mkdir_p(tmp_dir) write_app_file(options) $LOADED_FEATURES.delete app_file_path require app_file_path = app_const app_const.enable :reloader end after(:all) { FileUtils.rm_rf(tmp_dir) } describe "default route reloading mechanism" do before(:each) do setup_example_app(:routes => ['get("/foo") { "foo" }']) end it "doesn't mess up the application" do expect(get('/foo').body).to eq('foo') end it "knows when a route has been modified" do update_app_file(:routes => ['get("/foo") { "bar" }']) expect(get('/foo').body).to eq('bar') end it "knows when a route has been added" do update_app_file( :routes => ['get("/foo") { "foo" }', 'get("/bar") { "bar" }'] ) expect(get('/foo').body).to eq('foo') expect(get('/bar').body).to eq('bar') end it "knows when a route has been removed" do update_app_file(:routes => ['get("/bar") { "bar" }']) expect(get('/foo').status).to eq(404) end it "doesn't try to reload a removed file" do update_app_file(:routes => ['get("/foo") { "i shall not be reloaded" }']) FileUtils.rm app_file_path expect(get('/foo').body.strip).to eq('foo') end end describe "default inline templates reloading mechanism" do before(:each) do setup_example_app( :routes => ['get("/foo") { erb :foo }'], :inline_templates => { :foo => 'foo' } ) end it "doesn't mess up the application" do expect(get('/foo').body.strip).to eq('foo') end it "reloads inline templates in the app file" do update_app_file( :routes => ['get("/foo") { erb :foo }'], :inline_templates => { :foo => 'bar' } ) expect(get('/foo').body.strip).to eq('bar') end it "reloads inline templates in other file" do setup_example_app(:routes => ['get("/foo") { erb :foo }']) template_file_path = File.join(tmp_dir, 'templates.rb'), 'w') do |f| f.write "__END__\n\n@@foo\nfoo" end require template_file_path app_const.inline_templates= template_file_path expect(get('/foo').body.strip).to eq('foo') update_file(template_file_path) do |f| f.write "__END__\n\n@@foo\nbar" end expect(get('/foo').body.strip).to eq('bar') end end describe "default middleware reloading mechanism" do it "knows when a middleware has been added" do setup_example_app(:routes => ['get("/foo") { "foo" }']) update_app_file( :routes => ['get("/foo") { "foo" }'], :middlewares => [Rack::Head] ) get('/foo') # perform the reload expect(app_const.middleware).not_to be_empty end it "knows when a middleware has been removed" do setup_example_app( :routes => ['get("/foo") { "foo" }'], :middlewares => [Rack::Head] ) update_app_file(:routes => ['get("/foo") { "foo" }']) get('/foo') # perform the reload expect(app_const.middleware).to be_empty end end describe "default filter reloading mechanism" do it "knows when a before filter has been added" do setup_example_app(:routes => ['get("/foo") { "foo" }']) expect { update_app_file( :routes => ['get("/foo") { "foo" }'], :filters => ['before { @hi = "hi" }'] ) get('/foo') # perform the reload }.to change { app_const.filters[:before].size }.by(1) end it "knows when an after filter has been added" do setup_example_app(:routes => ['get("/foo") { "foo" }']) expect { update_app_file( :routes => ['get("/foo") { "foo" }'], :filters => ['after { @bye = "bye" }'] ) get('/foo') # perform the reload }.to change { app_const.filters[:after].size }.by(1) end it "knows when a before filter has been removed" do setup_example_app( :routes => ['get("/foo") { "foo" }'], :filters => ['before { @hi = "hi" }'] ) expect { update_app_file(:routes => ['get("/foo") { "foo" }']) get('/foo') # perform the reload }.to change { app_const.filters[:before].size }.by(-1) end it "knows when an after filter has been removed" do setup_example_app( :routes => ['get("/foo") { "foo" }'], :filters => ['after { @bye = "bye" }'] ) expect { update_app_file(:routes => ['get("/foo") { "foo" }']) get('/foo') # perform the reload }.to change { app_const.filters[:after].size }.by(-1) end end describe "error reloading" do before do setup_example_app( :routes => ['get("/secret") { 403 }'], :errors => { 403 => "'Access forbiden'" } ) end it "doesn't mess up the application" do expect(get('/secret')).to be_client_error expect(get('/secret').body.strip).to eq('Access forbiden') end it "knows when a error has been added" do update_app_file(:errors => { 404 => "'Nowhere'" }) expect(get('/nowhere')).to be_not_found expect(get('/nowhere').body).to eq('Nowhere') end it "knows when a error has been removed" do update_app_file(:routes => ['get("/secret") { 403 }']) expect(get('/secret')).to be_client_error expect(get('/secret').body).not_to eq('Access forbiden') end it "knows when a error has been modified" do update_app_file( :routes => ['get("/secret") { 403 }'], :errors => { 403 => "'What are you doing here?'" } ) expect(get('/secret')).to be_client_error expect(get('/secret').body).to eq('What are you doing here?') end end describe "extension reloading" do it "doesn't duplicate routes with every reload" do module ::RouteExtension def self.registered(klass) klass.get('/bar') { 'bar' } end end setup_example_app( :routes => ['get("/foo") { "foo" }'], :extensions => ['RouteExtension'] ) expect { update_app_file( :routes => ['get("/foo") { "foo" }'], :extensions => ['RouteExtension'] ) get('/foo') # perform the reload }.to_not change { app_const.routes['GET'].size } end it "doesn't duplicate middleware with every reload" do module ::MiddlewareExtension def self.registered(klass) klass.use Rack::Head end end setup_example_app( :routes => ['get("/foo") { "foo" }'], :extensions => ['MiddlewareExtension'] ) expect { update_app_file( :routes => ['get("/foo") { "foo" }'], :extensions => ['MiddlewareExtension'] ) get('/foo') # perform the reload }.to_not change { app_const.middleware.size } end it "doesn't duplicate before filters with every reload" do module ::BeforeFilterExtension def self.registered(klass) klass.before { @hi = 'hi' } end end setup_example_app( :routes => ['get("/foo") { "foo" }'], :extensions => ['BeforeFilterExtension'] ) expect { update_app_file( :routes => ['get("/foo") { "foo" }'], :extensions => ['BeforeFilterExtension'] ) get('/foo') # perform the reload }.to_not change { app_const.filters[:before].size } end it "doesn't duplicate after filters with every reload" do module ::AfterFilterExtension def self.registered(klass) klass.after { @bye = 'bye' } end end setup_example_app( :routes => ['get("/foo") { "foo" }'], :extensions => ['AfterFilterExtension'] ) expect { update_app_file( :routes => ['get("/foo") { "foo" }'], :extensions => ['AfterFilterExtension'] ) get('/foo') # perform the reload }.to_not change { app_const.filters[:after].size } end end describe ".dont_reload" do before(:each) do setup_example_app( :routes => ['get("/foo") { erb :foo }'], :inline_templates => { :foo => 'foo' } ) end it "allows to specify a file to stop from being reloaded" do app_const.dont_reload app_file_path update_app_file(:routes => ['get("/foo") { "bar" }']) expect(get('/foo').body.strip).to eq('foo') end it "allows to specify a glob to stop matching files from being reloaded" do app_const.dont_reload '**/*.rb' update_app_file(:routes => ['get("/foo") { "bar" }']) expect(get('/foo').body.strip).to eq('foo') end it "doesn't interfere with other application's reloading policy" do app_const.dont_reload '**/*.rb' setup_example_app(:routes => ['get("/foo") { "foo" }']) update_app_file(:routes => ['get("/foo") { "bar" }']) expect(get('/foo').body.strip).to eq('bar') end end describe ".also_reload" do before(:each) do setup_example_app(:routes => ['get("/foo") { }']) @foo_path = File.join(tmp_dir, 'foo.rb') update_file(@foo_path) do |f| f.write 'class Foo; def "foo" end end' end $LOADED_FEATURES.delete @foo_path require @foo_path app_const.also_reload @foo_path end it "allows to specify a file to be reloaded" do expect(get('/foo').body.strip).to eq('foo') update_file(@foo_path) do |f| f.write 'class Foo; def "bar" end end' end expect(get('/foo').body.strip).to eq('bar') end it "allows to specify glob to reaload matching files" do expect(get('/foo').body.strip).to eq('foo') update_file(@foo_path) do |f| f.write 'class Foo; def "bar" end end' end expect(get('/foo').body.strip).to eq('bar') end it "doesn't try to reload a removed file" do update_file(@foo_path) do |f| f.write 'class Foo; def "bar" end end' end FileUtils.rm @foo_path expect(get('/foo').body.strip).to eq('foo') end it "doesn't interfere with other application's reloading policy" do app_const.also_reload '**/*.rb' setup_example_app(:routes => ['get("/foo") { }']) expect(get('/foo').body.strip).to eq('foo') update_file(@foo_path) do |f| f.write 'class Foo; def "bar" end end' end expect(get('/foo').body.strip).to eq('foo') end end describe ".after_reload" do before(:each) do setup_example_app(:routes => ['get("/foo") { }']) @foo_path = File.join(tmp_dir, 'foo.rb') update_file(@foo_path) do |f| f.write 'class Foo; def "foo" end end' end $LOADED_FEATURES.delete @foo_path require @foo_path app_const.also_reload @foo_path end it "allows block execution after reloading files" do app_const.after_reload do $reloaded = true end expect($reloaded).to eq(nil) expect(get('/foo').body.strip).to eq('foo') update_file(@foo_path) do |f| f.write 'class Foo; def "bar" end end' end expect($reloaded).to eq(true) end end it "automatically registers the reloader in the subclasses" do class ::Parent < Sinatra::Base register Sinatra::Reloader enable :reloader end setup_example_app( :routes => ['get("/foo") { "foo" }'], :enable_reloader => false, :parent => 'Parent' ) update_app_file( :routes => ['get("/foo") { "bar" }'], :enable_reloader => false, :parent => 'Parent' ) expect(get('/foo').body).to eq('bar') end end