# I like coding: UTF-8 require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__) class CompileTest < Minitest::Test def self.converts pattern, expected_regexp it "generates #{expected_regexp.source} from #{pattern}" do compiled, _ = compiled pattern assert_equal expected_regexp, compiled, "Pattern #{pattern} is not compiled into #{expected_regexp.source}. Was #{compiled.source}." end end def self.parses pattern, example, expected_params it "parses #{example} with #{pattern} into params #{expected_params}" do compiled, keys = compiled pattern match = compiled.match(example) fail %Q{"#{example}" does not parse on pattern "#{pattern}" (compiled pattern is #{compiled.source}).} unless match # Aggregate e.g. multiple splat values into one array. # params = keys.zip(match.captures).reduce({}) do |hash, mapping| key, value = mapping hash[key] = if existing = hash[key] existing.respond_to?(:to_ary) ? existing << value : [existing, value] else value end hash end assert_equal expected_params, params, "Pattern #{pattern} does not match path #{example}." end end def self.fails pattern, example it "does not parse #{example} with #{pattern}" do compiled, _ = compiled pattern match = compiled.match(example) fail %Q{"#{pattern}" does parse "#{example}" but it should fail} if match end end def compiled pattern app ||= mock_app {} compiled, keys = app.send(:compile, pattern) [compiled, keys] end converts "/", %r{\A/\z} parses "/", "/", {} converts "/foo", %r{\A/foo\z} parses "/foo", "/foo", {} converts "/:foo", %r{\A/([^/?#]+)\z} parses "/:foo", "/foo", "foo" => "foo" parses "/:foo", "/foo.bar", "foo" => "foo.bar" parses "/:foo", "/foo%2Fbar", "foo" => "foo%2Fbar" parses "/:foo", "/%0Afoo", "foo" => "%0Afoo" fails "/:foo", "/foo?" fails "/:foo", "/foo/bar" fails "/:foo", "/" fails "/:foo", "/foo/" converts "/föö", %r{\A/f%[Cc]3%[Bb]6%[Cc]3%[Bb]6\z} parses "/föö", "/f%C3%B6%C3%B6", {} converts "/:foo/:bar", %r{\A/([^/?#]+)/([^/?#]+)\z} parses "/:foo/:bar", "/foo/bar", "foo" => "foo", "bar" => "bar" converts "/hello/:person", %r{\A/hello/([^/?#]+)\z} parses "/hello/:person", "/hello/Frank", "person" => "Frank" converts "/?:foo?/?:bar?", %r{\A/?([^/?#]+)?/?([^/?#]+)?\z} parses "/?:foo?/?:bar?", "/hello/world", "foo" => "hello", "bar" => "world" parses "/?:foo?/?:bar?", "/hello", "foo" => "hello", "bar" => nil parses "/?:foo?/?:bar?", "/", "foo" => nil, "bar" => nil parses "/?:foo?/?:bar?", "", "foo" => nil, "bar" => nil converts "/*", %r{\A/(.*?)\z} parses "/*", "/", "splat" => "" parses "/*", "/foo", "splat" => "foo" parses "/*", "/foo/bar", "splat" => "foo/bar" converts "/:foo/*", %r{\A/([^/?#]+)/(.*?)\z} parses "/:foo/*", "/foo/bar/baz", "foo" => "foo", "splat" => "bar/baz" converts "/:foo/:bar", %r{\A/([^/?#]+)/([^/?#]+)\z} parses "/:foo/:bar", "/user@example.com/name", "foo" => "user@example.com", "bar" => "name" converts "/test$/", %r{\A/test(?:\$|%24)/\z} parses "/test$/", "/test$/", {} converts "/te+st/", %r{\A/te(?:\+|%2[Bb])st/\z} parses "/te+st/", "/te+st/", {} fails "/te+st/", "/test/" fails "/te+st/", "/teeest/" converts "/test(bar)/", %r{\A/test(?:\(|%28)bar(?:\)|%29)/\z} parses "/test(bar)/", "/test(bar)/", {} converts "/path with spaces", %r{\A/path(?:%20|(?:\+|%2[Bb]))with(?:%20|(?:\+|%2[Bb]))spaces\z} parses "/path with spaces", "/path%20with%20spaces", {} parses "/path with spaces", "/path%2Bwith%2Bspaces", {} parses "/path with spaces", "/path+with+spaces", {} converts "/foo&bar", %r{\A/foo(?:&|%26)bar\z} parses "/foo&bar", "/foo&bar", {} converts "/:foo/*", %r{\A/([^/?#]+)/(.*?)\z} parses "/:foo/*", "/hello%20world/how%20are%20you", "foo" => "hello%20world", "splat" => "how%20are%20you" converts "/*/foo/*/*", %r{\A/(.*?)/foo/(.*?)/(.*?)\z} parses "/*/foo/*/*", "/bar/foo/bling/baz/boom", "splat" => ["bar", "bling", "baz/boom"] fails "/*/foo/*/*", "/bar/foo/baz" converts "/test.bar", %r{\A/test(?:\.|%2[Ee])bar\z} parses "/test.bar", "/test.bar", {} fails "/test.bar", "/test0bar" converts "/:file.:ext", %r{\A/((?:[^\./?#%]|(?:%[^2].|%[2][^Ee]))+)(?:\.|%2[Ee])((?:[^/?#%]|(?:%[^2].|%[2][^Ee]))+)\z} parses "/:file.:ext", "/pony.jpg", "file" => "pony", "ext" => "jpg" parses "/:file.:ext", "/pony%2Ejpg", "file" => "pony", "ext" => "jpg" fails "/:file.:ext", "/.jpg" converts "/:name.?:format?", %r{\A/((?:[^\./?#%]|(?:%[^2].|%[2][^Ee]))+)(?:\.|%2[Ee])?((?:[^/?#%]|(?:%[^2].|%[2][^Ee]))+)?\z} parses "/:name.?:format?", "/foo", "name" => "foo", "format" => nil parses "/:name.?:format?", "/foo.bar", "name" => "foo", "format" => "bar" parses "/:name.?:format?", "/foo%2Ebar", "name" => "foo", "format" => "bar" parses "/:name?.?:format", "/.bar", "name" => nil, "format" => "bar" parses "/:name?.?:format?", "/.bar", "name" => nil, "format" => "bar" parses "/:name?.:format?", "/.bar", "name" => nil, "format" => "bar" fails "/:name.:format", "/.bar" fails "/:name.?:format?", "/.bar" converts "/:user@?:host?", %r{\A/((?:[^@/?#%]|(?:%[^4].|%[4][^0]))+)(?:@|%40)?((?:[^@/?#%]|(?:%[^4].|%[4][^0]))+)?\z} parses "/:user@?:host?", "/foo@bar", "user" => "foo", "host" => "bar" parses "/:user@?:host?", "/foo.foo@bar", "user" => "foo.foo", "host" => "bar" parses "/:user@?:host?", "/foo@bar.bar", "user" => "foo", "host" => "bar.bar" # From https://gist.github.com/2154980#gistcomment-169469. # # converts "/:name(.:format)?", %r{\A/([^\.%2E/?#]+)(?:\(|%28)(?:\.|%2E)([^\.%2E/?#]+)(?:\)|%29)?\z} # parses "/:name(.:format)?", "/foo", "name" => "foo", "format" => nil # parses "/:name(.:format)?", "/foo.bar", "name" => "foo", "format" => "bar" fails "/:name(.:format)?", "/foo." parses "/:id/test.bar", "/3/test.bar", {"id" => "3"} parses "/:id/test.bar", "/2/test.bar", {"id" => "2"} parses "/:id/test.bar", "/2E/test.bar", {"id" => "2E"} parses "/:id/test.bar", "/2e/test.bar", {"id" => "2e"} parses "/:id/test.bar", "/%2E/test.bar", {"id" => "%2E"} parses '/10/:id', '/10/test', "id" => "test" parses '/10/:id', '/10/te.st', "id" => "te.st" parses '/10.1/:id', '/10.1/test', "id" => "test" parses '/10.1/:id', '/10.1/te.st', "id" => "te.st" parses '/:foo/:id', '/10.1/te.st', "foo" => "10.1", "id" => "te.st" parses '/:foo/:id', '/10.1.2/te.st', "foo" => "10.1.2", "id" => "te.st" parses '/:foo.:bar/:id', '/10.1/te.st', "foo" => "10", "bar" => "1", "id" => "te.st" fails '/:foo.:bar/:id', '/10.1.2/te.st' # We don't do crazy. parses '/:a/:b.?:c?', '/a/b', "a" => "a", "b" => "b", "c" => nil parses '/:a/:b.?:c?', '/a/b.c', "a" => "a", "b" => "b", "c" => "c" parses '/:a/:b.?:c?', '/a.b/c', "a" => "a.b", "b" => "c", "c" => nil parses '/:a/:b.?:c?', '/a.b/c.d', "a" => "a.b", "b" => "c", "c" => "d" fails '/:a/:b.?:c?', '/a.b/c.d/e' parses "/:file.:ext", "/pony%2ejpg", "file" => "pony", "ext" => "jpg" parses "/:file.:ext", "/pony%E6%AD%A3%2Ejpg", "file" => "pony%E6%AD%A3", "ext" => "jpg" parses "/:file.:ext", "/pony%e6%ad%a3%2ejpg", "file" => "pony%e6%ad%a3", "ext" => "jpg" parses "/:file.:ext", "/pony正%2Ejpg", "file" => "pony正", "ext" => "jpg" parses "/:file.:ext", "/pony正%2ejpg", "file" => "pony正", "ext" => "jpg" parses "/:file.:ext", "/pony正..jpg", "file" => "pony正", "ext" => ".jpg" fails "/:file.:ext", "/pony正.%2ejpg" converts "/:name.:format", %r{\A/((?:[^\./?#%]|(?:%[^2].|%[2][^Ee]))+)(?:\.|%2[Ee])((?:[^/?#%]|(?:%[^2].|%[2][^Ee]))+)\z} parses "/:name.:format", "/file.tar.gz", "name" => "file", "format" => "tar.gz" parses "/:name.:format1.:format2", "/file.tar.gz", "name" => "file", "format1" => "tar", "format2" => "gz" parses "/:name.:format1.:format2", "/file.temp.tar.gz", "name" => "file", "format1" => "temp", "format2" => "tar.gz" # From issue #688. # parses "/articles/10.1103/:doi", "/articles/10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.026401", "doi" => "PhysRevLett.110.026401" end