require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__) require File.expand_path('../integration_helper', __FILE__) # These tests start a real server and talk to it over TCP. # Every test runs with every detected server. # # See test/integration/app.rb for the code of the app we test against. class IntegrationTest < Minitest::Test extend IntegrationHelper attr_accessor :server it('sets the app_file') { assert_equal server.app_file, server.get("/app_file") } it('only extends main') { assert_equal "true", server.get("/mainonly") } it 'logs once in development mode' do next if server.puma? or RUBY_ENGINE == 'jruby' random = "%064x" % Kernel.rand(2**256-1) server.get "/ping?x=#{random}" count = server.log.scan("GET /ping?x=#{random}").count if server.net_http_server? assert_equal 0, count elsif server.webrick? assert(count > 0) else assert_equal(1, count) end end it 'streams' do next if server.webrick? or server.trinidad? times, chunks = [], [] server.get_stream do |chunk| next if chunk.empty? chunks << chunk times << end assert_equal ["a", "b"], chunks assert times[1] - times[0] < 1 assert times[2] - times[1] > 1 end it 'streams async' do next unless server.thin? Timeout.timeout(3) do chunks = [] server.get_stream '/async' do |chunk| next if chunk.empty? chunks << chunk case chunk when "hi!" then server.get "/send?msg=hello" when "hello" then server.get "/send?close=1" end end assert_equal ['hi!', 'hello'], chunks end end it 'streams async from subclass' do next unless server.thin? Timeout.timeout(3) do chunks = [] server.get_stream '/subclass/async' do |chunk| next if chunk.empty? chunks << chunk case chunk when "hi!" then server.get "/subclass/send?msg=hello" when "hello" then server.get "/subclass/send?close=1" end end assert_equal ['hi!', 'hello'], chunks end end it 'starts the correct server' do exp = %r{ ==\sSinatra\s\(v#{Sinatra::VERSION}\)\s has\staken\sthe\sstage\son\s\d+\sfor\sdevelopment\s with\sbackup\sfrom\s#{server} }ix # because Net HTTP Server logs to $stderr by default assert_match exp, server.log unless server.net_http_server? end it 'does not generate warnings' do assert_raises(OpenURI::HTTPError) { server.get '/' } server.get '/app_file' assert_equal [], server.warnings end it 'sets the Content-Length response header when sending files' do response = server.get_response '/send_file' assert response['Content-Length'] end it "doesn't ignore Content-Length header when streaming" do response = server.get_response '/streaming' assert_equal '46', response['Content-Length'] end end