# frozen_string_literal: true source 'https://rubygems.org' gemspec gem 'rack-protection', path: '../rack-protection' gem 'sinatra', path: '..' group :development, :test do platform :jruby do gem 'json' gem 'rdoc' gem 'therubyrhino' gem 'jar-dependencies', '= 0.4.1' # Gem::LoadError with jar-dependencies 0.4.2 end platform :jruby, :ruby do gem 'hamlit', '>= 3' gem 'liquid', '~> 2.6.x' gem 'slim' end platform :ruby do gem 'execjs', '2.0.0' gem 'nokogiri', '1.13.6' gem 'redcarpet', '3.5.1' gem 'yajl-ruby' end gem 'multi_json' end # Allows stuff like `tilt=1.2.2 bundle install` or `tilt=master ...`. # Used by the CI. repos = { 'tilt' => 'rtomayko/tilt', 'rack' => 'rack/rack' } %w[tilt rack].each do |lib| dep = (ENV[lib] || 'stable').sub "#{lib}-", '' dep = nil if dep == 'stable' dep = { github: repos[lib], branch: dep } if dep && dep !~ (/(\d+\.?)+(\d+)?/) gem lib, dep if dep end