require 'rake/clean' require 'rake/testtask' require 'fileutils' require 'date' task :default => :test task :spec => :test def source_version line ='lib/sinatra/base.rb')[/^\s*VERSION = .*/] line.match(/.*VERSION = '(.*)'/)[1] end # SPECS =============================================================== if !ENV['NO_TEST_FIX'] and RUBY_VERSION == '1.9.2' and RUBY_PATCHLEVEL == 0 # Avoids seg fault task(:test) do second_run = %w[settings rdoc markaby].map { |l| "test/#{l}_test.rb" } first_run = Dir.glob('test/*_test.rb') - second_run [first_run, second_run].each { |f| sh "testrb #{f.join ' '}" } end else do |t| t.test_files = FileList['test/*_test.rb'] t.ruby_opts = ['-rubygems'] if defined? Gem t.ruby_opts << '-I.' end end # Rcov ================================================================ namespace :test do desc 'Mesures test coverage' task :coverage do rm_f "coverage" rcov = "rcov --text-summary -Ilib" system("#{rcov} --no-html --no-color test/*_test.rb") end end # Website ============================================================= # Building docs requires HAML and the hanna gem: # gem install mislav-hanna --source= desc 'Generate RDoc under doc/api' task 'doc' => ['doc:api'] task 'doc:api' => ['doc/api/index.html'] file 'doc/api/index.html' => FileList['lib/**/*.rb','README.rdoc'] do |f| require 'rbconfig' hanna = RbConfig::CONFIG['ruby_install_name'].sub('ruby', 'hanna') rb_files = f.prerequisites sh((<<-end).gsub(/\s+/, ' ')) #{hanna} --charset utf8 --fmt html --inline-source --line-numbers --main README.rdoc --op doc/api --title 'Sinatra API Documentation' #{rb_files.join(' ')} end end CLEAN.include 'doc/api' # PACKAGING ============================================================ if defined?(Gem) # Load the gemspec using the same limitations as github def spec require 'rubygems' unless defined? Gem::Specification @spec ||= eval('sinatra.gemspec')) end def package(ext='') "pkg/sinatra-#{spec.version}" + ext end desc 'Build packages' task :package => %w[.gem .tar.gz].map {|e| package(e)} desc 'Build and install as local gem' task :install => package('.gem') do sh "gem install #{package('.gem')}" end directory 'pkg/' CLOBBER.include('pkg') file package('.gem') => %w[pkg/ sinatra.gemspec] + spec.files do |f| sh "gem build sinatra.gemspec" mv File.basename(, end file package('.tar.gz') => %w[pkg/] + spec.files do |f| sh <<-SH git archive \ --prefix=sinatra-#{source_version}/ \ --format=tar \ HEAD | gzip > #{} SH end task 'sinatra.gemspec' => FileList['{lib,test,compat}/**','Rakefile','CHANGES','*.rdoc'] do |f| # read spec file and split out manifest section spec = head, manifest, tail = spec.split(" # = MANIFEST =\n") # replace version and date head.sub!(/\.version = '.*'/, ".version = '#{source_version}'") head.sub!(/\.date = '.*'/, ".date = '#{}'") # determine file list from git ls-files files = `git ls-files`. split("\n"). sort. reject{ |file| file =~ /^\./ }. reject { |file| file =~ /^doc/ }. map{ |file| " #{file}" }. join("\n") # piece file back together and write... manifest = " s.files = %w[\n#{files}\n ]\n" spec = [head,manifest,tail].join(" # = MANIFEST =\n"), 'w') { |io| io.write(spec) } puts "updated #{}" end end