require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__) class ERBTest < Minitest::Test def engine Tilt::ERBTemplate end def setup Tilt.prefer engine, :erb super end def erb_app(&block) mock_app do set :views, __dir__ + '/views' get('/', &block) end get '/' end it 'uses the correct engine' do assert_equal engine, Tilt[:erb] end it 'renders inline ERB strings' do erb_app { erb '<%= 1 + 1 %>' } assert ok? assert_equal '2', body end it 'renders .erb files in views path' do erb_app { erb :hello } assert ok? assert_equal "Hello World\n", body end it 'takes a :locals option' do erb_app do locals = {:foo => 'Bar'} erb '<%= foo %>', :locals => locals end assert ok? assert_equal 'Bar', body end it "renders with inline layouts" do mock_app do layout { 'THIS. IS. <%= yield.upcase %>!' } get('/') { erb 'Sparta' } end get '/' assert ok? assert_equal 'THIS. IS. SPARTA!', body end it "renders with file layouts" do erb_app { erb 'Hello World', :layout => :layout2 } assert ok? assert_body "ERB Layout!\nHello World" end it "renders erb with blocks" do mock_app do def container @_out_buf << "THIS." yield @_out_buf << "SPARTA!" end def is; "IS." end get('/') { erb '<% container do %> <%= is %> <% end %>' } end get '/' assert ok? assert_equal 'THIS. IS. SPARTA!', body end it "can be used in a nested fashion for partials and whatnot" do mock_app do template(:inner) { "<%= 'hi' %>" } template(:outer) { "<%= erb :inner %>" } get('/') { erb :outer } end get '/' assert ok? assert_equal 'hi', body end it "can render truly nested layouts by accepting a layout and a block with the contents" do mock_app do template(:main_outer_layout) { "


\n<%= yield %>" } template(:an_inner_layout) { "


\n<%= yield %>" } template(:a_page) { "


\n" } get('/') do erb :main_outer_layout, :layout => false do erb :an_inner_layout do erb :a_page end end end end get '/' assert ok? assert_body "






\n" end end begin require 'erubi' class ErubiTest < ERBTest def engine; Tilt::ErubiTemplate end end rescue LoadError warn "#{$!}: skipping erubi tests" end begin require 'erubis' class ErubisTest < ERBTest def engine; Tilt::ErubisTemplate end end rescue LoadError warn "#{$!}: skipping erubis tests" end