require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/helper' begin require 'liquid' class LiquidTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def liquid_app(&block) mock_app do set :views, File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/views' get '/', &block end get '/' end it 'renders inline liquid strings' do liquid_app { liquid '


' } assert ok? assert_equal "


", body end it 'renders .liquid files in views path' do liquid_app { liquid :hello } assert ok? assert_equal "

Hello From Liquid

\n", body end it "renders with inline layouts" do mock_app do layout { "

THIS. IS. {{ yield }}

" } get('/') { liquid 'SPARTA' } end get '/' assert ok? assert_equal "


", body end it "renders with file layouts" do liquid_app { liquid 'Hello World', :layout => :layout2 } assert ok? assert_equal "

Liquid Layout!


Hello World

\n", body end it "raises error if template not found" do mock_app { get('/') { liquid :no_such_template } } assert_raise(Errno::ENOENT) { get('/') } end it "allows passing locals" do liquid_app do liquid '{{ value }}', :locals => { :value => 'foo' } end assert ok? assert_equal 'foo', body end end rescue LoadError warn "#{$!.to_s}: skipping liquid tests" end