require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/helper' require 'uri' class TesterWithEach def each yield 'foo' yield 'bar' yield 'baz' end end context "Looking up a request" do setup do Sinatra.application = nil end # Deprecated. The lookup method is no longer used. xspecify "returns what's at the end" do block = { 'Hello' } get '/', &block result = Sinatra.application.lookup( 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'GET', 'PATH_INFO' => '/' ) ) block end # Deprecated. The lookup method is no longer used. xspecify "takes params in path" do block = { 'Hello' } get '/:foo', &block result = Sinatra.application.lookup( 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'GET', 'PATH_INFO' => '/bar' ) ) block result.params.should.equal "foo" => 'bar' end end context "An app returns" do setup do Sinatra.application = nil end specify "404 if no events found" do request = get_it '/' body.should.equal '

Not Found

' end specify "200 if success" do get '/' do 'Hello World' end get_it '/' body.should.equal 'Hello World' end specify "an objects result from each if it has it" do get '/' do end get_it '/' body.should.equal 'foobarbaz' end # Deprecated. The body method no longer halts. xspecify "the body set if set before the last" do get '/' do body 'Blake' 'Mizerany' end get_it '/' body.should.equal 'Blake' end specify "404 if NotFound is raised" do get '/' do raise Sinatra::NotFound end get_it '/' end end context "Application#configure blocks" do setup do Sinatra.application = nil end specify "run when no environment specified" do ref = false configure { ref = true } ref.should.equal true end specify "run when matching environment specified" do ref = false configure(:test) { ref = true } ref.should.equal true end specify "do not run when no matching environment specified" do configure(:foo) { flunk "block should not have been executed" } configure(:development, :production, :foo) { flunk "block should not have been executed" } end specify "accept multiple environments" do ref = false configure(:foo, :test, :bar) { ref = true } ref.should.equal true end end context "Default Application Configuration" do # Sinatra::ServerError is no longer used xspecify "includes 404 and 500 error handlers" do Sinatra.application.errors.should.include(Sinatra::ServerError) Sinatra.application.errors[Sinatra::ServerError] Sinatra.application.errors.should.include(Sinatra::NotFound) Sinatra.application.errors[Sinatra::NotFound] end # Deprecated. No such thing as a Static event anymore. xspecify "includes Static event" do assert[:get].any? { |e| Sinatra::Static === e } end end context "Events in an app" do setup do Sinatra.application = nil end specify "evaluate in a clean context" do helpers do def foo 'foo' end end get '/foo' do foo end get_it '/foo' body.should.equal 'foo' end specify "get access to request, response, and params" do get '/:foo' do params["foo"] + params["bar"] end get_it '/foo?bar=baz' body.should.equal 'foobaz' end specify "can filters by agent" do get '/', :agent => /Windows/ do request.env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] end get_it '/', :env => { :agent => 'Windows' } body.should.equal 'Windows' get_it '/', :env => { :agent => 'Mac' } end specify "can use regex to get parts of user-agent" do get '/', :agent => /Windows (NT)/ do params[:agent].first end get_it '/', :env => { :agent => 'Windows NT' } body.should.equal 'NT' end specify "can deal with spaces in paths" do path = '/path with spaces' get path do "Look ma, a path with spaces!" end get_it URI.encode(path) body.should.equal "Look ma, a path with spaces!" end specify "route based on host" do get '/' do 'asdf' end get_it '/' assert ok? assert_equal('asdf', body) get '/foo', :host => '' do 'in foo!' end get '/foo', :host => '' do 'in bar!' end get_it '/foo', {}, 'HTTP_HOST' => '' assert ok? assert_equal 'in foo!', body get_it '/foo', {}, 'HTTP_HOST' => '' assert ok? assert_equal 'in bar!', body get_it '/foo' assert not_found? end end context "Options in an app" do setup do Sinatra.application = nil @app = Sinatra::application end specify "can be set singly on app" do @app.set :foo, 1234 1234 end specify "can be set singly from top-level" do set_option :foo, 1234 1234 end specify "can be set multiply on app" do @app.set :foo => 1234, :bar => 'hello, world' 1234 'hello, world' end specify "can be set multiply from top-level" do set_options :foo => 1234, :bar => 'hello, world' 1234 'hello, world' end specify "can be enabled on app" do @app.enable :sessions, :foo, :bar @app.options.sessions.should.equal true true true end specify "can be enabled from top-level" do enable :sessions, :foo, :bar @app.options.sessions.should.equal true true true end specify "can be disabled on app" do @app.disable :sessions, :foo, :bar @app.options.sessions.should.equal false false false end specify "can be enabled from top-level" do disable :sessions, :foo, :bar @app.options.sessions.should.equal false false false end end