require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__) require 'rack' class RackTest < Test::Unit::TestCase setup do @foo = { get('/foo') { 'foo' }} @bar = { get('/bar') { 'bar' }} end def build(*middleware) endpoint = middleware.pop @app = do middleware.each { |m| use m } run endpoint end end def check(*middleware) build(*middleware) assert get('/foo').ok? assert_body 'foo' assert get('/bar').ok? assert_body 'bar' end it 'works as middleware in front of Rack::Lock, with lock enabled' do @foo.enable :lock check(@foo, Rack::Lock, @bar) end it 'works as middleware behind Rack::Lock, with lock enabled' do @foo.enable :lock check(Rack::Lock, @foo, @bar) end it 'works as middleware in front of Rack::Lock, with lock disabled' do @foo.disable :lock check(@foo, Rack::Lock, @bar) end it 'works as middleware behind Rack::Lock, with lock disabled' do @foo.disable :lock check(Rack::Lock, @foo, @bar) end end