describe Rack::Protection::XSSHeader do it_behaves_like "any rack application" it 'should set the X-XSS-Protection' do expect(get('/', {}, 'wants' => 'text/html;charset=utf-8').headers["X-XSS-Protection"]).to eq("1; mode=block") end it 'should set the X-XSS-Protection for XHTML' do expect(get('/', {}, 'wants' => 'application/xhtml+xml').headers["X-XSS-Protection"]).to eq("1; mode=block") end it 'should not set the X-XSS-Protection for other content types' do expect(get('/', {}, 'wants' => 'application/foo').headers["X-XSS-Protection"]).to be_nil end it 'should allow changing the protection mode' do # I have no clue what other modes are available mock_app do use Rack::Protection::XSSHeader, :xss_mode => :foo run DummyApp end expect(get('/', {}, 'wants' => 'application/xhtml').headers["X-XSS-Protection"]).to eq("1; mode=foo") end it 'should not override the header if already set' do mock_app with_headers("X-XSS-Protection" => "0") expect(get('/', {}, 'wants' => 'text/html').headers["X-XSS-Protection"]).to eq("0") end it 'should set the X-Content-Type-Options' do expect(get('/', {}, 'wants' => 'text/html').header["X-Content-Type-Options"]).to eq("nosniff") end it 'should set the X-Content-Type-Options for other content types' do expect(get('/', {}, 'wants' => 'application/foo').header["X-Content-Type-Options"]).to eq("nosniff") end it 'should allow changing the nosniff-mode off' do mock_app do use Rack::Protection::XSSHeader, :nosniff => false run DummyApp end expect(get('/').headers["X-Content-Type-Options"]).to be_nil end it 'should not override the header if already set X-Content-Type-Options' do mock_app with_headers("X-Content-Type-Options" => "sniff") expect(get('/', {}, 'wants' => 'text/html').headers["X-Content-Type-Options"]).to eq("sniff") end end