require 'spec_helper' describe Sinatra::Namespace do verbs = [:get, :head, :post, :put, :delete, :options, :patch] def mock_app(&block) super do register Sinatra::Namespace class_eval(&block) end end def namespace(*args, &block) mock_app { namespace(*args, &block) } end verbs.each do |verb| describe "HTTP #{verb.to_s.upcase}" do it 'prefixes the path with the namespace' do namespace('/foo') { send(verb, '/bar') { 'baz' }} expect(send(verb, '/foo/bar')).to be_ok expect(body).to eq('baz') unless verb == :head expect(send(verb, '/foo/baz')).not_to be_ok end describe 'redirect_to' do it 'redirect within namespace' do namespace('/foo') { send(verb, '/bar') { redirect_to '/foo_bar' }} expect(send(verb, '/foo/bar')).to be_redirect expect(send(verb, '/foo/bar').location).to include("/foo/foo_bar") end end context 'when namespace is a string' do it 'accepts routes with no path' do namespace('/foo') { send(verb) { 'bar' } } expect(send(verb, '/foo')).to be_ok expect(body).to eq('bar') unless verb == :head end it 'accepts the path as a named parameter' do namespace('/foo') { send(verb, '/:bar') { params[:bar] }} expect(send(verb, '/foo/bar')).to be_ok expect(body).to eq('bar') unless verb == :head expect(send(verb, '/foo/baz')).to be_ok expect(body).to eq('baz') unless verb == :head end it 'accepts the path as a regular expression' do namespace('/foo') { send(verb, /\/\d\d/) { 'bar' }} expect(send(verb, '/foo/12')).to be_ok expect(body).to eq 'bar' unless verb == :head expect(send(verb, '/foo/123')).not_to be_ok end end context 'when namespace is a named parameter' do it 'accepts routes with no path' do namespace('/:foo') { send(verb) { 'bar' } } expect(send(verb, '/foo')).to be_ok expect(body).to eq('bar') unless verb == :head end it 'sets the parameter correctly' do namespace('/:foo') { send(verb, '/bar') { params[:foo] }} expect(send(verb, '/foo/bar')).to be_ok expect(body).to eq('foo') unless verb == :head expect(send(verb, '/fox/bar')).to be_ok expect(body).to eq('fox') unless verb == :head expect(send(verb, '/foo/baz')).not_to be_ok end it 'accepts the path as a named parameter' do namespace('/:foo') { send(verb, '/:bar') { params[:bar] }} expect(send(verb, '/foo/bar')).to be_ok expect(body).to eq('bar') unless verb == :head expect(send(verb, '/foo/baz')).to be_ok expect(body).to eq('baz') unless verb == :head end it 'accepts the path as regular expression' do namespace('/:foo') { send(verb, %r{/bar}) { params[:foo] }} expect(send(verb, '/foo/bar')).to be_ok expect(body).to eq('foo') unless verb == :head expect(send(verb, '/fox/bar')).to be_ok expect(body).to eq('fox') unless verb == :head expect(send(verb, '/foo/baz')).not_to be_ok end end context 'when namespace is a regular expression' do it 'accepts routes with no path' do namespace(%r{/foo}) { send(verb) { 'bar' } } expect(send(verb, '/foo')).to be_ok expect(body).to eq('bar') unless verb == :head end it 'accepts the path as a named parameter' do namespace(%r{/foo}) { send(verb, '/:bar') { params[:bar] }} expect(send(verb, '/foo/bar')).to be_ok expect(body).to eq('bar') unless verb == :head expect(send(verb, '/foo/baz')).to be_ok expect(body).to eq('baz') unless verb == :head end it 'accepts the path as a regular expression' do namespace(/\/\d\d/) { send(verb, /\/\d\d/) { 'foo' }} expect(send(verb, '/23/12')).to be_ok expect(body).to eq('foo') unless verb == :head expect(send(verb, '/123/12')).not_to be_ok end describe "before/after filters" do it 'trigger before filter' do ran = false namespace(/\/foo\/([^\/&?]+)\/bar\/([^\/&?]+)\//) { before { ran = true };} send(verb, '/bar/') expect(ran).to eq(false) send(verb, '/foo/1/bar/1/') expect(ran).to eq(true) end it 'trigger after filter' do ran = false namespace(/\/foo\/([^\/&?]+)\/bar\/([^\/&?]+)\//) { after { ran = true };} send(verb, '/bar/') expect(ran).to eq(false) send(verb, '/foo/1/bar/1/') expect(ran).to eq(true) end end describe 'helpers' do it 'are defined using the helpers method' do namespace /\/foo\/([^\/&?]+)\/bar\/([^\/&?]+)\// do helpers do def foo 'foo' end end send verb, '' do foo.to_s end end expect(send(verb, '/foo/1/bar/1/')).to be_ok expect(body).to eq('foo') unless verb == :head end end end context 'when namespace is a splat' do it 'accepts the path as a splat' do namespace('/*') { send(verb, '/*') { params[:splat].join ' - ' }} expect(send(verb, '/foo/bar')).to be_ok expect(body).to eq('foo - bar') unless verb == :head end end describe 'before-filters' do specify 'are triggered' do ran = false namespace('/foo') { before { ran = true }} send(verb, '/foo') expect(ran).to be true end specify 'are not triggered for a different namespace' do ran = false namespace('/foo') { before { ran = true }} send(verb, '/fox') expect(ran).to be false end end describe 'after-filters' do specify 'are triggered' do ran = false namespace('/foo') { after { ran = true }} send(verb, '/foo') expect(ran).to be true end specify 'are not triggered for a different namespace' do ran = false namespace('/foo') { after { ran = true }} send(verb, '/fox') expect(ran).to be false end end describe 'conditions' do context 'when the namespace has no prefix' do specify 'are accepted in the namespace' do mock_app do namespace(:host_name => '') { send(verb) { 'yes' }} send(verb, '/') { 'no' } end send(verb, '/', {}, 'HTTP_HOST' => '') expect(last_response).to be_ok expect(body).to eq('yes') unless verb == :head send(verb, '/', {}, 'HTTP_HOST' => '') expect(last_response).to be_ok expect(body).to eq('no') unless verb == :head end specify 'are accepted in the route definition' do namespace :host_name => '' do send(verb, '/foo', :provides => :txt) { 'ok' } end expect(send(verb, '/foo', {}, 'HTTP_HOST' => '', 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'text/plain')).to be_ok expect(send(verb, '/foo', {}, 'HTTP_HOST' => '', 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'text/html')).not_to be_ok expect(send(verb, '/foo', {}, 'HTTP_HOST' => '', 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'text/plain')).not_to be_ok end specify 'are accepted in the before-filter' do ran = false namespace :provides => :txt do before('/foo', :host_name => '') { ran = true } send(verb, '/*') { 'ok' } end send(verb, '/foo', {}, 'HTTP_HOST' => '', 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'text/plain') expect(ran).to be false send(verb, '/foo', {}, 'HTTP_HOST' => '', 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'text/html') expect(ran).to be false send(verb, '/bar', {}, 'HTTP_HOST' => '', 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'text/plain') expect(ran).to be false send(verb, '/foo', {}, 'HTTP_HOST' => '', 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'text/plain') expect(ran).to be true end specify 'are accepted in the after-filter' do ran = false namespace :provides => :txt do after('/foo', :host_name => '') { ran = true } send(verb, '/*') { 'ok' } end send(verb, '/foo', {}, 'HTTP_HOST' => '', 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'text/plain') expect(ran).to be false send(verb, '/foo', {}, 'HTTP_HOST' => '', 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'text/html') expect(ran).to be false send(verb, '/bar', {}, 'HTTP_HOST' => '', 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'text/plain') expect(ran).to be false send(verb, '/foo', {}, 'HTTP_HOST' => '', 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'text/plain') expect(ran).to be true end end context 'when the namespace is a string' do specify 'are accepted in the namespace' do namespace '/foo', :host_name => '' do send(verb) { 'ok' } end expect(send(verb, '/foo', {}, 'HTTP_HOST' => '')).to be_ok expect(send(verb, '/foo', {}, 'HTTP_HOST' => '')).not_to be_ok end specify 'are accepted in the before-filter' do namespace '/foo' do before(:host_name => '') { @yes = 'yes' } send(verb) { @yes || 'no' } end send(verb, '/foo', {}, 'HTTP_HOST' => '') expect(last_response).to be_ok expect(body).to eq('yes') unless verb == :head send(verb, '/foo', {}, 'HTTP_HOST' => '') expect(last_response).to be_ok expect(body).to eq('no') unless verb == :head end specify 'are accepted in the after-filter' do ran = false namespace '/foo' do before(:host_name => '') { ran = true } send(verb) { 'ok' } end send(verb, '/foo', {}, 'HTTP_HOST' => '') expect(ran).to be false send(verb, '/foo', {}, 'HTTP_HOST' => '') expect(ran).to be true end specify 'are accepted in the route definition' do namespace '/foo' do send(verb, :host_name => '') { 'ok' } end expect(send(verb, '/foo', {}, 'HTTP_HOST' => '')).to be_ok expect(send(verb, '/foo', {}, 'HTTP_HOST' => '')).not_to be_ok end context 'when the namespace has a condition' do specify 'are accepted in the before-filter' do ran = false namespace '/', :provides => :txt do before(:host_name => '') { ran = true } send(verb) { 'ok' } end send(verb, '/', {}, 'HTTP_HOST' => '', 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'text/plain') expect(ran).to be false send(verb, '/', {}, 'HTTP_HOST' => '', 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'text/html') expect(ran).to be false send(verb, '/', {}, 'HTTP_HOST' => '', 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'text/plain') expect(ran).to be true end specify 'are accepted in the filters' do ran = false namespace '/f', :provides => :txt do before('oo', :host_name => '') { ran = true } send(verb, '/*') { 'ok' } end send(verb, '/foo', {}, 'HTTP_HOST' => '', 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'text/plain') expect(ran).to be false send(verb, '/foo', {}, 'HTTP_HOST' => '', 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'text/html') expect(ran).to be false send(verb, '/far', {}, 'HTTP_HOST' => '', 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'text/plain') expect(ran).to be false send(verb, '/foo', {}, 'HTTP_HOST' => '', 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'text/plain') expect(ran).to be true end end end end describe 'helpers' do it 'are defined using the helpers method' do namespace '/foo' do helpers do def magic 42 end end send verb, '/bar' do magic.to_s end end expect(send(verb, '/foo/bar')).to be_ok expect(body).to eq('42') unless verb == :head end it 'can be defined as normal methods' do namespace '/foo' do def magic 42 end send verb, '/bar' do magic.to_s end end expect(send(verb, '/foo/bar')).to be_ok expect(body).to eq('42') unless verb == :head end it 'can be defined using module mixins' do mixin = do def magic 42 end end namespace '/foo' do helpers mixin send verb, '/bar' do magic.to_s end end expect(send(verb, '/foo/bar')).to be_ok expect(body).to eq('42') unless verb == :head end specify 'are unavailable outside the namespace where they are defined' do mock_app do namespace '/foo' do def magic 42 end send verb, '/bar' do magic.to_s end end send verb, '/' do magic.to_s end end expect { send verb, '/' }.to raise_error(NameError) end specify 'are unavailable outside the namespace that they are mixed into' do mixin = do def magic 42 end end mock_app do namespace '/foo' do helpers mixin send verb, '/bar' do magic.to_s end end send verb, '/' do magic.to_s end end expect { send verb, '/' }.to raise_error(NameError) end specify 'are available to nested namespaces' do mock_app do helpers do def magic 42 end end namespace '/foo' do send verb, '/bar' do magic.to_s end end end expect(send(verb, '/foo/bar')).to be_ok expect(body).to eq('42') unless verb == :head end specify 'can call super from nested definitions' do mock_app do helpers do def magic 42 end end namespace '/foo' do def magic super - 19 end send verb, '/bar' do magic.to_s end end end expect(send(verb, '/foo/bar')).to be_ok expect(body).to eq('23') unless verb == :head end end describe 'nesting' do it 'routes to nested namespaces' do namespace '/foo' do namespace '/bar' do send(verb, '/baz') { 'OKAY!!11!'} end end expect(send(verb, '/foo/bar/baz')).to be_ok expect(body).to eq('OKAY!!11!') unless verb == :head end it 'exposes helpers to nested namespaces' do namespace '/foo' do helpers do def magic 42 end end namespace '/bar' do send verb, '/baz' do magic.to_s end end end expect(send(verb, '/foo/bar/baz')).to be_ok expect(body).to eq('42') unless verb == :head end specify 'does not provide access to nested helper methods' do namespace '/foo' do namespace '/bar' do def magic 42 end send verb, '/baz' do magic.to_s end end send verb do magic.to_s end end expect { send verb, '/foo' }.to raise_error(NameError) end it 'accepts a nested namespace as a named parameter' do namespace('/:a') { namespace('/:b') { send(verb) { params[:a] }}} expect(send(verb, '/foo/bar')).to be_ok expect(body).to eq('foo') unless verb == :head end end describe 'error handling' do it 'can be customized using the not_found block' do namespace('/de') do not_found { 'nicht gefunden' } end expect(send(verb, '/foo').status).to eq 404 expect(last_response.body).not_to eq 'nicht gefunden' unless verb == :head expect(get('/en/foo').status).to eq 404 expect(last_response.body).not_to eq 'nicht gefunden' unless verb == :head expect(get('/de/foo').status).to eq 404 expect(last_response.body).to eq 'nicht gefunden' unless verb == :head end it 'can be customized for specific error codes' do namespace('/de') do error(404) { 'nicht gefunden' } end expect(send(verb, '/foo').status).to eq 404 expect(last_response.body).not_to eq 'nicht gefunden' unless verb == :head expect(get('/en/foo').status).to eq 404 expect(last_response.body).not_to eq 'nicht gefunden' unless verb == :head expect(get('/de/foo').status).to eq 404 expect(last_response.body).to eq 'nicht gefunden' unless verb == :head end it 'falls back to the handler defined in the base app' do mock_app do error(404) { 'not found...' } namespace('/en') do end namespace('/de') do error(404) { 'nicht gefunden' } end end expect(send(verb, '/foo').status).to eq 404 expect(last_response.body).to eq 'not found...' unless verb == :head expect(get('/en/foo').status).to eq 404 expect(last_response.body).to eq 'not found...' unless verb == :head expect(get('/de/foo').status).to eq 404 expect(last_response.body).to eq 'nicht gefunden' unless verb == :head end it 'can be customized for specific Exception classes' do mock_app do class AError < StandardError; end class BError < AError; end error(AError) do body('auth failed') 401 end namespace('/en') do get '/foo' do raise BError end end namespace('/de') do error(AError) do body('methode nicht erlaubt') 406 end get '/foo' do raise BError end end end expect(get('/en/foo').status).to eq 401 expect(last_response.body).to eq 'auth failed' unless verb == :head expect(get('/de/foo').status).to eq 406 expect(last_response.body).to eq 'methode nicht erlaubt' unless verb == :head end it "allows custom error handlers when namespace is declared as /en/:id. Issue #119" do mock_app { class CError < StandardError; end error { raise "should not come here" } namespace('/en/:id') do error(CError) { 201 } get '/?' do raise CError end end } expect(get('/en/1').status).to eq(201) end end unless verb == :head describe 'templates' do specify 'default to the base app\'s template' do mock_app do template(:foo) { 'hi' } send(verb, '/') { erb :foo } namespace '/foo' do send(verb) { erb :foo } end end expect(send(verb, '/').body).to eq 'hi' expect(send(verb, '/foo').body).to eq 'hi' end specify 'can be nested' do mock_app do template(:foo) { 'hi' } send(verb, '/') { erb :foo } namespace '/foo' do template(:foo) { 'ho' } send(verb) { erb :foo } end end expect(send(verb, '/').body).to eq 'hi' expect(send(verb, '/foo').body).to eq 'ho' end specify 'can use a custom views directory' do mock_app do set :views, File.expand_path('../namespace', __FILE__) send(verb, '/') { erb :foo } namespace('/foo') do set :views, File.expand_path('../namespace/nested', __FILE__) send(verb) { erb :foo } end end expect(send(verb, '/').body).to eq "hi\n" expect(send(verb, '/foo').body).to eq "ho\n" end specify 'default to the base app\'s layout' do mock_app do layout { 'he said: <%= yield %>' } template(:foo) { 'hi' } send(verb, '/') { erb :foo } namespace '/foo' do template(:foo) { 'ho' } send(verb) { erb :foo } end end expect(send(verb, '/').body).to eq 'he said: hi' expect(send(verb, '/foo').body).to eq 'he said: ho' end specify 'can define nested layouts' do mock_app do layout { 'Hello <%= yield %>!' } template(:foo) { 'World' } send(verb, '/') { erb :foo } namespace '/foo' do layout { 'Hi <%= yield %>!' } send(verb) { erb :foo } end end expect(send(verb, '/').body).to eq 'Hello World!' expect(send(verb, '/foo').body).to eq 'Hi World!' end end end describe 'extensions' do specify 'provide read access to settings' do value = nil mock_app do set :foo, 42 namespace '/foo' do value = foo end end expect(value).to eq 42 end specify 'can be registered within a namespace' do a = b = nil extension = { define_method(:views) { 'CUSTOM!!!' } } mock_app do namespace '/' do register extension a = views end b = views end expect(a).to eq 'CUSTOM!!!' expect(b).not_to eq 'CUSTOM!!!' end specify 'trigger the route_added hook' do route = nil extension = extension.singleton_class.class_eval do define_method(:route_added) { |*r| route = r } end mock_app do namespace '/f' do register extension get('oo') { } end get('/bar') { } end expect(route[1]).to eq( '/foo') end specify 'prevent app-global settings from being changed' do expect { namespace('/') { set :foo, :bar }}.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end end end describe 'settings' do it 'provides access to top-level settings' do mock_app do set :foo, 'ok' namespace '/foo' do get '/bar' do end end end expect(get('/foo/bar').status).to eq(200) expect(last_response.body).to eq('ok') end it 'uses some repro' do mock_app do set :foo, 42 namespace '/foo' do get '/bar' do #settings.respond_to?(:foo).to_s end end end expect(get('/foo/bar').status).to eq(200) expect(last_response.body).to eq('42') end it 'allows checking setting existence with respond_to?' do mock_app do set :foo, 42 namespace '/foo' do get '/bar' do settings.respond_to?(:foo).to_s end end end expect(get('/foo/bar').status).to eq(200) expect(last_response.body).to eq('true') end end end