require 'rake/clean' task :default => :test # SPECS =============================================================== desc 'Run specs with story style output' task :spec do sh 'specrb --specdox -Ilib:test test/*_test.rb' end desc 'Run specs with unit test style output' task :test => FileList['test/*_test.rb'] do |t| suite ={|f| "-r#{f.chomp('.rb')}"}.join(' ') sh "ruby -Ilib:test #{suite} -e ''", :verbose => false end # PACKAGING ============================================================ def spec @spec ||= eval('sinatra.gemspec')) end def package(ext='') "dist/sinatra-#{spec.version}" + ext end desc 'Build packages' task :package => %w[.gem .tar.gz].map {|e| package(e)} desc 'Build and install as local gem' task :install => package('.gem') do sh "gem install #{package('.gem')}" end directory 'dist/' file package('.gem') => %w[dist/ sinatra.gemspec] + spec.files do |f| sh "gem build sinatra.gemspec" mv File.basename(, end file package('.tar.gz') => %w[dist/] + spec.files do |f| sh "git archive --format=tar HEAD | gzip > #{}" end # Hanna RDoc ========================================================= # # Building docs requires the hanna gem: # gem install mislav-hanna --source= desc 'Generate Hanna RDoc under doc/api' task :doc => ['doc/api/index.html'] file 'doc/api/index.html' => FileList['lib/**/*.rb','README.rdoc'] do |f| rb_files = f.prerequisites sh((<<-end).gsub(/\s+/, ' ')) hanna --charset utf8 \ --fmt html \ --inline-source \ --line-numbers \ --main README.rdoc \ --op doc/api \ --title 'Sinatra API Documentation' \ #{rb_files.join(' ')} end end CLEAN.include 'doc/api'