require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__) begin require 'yajl' class YajlTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def yajl_app(&block) mock_app { set :views, File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/views' get '/', &block } get '/' end it 'renders inline Yajl strings' do yajl_app { yajl 'json = { :foo => "bar" }' } assert ok? assert_body '{"foo":"bar"}' end it 'renders .yajl files in views path' do yajl_app { yajl :hello } assert ok? assert_body '{"yajl":"hello"}' end it 'raises error if template not found' do mock_app { get('/') { yajl :no_such_template } } assert_raise(Errno::ENOENT) { get('/') } end it 'accepts a :locals option' do yajl_app { locals = { :object => { :foo => 'bar' } } yajl 'json = object', :locals => locals } assert ok? assert_body '{"foo":"bar"}' end it 'accepts a :scope option' do yajl_app { scope = { :object => { :foo => 'bar' } } yajl 'json = self[:object]', :scope => scope } assert ok? assert_body '{"foo":"bar"}' end it 'decorates the json with a callback' do yajl_app { yajl 'json = { :foo => "bar" }', { :callback => 'baz' } } assert ok? assert_body 'baz({"foo":"bar"});' end it 'decorates the json with a variable' do yajl_app { yajl 'json = { :foo => "bar" }', { :variable => 'qux' } } assert ok? assert_body 'var qux = {"foo":"bar"};' end it 'decorates the json with a callback and a variable' do yajl_app { yajl 'json = { :foo => "bar" }', { :callback => 'baz', :variable => 'qux' } } assert ok? assert_body 'var qux = {"foo":"bar"}; baz(qux);' end end rescue LoadError warn "#{$!.to_s}: skipping yajl tests" end