require File.expand_path('../helper', __FILE__) begin require 'haml' class HAMLTest < Minitest::Test def haml_app(&block) mock_app do set :views, File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/views' get('/', &block) end get '/' end it 'renders inline HAML strings' do haml_app { haml '%h1 Hiya' } assert ok? assert_equal "


\n", body end it 'renders .haml files in views path' do haml_app { haml :hello } assert ok? assert_equal "

Hello From Haml

\n", body end it "renders with inline layouts" do mock_app do layout { %q(%h1= 'THIS. IS. ' + yield.upcase) } get('/') { haml '%em Sparta' } end get '/' assert ok? assert_equal "


\n", body end it "renders with file layouts" do haml_app { haml 'Hello World', :layout => :layout2 } assert ok? assert_equal "

HAML Layout!


Hello World

\n", body end it "raises error if template not found" do mock_app { get('/') { haml :no_such_template } } assert_raises(Errno::ENOENT) { get('/') } end it "passes HAML options to the Haml engine" do mock_app { get('/') { haml "!!!\n%h1 Hello World", :format => :html5 } } get '/' assert ok? assert_equal "\n

Hello World

\n", body end it "passes default HAML options to the Haml engine" do mock_app do set :haml, {:format => :html5} get('/') { haml "!!!\n%h1 Hello World" } end get '/' assert ok? assert_equal "\n

Hello World

\n", body end it "merges the default HAML options with the overrides and passes them to the Haml engine" do mock_app do set :haml, {:format => :html5, :attr_wrapper => '"'} # default HAML attr are get('/') { haml "!!!\n%h1{:class => :header} Hello World" } get('/html4') { haml "!!!\n%h1{:class => 'header'} Hello World", :format => :html4 } end get '/' assert ok? assert_equal "\n

Hello World

\n", body get '/html4' assert ok? assert_match(/^ { :foo => 'bar' }} assert_equal "bar\n", body end it "can render truly nested layouts by accepting a layout and a block with the contents" do mock_app do template(:main_outer_layout) { "%h1 Title\n= yield" } template(:an_inner_layout) { "%h2 Subtitle\n= yield" } template(:a_page) { "%p Contents." } get('/') do haml :main_outer_layout, :layout => false do haml :an_inner_layout do haml :a_page end end end end get '/' assert ok? assert_body "






\n" end end rescue LoadError warn "#{$!.to_s}: skipping haml tests" end