require 'sinatra/base' require 'rbconfig' require 'open-uri' require 'net/http' require 'timeout' module IntegrationHelper class BaseServer extend Enumerable attr_accessor :server, :port, :pipe alias name server def self.all @all ||= [] end def self.each(&block) all.each(&block) end def, port) new(server, port).run end def app_file File.expand_path('../integration/app.rb', __FILE__) end def environment "development" end def initialize(server, port) @installed, @pipe, @server, @port = nil, nil, server, port Server.all << self end def run return unless installed? kill @log = "" @pipe = IO.popen(command) @started = warn "#{server} up and running on port #{port}" if ping at_exit { kill } end def ping(timeout = 30) loop do return if alive? if - @started > timeout $stderr.puts command, log fail "timeout" else sleep 0.1 end end end def alive? 3.times { get('/ping') } true rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED, Errno::ECONNRESET, EOFError, SystemCallError, OpenURI::HTTPError, Timeout::Error => error false end def get_stream(url = "/stream", &block) Net::HTTP.start '', port do |http| request = url http.request request do |response| response.read_body(&block) end end end def get(url) Timeout.timeout(1) { open("{port}#{url}").read } end def log @log ||= "" loop { @log << @pipe.read_nonblock(1) } rescue Exception @log end def installed? return @installed unless @installed.nil? require server @installed = true rescue LoadError warn "#{server} is not installed, skipping integration tests" @installed = false end def command @command ||= begin cmd = ["RACK_ENV=#{environment}", "exec"] if RbConfig.respond_to? :ruby cmd << RbConfig.ruby.inspect else file, dir = RbConfig::CONFIG.values_at('ruby_install_name', 'bindir') cmd << File.expand_path(file, dir).inspect end cmd << "-w" unless thin? cmd << "-I" << File.expand_path('../../lib', __FILE__).inspect cmd << app_file.inspect << '-s' << server << '-o' << '' << '-p' << port cmd << "-e" << environment.to_s << '2>&1' cmd.join " " end end def kill return unless pipe Process.kill("KILL", rescue NotImplementedError system "kill -9 #{}" rescue Errno::ESRCH end def webrick? name.to_s == "webrick" end def thin? name.to_s == "thin" end def warnings log.scan(%r[(?:\(eval|lib/sinatra).*warning:.*$]) end def run_test(target, &block) retries ||= 3 target.server = self run unless alive? target.instance_eval(&block) rescue Exception => error retries -= 1 kill retries < 0 ? retry : raise(error) end end if RUBY_ENGINE == "jruby" class JRubyServer < BaseServer def start_vm require 'java' # Create a new container, set load paths and env # SINGLETHREAD means create a new runtime vm = vm.load_paths = [File.expand_path('../../lib', __FILE__)] vm.environment = ENV.merge('RACK_ENV' => environment.to_s) # This ensures processing of RUBYOPT which activates Bundler vm.provider.ruby_instance_config.process_arguments [] vm.argv = ['-s', server.to_s, '-o', '', '-p', port.to_s, '-e', environment.to_s] # Set stdout/stderr so we can retrieve log @pipe = vm.output = vm.error = do # Hack to ensure that Kernel#caller has the same info as # when run from command-line, for Sintra::Application.app_file. # Also, line numbers are zero-based in JRuby's parser vm.provider.runtime.current_context.set_file_and_line(app_file, 0) # Run the app vm.run_scriptlet org.jruby.embed.PathType::ABSOLUTE, app_file # terminate launches at_exit hooks which start server vm.terminate end end def run return unless installed? kill @thread = start_vm @started = warn "#{server} up and running on port #{port}" if ping at_exit { kill } end def log String.from_java_bytes @pipe.to_byte_array end def kill @thread.kill if @thread @thread = nil end end Server = JRubyServer else Server = BaseServer end def it(message, &block) Server.each do |server| next unless server.installed? super("with #{}: #{message}") { server.run_test(self, &block) } end end def self.extend_object(obj) super base_port = 5000 + % 100 Sinatra::Base.server.each_with_index do |server, index|, 5000+index) end end end