= Sinatra Sinatra a DSL for quickly creating web-applications in Ruby with minimal effort. = Sample app: # myapp.rb require 'rubygems' require 'sinatra' get '/' do 'Hello world!' end Ruby this as ruby myapp.rb and view at http://localhost:4567 = RESTful get '/' do .. show things .. end post '/' do .. create something .. end put '/' do .. update something .. end delete '/' do .. annihilate something .. end = Views (if you need MVC) All views are looked up in: root | - views/ == Templates === Haml/Sass get '/' do haml :index end This will render ./views/index.haml === Inline get '/' do haml '%div.title Hello World' end This will render the inlined template string === Accessing Variables Templates are rendered in the context the current Sinatra::EventContext. This means you get all instance/class variables and methods it has access to. get '/:id' do @foo = Foo.find(params[:id]) haml '%h1== @foo.name' end Send local objects like: get '/:id' do localvar = Foo.find(params[:id]) haml '%h1== localvar.name', :locals => { :localvar => localvar } end This is more ideal for rendering templates as partials from within templates === Erb This works like Haml except you use erb instead of haml = Helpers It is ill-advised to create helpers on (main). Use the handy helpers to install helper methods on Sinatra::EventContext for use inside events and templates. Example: helpers do def bar(name) "#{name}bar" end end = Before filters before do .. this code will run before each event .. end = Halt! To immediately stop a request during a before filter or event use: throw :halt === Variations Set the body to the result of a helper method throw :halt, :helper_method Set the body to the result of a helper method after sending it parameters from the local scope throw :halt, [:helper_method, foo, bar] Set the body to a simple string throw :halt, 'this will be the body' Set status then the body throw :halt, [401, 'go away!'] Set the status then call a helper method with params from local scope throw :halt, [401, [:helper_method, foo, bar]] Run a proc inside the Sinatra::EventContext instance and set the body to the result throw :halt, lambda { puts 'In a proc!'; 'I just wrote to $stdout!' } Create you own to_result class MyResultObject def to_result(event_context, *args) event_context.body = 'This will be the body! end end get '/' do throw :halt, MyResultObject.new end Get the gist? If you want more fun with this then checkout to_result on Array, Symbol, Fixnum, NilClass.